
Chapter 181: The spiritual meeting and the entry

While we walked towards the forest there were many things that popped in my mind. Many questions, many worries, countless doubts that were making me anxious. I kept thinking what if Maya's grave was no longer there? It's been decades, someone could have destroyed it. Someone could have removed it to make something there. Maybe it was destroyed during some storm.

I had many things and worries in my mind but contrary to my expectations Maya's grave was still there. Under the huge boulder on which she died. I had made her grave in the hollow space under it to protect it from rain and storms but it wasn't just that. Something else was there that left me quite surprised.

What astonished me more was that it wasn't the only grave there.

Some kind soul had made my mother's grave right next to Maya's. I had no idea who it was but the only people I could think of who could have done something like this were the people from the slums.

As much as it pained me to see the two tombstones, I found peace in the fact that I got to see them again and that they were together.

It was comforting to know that someone was kind enough not to leave my mother un-buried and generous enough to build her a grave right next to her daughter.

Nora and I both sat down in a praying position and paid our respects to them. We Prayed for them silently and left them some flowers.

As we were about to leave I looked at the graves again and spoke, "I'll come visit more often. I'm back home now."


2 days later when we came back to the rest house Hugh was there waiting for me.

We all went to my room to talk.

"Tomorrow. At 10 am your father and brother will be addressing everyone from their tribe. All the guard will be there too. I just came to tell you that. Whatever you plan to do, you're on your own. Father does not plan to go against you but he has no plans of helping you either."

"I know. I'll win on my own."

He nodded and left.

"What do you plan to do?" Nora asked.

"You know. The biggest point I have in all this is that I'm not an outsider." I smiled, "I'm my father's son too and getting the head seat won't be much of an effort."

"We should tell the others."

"Yea, I have something in my mind too."


I was outside the mansion gate sharp at 10 am, alone. I didn't bring anyone with me to the mansion.

Talking to my father was my job alone.

The passenger gate was opened for me by Hugh who quietly let me in and then disappeared.

I walked to the back of the mansion where a stage was built to address people.

Father stood on the stage, I recognized him immediately even though he had aged and gotten weaker. Standing next to him must be his son Rama. His looks resembled his mother a lot. The woman who stood behind them. A few guards were stationed all around the stage for their protection.

Rama was giving his speech to the guards and the people under the tribe. No doubt it was well written but there was no point in it since anyone could easily tell he had it all memorized and was speaking what was written for him.

"I want you all to believe in me once more." He concluded his speech, "I'll set everything right!"

There was no response from the crowd, all of them just stood there in disappointment and since no one was saying anything, I decided to speak, "No one believes you!"

Every single person in the crowd turned their attention to me and I smirked.

Rama was taken a back while father looked at me suspiciously, "What makes you think that?" Rama asked.

"It's not just me, everyone thinks that. You've failed all these people all many times." I answered

"How can you say that?! I'm trying my best."

"Somethings just aren't cut out for some people. Leading people isn't yours." I said in a pretty stern voice.

"Boy!" Father spoke, "You're being very insolent. He's the next head of the Hound tribe."

"So?" I raised my eyebrows at him, "Just because he's the heir in line doesn't mean he should just get away with a few words while he can't do anything properly."

I noticed my step-mother say something to one of the guards but it didn't bother me. I planned this well.

"What makes you think I can't do this!!" Rama yelled.

"Look at the people!! They're suffering because of your decisions and can't even speak up because of the stupid system!"

"Who are you to say!! You aren't from here are you!! An outsider has no right to say anything!!"

"That's right boy!" Step-mother came forward, "I've never seen your face here. I don't know how you got in but leave! Or I'll make you leave." She looked at her husband and my father ordered the guard.

"Lady. What makes you think you've never seen me before?!" I looked at Rama, "What makes you think I'm an outsider?!"

"Guards!" My father ordered, "Get the boy out of here." Two other guards left their post to come to me but like the first one, they won't make it to me.

"Now that someone is raising a point and an issue, you want to get rid of him? That's very like you. No wonders the tribe is failing."

"Shut up boy!! Who do you think you are!!??"

I laughed, "You can't even recognize me?! How disappointing."

"I don't know anyone like you!!"

"Of course!! You forgot about me, my mother and my sister the day you threw us out of the mansion!!!" He paused, "Maybe you still can't remember me. So let me introduce myself again, 'father.'" I smirked, "It's me, your first born son, Caesar Hound."

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