Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 5: Buy black sheep, have you any gold?

"So, um... Why am I still a girl?!" Silver questioned. 

Renee was still looking at Silver with lustful eyes. She doesn't know, but she loved seeing Silver like this.

She continued to peer at Silver as she spoke. “I still have a dick, and pussy too. However, I'm not sad about it." She next thought out loud - excited with hormones, “Hey, I really like you, be my girlfriend!”

"No! Now get serious!" Silver yelled.

Silver thought she’d turn back, but remembered she needed Life Energy to do so. She realized she was stuck that way until they made a deal. She decided to tell Renee, Ala, and Lispa, how the coin worked, at least all of what she knew of it anyway.

"How about we flip the coin again, right now?!" Silver demanded.

"No! I still want to have more fun with you! You were a scary man before, but you look so hot now." Renee responded back.

"No! I told you, I don’t want to go out with you, you tried to steal from me!" Silver snarled.

"Oh, come on! Don't be like that, sweetie!" Renee leaned in to try and kiss Silver. At the same time trying to get her hand between Silver’s legs, wanting to feel her up.

Silver slapped her hand away, not allowing entry. "Don't you know that's taboo?!"

Renee was stunned. With her gaze to the ground out of guilt. “But you were once a guy, so it's okay, right?"

"I don't think that matters to the Guardians!" Silver yelled.

Renee looked at her, worried clouding her eyes. "Really?"

"Well, that's what I was told anyway."

"I know they're strict about these things, but we should be okay if the coin is the thing that made us different anyway, right?" Renee wandered, voice hopeful.

"Well, you could be right, but we don't know that." Silver stated.

"Hey, what should I call you? You are a girl now, should we give you a girl’s name?" Renee asked.

Silver grimaced, not wanting to stay as a girl, or change her name. "Just keep calling me Silver Coin, of course. That is my name.”

"Huh? I thought your name was Russ," Renee observed in confusion.

"What? That's what I said," Silver declared with a crazy look on her face.

"She said Silver was her name, Silver Coin, right?" Renee asked Lispa, who was sitting on a log.

“If my master wishes to be called Silver Coin from now on, then that’s what I would do!” Lispa yelped with a nod.

Silver ignored them, instead deciding to look at her own stats.

* * * * *

Silver Coin

Class: Girl level 7



Passive: Bring out the best from the people around you. When they are around you, all of their skills and experience gain is increased by 10%. This increases by 60% more for your followers. They will also tell you how they truly feel about you. You give 20% extra to them if you cared for that feeling. Additions include a boost to their Stamina, Health and Magic Energy.

[You Go Girl]

Positive: You make girls feel better just by being around them, and caring for giving them. 80% girl power! This also makes them want to get close to you.

* * * * *

"What the?" Silver mouthed under her breath.

**The Guardian burst out laughing. “I was wondering if you had even looked at that,” she voiced. “Do you like it? It’s a much more suitable skill for you~ Don’t worry, your old skill is still there, but my skills are superior now. From now on, I’ll be the one giving you skills, not some other Guardian. You are mine now, my little Coin!” She purred.

"At this point, I think she's fucking with me." Silver sighed.

"Who are you talking about?" Renee asked with a telling expression that she thought Silver was crazy.

"My Guardian. My name really is Silver Coin, and she made my class called [Girl]." Silver sighed. "I think you're affected by my ability."

"There's a Class called [Girl]? And how is it affecting me?" Renee asked, puzzled. Silver showed her the stat box. "Oh!" giggled Renee. "But that doesn't change how I feel right now. So, what do you think?"

"You mean the girlfriend thing?” Silver asked, prompting Renee to nod. "Sorry, as I’ve said before, no! You wanted to steal from me! And besides, if I go out with you, it would hurt someone I know..."

"I see... May I ask who?"

"You may not ask."


Russ had a dirty little secret. A Long-time ago, he had a friend named Richard. He was a good-looking, albeit timid, boy, though Russ was cool with his nature. Richard loved Russ for accepting him - a little too much, as Richard ended up kissing Russ. Russ told him he didn’t like it – male love was deemed taboo by the Guardians, so it couldn’t be.

Richard didn’t cry. Instead, he went away to get stronger and fight on his own, causing the two boy’s friendship to fall apart. Richard found a [Class] with the power to take control over anyone, to make them do anything he wanted with them. Yet in spite of his newfound powers, he missed his old friend. Richard soon found a girl by the name of Ala; she loved girls in the same way he loved boys, but her love was also taboo. Richard proposed that they should swap bodies. Richard, disguised as Ala, found his friend once again, running to him and kissing him again without saying a word. Russ actually loved him back and said the one thing that Richard loved so much – “give me head”. They had been together ever since. Ala loved Russ despite how much of an ass he acted. She could feel it even now; she was hidden inside his body after all. Ala didn’t mind Russ as a girl. All that mattered to her was that Russ let her sleep with him, fuck him, do anything with him. Ala was as perverted as him. She was always there and waiting to do anything for him or her.


Silver began to walk off in the forest, lost in thought.

"So, where are we headed?" Renee voiced a few steps behind Silver with Lispa in tow.

"Well, I'm heading toward another town. I don't plan on going back to Lakaf," Silver replied, unsure why Renee was following in the first place.

"Can I ask you something?" Renee said.

"Do I have a choice?" Silver retorted.

Renee continued without responding. "Do you have any plans with your new ability with the coin?”

"Live how I want and get what I want. And since you won't deal with me, and make me a man again. I'm going to try with someone else." Silver said, then looked at Lispa, she hid behind Renee, not wanting any part of the weird magic. Silver sighed, the coin only works if both or all participants accept the flip. She could force Lispa, but to Silver’s understanding, that would still be a considered unwilling participant.

**Wishlist** ’Just so you know, I'm not changing your class or abilities. I have the power to stop changes from your coin.’ The Guardian interjected.

Silver sighed, which she seemed to be doing a lot today.

"You told me that it takes life force to use your coin, right?” Renee asked, Silver nodded. “Does it take a lot of life force to use the Ability?”

Silver thought about it. "Well, I don't exactly feel the life force being taken, so I have no idea."

"You know those guys you saw at the inn? I was wondering if you could offer them things."

"What things, exactly?"

“They are not bad guys, really. Just desperate people. Since they can’t adventure without a class, they don’t have many options to make money. As you know, class and training are expensive. Part of the reason why I tried to scam you and others like you, was to get rich people’s money in order to help and feed those in need. My father does not believe in the cause, but we do.” Renee spoke with a sad grimace.

"Well, as honorable as that is, it sounds like I'm going to be using a lot of Life Force to do it. Is that why you were asking how much I can use?”

"Yes, that is why. I know I'm asking a lot, but if you could make a deal with them, then maybe they could help more people.” Renee said.

Silver stopped moving and turned around. “If you hadn’t guessed already, I’m a selfish person. I’m not the right person to be asking such a thing for free. However, I do need people to fight for me as my abilities are terrible for fighting, and I don’t want to keep relying on the coin as I don’t know how much Life Force it’ll take, even if it’s for a good cause. So, if I was going to use it, it would be to conjure up lots of money for everyone to use; items, skills, classes – you name it. Again, I imagine it would be a massive energy drain, which would suck for me because If I get anyone killed by draining their Life Force I will suffer for it.”

**Wishlist** ’You can always make everything random.’

‘Random?’ Silver questioned her Guardian.

**Wishlist** ’Quite honestly, you didn’t use the coin’s full potential. The coin is about chance – you can get a lot more for a lot less life force if you utilized its power. Think about it this way: You pick a color you want, and that costs you 100 gold pieces - and yes, I know you’re thinking that colors never cost that much, but that’s beside the point. Though, you are in fact using a lot of Life Force, so my analogy still fits. However, if you pick a random color, It’ll cost you a lot less than choosing the one you want. I don’t understand why the system was designed that way, but when you take a chance, you’re usually rewarded by spending a lot less. Sure, you might not get what you wanted, but the only thing you’ll be picking and paying for is the category offer you want. That’s still a whole lot cheaper than choosing a specific thing.’

‘So, say I wanted to be a tank, it would pick any random class for that role at a much cheaper price than if I specifically chose the tank class I wanted? Awesome!’

** ’Exactly! The only thing you're paying for is your specific category, which is actually pretty cheap. It only adds up when you add more and more specifics to the flip.’

‘Are these classes ones you created, or the other Guardian’s classes?’

** ’Hold on, I love that idea. I can provide classes for the ones who follow you! I'll make it a whole lot cheaper for the flip, on top of it being randomly given. An excellent idea.’

After talking more with her Guardian, they reached a decision, and she quickly told Renee to search for all the men who wanted to join the cause. Silver only explained what she needed to know, then planned to randomize class, items, and money on a range from 10 to 100 million gold. The only condition they needed to follow was to serve under her banner. She also added random genders, hoping it would help change her back without costing too much Life Force. She didn’t tell Renee of course, else she would not agree or let her men make the deal.

The only thing that was going to be costly, was the amount of gold they wanted. Still, it was much cheaper than getting a specific amount of gold. It allowed them to save so much more energy, and with the addition of the other participants, they had a vast combined energy pool. As a result, no one would suffer from the tremendous amount of energy needed. In theory, they would only have to pay 3 points of Life Force for what could cost up to 30 points.

When they all showed up, she recognized the men who attacked her the night before (though, technically, she did all the attacking.) She explained to them what she wanted to do, to which the seven understood. They loved the people they helped. Although they didn’t like Silver, who they had learned was the guy who had kicked their balls and poked their asses, they stayed for the people. Silver explained that the coin she owned was magical, that it could be used to get money for the poor, and classes for themselves.

They all agreed to follow her lead; even Renee wanted in on the action. They didn’t know what they would get, but to randomly get that much gold would be enough to help the children survive without relying too much on the coin itself. At the very least until she figured out how to get more life force without killing anyone. But until then, she would have to go on with her current plans with the coin.

"If everyone's ready, let's get started," Silver shouted excitedly.

* * * * *

Game: Silver Coin Roulette

Heads: Random chance with categories. / Tails: Random chance with categories.

Do you accept it? {Yes or No?} (All must agree. If some do not, they will be excluded from participating.)

* * * * *

The air around the coin shifted, felt by the dealer and participants both.

“Alright, I'll give you all 10 seconds to select yes,” Silver said while picking {Yes} herself.

Everyone selected {Yes}, including Renee and Ala. No one knew she was inside her master's body, except for Silver, Renee, Lispa, and Wishlist.

As mentioned before, Ala's [Creeper] Class specialized in immobilizing, possession, body-swapping, and being a stalker. When Ala was Richard, his skills were troubling for the girls he liked, but as Ala, her master was different. They were both perverted, hence why Silver put up with her creepy ass.

Silver flipped the coin and got Heads.

Heads: Random chance with categories!

“What the hell is this?!” Exclaimed a dark blue-haired cat-girl.

"Damn," Silver said. Out of the seven men Renee brought, three had stayed male. They consist of Cliff (male), Lewis (female with a dick), Samuel (cat girl), Michaels (male), Daniel (female), Leen (male), Henri (female).

Wishlist did not tell Silver this, but she had intervened when Silver flipped the coin, preventing her from changing back to a man. Renee and Ala remained the same too, though Renee still possessed both sexes, and Ala was still a creepy woman who masturbated within her Master’s body. So, the guardian was pleased.

As for the money, Silver got 20 million gold added to her account, while Renee received 70 million and Ala got 100 million. The other men and women had different variants.

Their weapons and armor were a mixed bunch, so they had to switch up with each other. One man got a big egg instead of a weapon which he didn't want, so he promptly gave it to Renee, who traded it for a hammer that she wasn’t going to use. As for the classes, some of the members naturally got more useful ones than others. They ended up with four Tanks, two Healers, and one DPS, an arguably lousy draw. However, Ala kept her class as Wishlist also prevented that from changing. Renee's [Preserver] Class was not for fighting, but she was not going to be doing that anyway. So, it was all good.

"Alright. Since most of us are level one, let's get to work on training." Silver said dryly, not happy about remaining a girl and having no dick. “But for now. I’m starting to get sleepy. Wake me up later.”

So Silver went into the tent Ala made for her when no one was looking and went to sleep.

When Silver woke up, she woke up alone. She looked around but no one was there...

“Where is everyone?!” Silver yelled.


{Elsewhere in the forest}

“Where is everyone?!” A man yelled.

He was completely naked with brown hair in a ponytail. He looked to observe his surroundings, but he was completely alone in this forest. Thinking of what to do, he realized he was no longer obligated to anyone or anything! He’s free to do whatever he wants!

**Wishlist** ‘Hahahaha! You wish! You’re still mine! And I have a job for you!’

The man sighed.


I plan to do a poll on several things. A Glossary I'm working on, for all the characters. Currently, I'm trying to work on Ala's profile because even though I understand how her abilities work. I want everyone to follow all of their abilities. So the pole is to ask if anyone cares about her abilities and everyone else is also.

Another thing I want to talk about is the rating. I can see that my rating is going down, so I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job on the book. But I would love to thank the peoples that did give me five stars. For you, and the people that made it this far with me. I want to keep on doing this for you guys and anyone else who has read to this point. As long as people are still looking at this, I will keep going.

The last news. I change some things in the first chapter, added more to Ala and Russ, sex scene. I plan on doing it on the other chapters also, but I'm not sure when, or if I even will do it.

Thank you all so much for reading, it means a lot. And Happy New Year. (I'd likely won't post until next year.)

P.S I bet you guys didn't know Ala was a guy, and where she was. You thought I have forgotten about her, did you?



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif


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