Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 2: Olympia.

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Chapter 2: Olympia. 

(Angel P.O.V)

Soon after realizing I had powers, I knew that I had to train them to the furthest heights they could reach.

They were my ticket to getting noticed by my father. And say what you will, but I wanted to impress the man.

Maybe because even then, Olympia had emphasized to me the benefits of being in the graces of the Immortal.

Riches. Women. A purpose.

Not exactly things to promise a toddler but my new family is cool that way.

Coincidentally, it was everything I had lacked in my past life.

And so every night, right after discovering the Interface, I dedicated a few hours to simply trying to access my abilities.

It took a while.

A month passed before I could even sense the strange energy within me.

But once I did, everything became easier.

The energy itself was segregated into two parts of my body. The right side was hot and the left was ice cold.

It wasn't lost to me how similar my abilities were to Todoroki, one of my favorite characters from my last life. And I wasn't ashamed to plagiarize his move sets.

In fact for all intents and purposes, I was determined to train my duo-ability in the same way he did his.

Few people possessed such fine manipulation over their quirks as he did.

If I could get to the level I could use both abilities at the same time then my combat ability would shoot up.

Maybe that would finally show Father how useful I could be. Maybe then he would come by often.

Okay. Let's do it then. I give myself a deadline of 8 years.

Wait, I'm 3 so that would make me 11. Almost a decade to have mastered both Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis.

I also need to figure out something about this:

[Metagene: N/A]

and this:

[Race: Metahuman/Homo Magi]

I wasn't human. At least not fully. Maybe a quarter? It was obvious the Meta gene came from Vandal Savage.

That would mean my biological mother was a homo-magi. Meaning she was a magician like Zatara and Zatanna.

Homo-magi came in many magical disciplines. If I remember from my dc material, there were those who could use magic indirectly through artefacts and there were those Homo Magi who could use magic directly.

I don't know about the former, but I could easily categorize the Zatara family as the latter.

So if my metahuman gene was yet to awaken, it would mean that my pyro and cryo abilities were a result of my...homo magi bloodline.

But what kind of magus bloodline gave two differing Elemental magics?

Maybe I was thinking too much into it. I needed to master what I had before thinking about my metagene.

The mystery about my mother's bloodline could wait until I was older.

"...and so, Vandal Savage then known as Madukk-"

Olympia trailed off and a second later, the ruler that was in her hand smacked onto my forehead.


I rubbed the spot while glaring at her.

"What did you do that for?"

"You weren't paying attention."

She chided, her lips set in a thin line. She had taken to wearing glasses- making her seem even sterner than she normally was.

"Should I have you write an essay on Father's 1000 BC exploits?"

"Oh god no."

I immediately shook my head. Even for a uber fanboy like me-the deep strategic philosophy involved in father's machinations in the Assyrian army at that time was too much.

"I'll pay attention sis."

Olympia stared at me for 3 seconds, (I knew she hated being called sis) before she went back to her lecture.

Knowing that aggravating her would only lead to more punishment,I did my best to listen.

At least with a half mind. The other half was still on my powers.

It had been a few weeks since I started sensing them. Now the only thing that remained was to call upon the fire and ice.

And tonight, after everyone in the mansion goes to sleep, I was going to get started on that.


Dinner was great. Lots of meat and chicken. The good stuff.


As soon as the door to my bedroom closed, I waited for 20 minutes, before ensuring that Olympia was sound asleep on the chair in the hallway.

She usually waited outside my door for an hour or so, reading some books on father's achievements. I could sort of sense her heat signature through the wall.

That was about the only pseudo-ability I had come up with following the weeks I'd had my abilities.

I started it out by slowly moving around the heat mana from my right lung, to my right hand down my hip to my right lung in a cyclical fashion.

At the same time, the cold mana on the right side of my body adopted an automatic reverse motion to the heat mana. The cold energy going down to my hip, up to my left hand, then to my left lung.

Whenever that happened, both energies would converge in the middle of my chest and clash.

As a result, I would release a breath of both hot and cold steam from my mouth.

It was a zen state of heat and icy where I could sense the surrounding temperatures.

Progress was slow because I couldn't project any of the mana out, only manipulate or rather regulate my own temperature.

But...this morning during my practice, I'd managed to create the barest of flames above my hand.

And on the left side of my body, my fingers were encased in a sheet of ice.

It had felt...powerful!

Incredible even.

The only thing that had broken me out of the trance was the morning maid bringing me my breakfast.

Olympia usually joined me in my quarters with the morning plan, so I couldn't exactly keep on practicing.

My abilities were a secret. I would only reveal them to Father after achieving some control.

But after a long day of needed progress, I was finally FREE.

I couldn't wait a second longer after Olympia slept, leaping out of my sheets and onto the floor of my bedroom.

I quietly sneaked towards the balcony doors and silently turned the handle(I had to jump up a few times due to my height but I

managed it), before neatly closing them behind me.

Good. I was out.

My father's estate was spread out before me. A verdant open field perfect for horse riding, surrounded by plots of fruit gardens and plantains.

A few acres on the outskirts was the beginnings of a rain forest that stretched as far as the eye could see.

The whole property was his. And according to Olympia we were somewhere in South America. Oh did I mention that Father also owns like 90% of all drug operations in the world?

He's top of the distribution chain.

Anyway, out here, I wouldn't be disturbed. Out here, I could manifest the true power of Icyhot.

Just like always, I settled into a lotus position, falling into the opposing cycles of both my abilities.

My chest inflated with heat and ice silmuteneosly. And then deflated with a funnel of steam and mist passing through my lips.

The power...was OVERWHELMING.

(General P.O.V)


Children were supposed to obey their parents.

That was the lesson her mother taught her.

And when she died...her father reinforced that lesson the only way he knew how. Power.

He showed her the heights of his power. The Glory of Savageness. His immense unmatched wisdom. And above all, his brutality.

And Olympia submitted.

She was not forced.

It was not beaten into her.

She just compared him to every other man in history and found them...lacking.

After all, none of them had done what he had.

She was content being under her father's shadow.

What was the point in denying him?

Sure, Olympia had her own dreams and life she wanted to live but her fate was already laid out for her to walk.

And if that wasn't enough, then she would be satisfied with removing him from his raising his successor.


To her, Angel would be Savage's greatest success and failure. He would be her resentment made Power.

Which is why, when flames started leaking through her little brother's room and the temperatures were dramatically raised, her first thought was 'Fire' and the second was 'ANGEL!'

She threw the door open and stifled a yowl, only grunting as the flames leaked out and burned her hands.

Uncaring, she ripped off her burning top, leaving her in only her bra.

And despite being 57 years old, limber muscles filled her form- both an effect of training and other enhancements.

It only took a second for Olympia to gauge and gape at the the situation.

Angel's room was covered in both ice and fire. One side was an inferno that had melted the bed, sheets and drawer into a slag of metal and ash.

The other side was a frozen hellscape with ice crystals that not only covered the ceiling and swallowed the chandelier but had burst through the wall sticking out of the side of the mansion.

And through the now enlarged gouge that was the entry into the balcony, she saw Angel- suspended in mid air, his tiny body shrouded in a swirl of both heat and Ice.

And he was screaming in pain.

Olympia grit her teeth, jumping through the door in a bid to save her brother.


No sooner had she begun to say, when a startled Angel, in response to the yell looked her away.

Unfortunately the fire he was molding got out of his control and a heat flare passed through her, burning her skin, melting her flesh and leaving a blackened skeleton behind.

The flare up was so sudden that the air warped, heat in invisible waves, destroying the walls of the room.

An icy breeze passed through and the skeleton was frozen stiff, before half of it melted.

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