Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 40: The Final Battle Against Monkeys

[A monster in the end, huh?]

Yep, a monster in the end.

Such is the conversation me and [Guide] have as I looked at the rebel leader through the spider that I converted into an undead, soon the little arachnid go splat by an angry slap from the leader, I can just wonder how angry he will become if he learned that his brother is already dead, it's fun to know, but I already railed him up to the point that his logic got overshadowed by fury so that's already enough.

[If you got fooled to make that stupid speech, I wonder how will you react.]

I would probably get angry, unfortunately, I don't have Hulk Mode like that monkey so you won't see that kind of reaction towards it, but then I can't forget grudges so it's an r.i.p to that person who pissed me off.

[Huh, I would like to see a grudge-holding master.]

I think you can get some of that in my memories.

[Well, into your memories I go.]

We have that kind of conversation as suddenly, a soft-skinned hand alongside a spider with stitches crosswise its grey-colored body appeared simultaneously in front of me, the spider bowed which I gracefully ignored, I immediately pulled Eleanor out of the soil using my hand, I am not tall enough so I stood up on a sand tentacle and made it lift me until she fully out of the earth, she exhaled a big one and then started to inhale and exhale in a super fast pace.

"Good job. Are you okay?"

She did not reply and used her healing magic and applied it to her chest area and with a deep breath, she rolled her eyes a little and stood up with a simple "Yes" as a reply.

"Alright then..."

I exhaled a deep one because my voice is tiny and I have to shout for my orders to be heard.


All of my soldiers ready themselves, and their weapons are placed in carts for the metal weapons are waiting for them on the other side of my minefield, Eleanor made a very spacious underground corridor, I ordered that all soldiers shall go to the battlefield using the said passage so that their mobility will not be hindered by trees, I am currently receiving a live feed of what is happening in the open field in which the battle will probably happen.

The situation is like this:

First, the main leader of the rebellion group has gone berserk because of yours truly, causing him to go straight into me because his pride was hurt so much because of the embarrassment of their weapon being stolen in front of their eyes without them being able to even sense or stop it.

Second, because of this, a divide between the loyalist of the two monkey leaders and the clout chasers who just want to rebel because its more fun happened, so right now the advancing group only have half of the total number of their full force, this number already includes the scouts who unwillingly went and charged with their leader because of fear.

On our side, I have already drawn out all the advantages we can have, information, tactics, and critical thinking, I also make the soldiers go weaponless by causing the leader to snap, causing him to fail in giving a search and retrieval operation for their equipment, the goat cavalry is also already on their way alongside two gigantic spiders if we lost in this war, I will retire as the mc, I'm telling you.

"Well, I will probably not fight here because of that person, so I might as well become a spectator."

I made a lump of sand levitate in front of me and immediately sat on it, Eleanor looked like she was also about to try it for fun, it seems like she is a fan of the earth element (duh), but then she realized that we are currently at war so she waited for my instruction, at this point she already accepted me as the more mature one (I am not sure why and how) thus in serious cases she will most likely listen to my instruction and will give adjustment to it according to her own war experience.

"You should probably help the people outside of the landmine site"

"I will." She said those simple words with a nod ad once again sank into the ground, I then contacted all of my main subordinates except Kabuto and ordered:

"All of you, lurk in the outskirts of the exit of the landmine area and prevent retreat."

Of course, as someone who set up the landmines, I know how demoralizing their effects are and already expected a retreat from the enemy, in short, deserting their leader for their lives, they also probably knew this as well and  I also know that desperate monkeys cannot be stopped by the current strength of my goblins, so they are the only optimal choice is them.

Good thing that Eleanor and the Spider Queen's children are here to fill in the void they have created.

As usual, all of them answered with fervor and vigor.

"Your will shall be fulfilled!" They said at the same time as if the response is already choreographed as I cut off the connection.

I then started to move the lump of sand outside the wall and into the landmine site, apparently they are yet to go inside the site because there are yet to be explosions, but they are already at the entrance of the site, my subordinates are never noticed because the monkeys are on the edge, running with all their might to catch up with their leader and also blow of some of their anger into my camp, though we don't have any soldiers there for like I said, they will never reach our site.

They did not, or rather cannot notice the way the forest's paths got rearranged in a way that every single one of them will step on a landmine, no that's impossible but one monkey who managed to be unlucky enough to first step on a landmine will cause the deaths of his comrades.

_Well, let's see how you fare with the power called strategy, tiny little strongest community type monsters._

[3rd Person POV]

Courageous, fearless, relentless, that's how all the monsters of the Five-Pronged Forest will describe the monkey tribe, they are known for their strength that can shatter any tactic, however, that was only their imagination, and realized that those tactics are made by individuals who are as hasty and reckless like any monsters in the planet will have as an innate trait.

Right now however, different, it was as if they are running at the bottom of a lightless abyss despite being entirely shrouded with the piercing heat of the sun, it was as if they are running with blindfolds despite their eyes being wide open because of the anxiety brought by blow after blow of reality on their faces, the reality that all gaps will be passable for humans as proved by their enemy whom they deemed as weak and honorees for employing tactics.

But then, they finally realized how humans became the most prominent and dominant race in the world.

First, manipulation, the doubts in the heart of the rebel, the conservativeness of the monkey leader, the death of the wolf king that is like the straw that broke the camel's back and led to the rebellion, all of it is the doing of the person they deemed as powerless.

Second is information, the location of their camping site, number of foot soldiers, number of scouts, and their range of operation, all of these are a bare naked secret in the eyes of the human they thought as a fool. Furthermore, their source of information was also blocked, forcing the strength of the monkeys to be divided.

Their enemy then chooses the perfect time to attack one of her pawns to make the other leader occupied, at the same time, she made the other rebel leader his brain completely out of whack because of anger. This caused a very hard situation for the monkeys.

No one will give them orders because of the madness of their leader causing them to just dash with him so that they will not be seen as deserters when he regained back his sanity, this is not to mention their forces that already got divided furthermore got divided and then their weapons suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Though the weapons were seen once again, they vanished when the monkeys started marching, thus they can only go and march with only their limbs as weapons, causing fear and anxiety to engulf the once fearless heart of the primates. One particular monkey that seem to not watch how the leader treated people who go against his will finally cannot take it anymore and spoke in a very desperate tone.

"Hey, leader! I suggest we retreat! We do not know whether or not there are traps laid in here!"

The courageous monkey said, of course, this is the logical approach, however, how can a monster who lost his logic accept such a cowardly act as a retreat? The rebel leader just glared at the cowardly monkey with his bloodshot eyes and went back to running, the monkey who just got glared at felt his heart weakened when he saw those eyes that can devour people alive, he tripped suddenly because of the shock, causing his face to fall headfirst to the ground.

One monkey shouted at him.

"Get u-"

However, before the other monkey can even finish his warning towards the monkey who got scared shitless, the head of the monkey who tripped suddenly got sliced into pieces, alongside it an explosion that cause the headless body to be maimed by the soil who got splattered about, however, the nightmare of the first landmine that got detonated is yet to fully behold.

_What the...?_

That was all their reaction at first, however, all of the blood on their face drained as they saw the monkey who is just about to warn the now dead monkey to be cut in two halves caused by a water blade that came out of the landmine, it's fine if it's just one, however alongside these, another three monkeys got severed in different angles causing all of the monkeys to immediately run away.

_Courage my ass!_

That was what is running through their minds as they scattered in all directions, that turned out to be the greatest mistake they have ever committed in this war, this turmoil caused 60% of the deserters to step on a random landmine, causing explosions upon explosions after explosions that immediately cause catastrophe to the ranks of the already collapsing monkeys.

Heads got severed, lengthwise and crosswise bodies littered the place along with several cuts that cannot be categorized as half or cross, some are lucky to have just severed arms or legs but they got pushed around by the panicking crowd, causing their shocked and already failing bodies to slump to the ground, of course at this moment their fate has already been sealed.

They got trampled by individuals they once called comrades.

One of the water blades accidentally fell upon the body of the berserk leader who is unaware of his surroundings, the pain caused some of his logic to come back, and his eyes immediately saw the havoc created by the trap set by that accursed hero prospect, and it is continuously spreading, he then glared into the sky and saw a little child in a lump of floating soil, an evil smile splattered on her face as she watched her nemesis helplessly scurry around like headless chickens.

The leader became enraged once again and with a roar, sprinted more ferociously into the area in which the floating brat is in.


The goblins who have entered the passage made by Eleanor finally reached the surface, they grabbed the weapons in the cart that suddenly appeared from the ground and then went to organize their ranks, the bellowing shouts of the monkeys who are yet to be aware of the tragedy behind these goblins did not faze them in the slightest, nor are they bothered by the weight of their much heavier weapons, they have named monsters after all in which, no matter how much they deny are grateful about, thus additional weights just means a little extra rather than being a burden.

After their ranks are organized they immediately rushed out, they do not need any encouragement, their enemies are weaponless, have dropped morale and they have the goat cavalry reinforcement, not to mention their unit leaders who have strength recognized by their Hara, surely they will never lose on this clash. And yes, surely they did not.

The strategy of the goblins is to be in their two-men unit and try to break through the formation of the monkeys, after some difficulties, the fact alone that their enemies are fighting naked made this strategy a huge success.

The once confident monkeys started to get decimated as if they are rabbits, and all of them have similar despairing thoughts.

_Aren't they goblins!?_

_Why!? Why can't even we win against these weaklings!?_

Their already low morale suddenly got lifted because of their thoughts that they can win against someone under Sophia's wing once again hit rock bottom.

And as if their sufferings are already not enough, loud rumbles of goat hooves resounded on the horizon.

The goat cavalry, alongside them, the two strongest children of the queen of spiders, has finally arrived.

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