Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 26 – Two Days Raining, Almost Deadline

That night, I went back to the fourth floor, since my Classes reached level 25…and I wasn’t getting any more Experience on the third floor; for every Class I used, other than Hero, which leveled up ridiculously slowly, though it had reached 15.

Unfortunately there weren’t any new skills, but the Status increases had gone up by (+1); so I was stronger--and my Swordsman’s Multi-Slash now had x4.

This time, I had stored my Item Box contents in my Ring, and set my classes:

Wizard - Lv25 -- Hero - Lv15 -- Swordsman - Lv25 -- Soldier - Lv25

I did this so I could have Multi-Slash and Rush, as well as Shield Bash, all of which are vital. Explorer doesn’t actually add any combat skills, so I decided to replace it.

Only temporarily.

With Excalibur in one hand and my wand in the other--my damaged shield and strapped to my back, though I could use it when needed. I would just need to hold the Demons back with Firewall, and strap it onto my arm.

Mino - Lv30

Needle Wood - Lv30

A group of two appeared straight away.


The ping-pong ball-sized fireflies darted around, searing holes in the Demons.


I aimed two slashes at each enemy as soon as the effects from the Firestorm ended.

Both enemies died.

That was much easier than I expected.

Mino Hide


10 silver for the hide, so that’s a good haul for my first kill.

I keep hunting for several more hours, getting 5 more Mino Hides, and when I left the Dungeon; it was still dark outside.

I felt strangely cheerful.

It may be dark, but it’s almost dawn. I walk back into the Dungeon and then use Warp to go to the slums--I can’t spend much time here without feeling a slight sadness.

Passing through the black wall of Warp, I came out somewhere it was very dark, in the shadow of a building. I lean back against the wall for a while, and wait for the sun to rise, but it didn’t become very bright.

Looking up, I see that the sky is covered in clouds.

For the 5 days I had been here, it has always been sunny; but, of course this world would have cloudy and rainy days.

Apparently, I was near a brothel.

I saw a man come out, escorted by a scantily dressed lady.

She had the Class Prostitute, and he had the Class Villager.

The Villager moves to the other side of the road and leaves to the East.

As for why I chose the brothel?

It was the closest location to where I had run into the Thieves during the night--and saved the woman, Ash. Waiting until it gets a bit lighter and groups of people leave the brothel, I easily blend in with the crowd and approach my target.

While walking past, I look down the alley and see a rundown house at the end of a short alley.

It seems like this is the hideout for the Thieves, I can see people with the Thief Class skulking around.

Spending too long staring at it for too long isn’t a good idea--but I peek through one of the windows, I may be able to Warp into that room later. Walking past, I memorize the building, I will be hitting it soon.

It’s a two-story building, and quite warn out, though the inside is actually much nicer than the outside.

I make my way back to the Inn.

On the way back, I pass the Slave Traders.

I wonder if Roxanne is still asleep, since it’s early in the morning.

Getting back to the Inn, I go to my room where Tirihi is sleeping peacefully, and sit down while leaning back against the wall. I can’t help but stare at her beautiful sleeping face, relaxed, her full lips pulled back slightly at the corners; she was cuddling the pillow.

With a sigh, I pulled my gaze away and took some food from the storage in my ring, I began having breakfast--the rain continued.

It wasn’t a full downpour, but a gentle rain. When I look out the window, I notice that no one has umbrellas, they just wear cloaks; which is understandable, I didn’t think they had the technology for it.

After breakfast, I got up and acted on an instinct, gently brushing Tirihi’s soft golden hair back from her forehead; then I opened a Warp, appearing in the Adventurer’s Guild.

I guess that I won’t do much searching for the thieves during the rain--the rain-cloak was too expensive for me to spend money on before purchasing Roxanne.

After selling my loot, I Warp into the Dungeon using the wall inside the Adventurer’s Guild.

It was almost night, and I had very good loot--I managed to get enough that I should be able to purchase Roxanne soon, very soon.


In the end, it continued raining for about two days.

“The rain has become weak, it will likely stop soon.”

That’s what the Inn Receptionist told me in the morning, two days after it started raining.

“There seems to be a power struggle between the Thieves in the slums of this town.”

“Power struggle?”

“Well, just between us, some of the Thieves are connected to the Knights.” The Inn Receptionist lowered his voice as he spoke, “I don’t know how they did it. Possible someone on the Thieves’ side leaked the information; because a while ago, the Knights moved in and purged the remaining Thieves. They were driven out, and half of them attacked a village.”

Well, that last part of information is old. The only important part is that the Knights are infiltrated by the Thieves; maybe the way the beautiful female Knight drove me off so quickly when I gave in the Intelligence Cards could be to protect me from the corrupt Knights--I am curious about that…What was her name again?

I saw it then, once in the Dungeon, and again when I saw the dead body--that’s it, Radia; well she had like four names, but Radia was her first name. Maybe I should talk to her, and the friendly Apprentice some time. But, I won’t poke my nose into an entire corrupt Knight Order unless absolutely necessary.

“I see.”

He then says that the dead body I found several days ago was one of the ones who remained.

Unfortunately, almost all of his information is out of date, or useless for me--only one thing could be considered useful.

From what I can tell is that the last base of the Thieves in the one in the slums. They have all hunkered down and their defense is incredibly vigilant. They survived an extermination plan of the Knights--unless they belong to the faction that has corrupted the Knights…which would make sense.

After that conversation, since it was still dark, I went to the Dungeon.

Since I have walked around a lot, I should hopefully locate the Boss room soon.

After a few hours, once the sun had risen, I went back to the Inn for breakfast and then went to the slums.

Straight away, I found a Thief.

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