Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 39: Start of the Show

_It sure is hot in here._

Eleanor mumbled as she ate an apple she picked above ground. It is already several days since the war started and Sophia requested her to go on standby directly under the camp of the monkey rebels, meaning she's underground most of the time and will just come out to gather food and water, as well as to properly breath for she just punched a hole in a secluded place of the camp for the room to have ventilation, she's not Sophia after all and just have the Earth element as her affinity.

However, her affinity is still the Earth, thus even though it is uncomfortable to stay under the soil for so long, she will not have any problems hiding under the ground for an extended period as long as she has food and water source nearby, except maybe for the fact that she cannot change her clothes and have a very sweaty robe right now, she can say that she's fine.

Sophia is already aware of this affinity of hers and of course, won't bring Eleanor anywhere close to danger.

_But still, the big surprise is not a surprise... It's just a simple plan that is hidden under complicated plots._

Eleanor cannot help but smile, indeed it was really simple, it was so simple in fact that it became complicated to think about, after all, who would think of just ste... As she was shaking her head preventing herself to laugh, a communication link between her and undead Kabuto was formed.

"It is time Lady Eleanor, My Lady said."

The serious voice of Kabuto rang out and with an "Understood.", she finished her apple in haste and immediately stood up, she made the soil table and chair join the earth once again and used magic to make a corridor for herself to escape.

"All right then."

The wall in front of her suddenly crumbled and a way free of roots and worms appeared and presented itself for Eleanor, Sophia must have all the basic elements at her disposal, but Eleanor can proudly say that even such a brilliant individual cannot do such a feat.

The road that opened up for her is a naturally paved one, the roots dug themselves further under the ground and the soil hardened voluntarily in every place she walked into as if she is a queen and anyone who dare stand in her way will be trampled to death.

Eleanor looked once more at the room she made and once again looked straight at her front, she snapped her fingers and started to run in haste, moment after her figure disappeared, sounds of metals hitting the ground were heard in her makeshift dwelling followed by metallic crawling sounds that resonated throughout the corridor specially made by Eleanor.


At the Monkey Rebel Camp.

The exhausted messenger told the tale to his other leader, how the spider queen asked for help, how a grey-colored assassin intercepted the three messengers, and how he killed the assailant, the monkey did not dare to mention the fact that they are being played with like marionettes to his leader, no matter how hot headed his leader is, he will surely figure out this fact the moment he delivered the message.

"Do-does that mean..."

"Did we just become..."

Several exclamations of shock and fear resounded inside the commander's tent which the executives are invited into. They cannot help it, after all, they have thought that the Monkey Leader is becoming a coward because of their intelligence and choose to be passive about the matter of the Hero prospect.

_Sometimes passiveness means wisdom and invasion means foolishness._

What were the words that they now suddenly cherished from the bottom of their hearts as they tried to make calculations about how they will convince their lord to retreat and beg for forgiveness from the monkey tribe leader?


The rebel leader cursed in his heart, regret that turned into anger but then turned into regret once again came storming his heart, his thoughts are the same as his comrades.

_How do I say sorry to him?_

First, he is the one who proposed to many monkeys to rebel against his "passive" father, that fact alone made him the prime suspect in the trap they have found themselves into. Then again, he is a person with a lot of pride, thus after having all those thoughts of blaming himself, he turned the blame into the one he is now angry with the most.


The monkeys present have confused look on their face that turned into worry, the other leader is yet to return, meaning that no one will have the capability to persuade the leader to reverse what is on his mind right now.

"Leader, I think we should think this through..."

"We already witnessed the craftiness of that human, I am sure that we are getting ourselves trapped further immediately..."

"Leader, how about us..."

Of course, all of these suggestions are already nothing but muffled sounds for the leader, thus he just shouted, ignoring his clamorous tent.


All of the monkeys present immediately understood what their leader meant, he wants to attack the camp of the hero prospect despite the naked fact that she probably planned for them to attack it in the first place, they know that when this monkey made a decision, it cannot be altered by anyone's suggestion, thus they just silently nodded their heads in helplessness, regretting their hasty decision of splitting their race in half.

Or at least that's what most of the executives did.

"Stop being unreasonable! You know that all of this is your fault!"

The moment these words came out of one of the cowardly yet courageous monkeys in their camp, everyone turned silent and immediately distanced themselves far away from the fool, for a moment, it was as if the small petite monkey caught a newly discovered disease, of course, this is not noticed by the foolish one after all, majority of the individuals in their camps are newbie kids and half of the executives just became one because of their tight connection with the two leaders and thus they know their place and did not dare go to the nerves of the two leaders, especially this one in front of them.

But the monkey who just shouted is someone who represents the lower bass of the rebels, so he does not have any way how unreasonable the leader can be.

"Isn't that righ... Why are you all far away? Do I stink?"

The monkey who has a brave heart looked around in confusion before receiving a chop from the thick arms of their burly leader, the brave (idiot) guy did not even have a chance to complain and only managed to let out a silent grunt before his head got twisted in a weird angle, causing him to die without even him realizing his fate.

The leader who have the whites of his eyes turn black looked at the corpse of his comrade, after which, his eyes swept through all the executives inside the camp, all of them did not dare to look away from the leader's eyes no matter how much they want to, doing so will make them be branded as cowards and that will surely get themselves into trouble, seeing that only a single person on his top brass is a pussy, the monkey leader smirked as if satisfied in culling an impending plague, to be sure, he asked, making some hot steam come out of his whole body.

"Anyone else?"

All of the monkeys present gulped as they straightened their backs, they did not even dare to make a second's delay, they immediately answered.


Their answer resonated with the whole camp, jolting up all the soldiers, they looked at the leader's camp with anxiety, after all, they have seen the monkey messenger that came in the direction of which the lair of their leader's godmother is in, after that, of course, some passerby who "Unintentionally"  heard the report of the messenger immediately has their blood race to its peak.

_Finally, we can get to fight!_

All of these Greenhorn soldiers have the same thoughts, they even ignored the truth bomb that a monkey inside the leader's tent has said nor did they got scared of the thought of being manipulated, instead, it ignited their fighting spirit even more, making up random excuses to fight.

The other executives as well as the messenger cannot help but frown as they saw the leader announce all of what happened in an hyperbole style, yes they must have agreed in rebelling but the people at the front have a proper grasp of the situation except for the leader who blindly wants to wash his pride clean even though he knew the dangers of doing so.

"My soldiers push forward! My soldiers scream out! My soldiers RAAAAAGE! Don't let a human without honor tarnish our pride! For honor! For glory! For our race! PICK UP YOUR WEAPON AND LET THE FOOLISH HERO KNOW WHY WE ARE HAILED AS THE STRONGEST OF THE SECOND LAYER!"


Every soldier upon hearing the speech of their respected leader raged out and started to run towards the area in which their weapons are in, even though the invigorating speech makes their blood pump to no end, they did not forget about their weapons, after all, what's the point of being a soldier if they don't have some sort of equipment, right?


Suddenly, a monkey who first came into the storage tent let out a confused sound, he then looked at the other side of the tent and then his back and once again inside the tent.


Another monkey exclaimed and pushed back the other monkey, this time instead of just being confused, the other monkey immediately shouted.


All of the monkeys present exclaimed, their rage starting to heat up because of the pranks of the two monkeys, but then their higher-ups including the leader calmed them down and slowly went towards the tent in which the weapons are in, all of them stared blankly at the empty storage tent, it was as if someone teleported their weapons somewhere, not even the dent of metals can be seen and only space is there visible on their eyes.

Suddenly, a spider with grey color and several stitches all over its body appeared on the broad shoulder of the leader, laughing hysterically and saying.


The monkey upon realizing that he made a huge fool out of himself with all of that bullshit speech snapped, all of his muscles bulged and his whole body released flames as if it was a volcano, he cannot contain his anger anymore, he splats the spider with his palm and immediately plowed a way for himself in the sea of people he is in.

_No one can make fun of me!_

His maddened mind said so as he sprinted in a straight direction, his mighty and glorious visage is already long gone and only his brutal nature of his can be seen.

_I am above all! Inferior to no one!_

That was all of his thoughts as he continued to dash out of their camp.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

He mumbled again and again without regard to his or his race's safety, his soldiers then upon seeing their leader being insulted also felt insulted thus half of them dashed out immediately whilst the others brooded if it is worth it to follow after the steps of this berserking commander of theirs. After some thought, they realized that they already have no way out and can only dejectedly march towards their certain demise.


The scouts were startled out of their wits when they saw their leader in that form, they thought that they did not do their job well, thus, they immediately scurred the latest information they got and presented it to their leader.

"There are sightings of metal weapons outside of the patch of trees in the north, we suspect it's our..."

They all nervously tried to persuade their leader to not end their lives, but it was as if the leader did not even hear their struggles, he just sprinted straight in a line, he was followed after a while by soldiers without weapons, only the leaders of the scouting units have daggers, thus they cannot give them a sufficient amount, even then it seems like they won't listen to them so they just went and followed on the march too.

At this moment, the other half that did not leave the camp is yet to decide if they will charge with the leader or just ditch him for their safety.

 [Sophia's POV]

I am waiting for Eleanor and just finished making the leader of the monkeys go berserk when a hand suddenly poked out of the soil alongside a spider with stitches that suddenly appeared in my shoulder, I immediately grabbed the hand out, pulling it, a sweaty figure of Eleanor immediately appeared looking as if she was about to pass out.

"Good job. Are you okay?"

She did not reply, she just used her healing magic and applied it to her chest area, and with a deep breath, she rolled her eyes a little and stood up with a simple "Yes".

"Alright then, into the main battlefield, we go"

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