Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 25 – Shopping And A Shared Bath

Warning: There is some sexual content (not bad enough to be hidden behind (spoiler) tags, but maybe enough to not be considered completely G rated (maybe PG)).

So, this is the darker side of this world, or at least these slums. If I hadn’t interfered, that woman would have suffered something that I wouldn’t wish on even my worst enemies.

Strangely, using those three attacks in a single go--it only used around 1/4th of my Mana. I--am getting surprisingly strong; well, they were weak enemies.

I use Warp on the nearby wall.

Since it is unlikely I will get back to sleep, I go to the Vale Pavilion. Tirihi is still sleeping, the blankets wrapped around her. I walked over to her, gently shaking her shoulder.

“Mmm?” She peers up at me with bleary eyes, a little drool still leaking from the corner of her mouth; I wonder if she was dreaming about food, “What’s wrong, Alex?”

She sits up, waking quickly.

“Nothing, I just won’t be going back to sleep, so I was thinking of going to the Dungeon--I didn’t want you to wake up with me suddenly missing and worry.” I smiled at her.

“Thank you.” She smiled back, and then lay down.

“Well, good night.”

“Good night, Alex.”

I opened the door and walked out. I met the receptionist; oh, it seems that his male form was asleep, his female form was at the counter.

Giving him the key, I leave the building and then use Warp, entering the third floor of the Dungeon.

Kobold - Lv25


The massive, basketball-sized Fireball kills the Kobold in a single hit--the green smoke clears, but there is no loot.

I think I will grind this floor for several hours, hoping for the salt, before I go to the 4th floor.

After an unknown amount of time, hunting Kobolds, I finally get 1 salt; and then I go back to the entrance room. I step into the black wall and focus on the 4th floor, and appear in a small entrance room.

Is it a success?


I head further into the Dungeon.

Green Caterpillar - Lv30

With a pleased feeling, because my experiment was a success, I charge at it and swing Excalibur. I feel the blade cut into the Demon, but it doesn’t die.

Jumping to the side, I dodge the giant Caterpillar’s body slam, I swing Excalibur again.

Two hits--it still lives.

But, they are easy to dodge; they are much less of a threat than Minos. And whenever they stand still to use their skills, I just stab them with Excalibur.

Three hits--it’s dead.

Silk Thread


The drop from the 3rd floor boss?

It can sell for almost 20 silver.

1 gold and 20 silver in, if my body clock is correct…5 hours. That’s not bad--I have 5 days, and 2 gold 80 silver to get.

Mino - Lv30

Mino - Lv30

Kobold - Lv30

Well, just as I was feeling pleased--a group of three Demons appear from around a corner. Maybe the sizes of groups also increase depending on the floor.

I wonder if that means that I may run into groups of 20 on the 20th floor?

Hopefully that isn’t the case. I’m not sure how many floors there are, but if that’s so, even with Roxanne, it’s unlike I could survive up to the 10th floor…

Since there seems to be a party size limit of six, I like to think that means that there is a cap on the size of Demon groups as well--unless…this world has raid groups, or combinations of parties.

Well, bringing my mind back to the fight, I prepare myself.


The Demons don’t charge through this, so it gives me ten seconds or so to prepare. I wonder if I can cast a spell and hold it back--to unleash when needed?

I should experiment on that later.

Watching the Firewall, I count down. The Minos seem unaffected, but the Kobold seems to be cowering back; good, Kobolds on this floor seem to dislike fire.



The Minos charge me, separating from the Kobold.


I make sure to focus of the Minos--and it works, the fireflies, which are now ping-pong ball sized, zap through the Minos. There are holes through the Mino’s hide, their fur is burning, and green smoke is billowing out.


I run forwards, unleashing 2 blows on one, and the 1 on the other. The one hit with two slashes moos, and dies. The other Mino staggers back, still alive--but much weakened.

With a forward step, I swing Excalibur down, killing the second Mino.

The Kobold is rubbing its snout and face, still not recovered--it seems very weak to fire.


With an incredibly loud howl, the Kobold collapsed, green smoke pouring out from all over its body; before collapsing forwards, and disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Minos Steak

Minos Hide



I have never seen a Minos Hide before.

While I can handle two Minos at the same time…I have the feeling that three or more would cause me some trouble. I can’t even imagine how quickly I would die if I came across a room full of them.

I continued to hunt for quite a while longer, and luckily, I didn’t run into any more groups. Though I was ready to cast a Firewall and then Warp out at any moment.

When I finally decided to leave the Dungeon, the sun had already risen. I had been in there for quite a while.


I Warp to the Adventurer’s Guild, I made 1 gold and 50 silver, the 3 Minos Hides that I had were worth 30 silver. Only 2 gold, 50 silver remaining--I will definitely make it in time. Though I need to spend a little bit of money, for some clothing to sneak around at night.

Happiness fills me.

I return to the inn, stop by and check on Tirihi, reassuring her that the Thieves will soon be taken care of.

“Does that mean you will take me back to Somalia?” She asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, while I sat on the floor and leaned against the wall.

“Don’t you want me to?”

“Well…” She paused, “I can’t keep being a drag on you, but--I wouldn’t mind staying.”

“Alright, you can stay.” I paused, “It’s just I am saving up for slaves, to make a party. So, I will need to get a room with more beds.”

She giggled, and then spoke, “Well, I don’t think I want to crush your dreams of a slave harem, in a Dungeon. I can stay back at the village--but remember to visit me.” She pouted cutely.

“I will.” I looked at her with a smile, “And when I buy a house, which I will have to--especially when I get five slaves. Feel free to live there too.”

“I will hold you to that.” She poked out her tongue, getting up and sitting on my lap--she hugged me very tightly, her tone became serious, “Thank you. I know that sleeping next to me is difficult for you…but I need your warmth--Thank you for putting up with my neediness.”

She pulled her head back, looking into my eyes. I found my gaze trapped in her large blue eyes, so deep--I could see a deep sadness.

Reaching up with one hand, I stroked her golden hair a few times, and then pulled her head forwards…into my chest, giving her a hug.

We stayed like this for quite a while, before she got up, “Heh, my seat was getting a little lumpy.” She poked her tongue out at me, deliberately staring at my crotch for a second before laying on her back, giggling a few times.

“I need to go back out into the city, and then the Dungeon, I will probably be back late--I have some…hunting tonight.” I grinned at her as I stood up.

“Alright Alex, good luck.” She turned her head and looked at me--her eyes were getting teary again.

I couldn’t help but sigh as I left the room. She lost her husband during the raid of Thieves--and I had the feeling that maybe I understood her feeling a little; having lost my family.

Giving the key back to the receptionist, I start to walk around the city. There are various things that I’d like to buy.

First, I looked around some clothes shops for a black robe, with a deep hood that could hide my face. I want to hunt Thieves tonight, without standing out as I move through the shadows, with my strangely enhanced eyesight.

There are quite a few people who wear robes, so I found a stall that sold robes very quickly, it was also very near the Inn. With a lot of clothing neatly folded and on display, the stall looked like it would have a high price for what I required.

Maybe cloth was a high-quality item here.

The robe costs 40 silver…which I am not willing to spend.

But, I found some soft short pants that look like boxers, maybe this world’s version of underwear?

I buy two of them, they are only 30 copper each.

Now I have some new underwear. I can wash my clothing in the water after I finish washing with it, and not have to spend the night naked--though, with Roxanne--it wouldn’t be bad spending the night naked.

I also buy a scarf-like strip of cloth, which is black, and I can use to at least hide most of my face.

It cost 2 silver, unfortunately.

While I had the temptation to buy some armour--I decided to do that after I bought Roxanne.

After the very quick shopping, I go to the Dungeon and hunt on the third floor--I still feel a little uncomfortable on the fourth floor, since if I accidentally stumble into a Demon Spawning room, I will probably die--whereas I am more likely to survive on the third floor.

Evening is approaching when I return to the Inn; making sure to ask for hot water.

There is no need to buy dinner--since I got some meat skewers, pastries, and sweets, enough for both Tirihi and I. Once we finished eating, I knew I needed to wash.

I stripped and put the cloth into the hot water, trying not to mind Tirihi’s stare. I heard footsteps behind me, and then a warm body pressed against mine, and arms went around my sides.

She reached down and held the cloth, she then turned me around and began slowly, carefully running the warm, wet cloth over my skin; she was diligent and didn’t miss a spot. She had me stand up as she washed me, and paid attention to certain areas; kneeling in front of me and slowly, gently rubbing the cloth over my skin.

It felt like an eternity--and over much to quickly--when she finished my front, and gestured for me to turn around, carefully washing my back.

Soon, I was clean.

“No need to wash me, I can tell that it makes you uncomfortable.” She spoke with a giggle, before stripped and cleaning herself--I couldn’t tear my gaze away from her as the hot water made her skin redden a little, small drops of water rolling down…certain valleys.

Having cleaned herself, she pushed her self against me, hugging me tightly and rubbing her face on my chest, “Thank you. Your innocent reactions are so cute, you really do make me happier.”

She grinned up at me, before wandering over to the bed and sitting down--I finally managed to get control of my mind and get dressed again.

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