
Chapter 180: The other tribes and the city

Before we planned on taking over the Hounds, the days were free.

Nora and I along with a few guards met with other tribe heads along with Hugh and Hius and I have to say their presence there had a huge impact.

It was only then that I realized how lucky I was that Hugh decided to be on our side. The only reason he sided with me was because he disliked Rama's demeanor. He believed he was too weak and would take the tribe to ruins but liked me.

He told me he liked my presence.

That it was firm.

Hugh on the other hand was quiet, he spoke little, much like how I used to in the past but now that I had to take leads I had to change. Surprisingly though the ability came to me rather easily. I thought I would have a lot of difficulty trying to communicate more but it wasn't like that. I was able to say everything I wanted to and moreover I did really well with leading the men. Perhaps this behavior of authority comes from me training and leading the Alucard men.

But maybe because he reminded me of myself, like a silent shadow. I came to like him without much interaction.

Hius was different. He laughed and talked a lot. He and Nora got along pretty well.

Unlike most the men of the tribes Hius liked how the females with me were strong and could fight for themselves.

His resolve to help me out became firmer when I told him how I planned to change things.

So he and Hugh went with me and Nora to talk to the other tribes who were getting fed up with the Hounds.

The only thing we asked for was time and made them believe that things would change when I become the head.

I really didn't want them to attack and destroy something I didn't even get my hands on.

The meeting with the other tribes was successful, partially because they saw I could do better and partially because they didn't want to end up in a dispute with me and my clansmen. All of the heads noticed how my guards were on high alert and were faster in action than them.

It was one of the moments that made me really proud because I was the one who often trained them.

The rest of the free time. Everyone explored the city. Although Nistia wasn't an arab country, it had a setting similar to it but the atmosphere had a western touch.

The old part of the city had narrow streets while the newer part had much more space and the buildings were high.

Since no one knew how much time it would take us to settle down. Nora and I took this free opportunity to go out on a date.

We went around the market area, did some absolutely useless shopping for things we didn't need but found very interesting.

I took her to the area with street food.

"When I was a boy there was this one thing I loved to eat. Sour spicy shrimp soup." We walked through the streets, relying on bits of my memory and asking people, "I wonder if it's still there."

"No better way to find out than to go." Nora grinned.

"I actually don't remember the name, that's why every person we ask is skeptical too."

She chuckled, "It's fine. We'll find it, if it's still there."

I wracked my brain, "I can't even remember the name of the owner."

"Was it a guy?" I nodded my head.

"Something like Harry…? Heny? Henry? Enry? ENRI!" I looked at Nora, "I'm positive it was Enri."

"You calling for me, young man?" Someone talked to me and I turned around to look at the person standing outside a small restaurant named Enri's.

This was clearly not the place I remembered but things can always change.

"Are you Enri? The one who used to sell the sour spicy shrimp soup twenty years ago too? On a small stand near here?"

"Sure am." He laughed, "You must have come here after ages if you remember my stand from then."

"I see." I smiled as I looked at his place, "I'm glad it upgraded and didn't vanish." There was a sweet nostalgic feeling tingling me at that time.

"Me too boy. Me too. Why don't you come in. Bring in your girlfriend too." He was about to head inside.

"Oh she's not my girlfriend." I corrected him and he stopped and looked at me in confusion, "She's my wife."

"We recently got married!" Nora added in, "Like a week ago."

"Oh~! Congratulations! It's always nice to see young couples. Come in, come in."

"Let's go." I looked at Nora and she grinned while nodding.

The interior was nicely decorated, the place was not very big but anyone could see it was successful. The hard work on Enri paid off.

Enri brought us the infamous soup along with complementary stuffed meat bread.

"Mmmmm!" Nora ate some, "It really is great!!" She turned around and gave Enri a thumbs up. Enri smiled in return.

We ate slowly, enjoying our time there.

Then when we left Nora asked me something.



"There's something on your face."

"Something on my face?" I put my hand around my mouth wondering if some food got stuck there but Nora chuckled.

"Not that! I mean you look, sort of disturbed."

"Oh…" I gave her a wry smile, "You noticed…"

"Of course I did. What's wrong?"

"I was wondering what happened to my mother's body. The slums that were here no longer exist. I wonder if anyone buried her…" I sighed.

"I see…"

"I also wonder if the grave I made for Maya in the forest is still there. I was thinking of going to see it."

"Can I come along?" I looked at her, "I want to pay my respects."

"Sure. If the grave is still there." I smiled

She intertwined her fingers with mine, "I'm sure it is."

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