Slime Girl

Chapter 232


- Shari -


Before, in her stomach, I couldn't really see it, but Nia's core shines in a beautiful deep green that reminds me of healthy plants in the sunlight.
Neither particularly dark nor bright, but simply present.


"Oh, we are reverse!" (Liqu)


Liqu is green with a violet core, while Nia is apparently violet with a green core.
She is exclaiming quite strongly on this.
Does this hold meaning for slimes?
Is having reverse color about being something like polar opposites or even fated partners that match?


"Does that mean anything special to slimes?" (Shari)

"No, it's just a funny coincidence!" (Liqu)


Yeah, as random as a slime can be.
My gaze lingers on that unmoving puddle.
Is Nia truly in there?
Well, someone here probably knows.


"Do you think she's fine?" (Shari)

"Yes. It's very normal for a new slime not to know how to move. It's an important first step to adapt to being a slime, by becoming aware and establishing control over one's new body." (Liqu)

"Uh, then what are we supposed to do now?" (Shari)


I don't really think we can show her to her brother in this state.


"Well, there are two possibilities. We could either wait until she figures everything out by herself, or you could link with her to guide her on the way. With you, I tried waiting for a while because I think it's always important to get some personal experience. But it didn't really work out. Maybe the disparity to your former self-perception was just too great." (Liqu)

"I wouldn't like to wait for too long. Who knows what her brother might do? We can't stall him forever, and I want to maintain control." (Shari)

"Well, it's still your decision. But if you decide to link with her, I'd advise that you only give pointers. You shouldn't take the whole experience from her. Otherwise, she won't develop a real feeling for it." (Liqu)


There's much to consider about this.
Liqu has a point that the new body should come naturally to Nia.
One could even call it a slime coming-of-age ceremony.
Or rather coming into existence at all.
I shouldn't take that away from her.
On the other side, I wouldn't want her to stay as a puddle for too long.

So I think I'll give her an initial push and then have her figure out all the rest by herself.
I still somewhat remember the ideas Liqu sent me when I transformed, so I have some kind of guideline.
And I am rather sure Nia needs one as well.
So I approach her and carefully extend my exposed slime arm towards the puddle.
I prepare mentally for the coming onslaught and touch the violet slime.


  • "Everything's dark! Where am I! I don't want to be here! I don't want to be dead! Help me! Help!" (Nia)


The thoughts I receive aren't the slightest bit like the tough girl I'm used to.
They're much more frantic, panicked, helpless.


  • "Was there someone?! Help me! Get me out of this!" (Nia)


It seems like she can even perceive my most shallow thoughts.
I probably should avoid thinking too much and do something.


  • "Nia, you need to calm down! Try to focus on yourself!" (Shari)


At the moment she needs a point to concentrate on.
Otherwise, the void of one's own mind doesn't really allow one to get anything together.
Not even enough self-awareness to activate one's senses.


  • "Why did I think that? Am I losing myself? Losing myself to something else? No! Please no!!!" (Nia)


Oh damn, this isn't good.
I need to change this perception.


  • "Nia, you're not losing yourself. It's me, Shari. I'm only speaking mentally to you." (Shari)
  • "Shari!?!" (Nia)


It feels like confusion and panic make it hard for her to process this.


  • "Listen, I'll try to guide you through this. First, you need to gather yourself. Gather yourself and keep everything together." (Shari)
  • "Gather?! Start by first telling me what is going on here?! Where am I? Why do I hear you as my own thoughts! And why does nothing make sense?!"(Nia)
  • "Nia, you lost your self-perception. You need to focus on yourself. You're still there. You only need to become aware of it." (Shari)
  • "Myself?" (Nia)


While she seems to have issues grasping the concept, Nia still starts to feel less scattered.
I wait patiently until she's somewhat coherent. This is needed for the next step.


  • "Nia, we'll now try to get you to form a body. A human one." (Shari)


Well, rather a human-like one.
But that's not a detail that's going to help her.


  • "What do you mean with human-like?!?" (Nia)


Can't I think anything at all here?!


  • "That's not the point! You need to strongly think about having a normal body! You know how that looks, right? Two arms, two legs, a head. Try to call that image into your mind!" (Shari)
  • "Urgh, fine! But this isn't over!" (Nia)


After this, it seems like Nia developed a new kind of focus.
Her consciousness doesn't seem as scattered anymore.
I certainly feel how she's literally pulling herself together now.
Since Liqu said that this is something one should achieve on their own, I decide to pull away.

Now that I can again refocus on the outside perspective, I see how the violet slime starts flowing together and gathers around the green core.
At first, it only forms the usual blob, but then limbs emerge out of it.
Legs, arms, and a slight bulge for the head.
The slime reaches farther, becomes more pronounced, gains details, and forms a fully adequate body.

At least, that's what it was supposed to do.
Instead, it only amounts to two basic claws on the sides, two sticks beneath, I don't even know how they're supporting the body, and an oval blank ball for a head.
That nothing else is happening makes me believe there's nothing else coming in that regard.


"Ehm, Nia? I don't think you're quite done yet." (Shari)


Huh, she isn't even reacting to my voice.
Instead, she's flailing somewhat weirdly with her arms.


"Oh, I think she doesn't have control over her senses yet." (Liqu)


Oh damn!
She can neither talk nor hear!


"Liqu, could you help her please with the arrangement? I don't know as much about the fundamentals as you do." (Shari)

"Oh. Yes, yes. If you're asking me like this." (Liqu)


She links for a moment to the shape and soon something akin to ears, eyes, and a mouth form on the surface of the head.


"What the fuck was this!?! Oh my god, my mind feels like it was put into a sac and jumbled as hard as possible! Goddamnit! Why is my vision so off?!" (Nia)


With this, she'll at least be able to communicate.
Also, her general human form turned slightly better than before.


"Nia? Is that you?" (Shari)

"Yes? You told me to do whatever I did there, right? Is it right?" (Nia)


Seems like Liqu didn't bother to tell her that the new intrusive thoughts that sound like her own came from Liqu and not me.

Well, it looks a bit more profound than a blob.
Yet while I can somewhat tell that she's supposed to impersonate a human the image is kinda off.
To put it nicely, it's bland, lacking certain necessary features that make a face look real.
While I can't have blemishes, freckles, or wrinkles, even my own face is somewhat distinguishable with the way my supposed cheekbones align, the temples are formed, the chin is pronounced, or I proportion everything in general.
Nia doesn't have any of this.
Hers is an eerie doll face that almost makes my slime crawl.


"Uh, to be precise the later part was Liqu. Also, you're kinda a bit off. Not really like you're supposed to look." (Shari)

"What does that mean?" (Nia)

"That you're lacking important features. But don't worry. You only have to think a little bit stronger about how your body was looking before." (Shari)

"But I don't know how I looked before! The water of the dirty river isn't too great at reflecting." (Nia)


Oh right, she's pitiful.
I forgot again.

Maybe we can help.


"Liqu, just like back then with me, can't you just provide her your best impression of her looks?" (Shari)

"Uh, no, sorry. I would've done so if I could, but my impression might be a bit vague. Humans look all the same to me." (Liqu)

"But you did the exact same thing to me and here I am!" (Shari)

"You're special! As if I wouldn't recognize my fated partner!" (Liqu)


Yeah, sure.
Why can't her obsession be helpful for once?


"Does that mean I'll stay... off?" (Nia)


She tries to keep it hidden, but the way her surface quivers, I can tell she's severely distressed.
As Liqu isn't helpful on that matter the only one who might be able to do something is myself.
Because of course, I ingrained the looks of the young girl I tortured.
That's one of those things which are hard to forget.


"Okay, then please, let me try it. I'll send you the picture and you must copy it completely. Ingrain it in its entirety." (Shari)

"I-if you say so." (Nia)

"I require contact. Please, don't freak out." (Shari)


I again establish contact with her surface.
The moment I become aware of her mind I send the image I memorized of her.
However, there might be one minor issue with it.


  • "Why the heck do I see a picture of how I'm lying in the corner, tied by slime!?!" (Nia)


Yep, sorry, but as I said, the fact that I basically had to torture her was the most memorable for me.


  • "Sorry, I have nothing else. You'll need to make do with this. This is still you." (Shari)


I detach my mind a bit from the connection and try as well as I can to observe her from the outside.
This way, I see that there are slight changes starting to her body.
Nothing big, but just the important bits that lead her to having a real face that truly reminds of her former body... if not in color.

Thus, she finally is basically the same as me, though quite a bit smaller.
Another humanoid slime in this world.


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