Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 40 – Quratar’s Dungeon

The next morning, we finally went to Quratar’s Dungeon.

We got dressed in the dark, and holding Roxanne’s small hand, I pulled her through the pitch-black wall into into the first floor’s entrance room. Even though I hoped that it would be less crowded at this time, at around 3am, but I still saw someone straight away.

“Hmm, let’s see, straight ahead.” Not releasing my hand, Roxanne lead the way as she read the map. She had some training with cartography--and while I had been a scout…I could get lost in a straight corridor.

The map isn’t a complete map of the whole floor, but an abridged map that only shows the path from the entrance to the boss, and into the second floor.

Ahead of us is a party, which seems to be looking at the same map, they are moving along around 30 meters ahead of us. It seems that we don’t really need the map.

It only takes us 20 minutes to reach the waiting room for the 1st floor boss, even following the shortest route, it was around 3x longer in pure distance…though much shorter in time, since we had a map.

Even though we saw numerous people, we didn’t encounter any Demons--most likely because the path was designed to avoid the thickest concentration of Demons.

There were several parties in the waiting room.

I sat down, leaning against the wall, “Roxanne, come over here.”

“Yes, master.” She spoke quietly, and walked over to me.

With a smile, I pulled her down onto my lap; her butt was soft and warm as the plump cheeks pressed against my thighs. She was facing away from me, so I wrapped my arms around her, just under her large breasts--the surprisingly heavy weight resting on my arms.

“Master…” Roxanne murmured, leaning back against me, her fingers entwining mine, squirming a little; probably trying to find a comfortable position--the lump in my pants probably made it a little difficult, though she let out small noises whenever her crotch rubbed against mine.

The people around us made irritated noises as they watched our interaction, though when one of the men approached us with complaints…Roxanne growled aggressively at him--it was adorable.

I calmed her down, tightening my embrace, and nibbling on the tip of one of her fluffy ears, which I knew was something that she really liked…and also made her a little randy, but that’s beside the point.

We had to wait for a while before our turn comes up.

The boss of the first floor is the Named Kobold: Kampfer.

Roxanne used Excalibur, being the vanguard, while I stayed in the back--with my Monk Class reaching level 22, and the boss only being level 15; I was more than enough to act as healer if needed.

Unfortunately, Kampfer didn’t drop much. Though he did drop some Kobold Salt, which is worth 1 gold.

Strangely, the second floor is quite different, there’s no other people at all; at least along the path that we followed. We did run into numerous Demons, though level level 15 was still a little too low level for us to use for leveling.

The floor boss is easy, with Roxanne acting as vanguard, and I am ready to be healer, or support; whatever is required.

I prefer being a back-line support, a jack of all trades…being restrained to a single position, bored me--back when I played Online Games.

“How come there are more people on the third floor than there were on the second floor?” I was only asking semi-seriously, because I didn’t think Roxanne would know the answer, however, I was incorrect.

“Because the second floor was half Kobolds, half Naive Olives--so other than cooks who use the Olives, and the salt, no one wants to hunt there.”

Roxanne knew a lot more than I did.

“I see, thanks for explaining.” I hugged Roxanne from behind, resulting in her letting out a pleased noise; and stroked her head with my other hand.

“Ehehehe, thank you, master.” She giggled; she got more affectionate when she fought in the Dungeon, something which didn’t bother me.

“Any time…Ahem, let’s continue.” I released her, stepping back, and ignoring the slightly disappointed look on her incredibly beautiful face.

When you get strong enough to fight up to the higher floors, Kobolds aren’t worth fighting anymore, since only their salt is worth anything, and that is a very rare drop.

We passed numerous people on the third floor, though not as many as the first floor. The third floor boss, on the floor where Spyders start showing up, is called a Spice Spider. It uses a special Skill that is something like a super-powerful pepper-spray mist. Luckily, the Antidote can instantly clear it up, so Roxanne didn’t suffer much.

It ended up dropping Pepper, which was already ground into a fine powder, strangely.

“Oh? I heard that Pepper is worth its weight in gold.” Roxanne said as she looked closely at the black powder. She sniffed it out of curiousity, before sneezing a few times.

So cute.

“Good, I will make sure to sell it as well.” I nodded, before stroking her furry back, slipping my hand inside her armour, “Oops, we should focus on the Dungeon.”

“Anything master wants.” Roxanne snuggled against me a few seconds.

Leaving the boss room, we continued on to the fourth floor.

“Well, it’s bit less crowded than the third floor, so if we head in deeper, we should be able to fight without being seen.” I muttered to myself.

Roxanne nodded at my words.

I was still curious about what our upper limits were, especially since I had 4 Second-Stage Classes, and Roxanne only needed about 10 levels to get her Second-Stage Class.

While moving around corridors where Roxanne can smell people, we kill any and all Demons that appear; unfortunately, avoiding other people means missing the highest concentrations of Demons.

After killing Demons for a few hours, Roxanne and I arrived at a Safe Room, thus our morning’s searching is over; utilizing Warp, we return to the house and make breakfast.

After breakfast, we go to the clothes shop.

While Roxanne’s clothing is quite high quality, it won’t last forever. As for spare clothing, we only have my clothes from Earth and Roxanne’s maid dress.

When we have finally bought our new clothing and leave the shop, it seems that most of the day has passed; when shopping with women, be prepared to spend at least half a day.

“Thank you, master.” Roxanne said, with a wide smile.

The hours were worth it, just to see this smile.

All of the clothing cost 1 silver.

On the way back, we stopped by a store which had wooden tubs on display, “Master, I’d like a larger tub to wash the clothes in, is that alright?” Roxanne asked.

“Sure, that’s fine.”

When we entered the store, and walked over to the side of the store which displayed wooden tubs and basins. Roxanne inspects the available products, before picking up a large tub and passing it to me.


One of the workers come over, and greets us.

“Is this the largest tube you have?”

The tub is just under a meter in diameter, and 60cm in depth.

“Well, something can be custom made. We even cater to nobles--so if there’s a large amount clothing to wash, something can be made.”

“I’d like to request something.”

What is it that I’d like custom-made?

A bathtub of course.

Who doesn’t want to have a bath with a harem of slave girls.

Though, back on Earth, I didn’t have a bathtub; I only ever showered.

“How large were you thinking?”

“If possible, I’d like something with a diameter of around 2 meters, and a depth of one meter.”

“Hmm, that’s doable.” The worker nodded, “Does 20 silver sound reasonable?”

It seems reasonable; but, then again, I don’t know how the economy in this world works.

“That’s fine.”

“Since it will be built to order, it will be done in around 5 days. I’ll send a messenger to alert you when it is finished, we can organize a convenient day for it to be delivered.”

Quratar has six sections, with seven districts, and the address of our house is 63123--6th section, 3rd district, house number 123.

“That’s fine,” I then show him the washtub that Roxanne had picked, “I’ll also get this.”

“Thank you, that’ll be 50 copper.”


“Master, what do you plan on using such a large tub for?” Roxanne asks, tilting her head.

Since she is holding the rucksacks with the new cloths in them, I carry the new washtub.

“You will find out.” I grin at her.

After returning to the house, we change our clothing--and have a quick wash with hot water and a cloth.

 “Master, I’ll wash our clothing.” Roxanne picked up our dirty clothes, placing them and a washboard into the still filled washtub.

“Okay.” I pat her on the head, before walking out of the room, “I’ll prepare dinner.”

I experimented, making something like this world’s variation of white sauce and salad, as well as some steak. Luckily it turned out very well, I was pleased with the result.

Roxanne liked the taste as well, “Master, it’s very delicious.”

And so is the image of the incredibly beautiful Roxanne with flushed cheeks and a look pleasure on her face--her mouth full of a thick, white, fluid in her mouth.

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