Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 30

The Sun sinks ever closer to the Horizon. I pray that when the velvety embrace of Night enfolds you, the wings of Sleep do visit you swiftly and intensely. May your Dreams be filled with the objects of your delights, and the secrets of your mysteries be reveled in enchanted visions.

I know not the peace of slumber. Hence, I shall keep watch upon the terrors of the World, so that you may seek repose without concern.


A bit more on the Litrpg side this time.

Have a great day folks.


My sleep was untroubled.

Awakening, however presented me with a problem. It's form was of the head of a large golden wolf using my stomach as a pillow. His noggin was very heavy.

I didn't get too upset though. I figured ear scratches would rouse him from slumber soon enough.

A few moments later his hind leg started beating a frantic rhythm. Hehe.

"Wake up, Lumiar. I have a city to burn." I said it in a sing song voice. Worked for the Mongols, didn't it.

His head arose as he shifted to gaze at me. "Are you really going to burn the city down?" He expressed doubt in his tone.

"Some of it, absolutely! I probably try to help other parts." I chuckled, "We'll see I guess."

I manage to fight my way to a standing wobble. Which I transformed into a full body stretch. "Ah."

Lumi promptly went back to sleep. I snorted at him.

I waddled over to a stream inlet to get a drink of water. Refreshing and invigorating.

I would have drank from the pond, but miraculously I noticed fish swimming a bout in there. I don't care how magical it is I'm not drinking water fish have pooped in. At least not without boiling it, and running it through a filter.

Also, now that I was watching the fish I spotted algae and water plants. Amazing, we have given rise to life.

I checked my interface, 10:30 AM the next day. Whew I slept good.

'How are you this morning, Meadran?'

'I am well, Young One. The mana fills the air and the water and soon the land shall be infused. Life shall be renewed.' He was happy. That warmed my heart.

'Anything need tending? We have any pressing issues to resolve?'

'For the base no, I can handle the expansion for now. You however have experience overflowing. You need to level and gain the boons therein.' Meadran talked me through the process.


[ Tree of Life Meadran is connected to the Great Tree Network.


Choose Class

Raise Level

Create Wisp ]


I selected Raise Level.


[ Current XP: 3456

Raising a level costs 1000 XP

Raise Level? Y/N ]


I selected 'Y'.


[ Druid of Renewal has reached Level 2

You have gained spell, Growth

You have gained spell, Entangle

You have gained +2 Spirit

You have gained +1 Will

You have gained +2 Free Points ]


That was a jolt, constant pulses of energy burning through my body and mind.

'Should I do it again, Meadran?' Shaken the remnants of the odd pulses off.

'Yes, once more.'


[ Druid of Renewal has reached Level 3

You have gained spell, Cleanse

You have gained +2 Spirit

You have gained +1 Will

You have gained +2 Free Points ]


While not quite as intense, the pulses were still distracting.

My BTC shivered,


[ Adjusting...]

[ For reaching Level 3 the Company Awards you,

1 Prismatic Wisp. ]


A huge Wisp appeared shimmering. While mostly just bright white, it danced with specks of every color trailing behind it.

'While there are many buildings this spirit might create for you, the best option at this time would be the Company Store.'

Alright. Meadran hadn't lead me wrong yet. I gave the order.

The Wisp floated to a spot halfway between the pond and the Nexus, and just became a building. That fast.

The Company Store, shifted and changed from one moment to the next. Not just the shape, but the very nature of it's material. After watching it long enough to have to blink away tears, the only constant seemed to be volume. though who could really say.

'You need to touch it to connect it to the network. Then proceed to the Nexus and choose a class from the options there.'

Another class? I barely understood anything about the class I have.

Again, trust is what pushed me forward.

I touched the crazy building.


[ Adjusting...

[ Connecting Company Store to Great Tree Network ]

[ You now have access to The Quest System. ]

[ Company Store Options




Heroes ]


Great. More things I don't understand. No, calm down. I could figure this out.

Items was a list of items I could buy for Company Points. Mostly weapons like staves and armor like my old robes. There were potions and components as well.

Units had a list of special Probes and Wisps I could buy for Company Points. A Prismatic Wisp cost 100,000 CPoints.

Yeah, maybe I'll check this out later.

Time to march up to the Nexus.


I went through the same motions at the Nexus.


[ You have selected Choose Class

This will cost 1000 XP

Choose Class Y/N ]

[ Class Options.

Please note you may change your Class in certain circumstances.

You may also Multiclass. ]

[ Templar of Mental Healing

+2 to Will

+1 to Spirit

+2 to Psi Resonance

A Templar of Mental Healing soothes minds and bolsters wills. Removing Corrupting Influences.

Starting Psi Technique: Calm the Troubled Heart, Cloud Mind ]

[ Khalai Phase-Smith

+3 to Tech

+2 to Psi Resonance

A Phase-Smith studies and improves PsiTechnology

Starting Psi Technique: Study, Implement ]

[ Warp-Smith

+3 to Psi Resonance

+2 to Tech

Changes and Coverts materials. Summon and Repair Units.

Starting Psi Technique: Convert, Repair ]


Okay. The Templar wasn't even in the running. The smith classes sounded like they would allow me to understand Khalai tech. Make improvements or maybe adapt human tech to work with Psi energy.

But which one to take. I had a strong sense there was some overlap. The Phase Smith sounded more academic, and I needed to be able to convert materials more that improving the already impressive Khalai Tech.

Warp-Smith it was.

The energy this time was super intrusive. It was imparting knowledge. Knowledge of schematics and techniques. Which would have been great, but I was human and now my head was being stuffed with highly advanced knowledge. It felt like my head was about to fly apart.


I thought I had a solution. Free points could be spent on stats.

I needed a bigger brain right? Maybe, Intelligence would work instead.

In desperation I put in a point, and ever so slightly things started to adjust. Another point and I felt my thoughts clear, a third point and I could breath once more.

I went ahead and spent the last free point. My thoughts were clearer than they had ever been.


I'd have to go over my new class when I didn't feel like I was about to have a heart attack.


[ Name: Ryan Crestwood

Class: Druid of Renewal / Warp-Smith

Level: 3 / 1

XP: 456

Race: Human (Terra 213,451)

Stats - Body: 5 / Reflex: 4 / Tech: 8 (+1 Modifier) / Intelligence: 7 / Cool: 3 / Will: 6 / Spirit: 14 (+2 Modifier) / Psi Resonance: 3

Abilities - Sense Mana / Ley Line Sight / Shape Mana

Skills - Rituals: 2 / Concentration: 2 / Firearms: 2

Spells - Regrowth: 3 / Blessing of Nordrassil: 1

Psi Techniques - Convert: 1 / Repair: 1

Free Points: 0 / Company Points: 1000 / Tree Points: 57

Weapon: Omaha, Damage: 8

Armor: Trench Coat, Armor: 3 / Armored Vest, Armor: 4 ]


Well, I seemed to be growing, but was it in the right direction?



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