Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 51: Duel: Goku vs Angel.

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Chapter 52 is free to read on my Patreon. 

Also check out 2 of my new fics, Time's Up, Joker(a Ghost Rider fic) 


Jon Kent SI: Made of steel. 


(Angel's P.O.V)

-The Underground Testing Facility-

"The BlackNite Ensemble increases the wearer's physical attributes to a Superhuman level. But do you know by how much Goku?"

I asked, tapping my watch and molding my own variant of the suit into a combat Gi just like the one the Saiyan wore.

While Goku's was blue, I chose to make mine red.


Goku simply answered, crouched on the floor as he stretched his legs.

The two of us faced each other on the testing facility under the mansion. The drone remains had been cleaned up, leaving a large empty space perfect for the kind of fight I wanted.

He requested a duel not a spar. This meant a no holds barred brawl.

Beyond the screen of energy shielding us from the outside, was the KingsGuard, Talia, Laura and Shade.

Goku had requested their presence during our duel, citing something about showing them how strong he really was.

'More machinations from her.'

I thought of Talia- even now, I could almost see the ghost of a smile on face from where she stood.

She probably hoped- no, wanted to see me lose. But even if I won, she thought it would strain my relationship with Goku. How conniving.

"The suits work by scanning the wearer's dna to understand their genetic limit. Then it systematically unlocks the part of the brain that blocks that limit, allowing a normal human like Ravager or Cheshire to even lift a 5 ton car."

I explained.


He sounded impressed.

"Master Roshi has a technique like that. It's called Kaioken."

I filed that little tidbit away. Maybe I should visit Roshi soon.

"Don't misunderstand,"

I continued,

"Lifting a car is probably the limit for the average person. After all, the suit reinforces the muscle tissue and bones while silmuteneously providing more than enough energy to the cells, for the body to keep up that level of performance. During that period, a lot of cell damage is sustained. The suit of course heals it and aids in the creation of new cells, but if the rate of damage outspeeds what it can regenerate, the whole body will break down at the cellular level."


He scratched his head.

"I didn't really get all of that..."

I sighed.

"Basically, a normal human will explode from the inside and die horribly if they tried to lift an oil tanker."


He gulped, his face turning green.

"But that's not a problem for someone like you."

I said, walking forward and stopping a few feet away from him.


He pointed at himself, a surprised look on his face.

"Why's that?"

"You're not human."

My finger pointed at the tail swishing behind him.

"Your hair, and musculature alone proves it. Even without the tail."

"But my Grandpa was human. Wouldn't that make me one?"

Goku seemed confused at the reveal.

I guess Grandpa Gohan never told him that little detail. Now I feel a little bad.

"You're human where it matters."

I reassured.

"What I meant was, your dna is not that of a human. Which means, the amount of power the BlackNite suit can pull from within you is much much higher."

I raised my hand and tapped the watch, seamlessly connecting the rudimentary AI on both of our suits to the Testing Facility's AI.

"The suits scanning capabilities include a feature that compiles your dna, age, species, muscle density and cell energy capacity into a numerical value. A number that shows your Power Level."

It was an idea I got after meeting Goku in the Tournament.

The standard BlackNite suits didn't have that feature, only the KingsGuard, and those close to me like Shade, Widow and Psimon had it.

"Power Level?"

Goku mused,

"So it's like Ki-sensing?"

My brows raised with a little surprise. He caught on quickly.


I smiled,

"But the BlackNite Suits don't just show your base Power Level. They also display your Peak Power Level after enhancement."

My finger swiped the face of my watch, sending a blue colored panel that hung in the air above us, projected by the holograms on the ceiling.


[Name: Goku]

Age: 10

Race: ???

Base Power Level: 34

Peak Power Level: 340.

BlackNite Modifier: ×10

[Name: Angel]

Age: 10

Race: Metahuman/Homo-Magi.

Base Power Level: 45

Peak Power Level: 225.

BlackNite Modifier: ×5


The power levels were not a direct equivalent to DBZ, as a character there could blow up the moon with a PL of only 139.

In comparison, the mechanics my established power ranking used, were much tamer. And that was due to the varied Power Systems across the DC Universe.

The BlackNite Power System was only an indicator of how much physical force one could put out, multiplied by the energy levels compiled from their cells.

In simpler terms,

Physical Attribute X Cell Energy Capacity= Base Power Level.

A normal human had 2 in the energy department and a 2.5 to 3 on the physical attribute department. Which brought their overall base power level to somewhere along the lines of 5 or 6.

Intense training helped people like the Batman who were peak human reach 40 BPL (Base Power Level) to 50 BPL. But 50 was probably the limit for humans.

Ravager's BPL was 20, Cheshire's BPL 19 and Jinx had 26 as her BPL. The latter had higher BPL due to her high cell energy value because of her powers, but her physique was weaker to the other two.

Basically, the BlackNite suits showed a rough measure of how Powerful someone was.

But that was only a feature. The main highlight of the suit was the Base Power Level enhancement it gave the user.

I called this feature, the BlackNite Modifier Value.

The modifier value was what allowed a peak human to step into the Superhuman category.

Humans could only withstand a ×4 modifier. Even after harsh physical training, my limit was still a ×5 modifier.

And while I beat Goku's BPL of 34 with my BPL of 45, going off our Peak Power Levels while enhanced by the suits, Goku was stronger than me.

Immensely so.

There was a difference of more than a 100 in our Peak power levels. 115 to be exact.

And this was because of his high Modifier value. I couldn't help it. He was a Saiyan while I was at my core, still human. Not your average one, but still human.

"Does this mean I'm more powerful than you? My numbers bigger than yours, after all. Hahaha."

Goku proudly declared, pointing at the Panels above us.

Of course that's when I blasted forth and punched him on the mouth, sending the laughing bastard flying.

He slammed on the energy shield behind him, getting electrocuted in the process before falling to his knees on the ground, body smoking.

It was childish, but I found myself laughing at his stupefied expression.

"Still feel like laughing?"

The Saiyan smiled through gritted teeth, climbing to his feet and falling into a ready stance with his fists up.

"I let my guard down. That won't happen again."

He assured.

I copied him, raising my hands up in a Boxing style.

"Don't worry. That punch was just to shut you up. You'll definitely see and feel the next one. Let's see if you can block it."

"Bring it."

He breathed out, his battle spirit surging out. A white aura rippled out of him, the shroud of his Ki, getting bcontained and streamlined by his BlackNite Gi.

The Panel above changed to reflect his new and increasing Power Level.

[Goku PL: 45]

'He can already precisely control the modifier value to accurately match my base PL? What a monster.' I thought in disbelief.

Projecting his Ki served to announce the start of the duel.

Both of us rushed at each other, fists clashing in midair with an audible crack.

The impact pushed me 3 steps back, while Goku only took 1, showing the clear physical difference between us when our Power Levels were evenly matched.

He smirked and I frowned, pushing forward with my speed enhanced by the Speedforce.

Too fast for him to see, I was already at his back, hand reaching out for his tail.

The air around him ignited with Ki.

[Goku PL: 60]

His PL jumped up once again, enhancing his physique enough, that he reacted before I could immobilize him. He flipped away, leaping over 30 meters from me and landing with grace.

"I still can't match your speed. Even with the same Power Level."

He sighed with admiration coloring his face.

"And you got me beat in strength."

I rolled my numb right shoulder.

"I can still feel the impact from your fist."

"That's because you're not taking me serious."

He stated, loosening up his body by nimbly jumping on the balls of his feet.

"When are you going to use your Suit and power up?"

"When I feel like it."

I threw at him.

"It's not like you're serious either. You do realize you can hide your tail by cloaking it with your own suit, right? Otherwise you're just tempting me to grab it."

He shook his head, tail happily swishing behind him.

"Nah, I don't feel like it."

Without another word, he sped towards me, much faster than before. Distance cleared, he lunged forward with a telegraphed kick- a feint for the right hook he was aiming from my blindside.

Instead of backing off, I received the punch on my forehead before it could gather sufficient momentum, breaking two of his fingers- by the way he winced.

Speed was my advantage so I fell back on it, letting loose a barrage of punches aimed at his upper body, pushing him back.

[Goku PL: 70]

I was ready for the burst of Ki, using the Speedforce aura to shield my hands from it.

Still, the increase of his PL allowed him to react. He started reading my attack pattern like the genius fighter he was and begun blocking with a single hand, cradling the one with the broken fingers.

So I switched from Boxing to Taekwondo, delivering a back kick that landed squarely on his midsection when he least expected it.

He folded under the kick but managed to wrap his hands around my ankle. So I phased my foot out of the hold and returned with a spinning heel that caught him squarely on the chin.

Goku rolled in the air. It looked like he was about to slam into the energy shield once more, when he just stopped and levitated, safely landing on the ground with his head facing down, and face hidden.

I lowered my outstretched leg, clicking my tongue while regarding my opponent with frustration.

"That was flight."

I accused, having figured out what was happening.

My suspicions were proven correct, when Goku's power level begun rapidly dropping.

[Goku PL: 69]


[Goku PL: 45]

[Goku BPL: 34]

All the way until it reached his Base Power level. Or rather the BPL, the BlackNite Gi could read from him.

Goku finally looked up, a serious expression on his face. His eyes bored into mine with an intense focus.

"I really can't take you rightly, can I, Angel? Fine. I'll show you the results of my training since we left the Island."

He settled into his iconic Turtle school martial arts stance.His Ki aura changed from white to blue.

He had stopped using the BlackNite Gi he was wearing to enhance his strength.

And yet, his Base Power Level begun rocketing upwards- with the still active scanning feature displaying Goku's true strength on the panel in the air.

[Goku BPL: 89]


[Goku BPL: 134]


[Goku BPL: 238]


[Goku BPL: 397]

The whole testing facility had begun shaking, only stopping when his Base Power Level reached a new value.

[Goku BPL: 510]

The Saiyan's final Base Level stopped at 510. That was more than 10 times stronger than me. Even with the BlackNite suit enhancing my BPL, I was way weaker than him. By a whole half.

And to think, that was only his BPL without the enhancement from the BlackNite Suit.

I couldn't help but think, maybe Talia was right to bet on the Saiyan. There was nothing in my repertoire that could match him.

I might seriously lose this duel...

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