Slime Girl

Chapter 233


- Shari -


I look at the girl who is still huddled on the ground, clearly overwhelmed by the recent events.
This was probably the only reason why she was following the instructions so well, as she was just too transfixed to really contemplate doing anything different.


"Okay, seems like we fixed your appearance. How are you feeling?" (Shari)

"Good, I think? Rather, not bad. My scars don't hurt. The usual aches are gone as well. My skin isn't itching. I don't feel tired or nauseous or even just the slightest bit off. It's kinda unreal. Like in a dream." (Nia)


She simply can't stop making me feel bad about her life until now, isn't that so?
And no, this certainly isn't a dream.
You won't be able to wake up from this.


"Say... is it supposed to be like this? Shouldn't something be different? Not as... issueless? Did it turn out alright?" (Nia)


You mean did you turn out alright.


"You know, this isn't something I'm doing on a regular basis, but for all I can see we achieved the exact thing we planned for. You're looking... fine. Relatively spoken." (Shari)


Did this sound in any way convincing?


"What exactly are you trying to say with this?" (Nia)

"That you look now like a splendid slime! You really are a genuine one! Do you want to try another form? You only need to rearrange your matter. Just try to ingrain the current composition into your core so you can switch back." (Liqu)

"I'm... I'm a slime..." (Nia)

"Yes! Just like my Shari promised! It worked out perfectly!" (Liqu)

"I'm a slime." (Nia)


She starts looking at her violet arms, prodding their squishy texture, the starting shiver on them telling more than enough about her state of mind.
I can very well understand that she has difficulties processing that.
However, I think I have an idea that might at least help her accept it.


"Uh, just wait a moment. I have something that might help you." (Shari)


I extend my slime arm into the hole with all the valuables we didn't want to leave any chance for someone to get their hands on.
From there, I retrieve the most precious thing I own.
The little mirror of my mother.
Looking into it really was special to me.
Not entirely positive, but certainly, it made everything undeniable to me.
In the long run, that was a good thing.


"Here. Ehm, say hello to the new you." (Shari)


I'd hand her the mirror, so she can get a better look, but regarding what I know about juvenile slimes, I wouldn't get it back.
Instead, I just hold the reflecting side in her direction.


"This, this is me?" (Nia)




"Hey, please don't dissolve the ground. We can't exactly call a mason in here!" (Shari)

"Wh-what?" (Nia)

"You started dissolving. Don't worry, that's normal for a slime. You'll get used to it." (Liqu)

"I, I'm a slime. A slime. A real slime. I... I..." (Nia)


Now slime tears are running down her eyes, while her gaze stays still fixed on the mirror.


"Are you sad?" (Liqu)


Obviously, she is!
But how to deal with this?
I'm hopelessly overwhelmed by the situation.


"Uh, I'm sorry. I just didn't see any other option to help you. I would've done anything else if I could." (Shari)

“No, no, it’s not your fault, but... but, I-I’m a slime. I’m actually a slime! This, this is me now. I-I think? I don’t know! I don’t know what to think!“ (Nia)


I perfectly get you there.
So I grant her that bitter needed moment of respite.
She probably has to think quite a lot about her life now.
And as much as she tries to remain composed, this doesn't prevent the occasional tear from dropping in long streaks.
When there's nothing else coming from her I start growing concerned.
If I'd just know how to deal with kids of that age.


"Ehm, are you better now?" (Shari)

"Hah, what a question..." (Nia)

"You don't need to take it so hard! Being a slime is great! You can't get hurt. Can't get sick. You're always exactly as you want yourself to be. It's just perfect." (Liqu)


Unsurprisingly, she looks bewildered at Liqu.


"I won't lie. This kind of existence has many downsides. You can't really grab stuff anymore as you were used to, your punching strength is abysmal, your sensations are so different that they'll usually feel lacking in some way. Oh, and everyone is out to kill you. So yes, there's quite a lot about it that's not so great." (Shari)


Coming from her response she seems to think alike.


"I don't even know anything anymore. Everything is just so weird. This all is so unreal." (Nia)


She still seems to be transfixed by her violet arm.


"Unfortunately, that's all very real." (Shari)


At this, I take a random stick from amongst the junk Liqu slimed over and draw it through her arm.
The girl is so startled that the whole thing completely drops off, splashing into her legs before instantly reforming again, which only serves my point.


"Wha-" (Nia)

"This is your body. No way to deny it." (Shari)

"You're not making this any easier for me!" (Nia)


It's not supposed to be easy!
You are a slime and that will never change again, so you'll have to deal with it!
However, saying that to her face would be insensitive, so I'll try accommodating her.


"I'm sorry, but this will happen frequently from now on. Your body isn't solid anymore. Absolutely everything can pass through it. That's something you should be aware of. Especially, if it's about protecting your core." (Shari)


That reminds me, we really should make sure that she receives basic training to keep her alive later on but also to prevent involuntary reactions.
Yet for now, I'll give her a moment to come to terms with everything.


"I know, okay?! I know! Still, this, this is just too much! How am I supposed to deal with this if absolutely everything turned upside down?!" (Nia)

"As much as it pains me to admit this, it kinda helps sometimes if you don't insist on doing stuff the human way. Your new body provides quite a lot of workarounds to solve problems. By no means am I saying that you should give up on everything, but the more you come to terms with how things are now, the easier it gets." (Shari)

"Oh, Shari!" (Liqu)

"Quiet, Liqu!" (Shari)


Seriously, this slime.
And that while I'm having a moment.


"So you're just telling me to accept everything, no matter how freakish it is?!" (Nia)


That's what you signed up for, okay?


"You don't need to do so instantly. It's mostly a question of time. After some weeks, stuff will start to feel almost normal. It's still going to be hard when you compare everything to how it was before, but eventually, this will stop as well." (Shari)


After all, it's pointless.
It's not like my body is going to change only because I wish I could hold something tightly in my hand, chomp on meat with my teeth, or just sleep in a bed like a normal person.
This kind of stuff may freak you out the first dozen times, but it's not like dwelling in all this misery ever even the slightest bit got me somewhere.
But I should stop here or I'll be the one about to cry.


"Speaking of time, your brother is currently freaking out on the upper floor. Do you want to see him?" (Shari)


I can locate him from his vibrations and the too-quick beats of his small heart are telling enough.


"I, I'm afraid. What if he... You know." (Nia)


I perfectly get what she means.
Never was I so vulnerable as when I had to reveal to my family what happened to me.


"From the start, we were pretty open about what this procedure was leading to. If your brother is still here, this means he accepted the intended results. You don't need to worry. If nothing else, you can just blame it all on us." (Shari)

"Hah..." (Nia)


A small chuckle before she grows quiet again, the shifts of her matter telling tales about her internal struggle.
Ultimately, she comes to a decision.


"Okay. Get him." (Nia)


It's not like there was really a way to avoid this in the long run, but it's still good that the decision came from her.

So I move up the stairway to let the boy in.
With my all-around vision, I take one last glance at this new little slime in this vast world.




- Nia -


This all is just crazy.
To think that I melted into liquid... slime.
I'm a slime.
A fucking slime!

I, I knew, that's what they said would happen, but this is still too crazy to believe.
To think that my body... No, this isn't a body, it's something else.
Alone how this stuff moves according to my thoughts is creepy.
Ever shifting, it does things that simply ain't normal.
My legs cling to the ground and my back to the wall.
I feel how I can detach from it, but a residue remains.
And everything is violet!
My arms, my legs, everything is just this colored soggy mass.
Everything but this weird green-glowing stone.
I can so distinctly feel it in my chest.

They said this is me.
I try to touch it, but the moment my arm, whose movements still come strangely natural to me, touches my torso it becomes indistinguishable from the rest.
I, I think that's because it's just the same...
Damm, I guess I just realized something fundamental about myself.
My body is all the same.
If I concentrate...
Yes, I can just extend a part of the mass from there and form another arm.

So I don't even have to touch this stone.
Because I'm already touching it.
This is my body.


"Nia, we're coming now!" (Shari)


That slime woman.
She's bringing my brother.
Did she really just go up there?
That seemed so extremely long to me.
Maybe only my imagination.

But now Okin will come.
What am I supposed to say to him?

There's his leg!
He's about to see me!
Time is slowing down and stretches to agonizing lengths.
In slow motion, I see how my baby brother comes into view.
We were together for so long.
I don't even remember when mum left us, not to speak of our supposed father who was never there to begin with.
It was always just the two of us.

And now...
Now he's right there, staring at me.
I should feel sick right now from all this stress, but I don't.
In fact, that slime woman said that I can't.
I'm just at a loss as to what to do.


"N-Nia?" (Okin)


It's starting.
I can't just creepily sit here.
I need to answer!


"H-hey, Okin. I would come to you, but my legs don't feel very stable at the moment. Ehehehm" (Nia)


Rather, they're a puddle below my waist.


"I-Is that really you? You're still alive?" (Okin)


The way his face scrunches up, I can tell he's close to crying.
I should probably try to calm him somehow.
Even if I have no idea how to downplay this situation.
It's not like my condition isn't severe.


"In the flesh. Or whatever this stuff is." (Nia)

"Don't joke about this! You're, you're..." (Okin)

"I'm as good as I can be, Okin. Seriously, I couldn't have expected more than this. I'm alive and can still be with you. There's nothing sad about this. What happened before was bad. This... This is merely dodging the worst possible outcome." (Nia)


I suppose I need to be grateful towards these strange slime women.
I learned not to expect anything from others, but they nonetheless involved themselves so deeply in someone else's mess.
I don't know how my life will be from now on, but at least they gave me a chance.
I'm fucking not dead!
On the contrary, I probably was never as healthy as this.
Well, if you can call this healthy.
I honestly never thought that much about slimes before.


"Sister!" (Okin)


It seems Okin is convinced now that this is truly me and not just some slime monster that took my shape.
He runs at me, ready to jump around my neck.


"Oh no! You'll leave her be! Not on my watch!" (Shari)


A wave of slime rises up and quickly pulls him back.


"What!? Why not?!" (Nia)

“Let go!” (Okin)

"Let me show you." (Shari)


The slime woman procures some chunk of meat.
Then she looks at me with unknown intent.
Abruptly, she shoots forward, and I feel something touch my chest.
It moves deeper inside me, towards this green-glowing...
Oh my god!


"Whaaa!" (Nia)




"Wh-what is happening?" (Nia)

"Would you please now concentrate on the piece of meat in your chest?" (Shari)


I do as she says and realize... that I feel everything about that thing.
Its condition, its exact shape, its essence, and foremost... that I'm taking it apart until it's ceasing to exist.
I'm ending it!


"N-Nia?!" (Okin)

"Not now, Okin!" (Nia)


Every detail about how each little bit of it is converted and merges with me rushes into my mind.
What the fuck is this?!
Why is this happening?!


"I can see that you're confused. This, my little one, is dissolving. Don't know how much experience you have with this, but essentially, slimes can take everything apart and convert it into the very slime your body consists of, yet most beneficial are things that are related to life. Through this process, you're gaining energy which you, for example, require to move. But this isn't the point right now. The point is, it's a rather subconscious act that, for example, also can activate if you feel like your core is endangered. Though, not exclusively. It might also be surprise, anger, or any other sufficiently strong emotion. And hopefully, you can see where I'm getting with this because I sure as hell won't take responsibility if you dissolve your brother during a hug!" (Shari)




The words hit me worse than when I was told I would be dying, and in the same instant the meat ceases completely to exist.
I could've killed Okin just now.
I'm dangerous!
I'm... I'm a monster.


"D-does…does this mean I can never ever touch him again?" (Nia)


It would be sad.
We still would manage somehow, but always having to be careful not to touch him or any other person…that just seems so hard.


"I didn't say that. You only require lots and lots of training. It's a question of if you can control this reaction well enough. But you shouldn't expect this to be easy. I order at least a week of no touching. Though, you better wait for a month till you're absolutely sure about yourself." (Shari)


So it's something I can work on.
Makes sense, as this slime touched plenty of things and people.
There's no reason to doubt her, especially not on being a slime, so I should heed her words.


"What kind of training do I need?" (Nia)

"First, you need to learn to avoid bodily contact as much as possible. The less chance there is for something to go horribly wrong, the better. Regarding learning to control your emotions, it's rather difficult to create surprising situations. To learn not to freak out is the first and most important part." (Shari)


Thinking back to just now, I instinctively panicked when that meat approached my core.
How could I avoid this kind of fear?


"I'll try, but I don't know how well I'll do." (Nia)

"Well, and that's why it's time for some basic practice lessons for slimes!" (Shari)


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