
Chapter 182: A new ruler

The three people on the stage were dumb struck, that was expected but many people around me were shocked too. Well, many of the older people must remember me since I often went to the city and visited places as a boy.

They began to whisper among themselves.

"This boy is spouting nonsense!!" Step mother was the first one to react, "Guards!" She looked behind her, "What are you doing!!" The three guards that were supposed to be behind her were no longer there. She had sent them to get me herself but none of them reached me.

"There's no use denying it step mother. You and your son, both are toxic to the tribe."

"Shut up boy! Caesar Hound died years ago!" She yelled back and looked at the guards on her side who came into action.

"T-That's right!! Caesar Hound is dead!" Rama said and I could see he was an idiot who only believed what his mother told him.

Now the thing was, I was in the middle of the crowd and the stage they were standing on was high and had two stairs at the back that the guards were using while the stairs on the front were blacked.. So all the guards had to go around if they wanted to get to me but when they did go around they never reached me.

"What makes you think I died years ago step mother- Oh wait! You ordered the guards to kill me." I snickered, "Too bad I escaped huh?"

Father looked at his wife, "You ordered the guards to kill them?"

"No! The boy is lying dear!" She replied.

"Then answer me step-mother." I folded my arms, "What makes you say I died?"

I could see the anger rising to her face, "Guards! What are you doing!!" She looked around, she had sent six of her nine guards but none of them reached me. It was then she realized something was wrong, "You! She pointed at me. What are you doing!!?"

"What do you mean?" I shrugged, "I'm just standing here talking to you guys." Father was still in a state of dilemma. He wasn't sure what was happening.

"You have no proof that you're my older brother!!" Rama yelled.

"Well you don't really have any proof that I'm not." I sighed, "Seriously, I wouldn't have come back if you were doing a good job and your people were happy but when I learned about all the mess you're making it just made me sad." I looked around at the people, "You don't want Rama as the head right? Even my father did a better job at what he did-" I looked at him, "But he's no longer fit to rule. Is he?"

He glared at me, "Why are you here boy?"

"Why? I'm here to take what's mine and to give my people a better life." I glared back at him then I looked at the people again, "All the people under the Hound tribe. If you want a better life! Stand up for yourself. Voice yourself!! I'll support each and everyone of you!" My voice was firm and I stood strong.

"Don't listen to him! For all we know he could be an imposter wanting to bring the tribe to ruin!!" Step mother spoke.

"Yes!! Don't be deceived by him."

I laughed,then raised my index finger up "Firstly, I'm not an imposter." Then I raised my second finger up,"Even if I was, I don't have any need of bringing the tribe to ruin, you've already accomplished that Rama."

Some of the people snickered at him.

Then I heard some call my name.

"Caesar!" Then a few more voices added in and right the next moment the whole crowd was yelling my name.

"Caesar!! Caesar!! Caesar!!" They then paved a way for me that reached the stage and I walked on it, jumped through the stopper blocking the stairs and walked up.

"Give up. Let's end this without violence."

Step mother looked at Rama and nodded. Rama being an idiot he took out his gun he was hiding under his shirt and shot me.

His attempt failed, his bullet was deflected by another bullet that was fired by one of the guards stationed around the place. They were hidden nicely but still had a whole view of the area.

The crowd grew silent at the scene.

His action infuriated father the most and he stomped his way to him and slapped him hard.

"You fool!"

Step mother came running to them, "Dear! He didn't do anything wrong! He was only getting rid of the imposter!"

"You!" Father pointed at her, "Shut your mouth! It's all your fault Rama turned out to be a failure!"

He then looked at me, "And you!! Prove it! Prove that you are my son."

I smirked, "How would you like me to do that?"

"Tell me where your mother is? Is she alive?"

"You don't deserve to know that." I scoffed, "Plus, answering that won't prove my identity." He glared at me and I sighed, "If you really want something as proof." I looked at the person behind him and opened my hand.

Nora walked to me from behind my father and it startled him.

How did she get there?

He looked behind him and the three guards there were as shocked as him and I couldn't help but smile.

She handed me the bag and I took out the sword from it, "Here." I told my father, "Your proof." The moment he laid his eyes on the sword his face went pale.

Step mother had an even worse reaction.

This heirloom was the most solid proof I could ever give.

Father looked at me wide-eyes, "You, you really are him…"

"Dear! That sword! He could have stolen-"

"Shut up!!!" He yelled at her, "It was all your fault I had to lose him to begin with!" He looked at me again and I gave him a smile, "Do you really intend to take over?"

"Of course I do."

"You think it's that easy?"

"Yes I do."

He scoffed, "You stand in front of me, all alone and you think it's easy."

"Father. I'm the only one standing IN FRONT of you." I looked at the sky and set my hair towards the back with my hand as a sign, "Everyone is looking at us so one's noticed but I'll let you know how easy this win is for me." I looked at the people and the lines of Hound guards, "Look at them and tell me what you see."

In a fit of anger, he turned his head towards them, at first he didn't see it, "What are you even-" Then his eyes spotted the red dots on each and everyone of his soldiers, "..." He looked back at me and I gave him another smile.

"Give up. Let's not retort to violence."

"What do you want."

"You already know that."

He turned towards the people, took a deep breath and spoke, "That sword he brought along is proof that this is my real son!"

It was nice seeing the face of my stepmother turn pale as she muttered stuff under her breath.

"And I can see he's more capable than Rama."


At that point I stopped my father and gestured Rauf to come on the stage. We still had one more point that needed to be cleared.

"I'd like to make one thing clear." Rauf came and stood by my side while I pointed at my step mother, "You see, this lady here falsely accused my mother and had her kicked out." I looked at the people, "Today I'll prove her innocence." I looked at Rauf, "They said she was with you that night." My father was astounded by my action and stared at me wide-eyed while I continued, "Is that true?" I asked Rauf.

"No." Rauf answered, "She came to deliver the medicine early in the morning and was helping me out because I was so sick I couldn't even sit up myself." He looked at my step mother, "This woman framed her just so she could have what she wanted. Malika was the most innocent woman I had ever known in my life."

Father glared at his wife, "They're lying!" She defended herself, "If she was innocent why didn't you stand up for her then!!" She fumed.

"As I said that day I was very sick. I had no idea how in a matter of hours you had her thrown out I would have." He sighed, "When I did find out I was making my way to your office." He looked at my father, "But this woman interrupted me and said that there was no point in doing that and if I tried he would have her and the kids killed. I had no idea she had already attempted that." Father's face went pale and he staggered but was helped by a guard.

"Well, that concludes that story and now a word from my father." I looked at him and he steadied himself then stepped forward.

"So on this day! My first born son will be taking over as the new head of the tribe!"

The people cheered. They were actually happy that someone had stepped in for them. One could see how desperate they were for a change, so much that they were ready to accept me as a leader even though the majority had no idea if I really was my father's son.

I took a few steps ahead to address my people, "I won't give you a useless speech, just watch me change things."

The people cheered even louder.

Today was marked as the day that was the beginning of a big change.

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