Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 3: No Power Without Control.

10 advance chapters on


(Angel's P.O.V)

At some point I started laughing.

The feeling of power. Of strength coursing through my body was euphoric.

The only thing I can compare it to is blowing a load. Only it doesn't wane.

Wondering what else I could do, I begun melding into the heat cycle before branching off into the cold cycle.

Internally of course.

On the outside, the flame I held above my right hand flared brighter, when I was focused on the cycle of heat, and dimmer, when I focused on the cycle of cold.

Quirks really were wondrous things. And if my abilities were adopting the same principle then it meant I could grow my fire to be hotter and ice to be colder to a terrifying degree.

It was like exercising a muscle.

And the more I meditated, lost in thought, the deeper I sank into it.


Only for a loud scream to cut through my focus.

And suddenly the haze cleared and I found myself in the middle of a clash of elements.

Half of my room was burning and the other half was frozen solid.

My initial shock unfortunately cost me more than I would have willingly paid that day.

Olympia. My sister. The closest thing I had to a mother in this world...

I killed her.

My powers did that.

I didn't notice the flames on my right side flare up. Nor did I even perceive the cries of the servants as the fire spread out into the rest of the mansion.


I sat up with a cry, sweat covering my body.

It took a second to calm down my racing heart. Olympia's terrified eyes flashed across my mind.

Letting out a shaky breath, I focused on something else. Like where I was for instance.

A brief look around the room I was in and I realized I had no idea. This wasn't my bedroom. Or any other room I knew in the mansion.

It was spacious with white walls and all sorts of medical equipment and machinery surrounding me.

I had a few tubes affixed to my wrists and I was dressed in a patient's gown while lying down on the bed. 

"You're finally up."

A deep voice reached my ears.

Surprised, I looked to the left and standing before an open window, staring out into the city was...


I spoke, struggling to keep the note of hope in my voice.

"You're here."

He was really here. But...

I looked down, suddenly recalling what had happened. 

"I...killed Olympia."

Somehow those words struggled to leave my mouth. I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes were beginning to tear up.

"I killed big sister..."

She had been there for me. Despite being cold and distant, it was obvious she had cared about me.

"She was weak."

Father replied.

It took a second to process his word. And then another second to grow angry at his words, the right side of my body- my arm and shoulder, flaring up with fire and burning the gown. 

"The weak die."

He added, no emotion in his voice.

"Olympia was family. But that couldn't exempt her from the shackles of weakness. You killed her..."

He stared at me over his shoulder, face impassive, eyes hard and cold.

"That means you're strong."

It was like a bucket of cold water being poured over my head. The flames died down. He was giving his approval...

Of course.

what else was I expecting from him?

He had lived for thousands of years. The number of people he'd lost. Family. Children. Wives. Friends.

To him Olympia was simply a statistic. A face among many. 

'She was inconsequential because she died. Proving her own weakness,' That was the gist of what he was saying.

What a cruel way to look at the world.

"Her funeral is tomorrow. Be ready when I arrive."

Savage said, before quietly leaving the room.

No words of comfort to his son. No reprimand for killing his daughter.

For the first time ever, I actually understood the kind of man my father was.


The hospital I had been taken to was actually...not a hospital at all. It was a lab in a city that I came to learn was Metropolis.

Yes. That METROPOLIS. I was a bit worried that Superman would come crashing through the ceiling or some other plot device but those worries seemed unfounded.

The lab had tight security and was nestled a few miles away from city proper.

There weren't many people about. Just scientists roaming the hallways and Guards that stood outside of every single door in the Floor I was in.

In other matters, my ability to sense the temperature seemed to have grown a bit stronger. My range had increased from a few meters to a few dozen ones.

The question as to why I even needed medical care in the first place was answered by one of those scientists.

Though wearing a green vest with a red tie, large rimmed glasses, a perpetually prideful smirk and just barely over 5 feet, the old man that introduced himself as Ivo, did not look like the other scientists.

Oh, and he also had a monkey on his shoulder.

"You suffered a few burns to the right side of your body. Nothing too bad. Just some second degree burns."

He explained, looking over my body while frowning.

"And yet without possessing your father's metagene...your body started healing on its own."

Okay. That is surprising. Todoroki's quirk couldn't do that.

"Mmmh. Maybe it's an effect of your mother's side of the family."

Ivo mused while rubbing his chin.

"There's so much we don't know about magic."

The monkey on his shoulder chattered.

"Yes yes number 03."

Ivo nodded at it.

"I should at least get a sample of blood. And hair too."

Oh hell no.

"Oi, old man. Aren't you supposed to ask for consent first?"

I raised my brows at him, trying to inject as much sternness I could and failing miserably.

My voice sounded like a kid's! Scratch that, it was a Kid's.

Fortunately, Ivo didn't find it amusing.

"Oh right, sorry little Savage."

The old man appeased, pulling out a lolipop from somewhere and handing it to me.


I hadn't had candy since coming to this world. I know, crazy right?

Well, Olympia had emphasized on a mostly healthy diet and meat. Lots and lots of meat.

Paired up with my own childish propensity for sweet things, and you can guess that I wanted the lolipop.

"Damn you old man."

I cursed him out loud, snatching it off his hands.

Ivo smirked at me from beneath the glasses.

I wasn't worried about the DNA samples he wanted from me. For starters, I was curious about my body as well.

And secondly, the fear of them creating clones of me was non-existent. Even if they succeeded, I was my Father's successor, the clones would one way or the other end up in my hands.

Soon after, the old man left, but not without me reminding him to send me the results of his findings.

Ivo was my only visitor that day. And for the rest of it, I was confined to my room up until Father came back the next day.


While meditating in a lotus position, I heard a loud VOOOOPPP sound as a vortex of golden color manifested right in the middle of the room.

A fire flickered above my hand. There wasn't much I could do with my child body but I wanted to be prepared incase it was an enemy.

Out of the vortex walked Father, holding a strange box like device in his hands.

"It's time. Follow me."

He ordered, before walking back through the vortex.


The funeral took place behind the mansion which was still a smoldering wreck.

A few of the servants had unfortunately been caught in the fire when my powers got out of control.

Including Olympia, the total number of casualties was 4.

I'd killed 4 people.

Involuntarily, my hands tightened into fists. Seeing the mansion- the symbol of my failure brought out negative feelings from me.

I'd never killed anyone before.

I felt a hand land on my shoulder. Looking up, I met Father's hard eyes.

"Do not disrespect your sister by crying boy."

I held his gaze for a few seconds before clenching my jaws and turning away.

This was my life now.

And if I was to be Vandal Savage's successor then I had to learn to let go.

"Remember this moment."

Father added quietly.

"This is a lesson your sister had to die to teach. Power without CONTROL is no power. It's a weakness."

He was right. I had to get on top of these abilities to ensure nothing like this ever happened again.

Father surprised me by bending down and grabbing a little of the soil on the ground.

Then he sprinkled it above Olympia's coffin.

"Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Rest well, daughter of mine."

Then we left.

All throughout the ceremony, there were only two people in attendance.

Him and I. 


Time skip coming up. 

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