Slime Girl

Chapter 5a


- Shari -




I wake up with a terrible headache and severe nausea.
My stomach is stirring like crazy and I feel weak.
As soon I can gather my thoughts I realize that I’m still restrained and naked.

Huh, did this thing take my clothes?
I can’t see them, so they might be dissolved.

I become aware of my situation, look around, and… there it is.
My captor is leaning on the opposite wall, staring at me with a smile plastered on her face.

Why is she always smiling at me?
There is no real reason to trick me by playing nice, as she has already got me.
Or is she just happy at the prospect of her next meal?
It feels like I am only the livestock of that thing.
As soon as this creature gets hungry, I will die a horrible death, without any remains of mine to be found.
This grim outlook again brings tears to my eyes, as I look at the thing that will soon end my life.

The moment the creature notices that I’m awake she draws close, till she is directly in front of me.
It’s confusing as I know that slimes have no gender; still, the appearance is deceiving.
She extends her hand and starts to caress my head.
I’m so scared that I can’t control my tears and start to cry and splutter anything out.


"Please let me go!"

"Someone, anyone. Save me!"

"I-I don’t want to die! Please have mercy!"

"Please, I have done nothing wrong!"

"Just let me live!"

"I don’t want to die!"

"I don’t want to die!"

"Don’t eat me!"




"Why would I?" (Liqu)


It spoke!?
That thing can speak!?

What is going on here?
There was a soft, slightly syrupy, but gentle voice.
How can this be?
How can a slime possibly speak?

That thing tilts its head at me in confusion.
What does that mean "why would she eat me"?
That’s what slimes normally do.
What is going on here, if not eating me?

Maybe I am fantasizing.
A prospect my desperate mind came up with, for a situation where I won’t die.
But if I am, there is no harm if I confirm it.
So I gather my resolve and speak.


"D-did you just talk? C-can you speak?" (Shari)


Again she tilts her head at me.

Hah, so I’m just crazy!
I guess it’s okay in this situation.


"It seems so." (Liqu)




"By the way I’m Liqu and you are?" (Liqu)

"Sh-Shari!" (Shari)

"What a wonderful name and you look so nice!" (Liqu)


She comes disturbingly close at this squeezing against me.
The physical contact causes me to panic a bit.


"P-please dear slime, just let me go! I won’t talk about anything! Just let me leave!" (Shari)


She seems to think for a moment before she turns again to me.


"Sorry. That wouldn’t be good." (Liqu)


What's that supposed to mean?


"Please! I don’t want to die! Just let me live!" (Shari)


I plead while tears flow down my cheeks.


"Don’t worry! Everything is fine!" (Liqu)


She says while stroking my hair and washing the tears away.


"Nothing bad will happen to you." (Liqu)


I don’t know anything anymore!

For a while, she proceeds to caress me while repeating these platitudes.
Her touch is absolutely unnerving and sends shivers all over me, each stroke leaving a residue behind.
Maybe she just wants to calm down her cattle, so that I won’t make problems.
I’m deeply afraid!

Suddenly she stops and looks intently at me.


"I need you to open your mouth. Could you please do so?" (Liqu)


Why is she asking this?
Why does she want me to do this?

At this moment I recall the events before I fainted.
No, she can’t possibly want to… again?

As terror crawls in me, I start to tremble uncontrollably.
After waiting some time for an answer, the slime speaks up again.


"Look! It would be better if you would work with me. Otherwise, it is more unpleasant." (Liqu)



No! No, I’m not going to do this!
Not happening!


Seeing that I won’t help her fatten me up, she drops her shoulders with something akin to a sigh.
Like this, she tries the same trick as last time by pinching my nose.
Before long I need to catch air through my mouth.
Still, while doing so, I make sure that my teeth stay shut to prevent the outcome of the last time.

Promptly she extends her hand and lays it against my teeth.
The moment it touches her hand loses shape and spans around them.
Shortly after, the slime that makes up her body wriggles around the rows of my teeth and enters through every hole it finds.
There is nothing I can do to stop the mass from entering.
She doesn’t even bother to keep my head in place.
She simply holds the appendage which now lost all form over my face and follows every movement of mine, just using weak pressure to prevent too wild struggle.

Even more unnerving is the fact that the substance seems to move on its own accord.
As if it is alive!
I can even feel how it's preventing itself from entering my lungs, pulling substance away there.
Instead, it pours directly into my stomach where the wriggling feeling finally settles down.
This time my nose remains free so I can breathe a bit, as conveniently a path to my lungs remains.
The stream seems to be endless and even when I’m full it won’t stop coming.
After far too long and shortly before my stomach bursts, it finally stops.
The creature still ensures that I’m not throwing up before she lets go.


"See, that wasn’t so bad, right?" (Liqu)


She says while patting my head and rubbing my tummy.

Is she for real?
After this horror?

I don’t have the energy to respond and even though I want to puke I’m afraid of what might happen if I do.
I don’t even want to think about how bad it is to have this slime inside me.
It’s surely not healthy.

Like this, I let go and sink against the covered wall to finally get some rest after this experience.
The wall's surface is soft enough to be comfortable as long as one doesn’t think about what the layer is made of.
Also, it's not too cold inside this cave.
So I try to find peace and close my eyes.

Until I feel something pressing against my left side.
Startled I turn my head there and see that the slime is leaning against me.
With her eyes closed, she's slightly hugging my body with a joyful expression.

I try to squirm away but am still restrained.
To make things worse, when I try to shake her off, her mass flows around my body and is only enveloping me more.
I panic and the thought that any moment the dissolving might start and I die a gruesome death sets me trembling.
Yet time passes and nothing happens, apart from slight shifts of the mass around me.

The moment I stop shaking, her mass draws back to its original position.
This slime seems not the slightest bit bothered by my struggle and it is absolutely impossible to remove her.
As things are, I can’t even fight against something like this happening.
This monster can force its will on me just like that.
And with my built-up exhaustion, I am not able to stay awake any longer.
In this way, I finally start to fall asleep while being hugged by a slime, like a pillow.

Just what is happening to my life?


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