
Chapter 46: fourty six

I watched the CCTV footage. It showed how Rosalie was running away from not one but three men.

My only consolation at this point was that none of them really caught her and she managed to slip away.

But then what? She successfully managed to get out of the hotel, even the street, after that I have no idea what happened to her.

I have my men on outlook for her, but this doesn't make sense.

Why would they come after her? If they come after Summer it's understandable, she's a child, easy to kidnap but not Rosalie. She's an adult.

It would make sense if someone wants to kill her because of Lizzie.

I looked over at the person sitting on the other side of the kitchen counter.

But then again, their target should be Alios who seems perfectly fine.



"Are you sure no one came for you?"

He shook his head, "No one at all." I sighed, "Lex?"


"Do you think it's a personal grudge?"

I nodded, "That's all I can conclude for now. That offender, what was his name again?"


"From what I got from the police he has a personality disorder and severe case of obsessive-compulsive disorder and psychosis. I don't know what's going through his mind but he had his eyes set on her." I didn't realize how hard I was clenching my fists till Alios put his hands on them.

"You've dug in your nails really bad."

"Ah..." I didn't notice, "It's probably because he's a patient, he wants what he wants."

"So? How did he get out?"

"In the human trafficking league is his highly obsessed mother, she paid someone off to let him out in the night."

"Wow. The police sure are useless."

"When you truly need them." He nodded.

"But wow, you sure have a lot of information, did you really get all these connections just so that you could find Rosy?"

"Why else would I need them?"

"I think your obsession is greater." He whispered as he shook his head but I heard that.

"This is annoying. If he's a patient. Send him to a hospital not to do your dirty deeds."

"You said his mother is obsessive?"

"He's her only child and she refuses to believe something is wrong with him."

"Well, explains why he's roaming everywhere."

My phone rang and I picked it up immediately. It was Nathan, he's one of the best I have.

"I think we found her."

"Is she safe?"

"She's fine, for now. No one caught her and she managed to slip away."

"Send me her location."

"Already did. Are you going to get her yourself."

"Obviously." I hung up and stood up from the chair.

"Did they find her?" Alios asked.

"Yeah. She's fine for now."

He took a breath of relief. I didn't notice it before because he looked calm but I guess he was worried about her. After his mother's death, Rosalie is her only family, even though not related by blood, they are one. Well family is made by bonds not blood.

I patted his head, "I'll definitely bring her back."


I walked by the side of the boxing ring and went to the changing room, straight to my locker.

I opened it up but the thing I was looking for wasn't there.

"Looking for this?" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around and saw Arius leaning against another locker. My gun, the one I was looking for, in his hand.

"Hand me the gun Arius."

"Are you that angry? Huh~" He grinned, "You going to kill someone eh?"

"Well why not? I'll crush anyone who even tries to harm her."

"Wow~ You're whipped. In a bad way."

"Hand me the gun."

"Veronica will be sad if she finds out you killed someone again."

"The gun."

"Fine." His expression sterned, "But how will you handle the aftermath? The person you kill may not matter as an individual to the league, neither does his mother but they still are a part of it. It will just land you in more trouble."

"If I kill him, you can just cover for me, can't you?" I smirked.

He looked at me in silence for a moment then began laughing, "Amazing how one person can make you do the cruelest of things. That girl is making you do something that had such a negative impact on you. You completely lost it when you shot your father but now you're willing to do it on your own." He breathed out, "Fine then." He threw me my gun, "But I have something to propose first."


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