Slime Girl

Chapter 4b


- Liqu’s POV-



It’s been a while since my encounter with those adventurers.
I knew I shouldn’t stay in the area, as surely a search party might be sent at short notice.
So I decided to change locations by taking a trip through the forest.

However, I had to shorten my hair.
Not because I wanted to change my appearance, as the waist-long strands were a convenient way to store more mass.
It was about the fact that I'd lost track of the mass I kept like this, which led to me losing considerable amounts over the ends of the strands.
So I had to do something to be more efficient with my energy while I move.
The lost volume I had to distribute to other locations.

I did settle in a rather calm environment with only some wolves and boars.
The problem is that due to the lack of monsters here, I need to be a little bit more careful with hunting since I can’t let anything escape.
Still, it was enough for my needs.

I could even get enough to manage to etch a home for myself into the stone of a cliff.
I did so because I still pursue the goal to make myself a friend and when the time comes, I think I'll need a place for us.

During my hunts, I found another advantage of my new shape.
Before monsters often started to avoid me when I hunted, caused by my size and increasing familiarity with my kind.
But it seems that this form looks human enough to trick them.
They are always directly charging at me, leading to an easy kill of mine.
So I could get enough energy to fulfill my deeds.

Also, I practiced controlling my new body and especially my "speech" better.
For example, I found out that a tongue helps a great deal with forming words.
Who would have thought?

And then I also tried to pursue my little idea.
Like this, I spend a significant amount of my time.

One day I again have an encounter with a direwolf.
Like always I try to look not too intimidating, while at the same time taunting.
I move my core to a place where I am sure it won’t get hit and await the attack.




Well, come at me.

It turns out as I predicted.
The stupid thing jumps headfirst at me and gets promptly stuck.
If I can do one thing then it's holding my ground.
Like this, I quickly envelop it and start the process.
Even though I don’t speed up the process to save a bit of energy, it doesn’t take long for me before the flesh is gone and only the bones remain.

At this moment I notice that something is approaching.
Being constantly hunted your whole life helps to polish your senses.
So I succeed in hiding in time in a bush before I’m found.
It's always good to keep the advantage in any situation!
Let’s see what we’ve got there.
I wait and spot:

A girl!

It's strange as she apparently wears no weapons or any other equipment.
Therefore, she's obviously no adventurer.
But then, what is such a person doing here?
Thus my curiosity is sparked.

I start to study what happens there and see her plucking at the bones of my last feast.
When I get a better view of her, I suddenly realize:


She's absolutely perfect for me.
Due to the fact that she is no adventurer, she is no sworn enemy of mine, which I consider a plus!
Also, even if I don’t care much about appearances she looks nice.
At least there is nothing malicious about her.

But the most important trait are her eyes.
Those eyes are full of life and are looking open and curious at the world.
There is still caution, but that’s a good thing indeed.
It feels like I can directly look at her soul and am rather pleased by what I see.
Closer than this I won’t ever come to what I want.
I need to get her!

So, what is the best way to go about this?
A distraction might be right.
While moving behind her, keeping my distance, I form a little ball with my mass.
Then I throw it to her side.
The moment she directs her attention to the point of impact, I use the timeframe to float close, as silently as possible.
I manage to arrive behind her just in time.

When she turns around, I can for the first time take a closer look at her.
And again "perfect"!
Well, she seems a bit unnerved at my sudden appearance, but that was anticipated.
I promptly remember how important first impressions are and put my best smile on.
Also, I gently take her hands.
Physical contact is a sign of being close.
And it would be really a hassle if she would run now.


"She is a slime!" (Shari)


You don’t say?

Gaining some hold was a good idea, since I suddenly feel a tug at my arms, as she is trying to move away.
It seems there is no helping it, so I thrust forward to get a better hold.
I still try to be most careful with her.
While she's tumbling backward, I cushion her fall as best as I can.

She's throwing a tantrum now, but that is no real problem for my body and my core is secured safe.
Which means there's no risk for me!
There is even something thrown in my face, though my dissolving tells me that it’s just some mix of plants.
No idea what that’s supposed to mean.

I become aware that this is not the best place to stay and decide that we should change to a safer location.
I mean, there are monsters in this forest!

So to carry her home, I lift her up.
Looking at her I still can’t help but think that she’s quite gorgeous.
At the same time, it occurs to me how fragile she is and that I have to be extra careful.
Suddenly she starts to shout.


"No, no, no!"

"Save me! Someone!"

"Help! Help!"


What is she thinking?
Yes, maybe my approach was a bit straightforward, but screaming like this you will draw monsters close.
That wouldn’t be a problem for me.
However, you could get hurt!

I need to make her stay quiet.
Directing my finger to my mouth, I show that I want her to stay quiet.
I could try to talk.
But after my last attempt, I’m not so confident in my communication skills.
So gestures have to suffice.

Being sure that she has seen it, she does not seem to stop.
Since I can’t allow this situation to advance like this, I have no choice.
So I plug her mouth up with some glue-like slime of mine.
Like this, I manage to bring us back to my home.

It isn't much, but the walls are all soft and it’s cleaned by my liquid so it is rather comfortable.
I place her in a snug corner, hoping that this cozy place might ease her a bit.
Naturally, I free her mouth too.

She is staring at me with wide-open eyes and I can see fear.
Now I’m in a predicament.
As much as I want her to like me, I just cannot allow her to flee now.
Thus leaving me no choice but to prevent this.

I set her forearms and legs in place, in the most comfortable way possible, using the most sturdy fluid I can produce.
It is not much, but considering her struggle until now it should suffice.
I’m sure she is not too pleased by this, but it is necessary to pursue my plan.
Yet, I should still try to ease her; so smiling it is.

The first step is that I need her to ingest a special cocktail, I came up with.
As soon I got her I started creating it.
Because this substance takes much effort and energy to produce, I need to make sure that no drop comes to waste.
So she needs to drink it all!

For this reason, I come up with the idea that the best way would be to pour it directly in with my mouth while securing her head with my hands.
No, I’m not biased.
This is simply the best possible approach, which coincidentally happens to be the most pleasant one.

But first, she needs to open her mouth.
Hoping she would listen this time I point at her mouth.
Then I open mine and point at it, to show her I want her to open it too.

Hey, what is the meaning of this look, and why are you suddenly crying?
I only wanted you to open your mouth, isn't this a little bit much of a reaction?
I mean it’s not like I threatened you, but you behave as if I said I would eat you!





Sorry, my mistake.
That wasn’t intended.

This sets the problem that I don’t think this sobbing mess in front of me will show much cooperation anymore.
Instead, I need to rely on a little trick.
By preventing her from breathing through her nose, she is forced to use her only other entrance.
The moment she opens up I can force my mass inside and hold it.
Then I lay my mouth on hers and start to pour the liquid inside.
I feel her squirming against it, but she needs to endure.

Finally, I manage to spill the last drop in her.
Making sure it stays inside, I can let go at last.
Promptly I notice that the poor thing has lost consciousness.
Fortunately, she's still breathing!
Nevertheless, I should have been more aware of how dangerous a lack of air might be for her.
Humans are such fragile creatures.

But don’t worry, I am here and keep watch.

So you can sleep soundly.

Don't worry!

I’m here!


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