Spider-Man of Earth 65

Chapter 19 – Jessica Jones //


Poke, poke.

"Maria?" he repeated, finger prodding at her side. Nothing. She was long gone. "Wow, ten minutes and you're still out. I guess you weren't lying about its effectiveness."

Felix put on his pants and went to the living room to grab his phone. He sat down, casting a glance at the open door of his room.

Just in case Maria was listening, Felix typed it into his phone.

> Felix: Herbie, dig up information on an Oscorp charity party next week.

Felix had planted small, invisible cameras all over his house, so yes, Herbie had seen and recorded everything. Obviously, for an AI, sex did not mean anything besides a bunch of ones and zeroes.

Herbie replied in an instant.



> Felix: Figured as much. Doubt she'd be lying about that considering she made a speech at the funeral.

'Maria Hill…' With his sensitive hearing, he was able to hear her semi-delirious moans. 'Don't get it twisted, we have a common goal but that's the extent of it. I'm not something for you to control or push around.'

Felix didn't consider himself too prideful. However, when it came to Maria, he had to be extra vigilant. She was a liar and she regularly sold Oscorp information. She outright implied she used her father to further her own means.

She wasn't an enemy, a friend, or an ally. She was a tool to be used.

Some minutes passed before Maria woke up. Felix sat on the edge of the bed, pretending to have been there the entire time. Maria got up, groggily holding her head.

"Looks like, ugh…it worked." She swung her legs over, paralleling Felix. I can't feel my legs."

"Great." Felix smiled cheekily. "Do you think I can beat Shuri now?"

"Probably," Maria muttered. "Although…just in case, you should go clubbing."

"Clubbing?" Felix stiffened. "Except I've never been clubbing."

"I know. That's why I suggested it. You'll gain more experience and some proper social interactions. The party won't be as extravagant but still. It's good to learn a thing or two. Maybe somebody…" Without looking, she reached over and squeezed his balls through his pants. "...will be able to empty you with more success than me."

"Haha." Her grip didn't do anything to him and she quickly retracted her hand. She dropped her head onto the blanket. "Good practice, huh? Got it," Felix said.

Lying down half-naked, her head comfy on the blanket, she put an arm on her forehead and said, "You can take home one hot chick, you can take them all."

Felix rolled his shoulders. "I might as well get going now."

"You should go tomorrow. Aren't you tired?"

He flashed her a smile over his shoulder. "Nope."

All hail the healing factor. Whether it was sex or exercise, in five minutes, he was back to mint condition. His balls were full and his enthusiasm was fuller.

"Take the wallet in my second back pocket," Maria said. "I have a VIP pass for every nightclub in the city."

"Oh, nice—"

"And you should change." He was able to feel her looking him up and down. He peered over his shoulder and saw that the naked woman was doing exactly that: checking him out. "You have the physicals. All you need is the clothes. I'm sure you've heard the phrase: the man makes the clothes and the clothes make the man better."

Felix blinked twice. "Err, yeah."


The Wake—a nightclub located in the Chelsea neighbourhood of Manhattan. A thirty minute drive turned into a fifteen minute jog, and Felix arrived at the nightclub with sweat and energy to spare.

Its exterior was adorned with sleek, matte black panels that seemed to absorb the ambient city lights. Neon accents outlined the entrance, pulsating with shades of electric blue and deep violet. A low hum of music leaked through the heavy entrance door.

Due to the VIP pass, he was able to skip the massive line. On the way, he received a few stares. As Felix approached the bouncer, the thumping bass became more palpable, resonating through the ground beneath his feet. The entrance featured a stylish marquee, with "The Wake" illuminated in bold, futuristic lettering.

The bouncer stationed at the door was a formidable figure — tall, with a commanding presence. His dark suit contrasted with the neon lights, and his neatly trimmed beard framed a face that exuded authority. Felix reached into his pocket, retrieving his ID as well as Maria's VIP pass.

Out of wanting to exercise his social skills, Felix cleared his throat and mused out loud, "Seems busy."

The bouncer stared at him, then at the outstretched golden VIP card. "The Mary Janes are in town," he stated matter-of-factly.

'The Mary Janes? Wasn't that Gwen Stacy's band? Interesting…'

The bouncer's gaze was sharp, but not unfriendly, as he checked his photo ID and VIP pass. A nod of approval followed, and the bouncer opened the heavy door,

"Have fun."

Stepping inside, Felix was greeted by an explosion of colour and sound. The club's interior was a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, with LED strips lining the walls, shifting between shades of indigo, magenta, and pulsating patterns that danced to the beat. The dance floor was alive with a diverse crowd, their movements synchronized to the rhythm of the music.

Most important was the stage where a group of women were jamming a song: a redhead guitarist that was also a vocalist, an ebony woman on the keyboard, and a black-haired bass guitarist wearing thick glasses. The DJ booth was perched beside the band, tending to their music.

'That must be the Mary Janes.' Felix winced. Super hearing wasn't always so nice. He quickly adjusted but the drumming in his ears remained. 'Jesus, it's loud here! Are all clubs like this?'

"You've gotta face it tiger, face it tiger!

It's all you got!

You've gotta face it tiger, face it tiger!

It's your last shot!

You've gotta face it tiger, face it tiger!

You hit the jackpot!"

The crowd promptly chorused, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Felix grimaced. His ears weren't finding fun in the excess shouting and screaming. Not one bit.

To the far left was a bar adorned with backlit bottles of every conceivable spirit, beckoning patrons to partake in the night's offerings. Plush seating areas along the sides of the club provided a respite for those seeking a momentary escape from the energetic dance floor.

Felix approached the edge of the cheering crowd. His mind was racing on what to do. He had been a dull college student his whole life. He went to two, maybe three parties and this dance floor was a whole other level. His equilibrium and spatial awareness made him like a slippery-slope that avoided any accidents.

He had changed into black jeans and a black collared shirt. Cool and casual according to Maria. Combined with his sweet and woody cologne and voila. He was prepped for picking up chicks.

'Is close contact better or trying to convince them with drinks?' Felix stood at the edge of the crowd, simply watching. There was a lot of grinding and fuck-me eyes between the men and women. But with how loud it was, he sincerely doubted they could hear each other unless they screamed into their ears.

'Like Maria said, my biggest advantage is my body. I should use it.' Breathing in and out, he readied himself. Time to push past his comfort zone. If he couldn't do this, then he didn't deserve these powers. That was what he had to keep telling himself.

"There's no use crying over pinpricks!

Don't fight the name if the name fits.

You're doing good, think that you could do better!

Wanna crack your skull, get to the heart of the matter!"

The infectious energy of the Mary Janes' performance was getting to the crowd. Inhaling sharply, Felix seamlessly merged into the pulsating crowd. Whatever trouble he should have had with squeezing between people was irrelevant due to his powers. He was swift and got through the crowd by a hair's breadth of contact.

'No, wait, I should be touching them. Come on, Felix, you gotta break out of your shell. Do it!'

So that was what he did. He pushed aside his dislike for physical contact with strangers and started dancing and letting himself bump into everyone else. He found himself dancing alongside revellers who were lost in the music. The vibrant hues and electric atmosphere created an almost surreal backdrop for the night.

"Oh my. Strong, aren't you?" A blonde woman with a face tattoo bumped up to his chest, smiling. As the band took a second to drink water, Felix and the blonde came closer and talked semi-normally instead of shouting.

Felix mustered whatever charm he could towards the blonde. "I do my best." His hands went around her waist. "Don't tell me you need a strong man to help you?"

"Mm, and what if I do?"

Her hands went up his chest. In his head, he thought, 'That was easy. Too easy, actually.' After all, this was supposed to be training.

"Then maybe next time." Smiling, he gently pushed her back. "Right now, I'm in the groove."

The woman pouted, though didn't complain. The night wasn't over yet. Following this, Felix flirted with others. That's right, it wasn't just the blonde. In the span of thirty minutes, he flirted with over twenty women. All unique in their own regard and all very much not the sort he would have associated with before the bite.

Eventually, he found himself dancing with a black-haired woman that refused to detach herself from him. Her ass grinding against his crotch and purposely doing everything to run her hands down his body.

Exhilarated from the atmosphere, Felix smiled down at the lady, his lips to her ear. "Enjoying the music?"

The lady grinned as she threw it back. "Absolutely. These ladies know how to rock the place. You seem to be keeping up pretty well."

"Are you sure?" He put his hands on her waist. "Guess you'll have to find out."

They danced together, the rhythm flowing seamlessly between them. Felix, with his agile moves, complemented Jessica's confident and expressive dance style. The louder the music got, the closer they became and the thicker the tension.

His breath oozed over her ear. "So what's your name, stranger?"

"I'm Jessica Ca—Jones."

"So, Jessica Cajones," he purposely punctuated her mistake, "what brings you to The Wake tonight?"

"You know, loneliness. This place seemed like the perfect place to meet some new people. And you?"

***(R18+ Start)***

Throb. There it was. At long last, she got what she was searching for—his semi-erect cock straining against her ass. "Looks like we're both in luck," Felix said.

Jessica grinned. "Couldn't agree more. It's refreshing to meet someone who gets it. Although…" Her hand shifted and grabbed the thick pipe protruding towards her. "Mmm, is that a gun in your pants? Or are you just happy to see me?"

Felix didn't respond with his words but his cock. She knew what she was holding and she knew what she was about to get.

"You've gotta face it tiger, face it tiger!

It's all you got!

You've gotta face it tiger, face it tiger!

It's your last shot!

You've gotta face it tiger, face it tiger!

You hit the jackpot!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah…!"

"Whooo! Thank you so much to everyone for coming!" The redhead that was acting as the leader grinned, though Felix didn't care. His focus was on the woman rubbing her butt on him.

As the last notes of the Mary Janes' song faded and the redhead bid everyone goodbye, what remained was the lively chatter of the crowd, and Felix and Jessica who found themselves catching their breaths. The connection between them lingered. With or without the music, they liked each other.

"This has been fun, Jessica. Want to continue the party somewhere a little more... private?"

Her grin widened. "You read my mind. My place is just a few blocks away. Let's get out of here."

Felix nodded in agreement, and they navigated their way through the crowd, exchanging laughter and playful banter along the way. The neon lights of The Wake's exterior welcomed them as they stepped out into the cool night air. His erection faded as they walked to her home.

She hadn't lied, her home was very close by. A brownstone with a small flight of stairs that she swiftly opened with her keys.

The door opened, they slipped inside, and their lips came together. "Mmmmwah!" Jessica's hands roamed around Felix's body and vice-versa. "Haah…haah…you taste good."

Jessica was dressed in a slutty black dress. Tight against her curves and phenomenal for ass grabbing. The woman herself was five-foot-seven, shorter than Maria he came to realize as he kissed her. A slight inconvenience but one that allowed him to dominate the physical conversation.

Shoes were discarded as they made their way through the empty hall and into the kitchen. There, Felix mounted her on the dining table, huffing and puffing as he stared into her chocolate brown eyes.

"God, you're good." Jessica licked her lips while her hands busied themselves with undoing his pants. Sitting there with her legs spread, black panties exposed, Felix wasn't able to stop himself from kissing her neck. "Ooh~!"

He sucked on her flesh, forming a hickey, and made his way up. With a thin shoulder strap, he was able to kiss, kiss, kiss—leave hickey after hickey—till he reached her lips.

At the same time, she managed to unbutton and unzip his pants. All that remained was his boxers. They fiercely made out, French kissing the fuck out of each other, and at last broke away to witness his cock.


Her eyes went wide. First from the visual stimulation, then the audio. His big, fat cock smacked onto the table at the portion right between her legs. Her breath hitched and she exclaimed without reservation:

"Jesus! That's easily the biggest cock I've ever seen!"

His heart swelled. "I appreciate that."

Her hands languidly jerked his cock off, which was at eighty-percent of its full size. Close enough to wow her yet still having more to offer. Licking her lips, her two hands were stacked on top of each other as they went up and down. Up and down, up and down. Her hands were large for a woman. Rough too.

Felix's gaze was finally able to penetrate the lustful haze it had buried itself in. He blinked twice as her hands went up and down. In that moment of clarity, Felix noticed the ring on her finger. His heart nearly stopped. 'Wait, is she…married? Uhhh, I think this is going a bit too well—'

"Oh, don't worry about him." Looking up, Felix was met with a sultry smile. In one fell swoop, he understood; this whore was not only slutty but fucking horny. Married or not, she was going to fuck him. Felix had no need to concern himself about a husband.

She stopped pumping his cock, taking a second to wiggle her ring finger. "My hubby is what I like to call a quadruple six. Six-foot-six with a six-point-six inch cock. But you…mmmph! You're much better!"

His buttoned-up shirt, which displayed a bit of his chest, was gently pushed. Jessica rearranged their positions in a flash and went down on her knees, all the while holding him by his cock.

His cock was a daunting figure above her. Even so, Jessica licked her lips. "I'm going to enjoy this," she said, giving it a nice lick.

Shivers went down her spine. The thought of taking a married woman tore him apart. He didn't want to be a homewrecker. Despite that, his heart was hammering hard in his chest—and in a good way. It was ordering him to stay and watch this woman suck him off.

Jessica wasted no time in taking him into her mouth, her lips tight around his cock as she went deeper and deeper. Judging by her rate of cock-hungry deepthroating, Jessica was reckless and didn't seem to possess a gag reflex. Felix enjoyed the sensation of his cock being taken whole, her throat feeling like a warm sleeve for his manhood to rest in.

"Haaa…" Felix took a second to breathe, staring into the expensive coffered ceiling of her kitchen. Then he looked down at Jessica and her concentrated face. She really wanted to deepthroat him but struggled to move.

He ran his fingers through her hair. Silky, he noted to himself.

"Take your time."

Jessica exhaled through her nose. After a minute, she did. Her head shifted up and down. Following that minute, after brief eye contact, a switch went off and she went fucking nuts.

"Nnnggghh~! Mmmph! Csssshhkkk~!"

She bobbed up and down Felix's long cock with reckless abandon. She didn't care about size or gag reflexes—all she cared about was swallowing his dick and getting a kick out of it. She didn't use any hands, both being used to furiously finger herself.

'F-fuck! I guess she's a deepthroat expert or something!?'

No hands, only head. That took skill. Real skill. Felix was lucky he experienced it before his time with Shuri. Otherwise, he was sure he wouldn't have lasted long. With every gobble of his cock, Jessica could feel the weight of his balls slapping her chin. Her lips managed a smile as she took him down to base, her tongue desperately swirling around his girth, before pulling back with a pop.

"You like that?" she purred, looking up at him through hooded eyes. His throbbed twice in response

But Jessica wasn't done yet.

"Such fat, heavy balls….!" Her tongue went from the tip down the shaft all the way to base and until finally…his balls. She was fucking relentless. His balls dipped in and out of the wet warmth of her mouth. She gave his nutsack more focus than her excuse for cheating. Following several long, tender licks up his sack, she switched to kisses. A married woman smooching her lips to his balls, the same lips that had sworn oaths to stay loyal.

Why wouldn't he climax early?

Letting out a groan, his cock throbbed like a wild animal and spurted out thick wads of cum on her face.

Jessica let him facial her like a champ. Tongue sticking out, grinning whoreishly, and gently stroking his cock and squeezing his balls as if to milk him dry.

Fuck. Spurt, spurt, spurt! Felix came buckets and Jessica enjoyed every last shot of cum. Her tongue licked up the long, tasty string of cum that it could reach, letting out low moans as she did so.

In the end, Felix found himself panting and staring down at a woman who had orgasmed due to his facial. Her breath was heavy, her figure trembled, and her smile was curved by ecstasy.

Where most men would soften, Felix Faeth remained strong and rigid. Jessica took note of his steely erection, smiling widely and softly beginning to jerk him off. "My husband would go limp after an orgasm like that."

"Luckily, I'm not your husband."

"Obviously not." She picked herself up, her hands shifting to his member. At full height, she smiled, released him, and went to the kitchen sink. "Let me wash my face first, big boy."

Felix watched her walk over to the sink, hips wagging. Her ass was tight against the fabric of her dress and he didn't shy away from blatant staring as she bent over. His cock bobbed up and down, growing excited by a married woman's booty.

She splashed her face with water, sighing. Suddenly, she reached for the cabinet, opened it up, and took out a bottle of alcohol. She popped it open with surprising power and took a swing. Felix stood there with a hand on his hip, erection waiting impatiently.

A gasp left her as she stopped and put the bottle down, turning around with an erotic expression. She walked him to him, a hand sliding under the shaft and whispered in his ear, "How about you show me just how big your cock is, big boy?"

His hand slithered to her hips. Her wet lips smelled of a lovely flavour of booze.

A devilish smile formed on Jessica as she shoved her hands up her dress and pulled her lacy black panties down. With a wet schlop, the undergarments fell to the floor and she eyed him as she circled him and the table. She bent over, rolled her dress up to completely show her bare ass cheeks, and nudged at him to come fuck her.

"Alright," Felix finally relented. "But no regrets."

"Regrets? Never heard of it." Jessica grinned mischievously as he went behind her, cock menacingly hard. Her wetness glistened under the dim moonlight that filtered through the half-open windows.

Smiling, Felix positioned himself behind Jessica and positioned his throbbing cock at her entrance. He grazed it lightly along her slick folds, teasing her mercilessly before finally pushing forward. A gasp escaped her lips as she adjusted to his size, raw pleasure evident on her face. Jessica Jones was married and yet…

"Mmmmph!" She moaned like a virgin. She tightened up as if this were her first cock. She wasn't acting, she was truly feeling like she was experiencing a whole new world. A world her husband showed her with six inches, it seemed.

'No need to worry,' Felix thought to himself. 'I'll teach her everything I can and more.'

Inch after inch after inch sank into her pussy. Moan after moan left yet, and he still wasn't done. Felix was so much bigger than her husband, there was just no comparison. They were worlds apart and Jessica recognized that humiliating fact. That all this time, she had been with someone that could not fully satisfy her or her pussy. That it took one night out to find a man that was leaps and bounds better than him.

"Mmm, that's it! Yes, yes, yes! Unnnnh~!" Jessica threw him a dirty, lustful look. She knew what she was about to say and she had no shame about it. "Fuck, you're much thicker than my husband. Haah, so much thicker…!"

Felix throbbed and went deeper. It seemed her husband had only fucked the black-haired woman to a fraction of her full satisfaction. It was time to fill those gaps, he thought.

"And soooo much longer too~" She gasped. "Ah~!"

His pelvis pressed against her ass cheeks, soft flesh wonderful on his muscles. The full length of his cock inside, he waited for her to catch her breath. His hands on her hips, he waited.

Like Maria said—tease. Tease her till she's a slobbering mess. Don't cum till she wants to whore herself out for it. Doing it to a married woman was perfect training.

"Haaah…mmmph!" Jessica looked straight ahead, biting her bottom lip. Felix was so fucking deep and she wasn't sure if she'd be able to live through it. It was like her walls were meant for this cock. Gathering her breath, she smiled to herself and rubbed her ass against him. "Do it."

He pulled his hips, inciting a small gasp, and lurched forward.

The echo of flesh meeting flesh persisted, as did Jessica's long, arduous moan. A sound from the deepest depths of her soul from a sensitive she had never thought existed.

Felix reached that sacred spot and did so much more.

Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–!

Her walls clamped down on him hard. Already, she was gearing towards an orgasm. Felix could feel it. "Don't tell me your husband wasn't fucking you properly!"

Gasp, moan, whimper, and then—

"I'm cuummmming~!"

Jessica's body arched involuntarily as she shook from the presence of his pistoning cock and her state of nirvana. Her elbows, which had been holding her up, dropped to the side. Jessica was overwhelmed in every sense of the word—the friction, the clapping, the tightness, and the way she could feel every inch of him fill her completely. She clenched her face while her face went wide.

"N-no! Never! Never! My husband NEVER fucked me like this! Mmmmph!" Drool left her lips. His hands firmly on her hips, Felix smiled and kept going.

Her married world was utterly rocked as his big, fat cock returned to her desperate pussy over and over again. There was no restraint, no hesitation. The woman didn't understand. Felix looked muscular but this was on a whole other level. It was like he was a robot meant to fuck the life out of her. No one had ever treated her like this. No one had ever turned her into a drool-hungry slut.

"Your cock! Your cheating cock! Pleeeease~! Please give me more~!"

But Felix had.

Felix had changed her with his words and his dick. He showed her a world past the measly six inches of her husband. He showed her a world that was worth drooling over. He showed her what it meant to really climax.

Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–!

"My hubby! My husband! You're going to ruin me for him!"


Her body lurched forward as, instead of a thrust, he spanked her left ass cheek. A light hand print remained, yet Jessica found herself feeling nirvana rather than pain.

What was this? What was he?

Who in the world had she stumbled into? And why did she want more?

"That's what you get for being a disloyal whore." Spank! His hand went for another firm smack. Her ass cheeks were, in Felix's opinion, the definition of a toned ass. Not too thicc yet quite soft. Trained like Maria but not firm to a ludicrous degree like hers.

Jessica was a casual athlete, it seemed, and it gave her a heart-shaped booty that was simply begging to be spanked.

Pound, pound, pound. Keep fucking this bitch till she's crying for his dick. Get her to forget all about her husband. All that should matter was this dick.

Then, for an instant, he hesitated. He thought about the consequences of being a homewrecker. He thought about a husband incapable of satisfying his wife; she had cheated on him with a literal superhuman. How could her husband ever hope to compare?

Felix's hesitation momentarily surfaced as he grappled her hips and stopped thrusting. Jessica took it the wrong way. Jessica arched back even further, urging with needy moans. "Come on," she panted, "give it to me. Creampie this slutty whore. Give her what her husband won't."

Creampie her? He swallowed. Fuck, fuck, fuck, his dick was going crazy inside her. Balls-deep, this would be the best way to fill her up. This would be the one way to prove his superiority and the results of his training.


Felix exhaled and played along. "Oh yeah? He never cums inside?"

"He can barely fuck me!"

That settled it—he was cumming inside. No amount of morals was going to stop him when this woman was begging him for it. If her husband wasn't going to do it, then Felix proudly would. Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Schalp–! He would fuck her. He would make her cum several times over. He would pound her sorry cunt her till she was on the brink of collapse.

For him, for a man gifted with a body sculpted by the peak of science, it was as easy as counting. Fucking her senseless, making her cum, it was all so easy.

"Oh! Oh! Oh fuuuck! Oh fuck!" Jessica arms grabbed the edge of the table. The damn thing was shaking, close to breaking. Felix couldn't stop. He wouldn't. Not when he was fucking her with such ferociousness. If he stopped here, then both Felix and Jessica would regret it.

Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–! Clap–!


His cock fucking rumbled. At this point, he couldn't stop, even if he wanted to. CLAP! He groaned, balls pressed to her ass and came.

Spurt, spurt, spurt! He filled her up and then some. Her cunt secreted strings of cum, feeling itself getting overstuffed. That was what Felix did: he pushed the boundaries of what it meant to be a man. He was able to do things no one else could. Yet powers or not, he did the one thing Jessica's husband refused to do: give her a hearty creampie.

Jessica barely comprehended the thick wads of cum painting her womb white. The low-hanging fruits that were his balls were incomparable to her husband's. Bigger, fatter, and more virile, and spewing out enough cum to drown out any evidence of her old flame. It was so much different. It was so much better.

Her face down on the table, trying to catch her breath, through willpower alone Jessica managed to keep herself awake. Felix was impressed, especially as his load tapered off. Pop! Felix promptly pulled out and examined his work. Thick, loud droplets fell from her creampied cunt while the woman herself was raving for more.

"Please…" Her hips wagged side-to-side weakly. "Keep fucking me…don't leave alone…don't leave this pussy empty…!"

In one night, Jessica Jones experienced more cock and orgasms than she did her entire marriage.

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