Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 6: Withdraw

Silver was alone... Everyone has left her, even Ala... Well, 40% of her anyway... But that doesn’t matter! They had taken off once they got their money, leaving Silver all alone in the woods! It was cold, she felt so very cold and alone...

It really was scary out here, in this forest. Now and then, Silver could feel Ala’s link to her tugging. It was Ala’s way of letting Silver know that she still cared for her and would always be there for her. Yet what Silver felt instead was an annoying itch that wouldn’t go away. Ala left, betrayed her, and that was all there was to it; she didn’t even have the decency to tell Silver where she was going. All she was left with were a few words - that if Silver wanted to truly train her seven followers, it would be best to do it in this forest. That way, they could practice out there and level up; to ‘serve you better’, Ala told her.

It had been an hour now! Ala had given her things – a blanket and tent – but it was still freezing. She heard animals throughout the forest, feeling as though they were waiting for her to fall asleep. Now and then, she heard footsteps outside her tent. When she finally decided to peek out of her tent, she saw a wild massive boar ready and waiting.

"Ala!" Silver screamed. As the boar attacked, a figure came out of Silver then went down upon the boar with a spear, jumping inside of it and stabbing its heart with skilled practice. The boar collapsed to the ground, the figure ghosting out of its body as it did so. The figure looked pissed, a hollowed look to their face. “Ala, where have you-“

And just like that, Ala was gone. She went back into Silver’s body - leaving Silver physically alone again... She was so, so cold, and so, so lonely, with no one to love her...

Russ/Silver has always been such a drama queen... Lispa left a note saying she was going to pick up supplies for their travels, Ala has given her money to do so. Yet, Silver still feels betrayed...

Silver’s cold was not caused by the temperature of the forest, but rather a withdrawal symptom of Ala’s skill. When Ala was in Silver’s body, she gave her host nutrients. Now that parts of her were gone, Silver’s body lacked what was provided, causing the icy-cold feeling to run through her veins. Silver hated that and Ala with her stupid skills.

Silver desperately needed to find warmth, so she got a fire going by her tent and sat down. She noticed the giant egg that Renee had left behind and wondered how to keep it warm too. It was times like these, when she was all alone in the world, that she was able to get her thoughts together about everything that had happened to her; her mother disowning her, her becoming a girl, and everything else.

Silver wanted to use her coin more, but when she thought deeply about it, she knew it was very dangerous for her and the lives of those involved. Her Guardian wasn’t even talking to her anymore, becoming what felt like dormancy after the last coin flip. The more she thought about her Guardian, the more she started to feel like her Guardian was more akin to a demon; one who gave her a deal in return for her Life Force. Sure, she could go all out, but that was a great risk; she didn’t even know how much Life Force it had taken from her, or how much she had left. It was quite risky, she came to realize. Even the last roulette was a risk in itself.

Though the Guardian had told her that the randomized coin flip had a greatly reduced life force cost, Silver wasn’t sure if that was a lie or not. Hell, even if it was cheaper, it was down to the Guardian’s subjective definition. For example, if a rich man could buy something for 100 gold and think it's cheap, but a poor man doing the same would find it expensive. So everyone’s definition of affordability differed, especially as everyone had a different life force pool from each other.

However, if they were going to continue with the cause, it was best for Silver to continue with the Coin Roulette. But how many times was safe? Silver thought for a long time, but couldn’t come to a conclusion. Silver may have appeared overly cautious to some, but she was taking a huge risk as it was, losing Life Force for something that could go very wrong in the future. Still, that was the gamble, and a risk she was willing to take. She didn’t mind going all out, but that didn’t mean she wanted to act stupidly; an acceptable risk and a bad risk widely differ, after all. So, if she was going to do this, she wanted to do it right – get no one to a point where their life force was gone, a state deader than a ghost.

That was why Ala and Renee thought that Silver should also wait. At the very least, until they were desperately in need of another coin flip. They had come up with an idea to create life energy, growing it like plants to use for the flip, but that would take time to create.

Silver heard footsteps and saw two of the tanks when she turned to look who approached. Apparently, everyone thought they were the most useless out of all the tanks, but Silver had never seen their stats herself. At first, she thought it would be rude, but because they were under her command now, she knew it would be better to get to know the people she would be working with and know how to train them better. Only one of them approached her, the other remaining stood as a lookout. She then checked her stats.

* * * * *

Lewis Cobb

Class: Caretaker LVL 6 Role: Tank Description:

Unlike most tanks that act as front liners, this tank performs best in the center. Their job is to watch their party’s front, back, and side, though they mainly watch over non-Tank roles. They have little to no damage, made up for by their high level of sustainability. They have a unique set of skills that can mitigate damage from their whole party. They also have the ability to keep everyone alert, and a unique ability to keep the party unharmed!

Abilities: [Lookout]

Passive: Looking at an Ally boosts their defense. In the presence of hostiles, an alarm is set off for everyone around the user.

[Keep Safe]

Active: Can create a shield over an Ally.

* * * * *

‘Wow, she really was useless in a fight,' Silver thought.

The other three tanks had better capabilities at protecting and attacking. Silver didn’t believe she’d get much action in the backline of the center either. She won't get a lot of EXP that way. Silver had never seen this class in action but understood the idea of protecting a high-class target. However, watching and waiting sounded incredibly dull to Silver.

Silver wondered why Lewis was still here. She had gotten her money too, right?

Had she spent it all? Gotten less than everybody else? Although 10 million was the least out of the flip. She seemed like an untalkative type, face masked by a hood; yet Silver could sense she was being watched by her, so promptly decided to talk to her.

"Hi, Lewis," Silver said.

The woman jumped a little in response.

"Hello, boss," Lewis replied.

‘Boss?’ Silver was confused.

"I thought you all would have taken the money, and I'd never see you guys again." Silver said. Lewis gave Silver a hurt look.

“I know we got off on the wrong foot – we did try to rip you off, after all. But you kicked us in the balls in return, so I’d say we are even. Anyway, I believe in moving forward. I want for us all to watch each other’s backs; we have sworn loyalty under your banner, after all. Besides, helping the people we are trying to feed is more important now, so I will follow you.” Lewis said with a sigh. Then, eyes shifting away from Silver, they slowly said ‘I... am a female now.”

"Yes, but-" Silver started to say.

“I have all these new feelings brimming inside of me. Turns out I’m more sensitive than the other guys who turned female. That was one of the reasons why they didn’t want me to get hurt and let me take my time getting used to my new body. Me and Cliff, the other tank, did not leave you; we are still here to protect you. On our part, we got more supplies and upgraded to better armor. I promise I will fulfill our agreement.” Lewis explained. Then she regarded the big dead boar at the camp. “Did this thing attack you while we were away?”

Though the giant boar did, however, Ala didn’t want anyone to know she was still there.

“There’s a hunter out there killing for me. I just stay in my tent so I wouldn’t attract attention,” Silver said. She then wanted to change the topic. “Speaking of roles! You said there were only two tanks here, right? Where are the other party members – the healers, the DPS, the other tanks?”

“I guess I’ll have to be honest with you.. Although Cliff and I believe in upholding our agreement and being a part of your banner, the others need time. Hopefully, they’ll come around, though.” Lewis said with an unsure look.

"Really? Even Renee? And what are the others’ problems?" Silver asked.

Lewis's face fell. "The thing is, I cannot speak for the others, but I don’t believe they trust you. Renee says you’re okay. She is definitely coming back, but with the amount of money she has, that’s probably a long time coming. There are so many things she wants to buy, including a house everyone can stay in," Lewis looked at her. "I don't know too much about you, nor did I plan on talking with you, but I understand that you are running from something. That’s why you're out here by yourself, right?"

Silver nodded.

“Well, it seems everyone thinks I’m useless. The truth is, when everyone got to pick groups to level up with, we divided into groups where our skills were evenly distributed. For example, we have two Healers, but it wouldn’t be beneficial for them to both be in the same team. So, we all got separated. Cliff’s only ability is to turn himself into steel; we’re both useless in any of their adventuring parties. That’s why everyone told us both to stay and watch you. We just needed to level up, I suppose. Even now, I’m leveling up just by watching you.’ Lewis said.

Silver thought about her first skill [Cheerleader]. "You know, I have a skill mainly used to help someone other than myself level up. It works by increasing their experience again."

"Oh? Does it happen all the time, or do you have to actually do something for it to work?" Lewis questioned.

"I’ve never actually used it before; it was pretty much useless to me because I had no followers to level up. You’ll be the very first test subject. I'll try it with Cliff after we see how well the skill works. It says I have to listen to your feelings to get the best benefits in increasing your level of gain.”

"My feelings?" Lewis asked, voice brimming with uncertainty.

“Technically, you have been doing that this whole time we’ve been talking, but now I want you to use your skills whilst actively conversing. I think that’s the only way it will work.” Silver said. However, they quickly learned it was a waste of time, so Silver decided to try something else, something risqué. She began to move her body closer and closer.

"Um... What are you doing, Sir?" Lewis asked hesitantly.

"I want you to role-play with me, exactly the way I say. You got that?" Silver demanded. "From now on, you're not Lewis the man, but Hanna the girl. If we want to get the most experience out of my class to level you up, I have to treat you as such, as my class revolves around you being as such – the same goes for me as well. Do you understand?”

Lewis didn’t understand. He didn’t want to be a girl, didn’t think it possible to see him or Silver as such. Silver saw the confused look on Lewis’s face, so she showed them the skills she would be using to help Hanna level up.

* * * * *


Passive: Bring out the best from the people around you. When they are around you, all of their skills and experience gain is increased by 10%. This increases by 60% more for your followers. They will also tell you how they truly feel about you. You give 20% extra to them if you cared for that feeling. Additions include a boost to their Stamina, Health and Magic Energy.

[You Go Girl]

Passive: You make girls feel better just by being around them and caring for them, giving them 80% girl power! This also makes them want to get close to you.

* * * * *

Hanna was lost in her own mind, pondering over the strange skills. As she did so, Silver was already making a head start, initiating her idea.

Silver began taking off Hanna's armor, giving herself access to Hanna’s body, wanting to make her feel new, pleasurable things. Silver licked her nipples one after the other, then sucked on one while her fingers twisted the other. When Silver began stripping Hanna, she reached for what she was after. She took out Hanna's love rod, luckily Louis kept his cock.

“I’m only doing this to level up as well! Don’t think we are going to be in a relationship or I want to do this for real!” Silver yelled.

Silver squatted down to start licking her dick. She then held her mouth on the tip and started twisting her head on top of it. Hanna wanted, needed more. She had been so lonely. Hanna desperately pushed herself in Silver’s mouth, prompting Silver to work down the whole of Hanna’s shaft.

Hanna pulled Silver’s hair down, guiding her further onto her cock. Silver ravaged for the price, but suddenly stopped and removed herself from Hanna’s crotch. Hanna’s face quickly twisted into a heated look, causing Silver to hold her hand up to stop Hanna.

"I don't know how long we're going to do this to level us up, but you must promise me something." Silver said.

"Anything!" Hanna exclaimed.

"I already explained my skills; I need to know that this is actually leveling you." Silver said. Hanna looked, and it showed she was indeed leveling. She was level 6 before but had increased to level 8.

"Yes, this is leveling me up. Please, let's continue." Hanna said desperately.

“I am also leveling, but your lack of belief at being a girl makes it go at a much slower rate than it should. Say your name, Hanna; tell me you’re mine, you belong to me, Silver, who is also a girl.” Silver continued. “And when you do, I will suck you more, so say that you are Hanna – that you are my little slut!”

Hanna froze. Silver took her hesitance as a sign of reluctance and rose, beginning to walk away.

"My name is Hanna, and I am your slut!" Hanna yelled, beginning to pant.

"Good girl. Now lay on your back," Silver demanded. As she did so, Silver lowered her pussy onto Hanna’s face. "Now tell me again, what are you to me?"

Silver’s crotch was rubbing on her face. Hanna could not speak very well in the process but kept repeating what her mistress wanted her to say, albeit very muffled. Silver noticed how this was turning Hanna on. Watching how Hanna’s cock was throbbing in front of her. Soon after sitting down on Hanna’s face, Silver decided to lower her torso so her head would be closer to the girl’s cock. Taking no time to hesitate as Silver took that cock between her lips and began to suck on it. Letting her tongue do wonders. Swirling around, making her cock sloppy quite quickly. Silver gave Hanna’s balls some attention too. Squeezing one after the other. Just fondling and giving Hanna another thing to moan about - and moaning she did.

With her pussy on Hanna’s face, she continued to grind over and over again. Hanna succumbed under the combination of that ass and pussy, together with her cock being sucked on by her new mistress. She was a slut now. She was starting to believe in it. Her first orgasm came quickly. Silver didn’t even need to throat that rod for it to erupt. Though, Silver did swallow Hanna’s cock deeper, taking every inch into her gullet over and over again. Hanna couldn’t handle that much pleasure, cumming over and over again. The silver-haired girl on top of her was sucking her so well. Making her legs tremble. Silver didn’t give her much breathing room. Barely any breaks to level up the girl.

Both of them leveled up significantly, causing Silver to gain a new skill.

* * * * *


You can partner up to two with this skill to give yourself and your partner more EXP. When partnered up, your [Girl] abilities will have additional effects.

Partner [Cheerleader]: If you cheerlead your partner, you can keep them horny for hours.

Partner [You Go Girl]: You give your partner more girl power, increasing their strength, vitality, and magic power.

"Now that's something," Silver exclaimed. She immediately partnered up with Hanna, letting the levels flow through them both. Silver was level 7 before she started with her, but with her new level 8 ability [Partner], they were able to level up an insane amount. Plus, Silver was able to gain an ability that she loved.


Hugging someone warms your body up. It also affects anyone you're touching, completely warming them throughout their bodies and healing all who are touching.

Partner [Cuddle]: Increases the healing with the partner and additionally creates a healing bubble around the user.

* * * * *

Eventually, they had gotten tired out from all the fucking. Silver used her new ability, [Cuddle] to help them fall asleep, still leveling due to one of her passive abilities actively giving experience to them. They managed to level up all the way to level 40.

One thing was for sure - Silver was no longer cold.

The main thing about Silver Coin was she uses people. Technically including herself. She normally wouldn’t give someone a blow job, but because the action gets her what she wants, and makes sure Hanna would never betray her. She would do whatever it takes and deny whatever action that was taken.


{Back in the town of Lakaf}

Three carriages approach the Inn Russ was once in.

“We are here lady Margolin.” A driver said to her.

Margolin and Auly were let out of the carriage by their own attendance. Margolin, herself saw quite a bit of a crowd, there were several guards and other men upset about something. If her brother was truly here, she already knew he was responsible.

“Did any of you see where that asshole went?!” The men were shouting various profanities around Margolin’s ears, these men were loud.

“Is Honorable brother alright...?” Auly asked Margolin.

“Without a doubt, Auly. You know him - always making a mess...” Margolin frowned.

“I guess you’re right... He is like that. We must find him before anyone else does.” Auly said.

Margolin nodded, then approached the guard captain.

“Excuse me, Sir Davis. May I acquire what happened here?” Margolin asked.

The man regarded her and the other Ladies who were surrounding this woman. Davis did not know how she knew his name, however, he didn’t really want to speak to her because of her skin. Margolin was brown-skinned, which was not of his own. Also, from the looks of things, the other women were his own color. It would seem they were following this woman’s orders.

“I don’t know who you think you are, princess, or how you know me, but I’m not in a mood!” Davis disregarded them.

“I see, I guess I’ll talk with your superiors,” Margolin said.

The guard captain gave her a death stare. “Okay, listen here mud-bitch! I don’t care who you are! We are performing an investigation! So if you and your lackeys are quite done annoying me, then get lost!”

Margolin raised an eyebrow to that notion - she went into her settings, then calmly informed anyone who was over this man. Apparently, she knows everyone with her connections. The upper command immediately demoted him to a regular guard.

The man himself went wide-eyed to his sudden de-ranking, then looked back at the mud bitch. She was still fiddling in her settings.

“Wha-?! Huh?!” Davis voiced in confusion.

Not having a reason to talk to a normal guard, Margolin and her group walked away while Davis stood there in shock.

Before Davis could do anything, other soldiers blocked him. Margolin has ordered protection for her group while they were traveling in town.

After communicating with the proper authorities, Margolin found out that Russ kicked some balls and fled. She also found out that an innkeeper went with him.

“Excuse me, Miss Emma,” greeted Margolin. “I understand that your friend, Lispa, is traveling with my brother. Do you know where they went?”

Emma has never seen this woman before. “How do you know my name?”

“I belong to a group called [The Ladies Of Grace], we specialize in intelligence. I like to know as much information as I can on who I am speaking with. Now, where is your friend?” Margolin replied.

“Sorry, I can’t tell you that...” Emma said.

Margolin looked at her with calculating eyes. “This is where we are at an impasse. I understand that she’s your friend and you wish not to betray her. However, here lies the problem. I need to find my brother before he causes any more - disruption... I wish not to cause you any strife, but my resolve is clear. If there’s an obstacle in my path and it’s stopping me from completing my goal. I will settle this accordingly. Give me your friend's location or I will prove my point.”

Emma witnessed the seriousness of Margolin’s face. “I-Umm...”

“I’m here,” Lispa interjected.

Ala was with her. They had bags of supplies.

“My master wishes not to speak with you,” Ala said to Margolin.

“Greetings Ala, it’s been a while. Let’s get going, I am ready to see him.” Margolin nodded to her carriages while telling her people to get Ala’s supplies for Russ.

Margolin was not the type of woman who takes no for an answer.

Ala just stood there with a cold gaze. “Fine, let’s go...”

She only agreed because she knows Margolin very well. She’s the type of person who will still look for them anyway, no matter how far they ran. Because neither of them wanted her to get hurt, that’s why she decided to just take her with them.

As for Margolin herself, she just wanted to get to Russ before anything major happens.

“Ala! Ala! They killed them!” Samuel yelled.

Samuel was a catgirl. Her fur was gray and black. She had nice big tits and a tail. Because she wields a wand, she looks like a mage. She was one of the men who swore loyalty to Silver Coin. The other men were still unsure to join Silver or walk away.

“I don’t know if all of them are dead, or just badly wounded. However, the king and many others with power have sent assassins to kill us!” Samuel continued, she told them that because they received a lot of money, other people have found out about it, and it caused serious problems for them. Also, it’s quite possible, there are assassins that will attack Silver herself. “I have reason to believe that guardians are also involved. What should we do?!”

“I will ask my own guardian to help us! Ala, let’s go!” Margolin yelled, Ala nodded.

I've been taking a very long time to get to this release because of many reasons. I'm trying to go back on all of the chapters and fix all my grammar because I've been told that the flow of my book, is all over the place. Know, that I'm trying to fix a lot of things but I still have a lot to learn and still improving. So I am so happy that everyone who has been reading up to this point has been bearing with all of my mistakes. And I apologize for them. I am trying to write better. Thank you for your patience with me, it's going to take a while to fixed everything. But that's mainly why I took so long. I actually made up to 4000 words then I decided to cut it, and separate it into two chapters. It just like this one, not doing too much action which I do also apologize for. But I feel like I don't want to rush the story at the same time. That doesn't mean I want to prolong it either by the way. I do feel like it's taking too long to get to the point. I will cut things out if necessary. I hope this chapter has a nice flow. It's mainly about leveling. I've been actually put it off for a very long time.

Another thing to talk about is some people are concerned with my book. Of course, it's like I said for the grammar, understandable, I'm working on it. Second is some people are unsure if this is a harem. In my mind it is, I have so many girls that the main character is within my head. But I know that most people will that I'm taking too long to get to them. Feel like rushing love is a no-no. Most harems are where the girls throw themselves at the protagonist. And no I'm not saying that the peoples who bought this up are bashing the book. I'm just simply that is what they expect in this genre. So is this a harem? The simple answer; yes. Long answer; I want to actually give her a relationship with each girl. One thing is someone said was Poor Ala. This actually made me happy, that's the point I've been trying to make this whole time. I want the characters in my book to have somewhat feelings about things. I don't really want the girls to be just sex dolls.

The next thing that was asked is about the main character. What gender is she into? Because this book has all types of genders. she can be with a guy, girl, or futanari, she is fully a girl. I personally don't mind. I may do a post-poll on that matter. I plan to do a lot of polls after all.

But for now all girls and futanari. I want to thank you all for reading. It means a lot to me.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif


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