
Chapter 47: fourty seven


I was roaming around the hotel before going to get groceries. After deciding I had roamed around enough I made my way to the grocery market.

Lost in my thoughts I bumped into someone, the phone in my hand slipped and landed on the floor.

"Oh Sorry." The man who had bumped into me spoke and I felt a chill. Slowly I looked up and it felt like someone pulled away from the floor underneath my feet.

It was Joey. Grinning at me with his hideous smile.

I stepped back and instinctively ran to the opposite side.

I need to get back to the penthouse.

Well, that was my intention but my path to the elevator was blocked by two other men in complete black, their mouths covered with a face mask.

Why the hell did they let them in? Come on! Don't these people look suspicious to anyone?

Panicking, I took the third route. Down the escalator, they followed me. All three of them came from different directions.

My first thought was to run to the security but a thought struck me. Joey could have easily kidnapped me but he didn't. He chose to intimidate me. Why?

I looked back at them. They had weapons. I couldn't tell what but the thought that they might kill anyone scared me and my only option was to run out of the hotel.

They were toying with me but I can just outrun them and call the cops when I'm at a safer place.

So I did that, although I did notice that no guard was there at the entrance but I didn't have the time to stop and think why?

I ran through crowded places to lose them. Through bazaars to confuse them.

And I finally managed to get out of sight. I sat down in a dark alley to catch my breath. I'd been moving for hours.

I should call the cops. I reached for my phone. Then, my eyes went wide.

I didn't pick it back up when it fell in the hotel. Great. I'm positive I was born dumb.

Even Alios says I can't remember stuff he does.

What should I do now?

Well, Lexus will notice something wrong when he sees I didn't return home at night.

I sighed and looked at the darkening sky. I should go and find someplace I can spend the night.

I hopped off the box I was sitting on and began walking. The place seemed familiar, had I been here before? In this area?

I can't remember. I don't even know how far I ran from the hotel. Yet my only option right now is to avoid trouble.

As night loomed over me I came across a street that felt even more familiar.

What's this feeling of Déjà vu?

An abandoned house across the street caught my attention and I came to a halt.

An intense sense of nostalgia hit me and I felt goosebumps looking at the building. At first, I couldn't understand why I was feeling that way but a closer look at the building made me remember some pieces.

Oh my… I remember. I remember this place. This is where I lived before Lizzie took me and Alios with her!

I crossed the street. It was pretty much empty since it was past midnight.

As I got closer the nostalgic feeling kept getting stronger. Although the building hadn't been used in years and was full of dust and was worn down, it was recognizable.

I walked up the porch stairs and turned the door knob. It was open, so I decided that this was where I was gonna spend the night.

I was expecting it to be full of webs and with tons of dust but contrary to my expectations it was cleaner. There was dust, yes, but no sign of spiders or even webs at that. Maybe someone moved out recently?

The place was a decent size for a family. It had a big lounge, a nice kitchen. Three bedrooms on the first floor and two bedrooms on the second floor with one bathroom on each floor. There was a music room next to the lounge as well.

I don't know why but along with that nostalgic feeling I felt calmer.

Feeling a bit drowsy and tired from the day's events I made my way into one of the bedrooms where I found a couch.

The rest of the house was pretty much empty. There was a piano in the music room, a couch in one bedroom. A table set in the kitchen. That's all.

Tired out of my wits, I dropped on the dust-filled couch and fell asleep immediately.


Loud thuds woke me up from my sleep. I sat up immediately and looked around. It was still early. The sun was barely up.

Or so that was what I thought, but the rumbling of clouds made me realize that I was wrong.

The loud banging continued. Someone was trying to break in through the main door. I didn't waste any time and made my way to the back of the house. It didn't have any other doors, only one that lead you in. But there were big aluminum windows that led to the forest behind it.

I was still trying to open it when I heard the front door break open.

I panicked. Using all my strength I somehow managed to open it enough that I could squeeze myself through but pulled my arms muscle in the process.

Still, as I just managed to get halfway through the window, the door to the bedroom burst open, revealing one of Joey's subordinates. I quickened my pace but he caught my ankle. I tried kicking him with all my strength and his hands slipped but his long nails scratched me deeply. Not giving up, he held my shoe tighter but I had no intention of giving up either. I gave him one final kick and he fell back, my foot slipped out of my shoe, I stumbled back a bit but turned to run without it.

Unfortunately, Joey was already outside, he saw me land on the back veranda and dashed towards me.

I jumped down on the grass field and ran to the forest. My ankle was irritating me but it didn't halt my movement.

Joey was tall. His legs were long and it was easy for him to catch up.

Scared, I closed my eyes and dashed straight ahead.

Thunder rumbled in the dark sky and then I heard gunshots. My heart dropped but I didn't stop running.

Then my heart almost leapt through my chest when someone managed to grab me. He pulled me to the side and placed his hand over my mouth.

Instinctively, I pushed against him, screaming at him to let me go in a muffled voice.

But it was no use.

He was too strong.

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