Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chaptet 4: A Father’s Love.

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Chapter 4: A Father's Love.

(Angel's P.O.V)

My life took on a drastic change after Olympia's death.

The mansion was obviously unlivable now. So I was relocated to one of Father's other residences.

This one happened to be in Gotham city. Also on the outskirts and close to a swampy area that was on the mansion's back.

The region stireed a long forgotten memory within me but I couldn't for the life of me remember why.

Why Gotham? Well, when I asked my father that, the only answer I received was,

'Because I said so.'

I don't think he likes me that much.


We stepped out into a wide dining room. The chamber had the same luxurious decor as my last mansion but smaller.

To meet us as we came through the vortex, was a white haired butler with white gloves and 3 maids standing by his side

They bowed as soon as they saw us.

"Welcome Master."

The butler reverently greeted Savage and I.

"Mordecai. Is his room prepared?"

Savage enquired.

"Yes. Everything is as you desired. The young master shall want for nothing."

The butler stated, staring at me with a welcoming smile.

I couldn't help the snort that escaped me. That was one of the fakest smiles I'd ever seen.


Savage nodded.

"Feed and bathe him."

And then without a word to me, he turned around and entered the swirling portal which disappeared an instance later.

I was left staring at his empty position, incensed at the blatant disregard.

My stomach chose that time to rumble, announcing to all my hunger. Now that I think about it, the only thing I had had since yesterday was that candy.

I turned to face the staff. My staff now.

"Well, you heard the man. Feed me."

As if reading my mind, the butler and maids stepped aside to reveal the spread of meals on the dining table behind them.

Good. There's lots of meat.


(General P.O.V)

Savage sat before an ornate desk. There was a glass of liquor in one hand, while on the other he was holding a sheet of paper.

What was written on it was enough to make him frown.

He blinked, looking up from the documents.

"You're back."

A shadow in the corner of the room flactuated and a pale faced man wearing all black emerged from the depths.

"Yes. I found them."


A few hours later, after a heavy meal and a dip in the bathtub with one of the maids, (I had never been this close before to a mostly naked woman before. Her boobs were squished against my back. It was...enlightening), I went to sleep almost immediately.

The last two days had been mentally draining and all I wanted to do was forget everything and slip into a coma.

Luckily, that night I had no nightmares.

Unluckily, something else did happen.

While rolling around in my new bed, I never felt my body slip through my own shadow.

I fell through it before slamming onto a cold hard ground.

It took a second to realize what had happened. By which point I was blinking groggily at my surroundings.

The only thing apparent was that it was dark.

Wait. There's something behind me.

My whole body froze as fear begun to course through my system

"Get up boy."

Father's gruff voice reached me, sending shivers across my form due to the hard note in his voice.

Without thinking, I pulled on my pyrokinesis, igniting the right side of my body in flames while jumping to my feet.

The light from the fire lit up the chamber and I finally got a clear picture of where I was.

It was a large warehouse that looked mostly abandoned, save for the crates and a few trucks packed closer to the entrance.

A little moonlight pierced through the rafters on the ceiling and the warehouse itself had a small compartment that looked like an office to our back.

Before me was my father. But the calm, collected and cruel man was nowhere to be seen.

Right now he was shirtless, revealing a torso and midsection covered in scars and in his hands, he was holding onto two sharp looking swords.

Usually he carried a short sword strapped to his hips, so seeing him with two was...strange.

It instantly set me on guard. Especially with the murderous expression on his face.

"You cost me a useful and loyal tool."

He begun, still staring at me as if I was a dead man walking.

"Father I-"

"What your sister lacked in power, she made up for it with wit and resourcefulness."

He cut me off.

"Replacing her won't be easy."

He raised the weapons in his hands...and pointed them my way.

"For that, you'll need to be punished."

I took a fearful step back.

He seemed to grimace at the action.

"Use your abilities boy. Or else you will die."

Saying that, my father sprang forward without a single hesitation.

It was so sudden and fast that I found myself scrambling backwards only for my uncoordinated feet to trip on themselves.

Father was nearly before me, the sharp edge of his swird flashing through the air, headed towards my neck.

And it wasn't like those father-son training sessions where the dad would hold back at the last second.

His eyes said it all. He was really going to kill me.

Fearing for my life, I fell back, releasing a wide unfocused blast of fire to my front.

The flames burned a deep yellow, encompassing my entire view in hot temperatures that would have turned anything to ash.

Holy shit. What if I accidentally killed him?

A laugh found itself bubbling out of me.

Only to freeze as the flames parted, sliced apart by a precise sword strike.

"Not hot enough."

And Father jumped through the gap created, his swords still slashing out towards my neck.

My heart felt like it would jump out of my chest in fright. The blades were inching closer and closer my way.

Terror gripped me and I was frozen. The look in his eyes had forcibly rendered me immobile.

At the last minute, the left side of my body grew cold and with a sudden burst of mist, the air before my body froze, propelling an explosion of ice crystals that rapidly grew to the point of bursting through the roof of the warehouse.

Father for all his astonishing speed couldn't dodge fast enough and his sword and hand was instantly encased in ice.


Only for the ice to shatter into shards as he tugged his hand free with a simple grunt.


The word barely left my mouth when I found my right arm in his grip.

Before the burst of fire that would have turned him into ash exploded out of me, pain instantly became my world as Savage twisted my arm behind me.

And snapped it clean at the elbow.

My small body was not equipped to feel such agonizing sensations. A scream riped forth from my throat, only to be silenced by father's knee digging into my belly.

My knees lost strength as I both vomited, piss and shat myself. Bits of half digested meat fell onto the floor below me.

"Pain is a distraction."

Through the haze of pain, I felt his shadow move closer to me.

"Feel it and move on."


His foot snapped out towards my head. Using every iota of will power I had, I released ice into the surroundings.

Moving the flames through my right side sent waves of torment rocking through my nerve endings. So I only had ice as a means to fight.

"Not strong enough."

He muttered the leg smashing through my shield of ice and landing on my chest.

Breath and blood escaped through my lips, and I was sent ragdolling away, almost bouncing on the floor of the building.

Tears and snort covered my entire face as I looked at my father like the beast he was.

Despite not having a good relationship with my previous one, I knew that this wasn't what I had envisioned. This wasn't...right.

I could die here. I could lose my second chance at making something of myself.

"Get up b-"

Which is why before he could finish his statement, I was already staggering up, cradling my limp right hand in my left.

If he was going to hurt me, then I was going to hurt him back.


(General P.O.V)

Savage stopped.

The boy's eyes had changed. Where before there was pure terror, now there was only anger and a manic resolve.

The Immortal almost smiled in approval. The child was only 3 years old but he was finally showing the grit and tenacity of a Savage.

He did well planning Olympia's death. Her demise had served two purposes.

For starters, he knew she had secretly been scheming to take him out and replace him with Angel once he was old enough.

But it was his decision to make when to stand down. And he had killed some of his children for less.

And secondly, through such an early tragedy in life, Savage had ensured that Angel would become the perfect tool.

A weapon fueled by anger and an inclination to violence. A man that could ignore pain and dish back double what he got.

He had broken the boy but in doing so would build him back up into a worthy Successor.

That was his interpretation of a father's love.


Long ass time skip coming up. 

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