Spider-Man of Earth 65

Chapter 20 – Cute Sides //

***(R18+ Start)***

Sweaty, hot sex with a woman till midnight collapse. Then, waking up, sex again. Never in a million years did scientist Felix Faeth believe he would be in such lucky circumstances, specially with a married woman. The entire house smelled like a zoo where the potent blend of sweat, cum, and everything in between swirling together to create a steamy atmosphere. A place where a man and a woman could sit on a bed, make-out like passionate high schoolers, and still have the rationale to do a phone call.


"Y-yes? Hi, Dr. Octavius, it's uh, Felix."

"Oh, Felix." There was confusion on the other end. "What's up?"

"W-well…" Felix rocked his hips slightly, covering Jessica's mouth with his hand. "I'm s-super sick! I won't be able to c-cum."

"Oh, okay. No problem. How bad is it?"

Felix smiled as Jessica muffled through his hand. Her cunt was gripping like a gorilla. It was tight! Yet…he remained cool. In fact, he could see clearer now than ever before. "Super bad."

"Ooh, super bad? Will you be able to come for lunch on Friday though?"

"I hope so."

Jessica hiccuped, tightening around him as she orgasmed, all the while Dr. Octavius remained oblivious. "Fingers crossed. I have to go but keep me updated."


Beep! The call ended, and Felix's cock was still inside and kissing her womb. Removing his hand from her mouth, Jessica huffed and puffed in exhaustion, her breasts shifting against his bare chest. Felix silenced her with a deep kiss.

"W-who was that?" Jessica asked, ending the kiss. Less than an inch of distance was between them, saliva coating their lips as their noses and foreheads touched. "Your girlfriend?"

"I told you, it's my boss."

"Mmm." She rocked her hips up and down, her walls narrowing down on his cock and begging for a hefty load. "Well, focus on me, stud. I don't need you talking to any lady except me."

"I will." Foreheads touching, he pushed her down, down, down, till her back was on the bed. His cock was still lodged inside her, sending out tender thrusts. Moans were buried between long kisses. After a while of loving rutting, Felix went upright. His hands on her sides and her legs locked around him, his hips began ramming into her mercilessly.

Schlap–! Schlap–! Schlap–! Schlap–!

Her sopping wet cunt and his massive cock came together as one over and over again. He fucked her, the rays of the sun coming through the windows. It had been less than an hour since they had opened their eyes, felt each other up, and began railing each other. And now…

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck~! Nnnngh, Feeelix! Felix! Felix! Your cock is so fucking good!" Whimpers and orgasms and cute little whines left her lips. "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me with that fucking cock!"

The bed was king-sized and the mattress was high-quality, so the bouncy nature of the bed went in tandem with his thrusts. Each time his hips slammed into her, her leg lock loosened and the springs subtly responded. It was a small noise in the background that served as a reminder that they were in fact fucking to the peak of human potential. That whatever experiences Jessica had in the past, she would have to leave them behind for this.

"This dick! THIS DICCK~! GOD~!"

He smiled to himself. He loved the appreciation. It made him want to fuck her more.

Schlap–! Schlap–! Schlap–! Schlap–!

His dick was akin to a woman receiving a ring after decades of engagement. An incomplete piece to the puzzle. Her womb pressed down on his cock as if wanting to be one with it. She wanted him badly—so fucking badly—that she was willing to compromise all her ideals.

All because of his dick.

Felix wasn't about to stop at just pounding her. No, he went down and sucked on her nipples. "Oooh, fuck, fuck…!"

A two-pronged assault of big dick and a tongue swishing and licking. Her breasts were on the smaller side yet Felix took time to pleasure them anyway. He was a very attentive lover, observing the reactions of his partners to see what they enjoyed. For Jessica, it was talking dirty, fucking missionary style, and occasionally giving her nipples attention.

"Fuckfuckfuck~! That's it! That's it! You're almooost—nnnngh~! I can feel you! You're almost there!"

Yet at the end of the day, after all the dick and foreplay, Jessica's thoughts were consumed by the overwhelming desire for him to cum inside her. She wanted to wipe clean everything that her husband had done inside her. It was a twisted, unspoken agreement between them. She wanted his release; she craved his hot seed deep within her womb. She wanted him to rewrite history.

Quickly Felix's thrusts became more urgent, his hips colliding with hers in a primal rhythm. The bed creaked under their combined weight, the sound of their bodies meeting echoing through the room. Jessica's voice wavered with anticipation as she pleaded for him to give her what she desired.

"Felix, Felix, Felix!" Jessica moaned breathlessly. "Cum inside me. I need your cum inside of me!"

Her words hung in the air like a tantalizing promise, challenging him to meet her desire head-on. She knew the power she held over him in this moment, and it fueled her relentless pursuit of his climax.

With each agonizingly slow thrust, Felix could feel his control slipping away. His grip tightened on her hips as he teetered on the edge of release. The room seemed to spin around them - voices muffled, time suspended.

And then it happened.

Felix came inside her, pouring lots and lots of thick, viscous goo into her womb. She was barely ready, her eyes rolling back in delight. Her voice and praise became incomprehensible moans.

Throb, throb, throb. Spurt, spurt.

After all the quivering and orgasms, the room was left with heavy breathing.


Then, silence.

Swallowing, Felix looked over to the side table of the bed. There, facing them was the wedding photo of Jessica and her husband. A tall, buff NYPD detective by the name of Luke Cage, born and raised on the streets of New York in the district of Harlem. He was a man that went from nothing to something according to Jessica.

To see a man like him get cheated on like this felt wrong…

"About your husband…"

Her cheeky little smile and refusal to let him pull out would have worried him if not for her next line of words. "Oh, don't worry about him. We divorced last week. I wore the ring out of habit. I didn't think it would turn into a whole kink thing." 

Felix blinked and let out a sigh. "Thank god…" He was a detective that conducted his work in Harlem too. If he discovered that Felix was fucking his wife…oh boy. It would not end well.

"But it was hot, wasn't it?" Jessica said, smiling, her chest rising high and low. Flat on the mattress, her sweaty C-cups glistened and he lazily groped them with a hand. "And I wasn't lying when I said your dick was much bigger. Seriously, it's no competition."

"It also means I can fuck you without feeling an ounce of guilt." Felix went down and made-out with her. "Mmm…it's nice that a woman like you is back on the market."

"Isn't it?" Their lips softly split, wide smiles on each of their faces. "Being the wife of a cop is the worst. No kids, no night time activity, nothing. Luke took on so much work that by the time I served the divorce papers, he just sighed and said he was too busy."

Despite her womb being full of his cum, Felix began to move slightly. His hips rocked back and forth like a gentle ship, letting the virile baby batter move and pleasure her in its own way. "Mhm, well, too bad for him."

Their mouths came together for another kiss. Her nails went up and down his back, signalling him to go faster. Felix's cock throbbed to life and he fucked her for another long, steamy hour. The divorced Jessica Jones had never felt so sexually satisfied in her life. 

Jessica Jones said that her husband described her as, "a hard-drinking short-fused mess of a woman." Felix agreed. Standing next to her, brushing his teeth, he came to realize why some men might appreciate her or grow to dislike her. She was very pretty, there was no question about that. Felix would go so far as to call her sexy given her long, silky black hair and her C-cup breasts. Her ruggedness and crass voice did dial her sexiness metre down a couple levels, but somehow, in a hot way.

"It's strange." Jessica paused to brush her teeth on the side. The two of them were nude and the mirror reflection displayed their height difference. "During our honeymoon, Luke and I would do this everyday."

"Life moves fast."

"And bigger too." Her eyes flickered to his nether regions. "His cock never dangled like yours did. Seriously, are you a porn star?"

Seriously. All this time, Felix hadn't ogled Jessica once. Meanwhile, she stared at his flaccid dick without shame.

"...has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?"

"Sometimes, yes." She finished brushing her teeth, walked off with her arms in the air, and said, "I'm getting me some booze. You?"

'Alcohol filters through my system like carbonated water. It means nothing to me.'

Felix shrugged. "Sure, why not."

***(R18+ End)***

'Why am I making breakfast? I'm the guest here.'

He rummaged through Jessica's pantry, gathering ingredients with a sharp gaze on his back from the table.

Wearing an apron he found hanging on a hook over his black shirt and jeans, Felix set about creating a breakfast masterpiece. The scent of freshly ground coffee filled the air as the rich aroma mingled with the tantalizing fragrance of sizzling bacon.

Jessica observed the scene with a raised eyebrow, her arms crossed. Following the booze and getting tipsy, she said she didn't want to work. Thus, Felix had to pick up the slack. The apron-clad Felix moved with a surprising grace, confidently flipping pancakes on the stovetop.

'Super equilibrium makes this look easy.' Flip, flip, flip. There wasn't a ghost of a chance of him messing up. It was great.

"I'm glad that one of us is a chef."

"I do my best." He expertly plated the breakfast – a stack of golden pancakes drizzled with maple syrup, crispy bacon on the side, and a steaming cup of coffee. "Here you go. Breakfast is served."

Jessica's smirk softened into a genuine smile as she eyed the spread. The tempting aroma and the sight of the carefully prepared meal sparked a warmth in the room. She began eating and ended with an impressed smile. "I might have to keep you around for more than just your dick."

Felix rubbed the back of his neck, smiling shyly.

"No, I'm serious. I could get used to this." Jessica stabbed a fork into a pancake. "A good dick at night and decent breakfast at day."

Felix searched her expression, puzzled. "So…like fuck buddies?"

A glowering smile. "Yeah! Fuck buddies! Let's be fuck buddies! No strings attached though. I'm not looking for a relationship or a roster of guys to fuck. I want to focus on my own life."

"You work?"

"I used to be a private investigator but then I got injured. I'm thinking about going into security work."

Felix didn't understand much of her backstory. So she was a wife to a cop, was previously a private investigator, divorced her cop husband, and was an alcoholic? Felix sipped on the cup of coffee. "Good luck then."

"Hey, you make it sound like I'm impossible."

"I didn't say it though."

"But you thought about it!"

After a morning filled with shared laughter, good food, and easy conversation, the time came for Felix to leave Jessica's apartment. The soft morning light painted the room with a gentle glow as they stood at the doorway, the city's hustle and bustle beginning to stir beyond the threshold.

Jessica walked him to the door. There was a comfortable silence between them, words exchanged in glances and lingering moments.

Felix mustered a smile. "Thanks for the amazing night, Jessica."

Jessica crossed her arms, smirking. "Anytime, Felix. Maybe I'll catch you at another Mary Janes gig?"

"We'll see," he replied.

As Felix prepared to step out, Jessica moved closer, closing the gap between them. With a tender smile, she bounced on her toes and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. The warmth of the gesture lingered as their eyes met.

A hand on his chest, she smiled. "Well…how about now?"

"You have my number. If you call, I'll pick up."

"Playing hard to get?" Jessica licked her lips, deathly close to him. "Challenge accepted."

The Chelsea neighbourhood of Manhattan was on the West Side of the borough and primarily a residential area. He walked past a long series of brown tenements. Rather than walk and take his time, Felix decided to take a jog. Warming up and exercising were mostly pointless because of Extremis, but it would help to push his brain into exercise mode faster. Going from a scientist to a superhero wasn't easy if Gwen Stacy's life was anything to go by.

'One, two, one, two…' Jogging for Felix meant a full-sprint for an Olympic athlete. He was that fast and consistent. As his equilibrium stabilized and his non-athletic instincts sharpened, he was beginning to shape into the hero he wanted to be. Strong, quick, smart, and never caught off-guard.

He jogged, or from an outsider's perspective, ran from the Chelsea neighbourhood and reached Hell's Kitchen in less than five minutes.

'The meeting with Dr. Octavius is happening in a couple days and I have the week off…I should tinker around—'

A tingle went down his neck. Someone was turning from the alley he was running past. He casually swerved to the left to avoid them.

Time slowed as he saw who it was that came out. It was a man wearing a white mask; a member of the Inner Demons.

Propped up against the alleyways were drug addicts littered with needles and looking up at the sky with no tangible emotion. Everything was happening in their brains. Felix's keen senses picked up on the deeper telltale signs—beyond the discarded needles, beyond the hollow gaze of those caught in the grip of addiction—there was someone responsible.

Herbie was in his pocket but he didn't need the AI. Felix was able to tell there were no cameras in this area.

As the rush of adrenaline fell, time returned to normal and he resumed jogging like normal. Felix blinked twice. 'Woah, what was that? It was like my brain went into a state of hyper alertness…'

More importantly, the Inner Demons were selling drugs in Hell's Kitchen. In five minutes, Felix made his way to Harlem. Indeed, upon retrospect, Hell's Kitchen and Chelsea weren't too far from Harlem. It was a thirty minute drive but the directions were simple enough. Harlem rested directly above Hell's Kitchen, which was in turn above Chelsea.

In a jog that lasted less than ten minutes, Felix reached his apartment complex, the familiar hallway stretching out before him. As he took out his keys, the stairwell door swung open, revealing Miles stepping into the corridor.

"Oh, Miles. Hey, dude," Felix greeted, offering a small nod.

"Ah, Felix." The young man smiled brightly, holding his backpack by the shoulder strap. "I haven't seen you in forever."

"Work is work."

"Man, adulting sucks."

The two shared a laugh and Felix asked, "How is Rio?"

"Oh, she's fine."

"Is school going well for her?"


"And you?"

"It's alright. Though…" Miles shook his head. "Nevermind."

"Is it serious?"

He crossed his arms. "I guess? Some kids went missing in the area. It's not my school but apparently a lot of kids have been going missing."

"Missing kids? I hope the NYPD can do something."

Miles snorted. "If they do find the kids, they'll just find a way to pin it on Spider-Gwen." The fifteen year old seemed disgruntled. Felix figured he was a fan but to this extent? That was kinda cute.

"Yeah, I get it. The police can be some lameos." He opened his unit door and stepped inside. "I'll catch you later."

A wave from Miles. "See ya."

Entering his apartment, there was a noticeable smell of freshener products. Meadows and rain, his nose deduced. Maria Hill must have been responsible. "Maria?" he called out. Silence.

"She's gone." Felix smirked. He casually went over to his room, sat at his desktop, and plopped in his earbuds. "Herbie, did Maria do anything?"


"I thought as much." Felix leaned back, arms crossed. "Also, I want you to look into the missing kids in Harlem. Any newspapers or social media stuff—get everything. I want a suspect if possible."

"Understood, Dr. Faeth. However, a suggestion to infiltrate the NYPD base for deeper levels of the criminal database is recommended."

"I'll do that tonight then." Felix smiled. "As the Crime-Fighting-Spider."

"That is your name?"

"What, too long? How about Arachnid-Man?"

"Perhaps you should wait for the media to name you."

"It sounds like you hate my naming sense."

"AIs cannot hate."

"Well, that's comforting. At least I know you won't rebel." He chuckled. "Also, about the charity…"

"Maria Hill has been accurate. Social media has promoted it as a high-end social event. Not much information can be gleaned due to its luxurious background but based on available information, Princess Shuri is indeed coming to New York, as well as several additional prominent figures, including but not limited to: Anthony Stark, Susan Storm, Emma Frost, Pepper Potts, Ororo Munroe, and even Surgeon Doctor Strange."

"I know like…half of those people. Pull up their profiles, please."

Profile pictures and long descriptions popped on the computer screen. Fist on his cheek, he read it.

Anthony Stark: The son of Howard Stark, Anthony Stark inherited a vast fortune and established himself as a billionaire industrialist, weapons manufacturer, and coffee magnate. As the head of Stark Industries and Stark Bucks, he wields immense influence in the corporate world. In addition to his business ventures, Tony Stark is the owner of the War Machine, a formidable mercenary unit that serves as his private army. Known for his charisma and penchant for the extravagant, Stark is a captivating presence in both business and social circles.

"A private mercenary unit…? In New York? Anthony Stark, he might be an issue if he gets in my way." Felix narrowed his eyes. "How powerful is this War Machine group?"

"They possess state-of-the-art military equipment and beyond. Any experimental technology has been handed to them."

"Any names?"

"None unless we directly gain access to a Stark Industries network."

Felix bit the inside of his cheek. The world was oh-so complicated and as a superhero he had to remain five steps ahead because of affluents like Anthony Stark. One wrong step and everything he knew could be targeted. His eyes shifted down to the remaining profiles.

Susan Storm: A young woman once a part of the Fantastic Four TV series. Rumours suggest an aversion to Spider-Woman. There are also rumours regarding her brother, Johnny Storm, who supposedly does not get along with Susan.

Emma Frost: Born to a rich Boston mercantile family, Emma Frost used her family influence in order to build a financial empire with Frost International. Frost International specializes in the building of ships and aircraft, and has recently expanded into the electronics industry. She is said to be good friends with Ororo Munroe.

Pepper Potts: Tony Stark's assistant turned greatest rival. Pepper Potts has carved her own path in the cutthroat world of business and founded Virginia Industries, which has gain an unprecedented foot in the medical industry. A shrewd businesswoman, Pepper has become a prominent figure in philanthropy, advocating for causes she believes in and speaking out against the reckless actions of Anthony Stark in unstable regions of the world.

Ororo Munroe: Over the past decade, the King of Kenya has become too old to rule. As the sole heir to the throne, Ororo Munroe is ruler in all but name. Rumours regularly spread regarding her sexual escapades and her many pro-nude island resorts. She is said to have held orgies in Wakanda, has a tight friendship with Emma Frost, and allegedly possesses bargaining power over the King of Wakanda, T'Challa.

Stephen Strange: A brilliant and celebrated surgeon, Doctor Stephen Strange gained fame for performing complex and life-saving surgeries on notable personalities, including the likes of Anthony Stark. His skilled hands and unparalleled confidence have earned him a reputation as a miracle worker in the wider world. Like Ororo Munroe, he is known for hosting orgies as well as sexual affiliations with his patients.

None really surprised him, save Ororo Munroe. 'Bargaining power over King T'Challa? And a pervert as well? Princesses these days…though I suppose the good Doctor Strange isn't any better. I heard his name in passing on the news. Who knew all the guy cared about was screwing his patients?'

Pepper Potts seemed to be the only normal woman on the list, if the definition of normal meant unproblematic. Luckily, Susan Storm, Emma Frost, and Ororo Munroe weren't on his list. Princess Shuri was.

Stretching his arms high in the air, Felix got up from his rolling chair and began unbuttoning his collared shirt, only to stop. Something was on his bed. A box and a note? Felix cautiously approached his bed and read the note without touching the box.

Dear Felix Faeth,

Please don't get into the habit of creampieing every woman you see. Here are some condoms. Hopefully they fit.

Best regards,

Maria Hill

Felix blinked twice, picked up the box of condoms, and burst into laughter. Clearly, Maria Hill had wanted him to wear a condom during their "training" but was too into it and forgot. 'I guess even the detective has a cute side.'

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