Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 41 – Treasure Chest

While waiting for the tub to be completed, we continued moving around the 4th floor. Roxanne was practicing killing the Demons with weaker weapons, though she kept Excalibur sheathed on her waist.

Of course, we could use the map; but I wanted Roxanne to practice using her sensitive sense of smell.

Even if we know the direction of a Demon, we sometimes have to backtrack or take circuitous routes. This is because the Demons can be behind hidden doors, which takes some effort to find.

Of course, we have a map, so it isn’t necessary to explore; however, there’s also the chance to find Magic Crystals--which unlike the ones sold in the Explorer’s Guild, they usually had Mana in them, and they only had one use.

But, what interested me the most were the Treasure Chests sometimes appeared.

The boss of the fourth floor of the Quratar’s Dungeon is a Demonic Cow, it looks like a Mino with flames for fur, and a strange magma-like texture to its horns.

The DeMOOn Bull.

Roxanne fights it head on using Excalibur; however, she also has to dodge by a wider margin than usual--because of the extreme heat generated by its flaming fur and magma-horns.

It also breathed flames, and shot burning lasers from its eyes…For a weak 4th floor boss, it was too impressive.

The only thing it dropped was pre-cooked steak, which wasn’t worth anything, but tasted really nice.

Since the boss of the fourth floor was killed, we moved on to the fifth floor.

The first Demon that Roxanne found, is a level 35 Mino.

According to what Roxanne told me, Demons in Dungeons below the 10th floor had a maximum level of 40; though they would change in difficulty, Elemental-Type, etc.

It takes three attacks with Excalibur for the Demons to die.

The next Demon is Cheep Sheep. It looks like a sheep, but it has a long bird-like beak, and makes a cheeping sound.

This time I fight, because I was bored with sitting back.

Like most sheep, its wool was oily, and incredibly flammable; when I launched two Fireballs, using my Multi-Casting Skill, the Cheep Sheep erupted into a shrieking pillar of fire--which thrashed around, slamming into the wall.

The corridor was filled with the sickening scent of burned meat and fur.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult for Roxanne to know if it’s a single Demon, or a group with multiples of the same Demon. Apparently, one Mino smells the same as a group of two or three Minos.

Watching her movements as she fights, her lithe body moving gracefully, with her large breasts jiggling--luckily, her assets don’t get in the way of her dodging.

I wonder if I should try to copy her sometime--but I am more of a support-type who fights in the back line.

When we fought a group of three, I got a little worried. But Roxanne was still fine dodging them; however, one got past her and I had to take it out with a Spell.

It seems that the fifth floor is fine, for now. Especially because it will probably be a few more days, and then Roxanne can get her Second-Stage Class.


The following morning, we use the map and go to the boss room.

Hawk Sheep - Lv33

The boss seems to be an advanced version of a Cheep Sheep, with a hawk wings, and good eyesight. It flies around with a hawk-like shriek, as well as high-pitched ‘baa’s.

While it wasn’t a particularly difficult boss--the way it kept flying around made it a very annoying fight; strangely it didn’t only have Fire Resistance, it could also shoot Fireballs out of its beak.

It took us almost twenty minutes to defeat the boss, and it dropped Premium Lamb--which could sell for almost 10 gold coins at most premium restaurants.

Since this was the 6th floor, we didn’t know what Demons we would be fighting, so Roxanne had Excalibur out, prepared for anything. There are less people than the first and third floors, but we still occasionally encountered them.

Collagen Coral - Lv35

This Collagen Coral is a Rock-Type Demon, looking like a normal coral, with one small leg projecting out from its underside. It hops along at a surprisingly high speed.

Roxanne side-stepped the Collagen Coral’s jumping attack, slashing at it, smashing it into the stone wall of the corridor. The Demon’s attacks were quite predictable because of having only a single source of propulsion, but it was very fast; I don’t know if I could dodge it, I would have to use a shield.

With her fourth swing of Excalibur, Roxanne killed the Demon, which disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

Coral Gelatin.

I wonder if it can be used to make Jelly.

“What’s this used for?” I asked Roxanne.

“The Coral Gelatin is an adhesive. Once you dissolve it in hot water, it becomes adhesive and is usually used for things like sticking carpets to the wall.” She spoke with a pleased look.

So far, we have only run into Collagen Corals, nothing else has appeared--which strikes me as a little strange.

We advance further, Roxanne leads the way. Every time we find a dead end, we make sure to check it thoroughly; since if you don’t, you won’t find Magic Crystals or Treasure Chests.

When we open a hidden door, and a small room appears. Upon entering the room, I see that it has a slightly raised center.

“Master, it’s a treasure chest.” Roxanne excitedly runs over to raised floor, sniffing at it, her tail wagging excitedly.

“This is a Treasure Chest?”

It doesn’t look like treasure chests I have ever seen before, it looks like a perfect hexagon that is around 30cm tall, and 30cm in diameter.

“Yes, master.” She stood by the side of the chest and kept glancing between me and it, she obviously wanted me to open it.

When I walked over to it, I could see that there was a red button on one edge. Pressing the button, the top of the chest irises open; looking in, I can see a pair of leather bracers.

It’s just normal equipment.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I leave it behind.

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