Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 29


I got to the turnoff for the broken road that ran alongside the canyon. Something was different already, there was a hint of humidity in the air. I could sense an uptick in the mana flowing around us.

Hmm, had the changes we made already...

"I had forgotten to check in with Meadran, I'm such a dumbass." I almost facepalmed but the cruddy road required both hands.

'Meadran, can you head me?' I hoped everything was alright.

'Young One! We were starting to worry.' A sense of relief.

'I'm sorry, I let events get to me. Night City is a terrible place. I don't know how much can be saved.' I tried to share my impressions of that cesspit.

'I have faith you will find a way.' The sense of time passing, roots growing deep.

'I'll be back to base very soon, and after a nap we can go over everything in more detail.'

'We await your return.'

It didn't take long to get to the damaged bridge. I had to stop.

There were two new gouges in the earth. I got out to inspect them. These troughs were smooth walled and several feet deep. Small streams flowed through them, each of them radiating the distinctive scent of mana and moon energy.

The outflow fell into the canyon below. One day it would became a lake or river, helping to spread our influence.

A path of cobbled stone ran between them. They really had done a lot of work.

I took the time to park the Galena and the Van behind an outcrop closer to the mountain.

I left Fix and Scuff to dig out emplacements for a couple of Photon Cannons. I didn't want anyone to steal my wheels. Cheap though they might have been, they would be great for figuring out how different mechanics function here.

As they got to work, I trudged up the slope. The feel of moisture and more importantly mana in the air was already working wonders for my troubled heart.

How often would I have to make this trip? Eventually, I would have access to Carriers then I could travel the skies in style. But not yet.

The cave that lead through the mountain was now flanked. Not only by two brass grated outflow channels, but by a pair of Photon Cannons as well. A Pylon was imbedded into the rock above the entrance. I noticed the Psifield had strengthen. Good everything should be safer. I was looking forward to all the changes that Meadran and Alina had made.

Work had been done in the caves, many of the side passages had been expanded. Likely for mining, I pondered what goodies they might have found.

Once I exited the cave, I received even more of a shock. Meadran had nearly doubled in size.

I paused to take in the view. His purple foliage a magnificent sight. He already seemed as large as any tree I had ever seen. How much further would he grow?

A Moon Well with a Pylon over it was to my Left. It's mana infused water flowed down slope into a now much larger pond. The water shimmered in the daylight, it's own light subdued until nighttime.

Pylon and Cannons now ringed the Valley. The crowns of many new trees caught my attention as well. Red leaves, gold leaves, blue and purple leaves where everywhere now. Even trees with leaves of green. Now this was a forested Valley.

I loved it. It was new fresh life. The air was so clean. Each breath was a shot of peace. So refreshing after the stale stagnant atmosphere of Night City.

Soon it would spill forth from this Valley and bring hope to this world. Where metal had stolen the souls of people, I would bring healing.

I began my descent towards the pond.

'Alina report on status.'

'Executor, status crystal. All standard buildings have been built. Exceptions, the Starport and Fleet Beacons. Unit production other than Probes awaits your commands.'

'Excellent, Alina. Continue research. Await further instructions.'

'By your command, Executor.'


When I reached the new western bridge to Meadran's Island I was both energized and exhausted. I stooped down to take a sip from the stream. Crisp, clean and cool water, the tingle of mana adding an amusing touch. One sip became three and three became many. So good. My dry throat felt healed.

I saw a red leaf tree nearby, silver apple-like fruit already ripe hanging from it's branches. My stomach growled. Oh, now I had to try one.

The tree seemed to lean towards me as if to offer the fruit to me. I was probably imagining it, since it didn't appear to be a treant like Meadran.

"Thank you." Because it never hurts to be polite even to a tree.

The first bite was bliss. The skin crisp, the flesh slightly firm with a snap to it. The texture delightful, not anywhere near as gritty as apples can be. The flavor...a medley of different fruits both sweet and acidic, a touch of cinnamon and clove. Was that molasses, yes it was.

"So tasty." I groaned. Best thing I had eaten, maybe ever. The tree seemed to shiver. Strange there wasn't a breeze.

I felt so much better, just one awesome apple and I was full.

Finishing my trek, I stood before Meadran's now huge face.

'Young One, How like you the bounty of Life?'

"So far everything is great. Everything seems way ahead of schedule as well." My eyes drooped.

'I see the journey took some of your spirit, rest Young One. There with be plenty of time to talk tomorrow.' His mental voice was deeper now, it kind of echoed or reverberated.

I yawned, "I'll just lay down for a little while."

I was lost to the world as soon as my head hit the soft minty grass.

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