Spider-Man of Earth 65

Chapter 87 – Dinner Date // Eleanor Bishop

A button that was going to broadcast what happened? Check. Clothes? Check. 

It was time. 

Yelena drove the sleek black car through the streets of New York with her usual laid-back confidence. .

"You ready for this?" Yelena asked, glancing over at him as they neared their destination.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Felix replied.

They pulled up outside Eleanor Bishop's building, and the security guards immediately opened the car door for Felix. Yelena shot him a quick wink before he stepped out, and Felix gave her a nod of thanks. 


"Felix Faeth?" the security guard asked. "Can I see your ID?"

"Oh, sure." He had his Oscorp card in his wallet and handed it over. The security nodded and handed it back after a brief check, and then escorted him to the elevator, where he was guided to the top floor.

The ride up was long, and Felix couldn't help but think about everything Aaron had said earlier. The advice had been half-joking, but there was a nugget of truth in it. Eleanor Bishop wasn't just another mark—this was delicate. He had to earn her trust, and despite the covert nature of his mission, he had to do it genuinely.

The elevator doors slid open with a soft ding, and Felix stepped into the lavish penthouse. The sleek, modern design and the expansive views of the New York skyline were stunning, but he barely registered them. His focus was on what came next.

Eleanor Bishop was waiting for him. She stood near the window, her back to him as she gazed out over the city. She looked radiant, dressed in a simple yet stunning black dress that hugged her figure without being too flashy.

Then there was the penthouse itself. It was magical, full of candles and everything a dark, steamy date night could want. 

"Felix," Eleanor greeted, turning to face him, a smile tugging at her lips. "You made it."

"Wouldn't have missed it," Felix replied, his own smile genuine as he stepped further into the room. "Thanks for the invite. The candles smell great."

She waved a hand as if brushing off the compliment, though her eyes sparkled with appreciation. "It's just a place to rest my head. Sometimes it feels too big for its own good."

They exchanged a moment of silence, the kind that wasn't awkward but held weight—like the two of them were assessing how to proceed after the chaos of the last few days. Finally, Eleanor motioned to the set dining table by the window, where an intimate dinner had been laid out for them.

"I thought we could start with dinner," Eleanor said. "Nothing too extravagant. I didn't want to overwhelm you on the first official... outing."

Felix grinned as he followed her to the table, taking the seat opposite her. "After the explosion and everything? Overwhelming is the new normal."

"True enough." She poured them both glasses of wine, handing one to Felix before taking a sip of her own. "How have you been holding up since the factory...?"

Felix took a breath, swirling the wine in his glass as he thought about how to answer. "I've been all right, considering. It was... intense. I'm still trying to piece together everything that happened. It's strange, you know? One minute, we're on a tour, and the next..." He trailed off, shaking his head as if to clear it. "It all felt so sudden. I'm a scientist. Not getting answers agitated me to no need."

"Mm, I can relate," Eleanor said, lips leaving her glass. "As CEO, it's hard not to be controlling."

"But we made it out. That's what counts." Felix chuckled. "And I guess that's how things go when Oscorp is involved."

Eleanor laughed, the sound light but with a touch of bitterness. "That's an understatement. Oscorp has a way of leaving chaos in its wake."

"Speaking from experience?" Felix asked with a playful smirk, taking another sip of his wine.

Eleanor tilted her head, a teasing glint in her eyes. "You could say that. Being involved with powerful people tends to come with a lot of... drama."

Felix raised his glass in a mock toast. "Here's to avoiding as much drama as possible."

Eleanor clinked her glass against his, her smile growing wider. "I'll drink to that."

Felix found himself laughing more than he had expected, their banter growing more playful as the wine continued to flow. He told her a few funny stories from his workdays and she responded with her own witty remarks about the eccentric world of New York's upper crust.

"—at an art auction in SoHo. You know, one of those pretentious events where everyone pretends they understand abstract art."

Felix grinned. "Sounds riveting."

"Oh, it was," Eleanor replied, her smile widening. "I was there representing one of the charities I work with, and everything was going smoothly until... well, until someone bought a piece of art without realizing it wasn't part of the auction."

Felix blinked, confused. "How does that even happen?"

Eleanor leaned forward, one arm crossed. "It was this absurd sculpture—a bunch of old industrial equipment welded together. Some avant-garde artist had left it in the loading bay of the venue as a donation for the event. It wasn't even meant to be in the auction. But one of the event organizers added it to the catalog by mistake."

Felix was already starting to laugh. "So someone bid on it?"

"Not just bid," Eleanor said, holding back her own laughter. "A very wealthy art collector from Europe bought it for three million dollars."

Felix nearly choked on his wine. "Three million? For... what, an old hunk of scrap metal?"

Eleanor nodded, laughing now. "Exactly! It was this monstrosity of rusted pipes, gears, and broken machinery. No one had any idea it wasn't part of the exhibit. When they announced the sale, the collector acted like he had just won the Mona Lisa."

Felix couldn't contain his laughter. "What happened when they found out it wasn't real art?"

"They didn't. No one wanted to admit they had no idea what it was supposed to be, so they just played along. The artist never corrected anyone, and the collector shipped it back to his estate in France. To this day, I'm sure he thinks he's got some kind of rare masterpiece sitting in his garden."

"Three million dollars for a pile of junk." Felix cackled. "Amazing."

Eleanor's laughter dued down, though the warmth in her eyes lingered. "That's the world I move in sometimes. People too proud—or too clueless—to admit they don't understand what's right in front of them."

Felix leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand. "And where do you fit in? Are you one of them?"

Eleanor's smile softened, and she looked at him thoughtfully. "No. I like to think I see things for what they really are. And when I don't... I try to be honest about it."

There was a moment of quiet as they regarded each other. The light from the city outside painted soft shadows across Eleanor's face, and Felix couldn't help but admire the way she carried herself—strong, confident, but with a vulnerability she rarely let others see.

"That's rare," Felix said softly, holding her gaze. "Most people just pretend."

"I don't have the luxury of pretending," Eleanor replied, her voice quieter now, more intimate. "In my world, it's all about control. Letting people see the cracks... that's dangerous."

Eleanor's hand, resting on the table, was so close to his now. Felix reached out, gently brushing his fingers against hers. She didn't pull away. Instead, she looked at him, her eyes softening, her guard slowly lowering. For a moment, neither of them moved. The air between them was thick with tension, the unspoken desire hanging in the space like a thread waiting to be pulled.

Felix leaned in slightly. Eleanor mirrored his movement, her breath catching as their faces came closer. He could feel the warmth of her presence, the softness of her breath mingling with his own.

'Got her.' 

The elegant and powerful Eleanor Bishop, CEO of Bishop Security, had always been a woman in control. But tonight, she found herself surrendering to a desire that ignited a fire within her, a desire that had been dormant for far too long. 

There was no resisting, getting away from the inevitable. 

Her lips locked in a passionate kiss with Felix, a man half her age, and she felt a rush of excitement and longing.

Eleanor's fingers gently caressed Felix's strong jawline. Felix's hands roamed over her waist, exploring every curve with a confident touch. He knew precisely what he was doing, and Eleanor relished in the sensation of being desired.

'I'm sure everyone else is having a blast seeing this,' Felix thought.


On a street far, far away was a car with four individuals. Yelena and Maria at the front, and Aaron and Bishop at the back. In place of the head unit where the radio and DVD was supposed to be was a small television screen.

They all watched.

Well, not for long.

"No," Kate said, staring at the screen, horror filling her up. "No. No, no, no."

Aaron Davis was cringing, not knowing what he was seeing. "Wait…was seducing her the plan!?" 

"Always was," Maria said casually. 

Kate opened the door and jumped out of the car. "No, no, no, no—"

Yelena was the only entertained, already holding a bucket with popcorn. The sound of the zipper ended.

For a moment, there was silence. Aaron and Yelena went wide-eyed. They had done and seen plenty in their life but never had they been this flabbergasted. This shell-shocked at the sight of a "white mushroom". 

"O moy Bog!" Yelena exclaimed. "That thing is huge!"

Aaron was left speechless. "What…the hell…?"

"Talk about an American-sized cock! Wow!" Yelena turned to Maria, grinning. "You knew about this, didn't you?"

No answer. Maria stared at the screen and what it showed.

"Oh, hell no…!" Aaron grimaced. "Is he a porn star or something?"

"No," Maria replied.

"He's just some dude then?" Aaron groaned. "With something like that, why in the world didn't you stop me from telling him about rizz? He doesn't need it!"

"What, can't match up?" Yelena quipped.

"Man…!" Aaron ignored her and buried his head in his hands. His eyes flicked up to look. He sighed. "That's the stuff of nightmares man. Mr. Steal Yo Girl type shit."

"Is he gonna be okay?" Yelena asked. "Are you gonna be okay?"

Ignored. Again. 

Aaron continued muttering, borderline delirious, "I was even gonna teach him the shoulder touch. But fucking hell, just whip that thing out and you'll have chicks salivating." A long, dejected sigh, as if his soul was leaving his body. "Fuck, man. Fuck."

Outside, Kate continued to pace around and mutter to herself. Yelena snorted and just watched. Despite the shame, they watched the scene. They had to. 

The mission. Yeah, because of the mission. 

(**R18 Start**)

The kiss was broken.

Eleanor's fingers had deftly unbuckled Felix's belt, unzipped his pants, and freeing his cock. What a cock it was. There was a reason Aaron Davis, a male that stood over six-feet, was shell-shocked. Why a spy like Yelena was eager to see.

Felix was well-endowed, thicker and longer than anybody else. Eleanor was shocked to the point of just staring. The mushroom-like head and the incredible curve as it sprouted from his crotch. 


Eleanor gulped and grabbed his cock. 

It was only half-hard and already bigger than anything she had seen. Bigger than anything anyone else had seen. 

She stroked his shaft, feeling the warmth and hardness in her hand.

"You like what you see, Mrs. Bishop?" Felix asked.

Throb, throb, throb. His cock rose to the occasion and Eleanor gasped.

"I-I do, Felix." All logic seemed to be thrown out the window with this cock in front of her. She exhaled heavily. "I like it very much."

Eleanor opened her mouth as if comparing the size. It was now or never, and she chose now. Lips parted wide open, she took his big cock into her mouth. 

Eleanor Bishop had always been an expert at fellatio, a talent she had honed during her marriage. Her technique was nothing short of extraordinary. She swirled her tongue around the head twice in a single second, earning a raised brow from Felix. 

Her tongue worked fast. 

That was when she went deeper. Her lips slid down his length, inch by inch, until she reached the halfway point, taking him as far as she could.

Felix let out a low groan as Eleanor's warm mouth enveloped him. "God, you're good," he muttered, running his fingers through her hair.

Eleanor's throat welcomed his thickness. She returned to the tip, her tongue doing what it did before and washing his glans. She then bobbed her head, creating a rhythmic motion. She went halfway down, throat tightening and pleasing, then back up to service his tip. Halfway down, tip, and lick. She went faster and faster, breaking off the rust that had accumulated.

Her experience with her ex-husband must have taught her how to deepthroat, and she could take more than half his cock with ease. The rest, however, was too much. The MILF found herself struggling to accommodate his full length.

Sensing her struggle, Felix gently pulled her off his cock, his breath heavy. 

Eleanor looked up at him, lips not quite leaving his cock, a challenge in her eyes. She wanted to prove that she could handle more, but Felix had other plans. He came close and one hand undid her black dress from the back. One hand had a firm grip on his shaft, he began to stroke, his eyes never leaving hers.

"You want to fuck?" Felix asked. "Or should we stop?" 

The black dress was sliding off of her. Eleanor swallowed and nodded. "Yes." 

He lay her flat on the couch as her dress came undone and her nude body was laid bare. Her breasts were B-cups, drooping downward. She was an older woman with the smallest of wrinkles on her face and chin-length hair. 

That was when he penetrated her. That was when he elicited a gasp from Eleanor. 

"Oh gossshhh~!"

Just halfway in and her eyes were rolled back.

Felix grabbed her wrists and locked them together on her stomach. This way, she was taut and would keep herself that. 

His length filled her to the brim, stretching her walls, and she could feel the difference immediately. Felix's cock was a perfect fit, filling her in ways no one else had. 

"Haaah~! Haaah~!"

Her eyes didn't have to beg. Felix was going to fuck her and he was going to do it well. He started with slow, deliberate strokes, each one going deeper than the last.

"Ohhhh~! Oh, oh, oh~! Oh, god~!" He hit her sweet spot with each thrust. Her pussy clenched around him. It was like there were no mistakes with him. "C-cummiiiing~!"

And so, ten seconds in, she orgasmed. She made that lewd expression that all women made when they couldn't handle it. Smirking, Felix stopped. 

"You like that, Mrs. Bishop?" he asked. He released her wrists and waited. Eleanor had to gasp for air. The seconds ticked by, this huge cock still inside her, and she gulped again.

"W-wow…" Eleanor murmured, staring at her stretched cunt. The way it wrapped around him was…

"Y-you're much bigger than Derek…"

His cock roared to life and Eleanor bit her bottom lip. He didn't move, he simply throbbed and she felt it. "Mmm…!" Being bigger, being better, it always fueled him with pride.

"He's gone now," Felix said, leaning down and above her face. He wanted her to look into his eyes. He wanted her to be hypnotized. "What would he want?"


She didn't know. Her pussy could only clamp down on him. Felix smiled. "He would want this," he said for her. "You haven't been anyone. That's not right. He would want you to be happy, not miserably. To wallow over him or to move on…you know what he would say. You know what he would want. It's what every husband would want for their wife."

"You're right." Eleanor's hands slithered up and became one with his. Laid down beside her head, the young scientist looming above her, his cock inside her. She stared into his eyes and smiled. "Derek would want this."

Convincing a MILF that her dead husband would have wanted her to get fucked by a huge cock. This was definitely one of the craziest things he had done. In reality, few husbands would want the love their life to move on and get fucked.




Thrust, thrust, thrust!

"I'm already—nggghhh~! Cumming~!"

Alas, Felix couldn't afford to sympathize. He had to fuck this MILF. Rail her to the point of delusions. Hold back on jackhammering on her and fuck her accordingly. 

"So deep, so deep, so deeeeep~! G-gosh, your cock is so deeeep~!"

'Sorry, Derek—

"Y-you're making me cum again~! Ngggh, h-hold oooooonn~!" 

He didn't. 

'...but tonight, I'm going to stretch your wife's pussy to the point that she'll forget about your cock. Seriously, I'm sorry!'

He was fucking her while looking down on her. Observing her ever-changing face and the way it reacted to her orgasms. The woman hadn't felt this way in years. Her fingers were tightly holding his hands. Despite wanting him to "hold on", she also didn't want him to stop.

Felix thought to do as she said. He stopped and let Eleanor catch her breath. Breasts trembling, throat gulping, she stared up at him.

Felix smiled.

"How about we change things up?"

Already, she had orgasmed five times. For her, it felt like it had been an eternity. His fingers untangled from her and he sat up straight. Then, he grabbed her sides and picked her up. 


She was pressed to his chest. Breasts pushed flat against his dress shirt and his hands down under her thighs to properly hoist her onto him. Eleanor didn't know what he was doing, but with his cock still inside, there was nothing she could do to protest. She was carried all the way to the penthouse glass wall. 

Felix's cock slipped out. Eleanor cooed and her feet touched the floor. Because of his dick, she didn't seem to realize how easily he carried her. Back against the wall, panting and staring at the python, she smiled.

She knew what he wanted.

"Do it."

Eleanor Bishop was not especially confident in her body. But if there was one part of herself she could proudly flex in a dress or nude, it was her ass. From her youth till now, it remained a toned heart-shaped piece. Child bearing hips that earned looks and leers. Everybody wanted to fuck her doggy-style when she was in her prime.

Alas, she was no longer in her prime.

And yet... 

She bent over, spreading her pussy with her two fingers, and begged to get fucked doggy-style. Felix, wearing dress pants and his blazer, slapped her left ass cheek. Old or not, those ass cheeks were delightful. If someone snapped a photo of her ass, they would think it would belong to a porn star.

Smooth, fullest at the bottom, and narrower the closer it got to the waistline. Pure genetics were speaking here. Kate Bishop probably had these genetics and this same ass, except with the luxury of Olympic level training.

Eleanor had the luxury of being a MILF.

"Good girl."

The praise and the slap: Eleanor relished the kinkiness of it all. This young man and his big cock...! God, it was exhilarating.


She was already salivating, already tensing as his cock poked her entrance. Forget length, he was damn thick too! When he eased himself inside... 

"Ohhhh~! Oh, yes~! Yes, Felix~!"

Eleanor's body trembled. Again, he was thicker, so simply by being inside he reached new depths. Her pussy gripped him tightly. Suddenly, she felt like a virgin again, losing herself to the newfound pleasure of cock.

How many years had it been?


Too many. Way too many. She had not touched a man since her husband. She didn't want to. She didn't need to. Her husband was incredible.

But Felix was better. 


He was all the way inside and she climaxed, her orgasm exploding through her body. Her heavy breathing filled the room as she came, her juices flowing around his shaft.

But Felix was only getting started. He grabbed her hips and slam! Pulled her back onto his cock, going even deeper. Eleanor's eyes widened as she felt him fill her completely, pushing past her limits. Her pussy ached around him, and she could barely breathe, but it felt incredible.

Then again.


And again.


Hands pressed to the glass wall, she moaned and threw her head back. She couldn't believe it. This cock….this cock…!

"You... you're so big," she panted, her voice hoarse. "You're so much bigger than…haaah…!"

She knew who he was bigger than. He knew too.

"And you're gonna take every inch."

Felix pounded into her, his balls slapping against her ass with each thrust. Eleanor was fucking quivering, and in a matter of seconds, she could feel another orgasm building. Felix's cock was relentless, hitting her G-spot with precision. 

"I'm sorry~! I'm so, so sorry~! This cock~! This coooock~! It's too goood~!"

Hold back! Fight back! You were an experienced woman! You had a kid! A husband! 

"I cannnnn't~! I can't stop cummiiiing~!"

Over and over again, she tried not to break down. She tried to be the dignified CEO that she was. Unfortunately, Felix dicked her down like a whore. He was too good. It wasn't just his cock, it was how he fucked. She didn't feel he was going all the fast and yet it felt like he was jackhammering into her.

The pace, the consistency...!

"Have you ever been fucked like this!?"

"N-no~! No~! Not since my honeymoon with Derek!"

"Honeymoon, eh?" Again, Felix wasn't going all that fast. Each stroke was long and took about a second. For the average person, this was normal. Fast even. Felix guessed given the direct comparison, this was Derek's limit.

So time to go faster.

"Oh, nooo~! No, no, no~! You're making me cum~!"

Long strokes became faster and faster. The huge monster cock was being swallowed and taken by her MILF cunt repeatedly.

"Dereeek! I'm sorry~! I'm sorry~! Felix is making me cuuumm~!" Eleanor screamed his name as she came again, her body shaking uncontrollably. "HE'S MAKING ME CUUUMMMG~!"

It didn't matter the woman. Her dignity, her past, her needs; all of them fell under Felix's cock. The tiny grip it had due to his spider-powers. The pace as he fucked and pounded her ass. There was just nothing like that. No human could possibly match it.

So Derek…don't be ashamed. The only reason you were outclassed was because your wife met Spider-Man. 

Felix's own release was imminent. "Inside or out?" he asked.

"I…I…!" Eleanor gasped. "O-out! Not inside~! That's for Derek!" 

Fair enough. He pulled out, his cock throbbing on top of her. Eleanor's pussy contracted, missing his cock already. Her legs were shaking and she was just about to fall over.

Felix's throbbing red cock was in perfect view of the camera in his button. Twitching madly, its length going past her ass cheeks, Felix was almost elegant in the way he held it. His strokes were lightning, going from base to tip and getting that pre-cum to leak all over her ass. 

Schlap! Schlap! Schlap! 

The ensuing climax was obscene. Cum bubbled out and then spurt forward like a volcano. Dozens and dozens of cumshots splattered and tainted her backside. Some dripped over to her shoulder. 

From the perspective of those watching, it felt like something straight out of a porno. 



The car was silent. That massive cock was still fucking going too! The climax just wasn't stopping!

Aaron pursed his lips and shook his head. "Talk about backshots. Fuck, man."

Those strokes, Aaron thought, looked fast at first but then Felix had to kick it up a notch and go even faster. Eleanor's ass cheeks were making those classic porn waves. You know, the ones that doggy-style fanatics craved to see.

Aaron was familiar because he was one of those doggy-style fanatics. 

"I know right. I'm asexual, so I can say objectively speaking…this was awesome," Yelena said. 

"...is Kate gonna be okay?" Aaron asked, glancing out the window. "She did see some of it."

Although she promptly went back outside when she did…

Aaron felt bad. Watching your mother getting destroyed by a big dick must have been traumatic. 

"She's going to be out there for a while," Maria suddenly said.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Felix doesn't seem like he's done," Maria pointed out. Indeed, his monster cock had not gone down. The opposite really; it looked ready to rumble again, rivulets of white leaking out not from the previous orgasm but the next.

Aaron groaned, exasperated. "Doesn't he have a refractory period? Post-nut clarity?" 

"...as a detective, I investigated Felix and the people around him. He can go for a while, they say." Maria's words were, of course, missing out the fact that she had personally attested to it. "Nights are rarely quiet when he has a woman in bed."

"So…how long are we here for?"

"Five hours. Minimum."

"Minimum? Jesus Christ."

"I instructed him to go for as long as he can."

Aaron Davis groaned. "And I thought my brother was an animal."

"You know, speaking of American sizes, can we get some McDonalds?" Yelena asked. "I'm famished."

From her wallet, Maria brought out a debit card. "Felix gave me this as an apology. He said to spend however much we would like."

Aaron's gaze flicked to the video, then the card, then a sigh. "Fucking hell, he's rich and hung. Talk about winning the lottery…"

Yelena teased, "You okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine. Just…really trying to think if there's something better than the shoulder touch."

The car was suddenly alight by a loud moan. Felix had just picked Eleanor up and was fucking her while groping her ass cheeks.

Aaron Davis could only sigh, put a palm to his cheek, and watch.

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