Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 24 – Tirihi

So, it seems that the Thieves who were exiled from Vale seem to have come back for revenge--or so the random person said.

I had heard earlier that the Thieves that I had killed, when protecting Somalia Village, were originally from the slums of Vale; and they had companions who had also been exiled.

It makes me wonder who they are getting revenge on, it is unlikely that they know about me.

The most likely target would be Vale, the town that they were exiled from. Second to that Somalia Village would also be a likely target, since that was were where the Thieves died.

It would be highly unlikely to be me, especially because it would be incredibly difficult to identify me. I don’t think that any of the Knights would tell the Thieves about me, and then point me out.

Although I know this logically, I still feel worry.

So, if it’s to get revenge from being exiled from Vale, I think the Thieves would fail, since their enemies would be the Knights. If it’s to get revenge on Somalia Village--well, that would be very bad…

They could also do many bad things to the villagers and get information about me--I also wouldn’t want Tirihi to suffer what bandits like doing to females.

I think I should quickly Warp to Somalia and get her to come to Vale until the problem is done with. She thinks I am an Adventurer anyway, so she wouldn’t find my teleportation to be suspicious.

Ignoring the people around me, I walked to a shop, buying food and water, storing them in my rucksack; I went back to the Vale Pavilion, entering my room and placing the rucksack onto the floor.


The wall turned black and I walked through it. I had pictured the wooden wall of the barn that I had first arrived here.

I quickly walked over to the house which I knew belonged to Tirihi, and making a smile--I knocked on her door; there was some movement inside and the door slowly opened.

She looked out at me, her eyes were slightly red and puffy, her hair was tangled. It seems that she had been crying--maybe the death of her husband had set in.

“Alex?” Her voice shook a little, she flung the door open and wrapped her arms around me, burying her face into my shoulder and crying.


I’m not good with crying girls.

All I can do is return her hug and gently stroke her hair and back, trying to be comforting.

It seems to work, she calms down after ten or fifteen minutes. With a shaky smile, she sniffles a few times, wiping her eyes, “So, what brings you here? I thought you went to Vale.”

“I did. I heard that the companions of the Thieves that I killed had returned and were looking for revenge; I have no idea if it is revenge against Vale, who exiled them--or your village. So I came here to take you to Vale, where you will be safe.” I was still hugging her, she had leaned back a little when talking to me.

Tirihi twitched, then started crying again.

Again I had to wait ten minutes or so until she calmed down.

“How will you do that?” She asked with curiousity; she had let me into the house.

I had sat down on the couch in the room, and much to my embarrassment--she had sat on my lap and leaned back against me; she grabbed my arms and pulled them around her, entwining her fingers with mine. There was nothing sexual about it…she seemed to want comfort.

Which is how I managed to control my hormones--I didn’t want to hurt her more, since she was finally reacting to her husband’s death properly…when she slept with me before, it hadn’t sunk in; and I felt a massive surge of guilt as I thought about that.

Clearing my throat, I spoke, “I am an Adventurer. I can use Field Walk; I have an inn room, you can stay there and I can sleep on the floor.”

“Y-You wouldn’t have to do that.” She rubbed the back of her head against my face…I think it was meant to be something affectionate--but it made me want to sneeze.

“We should Field Walk there, I would suggest staying in the room--since it is technically booked under my name.” I changed the subject.

Tirihi turned her head and looked back at me, she smiled--I think she noticed that I felt embarrassed, and was blushing.

“Alright.” She seemed hesitant as she let go of my hands, and got up.

I was only 17, and was just under six feet tall--so the 22 year old Tirihi was smaller than me.

Standing by her side, I reached down and grabbed her rather small hand, resulting in her smiling at me--though her mouth still shook, and her eyes had unshed tears in the corners.


“...Field Walk!” I made sure to match the true skill, which I cast mentally, with my fake incantation.

When the wall turned black, I walked into it, and pulled Tirihi along behind me. She didn’t hesitate at all, following along; I wonder if her husband had used Field Walk with her, before he died.

We appeared inside my room at the Vale Pavilion.

“There is food and water in the rucksack on the bed, and I will come back some time tonight--I will order hot water then…uhh, if that’s okay with you.” I said to her, releasing her hand and pointing to the rucksack on the bed.

“Okay. Please, be careful…” She looked at me, worry in her eyes, “I know that you’ll be looking for the Thieves.”

I smiled reassuringly, “I will be careful.”

With one last goodbye hug, I walked out of the room--I saw Tirihi sitting on the bed, picking up the pillow and hugging it, starting to cry.

I couldn’t help but feel sadness as well.


That day, I thoroughly searched Vale until mid-afternoon; well, I say thoroughly, but I avoided the slums--seeing that child that reminded me of one of my little cousins…I couldn’t help but remember that I wouldn’t see my cousins--or my family--again.

I couldn’t find any Thieves, but I roughly grasped the features of Vale; I also figured out why the slums are in the North. Because there are two rivers that flow through the town, both join together and exit through the North.

Because sewage is thrown into the rivers, and the water that flows into the city from both the south and the west is clean--but it becomes cloudier the further North it flows, especially after joining together.

So, as the water gets worse, the housing and area gets worse as well.

It’s likely that I haven’t seen any Thieves because I am avoiding the slums…I can’t deny that reality. It’s also likely that their base is outside the town, and they somehow sneak in and out, using the slums.

While I’m thinking about various things, I arrived at the Dungeon; I know that Tirihi will be fine at the Inn, and I needed to earn more money, since I needed a room with more beds…especially after buying Roxanne.

“How far can you take me?” I ask the Explorer at the Dungeon’s entrance.

“Seven floors.”

“Can you take me to the fourth floor, please.”


There is money on the third floor if I am lucky with drops--I am curious as to what else there is in the Dungeon. I still have time for now, six days, needing 4 gold.

“How much?”

“The level of the floor, in silver.”

I give him 4 silver coins, and he takes out his Item Box, storing the coins. Before casting the Party Formation Spell, and I accept.

The Explorer entered the Dungeon, I followed along behind him.

“This is the fourth floor.” The Explorer nodded to me, before disbanding the Party, and walking back out through the black wall.

I learned something new, that apparently you can specify which floor you wish to enter when you walk into the black wall.

Currently, my Classes are set:

Wizard - Lv20

Effects: +6 Intelligence, +30% Mana Recovery Speed.

Skills: Mid-Grade Elemental Magic (Fire/Water/Earth/Air), Low-Grade Non-Elemental Magic


Explorer - Lv23

Effects: (+6 Strength)

Skills: Item Box, Party Organization, Dungeon Gate


Swordsman - Lv20

Effect: +6 Strength, +6 Endurance

Skill: Slash, Multi-Slash - (x3)


Hero - Lv8

Effects: Increased HP (20%) - Increased MP (20%) - Increase Physical Strength (+5 Strength) - Increased Stamina (+4 Stamina) - Increased Wisdom (+3 Wisdom) - Increased Intelligence (+5 Intelligence) - Increased Agility (+5 Agility)

Skill: Overwhelm, Heroic Aura



My Magic has upgraded from Beginner-Grade, to Mid-Grade--I don’t know what Non-Elemental Magic is…maybe it’s something like the other schools of Magic, like: Conjuration, Abjuration, Destruction, etc.

I am unsure, but I will look into it at a later time.

But, it is time to have a look at my new Skill.

Heroic Aura: User, and Companions gain Increased Physical and Magical Resistance (20%), Increased Physical and Magical Damage (20%), Increased Mana Regeneration (10%), Increased Stamina Regeneration (10%)--Passive.


That is seriously overpowered--what’s with this cheating Hero Skill? Well, I shouldn’t complain, it is increasing my power a lot, and will also help my companions as well. I guess companions are party members, but it may also apply to slaves.

With a shrug, I unsheathed Excalibur and advanced.

Mino - Lv30

It’s a cow?

Well, it looks like a brown buffalo--which has been squished length-wise. It’s as tall as a normal buffalo, but it is about 1/3rd the length…it looks really strange.

Two massive horns extend from its head.

And it, is ferociously glaring this way.


The Mino begins to charge, just as I launch the Fireball.

Ohh, an increase from Beginner-Grade Magic to Mid-Grade has increased the size of my Fireball from tennis ball-sized--to basket ball-sized.

With a loud ‘poof!’ noise, the Fireball slams into the Mino’s face, causing it to let out a loud: ‘Mooo!’. The Mino’s brown fur is set on fire, and one of its eyes are blinded; veering off-course, the Mino slams horns-first into the wall, getting stuck.

I charge forwards and slash at the smoldering fur of the Demon’s neck, cutting its head off in a spray of green smoke.

That was easier than expected.

Minos Steak

Then again, that dirty, clumpy, brown fur did seem flammable.

But, it could be expected that living creatures are weak to fire.

Alright, now the floor is available--and I know I can at least handle some of the creatures there--I returned to the Adventurer’s Guild using Warp and sold the Minos Steak for 5 silver.

I returned to the Inn, had a quick dinner, and purchased hot water.

The sun is setting, and it’s growing dark, so I went to my room--this time I was carrying the water myself.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Tirihi fast asleep on the bed. She was laying on top of the blanket, her clothing was rumpled and showing off a lot of skin--she was cuddling the pillow, instead of using it for it’s intended purpose.

However, as soon as I quietly shut the door, she woke up with a gasp and looked at me.

“Welcome back.” Tirihi murmured, rubbing her eyes, before sitting up.

“Thanks. I have hot water here, so you can get clean.” I smiled to her and turned, about to leave the room.

“You don’t have to leave,” I heard her voice behind me, her clothing rustling.

Turning around, I saw her naked form, she had gotten off the bed, stripped and started washing herself.

I quickly wandered over to the bed and lay down, I lay on my back and stared up at the ceiling, trying to ignore the noises. Soon, the bed dented in and she crawled onto it.

“Goodnight, Alex.” She whispered, curling up against me, wrapping her arms and legs around my body, burying her head into the crook of my neck, and shutting her eyes.

It seems that she just wanted to sleep--and I felt strangely relieved--and disappointed.

But, I just hugged her, closed my eyes.

Trying to ignore the soft, warm body pressed against me. Large breasts squishing against my side, and soft, plump thighs wrapped around one of my legs; her warm breath tickled my neck, and her warm, damp hair brushed my cheek.









I woke up in the middle of the night, and carefully untangled Tirihi from around me.

Using Warp, I appeared in the slums.


There were no little children with dead eyes, who reminded me of family, wandering around.

I quickly checked around with Appraisal and found one person--so, there is someone here, out this late.

Name: Ash

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Class: Villager

Level: 3

My eyesight is surprisingly good in the darkness.

This woman, Ash, is quite pretty--I wonder what she is doing in a place like this, at a time like this; she is too well dressed to be a natural inhabitant of the slums.

Suddenly, some men walked out from an alley, one of them had a lit torch.

There were three men, and all three of them were Thieves. However, their levels were low. They were the first Thieves that I had found in Vale.

The three men have begun to move separately, lighting up their surroundings.

Just as I was thinking about leaving with Warp--since the Thieves were too low level, they were unlikely to be either worth anything, or be a threat--I heard the woman, Ash, make a noise.

The three men all turned and headed towards the noise.

Her figure is lit up by the men’s torches, I can see the disgusting looks on their faces--and she can as well, she is shaking and pleading as the men surrounded her.


I moved forwards so quickly that none of them noticed me, not even the woman.


A single swing, Excalibur blurring in the dim light, all three Thieves died in a spray of gore.


I made it back into the shadows before the dead bodies fell, before the woman could even react…okay, she didn’t see me; that’s good. I stood in the shadows as she hurriedly got to her feet and sprinted off.

After she was gone, I stayed. Half an hour later, the Intelligence Cards popped out of the dead bodies; I stored them in my Item Box--I might be able to get a small bounty on them.

Author's Note:

I had planned for Tirihi to be a more minor character--but it seemed likely that the MC would try to make sure she was safe when he heard that the town may be in danger. (Even as the author, we don't always know what will happen with our creations lol).

Remember how I said the original MC was dumb? Well, this is what happened with the random girl (the one I randomly named Ash--though she is a named character, this is the only time she appears) and thieves in the original (you will see why I changed what I did):

The three men headed towards the noise.

The figure of the woman is lit up by the torches of the men.

The woman tried to rush away but tripped.

The thieves rushed at the woman.

She said some words I couldn’t understand, while the men surrounded her.

One man kicked the woman’s stomach.

“Stop at the face.

body, body”

Do you really have to say such a thing?

It’s just that kind of feeling.

The three men beat the s*** out of her.

The woman tried to appeal, but was ignored.

Before long, a man grabbed her by the hair and dragged her away.

Four people went around the corner and disappeared.

Silence returned to the vicinity.

Since the thieves are gone, I’m not worried about being found here.

Although I’m no longer worried……

I saw something unpleasant.

Because it’s unnatural for a young woman to be in such a place, I wonder if she wasn’t a whore.

Were you trying to escape……..did you need to pull the tea……….were you trying for new clients?

It might be where thieves use violence as punishment.

Thieves certainly exist in this slum and seem to be responsible for the violence.

I saw something unpleasant.

Three thieves using violence against a young woman.

This is the darker side of the world.

Can’t the world just be full of beautiful things?

I don’t want to get involved.

I turn my back on it and use warp on the wall nearby.

For now I’ve at least confirmed where the thieves come from.

I need to be cautious for now and leave.


He just lets her get beaten, kidnapped and raped, and shrugs it off.

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