Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 52: Duel: Goku vs Angel part 2/2

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(General P.O.V)

The testing facility trembled at the shockwaves caused by the two blurry figures clashing against each other.

"Who do you think will win?"

Cheshire asked the others, spectating the Duel between their boss and collegue.

"Is that a trick question? Goku has no chance."

Jinx scoffed, eyes jumping from one corner of the testing facility to the other, she couldn't even keep track of who was who.

The blue streak was supposed to be Goku, while the multicolored red was Angel.

But with how fast they were both moving, all this combined into a rainbow like kaleidoscope of radiant light.

"I wouldn't be so sure love."

Talia cut in smoothly.

"Monkey boy has some hidden depths."

"Yeah? Well nobody asked you!"

Jinx heatedly threw, glaring at her.

"And don't act like you know Goku. Because you don't! Stay away from my friends, you snake!"

Talia simply smiled, though Cheshire noticed it was a tight smile.

"You are one extremely annoying girl. I regret not killing you when I had the chance. Maybe next time...I won't miss?"

"Whatdaya say to me, you bitch?! You wanna go?! Huh?!"

Jinx blew a fuse, lunging at Talia, only for Ravager to hold her back.

"Let me at her Rose! I'm gonna punch her on the mouth! I know you want to as well!"

Cheshire couldn't stop laughing at the fed up expression Ravager wore.

The Terminator's daughter pushed Jinx back. 

"She's baiting you. Don't fall for it."

Jinx grit her teeth but Ravager's words served to calm her down. That said, her animosity towards Talia was clear to see.

"As for you..."

Ravager turned to Talia, her Katana already pointed at her neck.

"It would serve you well to learn your place, Lady Talia."

Her tone was sharp and cold, just like the steel of her blade.

Talia smirked.

"My place? How arrogant you all are. I am the Demon's Head Daugh-"


Ravager swiped the hand holding the Katana across Talia's face, leaving behind a thin slash that immediately drew blood.

Talia touched her face in disbelief, her fingers coming off bloody.

"Next time, I'll aim for your neck."

Ravager said coolly, sheathing her blade before turning to watch the duel- luckily it had entered into a stalemate.

"Now if you could all stay quiet, I don't want to miss this fight."

"So cool..."

Jinx whispered into Cheshire's ears, who was similarly surprised by Ravager's action.

'She seems...different.' Cheshire thought, unsure whether it was a good thing or bad.

Behind them in the shadows, Shade, whose eyes hadn't left the Young Master, smiled just a little.


'Another stalemate.'

Angel thought, sliding backwards from another impact, ice treading below his left heel and forming into a ramp that allowed him to flip, sending an Axe kick down at the Saiyan's head.

Goku blocked the unexpected heel with a cross guard, his ki bursting outwards and sending Angel flying by the sheer weight of it. 

Angel released a jet of flames from his right foot, stopping himself from impacting the ceiling. 

Below him, the Saiyan rocketed upwards in a Superman pose, slamming into his midsection with heavy impact.

'5 ribs broken.'

Angel gritted his teeth. Even without the notification from his nanites, the pain was an indication. 

He maneuvered his body and placed Goku into a chokehold, his suit patching up his injuries. 

But Goku's strength and ability to fly won out, flipping around and grabbing Angel's foot. With a roar, the Saiyan started spinning him around before throwing him towards the floor.

Angel landed with an impact that cratered the floor, both ankles and one of his shin bones snapping loudly. 

The flash of pain was ignored as he looked up and tensed. 

In the air, Goku gave a yell, dropping towards him feet first in a bid to crash Angel against the hard floor.

It was too fast to dodge with his current power. 

[Angel PL: 45-> 100]

So he finally decided to use the BlackNite suit to increase his power level. 

Blue and red lightning danced across Angel's hands. He used them to quickly evade with a running handstand, his ribs and ankle regenerating enough that he could now use them and retaliate.

Angel flashed forward, the air around him vrooming once his speed soared to another gear. 

Goku felt the impact of hundreds of blows across his body in a single second. It was like drowning, he couldn't even see where they were coming from!


With a yell, another burst of Ki escaped him, giving him space to breath as Angel retreated. 

[Goku BPL: 55-> 110]

The Saiyan's PL only increased to match Angel's, surpassing the latter slightly in a bid to keep the match even due to the speed factor. 

'He's deliberately matching my PL because he knows he's stronger than me. This duel is just a formality to him.'

Angel thought in frustration, for once caught on the back foot. 

On the other hand, Goku was grinning like a loon. His body was flushed with sweat and he felt free. Finally! An opponent who could give him a good fight. 

"We should have done this long ago, Angel."

The Saiyan told his friend and boss. 

"Unlike you, I'm not a battle junky."

Angel shot back, assessing his opponent for any weaknesses. 

He could go for the tail again but that thought made him feel...disgusted. He wanted to win on his own power dammit! 

"Then why are you smiling?"

Goku asked, falling back into his stance. 

Angel stayed silent for a while, his eyes sharp as they bored into Goku. A heavy sigh escaped him, ultimately falling into his own stance. 

This would be their third clash. And Angel was determined to come out on top. No matter what. 

[Angel PL: 100-> 225]

He directly increased his power level to the Maximum. This was his full strength. To win, demanded nothing less. 

The heat produced by his body working at 100℅ was too much for his BlackNite Gi to contain.

It leaked out in intense waves that made his short dreads dance and warped the air around him into mirages. 

"I'll be straight with you Goku."

Angel spoke, 

"I underestimated how fast you could grow in power. And now, you've surpassed me. But I'm not going to lose. I can't and I won't."

He resolutely affirmed. 

A king should always be stronger than his subjects. To angel, someone strong would never submit to anyone weaker than them. So to secure his position and right to call himself the Boss, he would win. Fair and Square. He just had to surpass Goku. 

Goku was surprised by his determination. They were both the same age yet, Angel was like a mountain to him. He knew what to say and what to do in any situation. He carried himself with an aura Goku could only dream of. The girls loved him and everyone respected him. 

In contrast, Goku only had his strength. He was socially awkward and nervous even among friends. He didn't know a lot and liked eating way too much. Angel was everything he wasn't and wanted to be. But instead of feeling jealousy, Goku admired him. 

That was why he too couldn't lose. 

'I'll show them all I'm worthy to be your friend! That I'm worthy to stand by your side!'

[Goku PL: 110-> 230]

"I'm not going to lose either."

The young Saiyan responded, his power level rising to match Angel's.

A gentle breeze blew past them. On cue, both dissappeared from their positions, turning into blurs of blue-red and a light blue. 

They traded fists and kicks in a bout composed of various martial arts. 

Angel fell back on his extensive lessons from masters like Sensei, Takigi Kirigi, Richard Dragon and Antiope while Goku simply used the Turtle Style which Roshi had developed over countless years- honing it in battles with strong opponents. 

That became the main reason Goku was winning, pushing Angel back as the seconds passed. 

'My experience and slight edge in speed is the only thing keeping me in this fight.'

Angel thought, dodging a sweep before a knee dug into his gut, driving the wind out of him. 

His vision swam, and in desperation, he backed away with his fastest speed, leaving behind afterimages created from his nanites and powers to confuse the Saiyan. 

With the split second of rest, Angel assessed his body, arms shaking. 

'My hands and feet have hairline fractures that the suit is only just healing. Too slow. But I guess knitting my torn muscles, repairing raptured organs and mending broken bones takes priority. It's draining energy too fast though.'

He thought to himself. 

It was clear he was quickly approaching his limit. He couldn't sustain the ×5 modifier to his strength for too long. Not without his injuries outspeeding the suit's regeneration capabilities. 

'How do I win??!'

He yelled in his mind. 

'Should I increase the Modifier Value? But even if I reach ×10 without exploding from too much energy, I'll only have 450 Peak Power Level. Goku would simply overwhelm me with his 510. So what do I do...'

His train of thought was cut off by a yell from the Saiyan.


Goku yelled, flaring his ki and destroying the afterimages. The floor under his heel gained cracks from the force of his lunge. 

Eyes on the approaching Saiyan, Angel grit his teeth tapping into the Speedforce for more juice. 

[Goku PL: 230-> 300]


The Saiyan bowled into his belly faster than he could react, pushing the two of them towards the field of energy keeping the battle contained.

Angel's back slammed into it with a forceful impact, the suit he wore burning into his skin from the intense current running through the field. 


Goku yelled, fist plunging into Angel's belly. 

'Shit! He got me!'

The latter's eyes went wide as he puked out his last meal, the bits of food turning to ash on contact the Saiyan's Ki Shroud. 

'I need to escape!'

The thought passed Angel's mind, his body pulling in more speed force to try and phase through the Saiyan's blows. 

Unfortunately, the contact with the energy field behind him made phasing impossible. Angel could only curse his foresight when he decided to make it Speedster proof. 

He settled for ducking what he could and tanking what he couldnt. 


The Saiyan implored again, his blows making the energy field behind Angel tremble, every time he missed. 

[Goku PL: 300-> 350]

Just like that, speed became a non factor. 

Trying to weave away from the Saiyan's attacks failed. 

Goku was now faster than him, and was targeting every part of his body, attacks landing with incredible weight that shook Angel to the core. 

The Leader of the KingsGuard was getting beat down, pressed against a ferocious Saiyan and an immovable obstacle. 

Angel's vision begun swimming. He couldn't even feel the pain anymore. Just an unusual warmth caused by the BlackNite Suit's regeneration. 

His mind went blank...he was losing consciousness. 

'Fuck...i can't lose. Not like this...'

Despite his bleak situation, he still retained his stubbornness. 

And then everything stopped...

Angel blinked and found himself in a completely white space with no edge in sight. 

Nothing existed as far as his gaze could see. 

"What happened? I was in a fight..." He softly muttered, staring down at his hands in confusion. 

"And I was losing..."

Suddenly his face twisted into a furious expression. Fury at himself. 

"I. Was. Losing?!"

He bit out indignantly. 

"How? Why?!"

The sound of laughter made him look up. 

And before him, having simply appeared without warning, was a towering and hulking presence. 

Clad in gray, with stone like skin, his glowing red eyes pierced through space itself, locking onto Angel with terrifying intensity. 

The air around him crackled with oppressive power, and his malevolent aura distorted the white space. 

Only Angel' anger prevented him from taking fearful steps back. However his mind faltered, knowing without being told, that he was facing an entity of unimaginable power- capable of altering worlds with a single gesture. 

'Darkseid.' His mind rebooted and supplied him with the name. 


Darkseid spoke. 

His voice was exactly what Angel would expect from someone like The Lord of Apokalips, Deep, Commanding and Unquestionable. 

Angel had no idea where he was. Or why Darkseid was showing interest in him. The only thing he was sure of was his ability. 

As tempting as gaining more power and defeating Goku was, accepting Darkseid's offer would come with strings attached. And above all else, Angel valued his freedom. 

"I'm flattered, Mr. Darkseid sir. But what happens if I refuse?"

Angel asked, taking care to sound respectful. 


Darkseid repeated, as if finding the concept unbelievable. The expression on his stony face remained blank, but the red eyes told a different story. 


Darkseid replied. 

'I knew it! This guy only showed up to cause trouble for me.'

Angel thought in frustration, his anger changing target from himself to the Lord of Apokalips. 

"My head?"

He scoffed, all signs of respect gone from his voice. 

"Be careful Old Man, don't think I won't show up in Apokalips and take yours instead."

Darkseid blinked, once, twice and then barked out in laughter. 


The white void started shaking, something that made Angel feel nauseous, vertigo hitting him out of nowhere. 

"I'm not my Father."

He managed to grit out, glaring at the Lord of Apokalips. 

"And if you're going to do it already."

He defiantly threw out.

Darkseid kept staring at him, and then responded, 


For a few seconds, nothing happened. 

Angel tilted his head. He really thought that was going to turn... 

A flash of red was all the warning he got, as two beams of a red energy that felt like death zig zagged across the air. 

'Oh shit...I'm gonna die a virgin...'

He regretted, unable to dodge due to his state. 

And even if he could, there was no point trying as the Omega beams would simply follow him.

But before they could land, a red portal suddenly manifested in front of him, swallowing the beams. 

Klarion popped out of another, waving at Darkseid, who frowned at the Chaos Lord's appearance. 

"Hi Darky. "

He cheerfully greeted. 

Following this, he created another portal to Darkseid's left, the latter's own Omega Beams coming off it and redirected his way. 

The beams clashed into and sent the New God through another red portal.

"And bye Darky."

The Chaos Lord laughed and landed. 

All portals blinked out of existence and Klarion visibly deflated in relief.

The Chaos Lord rounded up on Angel, who was stumbling to his feet after Darkseid's exit. 

"That was close. Thanks for the save."

Angel stated with a haunted look. 

"Are you stupid?"

Klarion asked in a serious tone. 

"I've always thought you were smart but provoking a New God like him was foolish. The Angel I know would have definitely handled that differently."

"Nice to see you too."

Angel responded, looking around vigilantly. 

'He's really gone. I can't sense his presence anymore.'

He thought, relieved he wasn't dead. But damn, his anger had almost fucked him. Though, it wasn't really his fault. Darkseid was the one picking a fight. 

Stretching out his hands, Angel flopped on the white ground, staring up at the white sky without a care in the world. 

'Why is everything just...white?'

Klarion shook his head in disbelief at the lackadaisical attitude being displayed. Especially after Angel was faced with Darkseid. 

"You could have died."

The Chaos Lord testily pointed out.

"And the world would still go on."

Angel shrugged on the ground. 

"Besides, what is it to you? Shouldn't you be creating Chaos somewhere? Why show up here? Where is even here?"

"Protecting my investment. I joined up with you for a reason. I cant have you dying so soon."

Klarion replied, hands on his pockets. 

"As to where we are, it's the space in between your soul and the SpeedForce. Your mind sort of slipped through, I wonder why."

"Ugh, don't act like you don't know what's happening."

Angel groaned at the smirk Klarion was spotting. 

"You mean getting your ass kicked by one of your, what is it you call them...ah yes, Minions, so bad your mind ran away?"

He snapped his fingers as if remembering. 

Contrary to the anger or frustration Klarion was expecting, Angel shot up with a strange expression. 

"You're right. I'm losing to a minion. Why am I losing to a minion?"

A couch popped out of one of Klarion's portals, Teekl, his familiar meowed from the arm, jumping on Klarion's lap once the Chaos Lord got seated. 

"I can't keep us hidden from...unwanted eyes for long. But I also hate to see you losing so badly to one of those warmongering monkeys."

The Chaos Lord stroked Teekl's back, 

"So I'll indulge you. Take your time and come up with a plan to win."

'I can't tell him I made a bet with a few guys that he will win...'

Klarion thought. 

Fortunately, Angel ignored him. 

Before, he couldn't think straight while Goku was pummeling him, but in here, the white void, his mind could run free. 

"What does he have that I don't?"

If he had a beard, Angel would have been stroking it. 

"Power Level? Duh. He's a Saiyan. It's guaranteed he will beat me in that."

Plus Power Levels were broad and depended on many things. 

So what could it be? Maybe Ki? Yes. That's it. 

Ki was obviously better suited for combat than Mana. It was the same reason why Warriors were stronger physically than Mages. 

In terms of destructive potential DC Mana was weaker to DBZ Ki. However, Mana was in turn more versatile. 

Wait...could that be it? Versatility? 

"Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way. It's not what he has that I don't, it's how he uses it. Ki enhances his body directly. But I use my Mana to produce ice and fire outwardly. So what if I instead, turned the focus inwards? What if I directly enhance my body with Mana just like he does with Ki?"

Angel muttered, eyes wide with dawning realization. 

Mana was versatile enough could actually work! 

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