Spider-Man of Earth 65

Chapter 88 – The Address //

(**R18 Start**)

"So you're Derek."

Felix's flaccid cock hung low, unintentionally facing the wedding photo. His hair fluffy and black, Derek was a smiling man and holding his wife Eleanor by the waist. While she kissed his cheek, he smiled at the camera, at the future.

Drip, drip, drip. From the tip of his cock, cum fell. The still married man in the photo, smiling, probably not knowing this was the future. His wife's future.

Felix leaned down and picked up the photo. Kate had already given the rundown: her father, Derek Bishop, was born into a wealthy family. This penthouse for example? He inherited it, supposedly built by his family five generations before him. Eventually, he married a woman named Eleanor and with her had a daughter named Kate.

He came inside Eleanor, the same way Felix had. Although in Felix's eyes…

"Mmmnnn…Ngh…" The moans and whimpers were accompanied by the sound of bubbly cum coming out from her gaping pussy. "...ngggkkk…shhhkkk…!"

Eleanor Bishop had been unequivocally fucked. Railed to the point of delirious. Face in the pillow, legs and arms spread, and her fingers twitching and curling. 

"Sorry, man." Felix rubbed the back of his neck. Competing against a superhero was tough work. Whether it was a rich man like Derek or trained police officer like Luke, they just didn't stand a chance. "Your wife was incredible. You trained her well. Respect."

Felix put the photo back and turned. Thwap! His dick swung. Thwap! Thwap!

Derek Bishop and his ancestors definitely didn't predict that a hung man like Felix would be plowing their matriarch. A matriarch, mind you, that wasn't of their blood but married into it. Said woman was using the old penthouse to get fucked by this big dick.

Felix's clothes were on the coat rack next to the bed. Felix adjusted the collar to make it face Eleanor.

In that time, the former married woman woke up. She moaned, her face buried in a pillow, and opened her eyes. The first thing she saw? Cock. The biggest cock she had ever seen. She lifted herself up, staring at it. "Oh, god. You're hung."

Like a damn tripod. Felix was out of this world. Her ex-husband and his memory just couldn't compete with the stud in front of her. 

Eleanor was nude and she suddenly found the decency to cover herself with the sheets. "I-I don't do this. I'm not….hnng~!" What she forgot was that his seed was jammed inside her. Her cunt was a sloppy mess and even the tiniest movements stirred that pleasure again.

Eleanor breathed in and out, in and out. She controlled herself, covering her breasts and nude form. That was when she noticed her wedding photo had been adjusted. 

"Derek was your husband, hm?" Felix asked.

Eleanor smiled sadly. "My husband, Derek, yes. He was…amazing. Brash at times but amazing."

"What happened to him if I can ask?"

This was his first night with her. Asking her such a question was risky. But Eleanor, in this moment of lust and cock addiction, answered. "He…talked to the wrong people. It happens."

"I see." 

Felix put a hand on his hip, casually diverting attention to his dangling manhood. Eleanor couldn't help but look. He was seriously superhuman. Something straight out of a novel.

"Derek…was hung too," Eleanor commented slowly, back to ogling him. "Although…even he wasn't as hung as you."

"A kind, hung husband. That must be great."

Eleanor gulped. A hand still holding onto the sheets, the other went and slipped under the pillow. From it, she pulled out a dildo. Above average in size, pink in colour, and with the base adorned with buttons. "This dildo…is in the shape of my husband's cock."

Oh. Oh, wow. This went beyond his wildest expectations. 'So that's what she wants.' 

Felix stepped forward. Eleanor gulped again and brought it forward. She compared the Derek-dildo to Felix's flaccid cock.

The winner was obvious from the start. It was Felix. Felix was bigger and thicker while flaccid. Felix decided to take up a notch.

"How about this?"

He fetched the wedding photo of Eleanor and Derek; of their young love when Derek was smiling, Eleanor was kissing his cheek, and his arm was wrapped around her waist. He didn't say a word, he simply told her to hold it.

Eleanor bit her bottom lip, then released the hand holding her modesty and grabbed the frame. She hesitated for a couple seconds, staring at the photo. But then…she aligned the picture frame of her husband to Felix's cock. 

The left side was the dildo. The right side was the smiling dead husband.

Eleanor looked guilty. So damn guilty. But the tender length of his cock, the addicting scent, and the way it had pounded her last night. She couldn't hold back.

"I'm sorry."

She kissed Derek's photo, long and loving. "Mwah!" 

Then she went and gave Felix's balls a deeper smooch. First the right testicle, then the left, and then finally, she released the dildo, lifted his cock, and kissed the crown.

"I'm sure you would be happy," Eleanor muttered. 

(**R18 End**)

That was when Felix stepped away from her touch. Hanging from the coat rack were his pants. He fetched them and put them on. "Sorry."

Eleanor didn't understand. "Sorry?"

He really did look apologetic. 

"The location of Club Scorpion."

"Huh…? What…what are you talking about?"

Felix didn't flinch. He stepped closer, his gaze locked on hers. "It doesn't matter why, Eleanor. What matters is that you give me the information I need." That was when, without breaking eye contact, he grabbed his blazer. "Which I'm sure you will. You see this? It's a camera."

It hit her all at once. The anger, the betrayal, the sadness, then the rage. She held the sheets tight, her voice growing sharper. "Are you blackmailing me? After everything that's happened?"

Felix's eyes didn't waver. "I'm not asking, Eleanor. I'm telling you. You know what you did. You know what you said."

"...is this what you've been planning all along?" Her eyes narrowed. "Did you plan the explosion, too?"

"No, I didn't plan the bombing. But that doesn't matter, does it? I have enough to ruin you. All the things you've said, all the things you've done." Felix cocked his head. "Or do you want me to remind you? You said Derek but hung but not as—"

"S-shut up!" Eleanor's face paled, her eyes wide with disbelief. Oh, no. Oh, no. What had she done!? "I never—Felix, this isn't you. Why are you doing this?"

You kissed your wedding photo and then kissed me. Do you know how that would look if it got out?" He gestured toward a nearby laptop. "I have it all recorded. On a cloud server, waiting to be uploaded."

Eleanor swallowed and shifted in her bed, wanting to be covered, the weight of the situation sinking in. "Felix... i-is someone forcing you? Is there an organization behind this? If they're paying you, I can pay you double! Triple!" 

Felix's expression softened for a brief moment, but then hardened again. "It doesn't matter who's behind it. What matters is that you give me the location of Club Scorpion."

Eleanor's voice cracked as she spoke. "You... you've been planning this the whole time, haven't you?"

Felix remained silent, the answer clear in his lack of response.

The tension in the room became suffocating. Eleanor's hands trembled as she realized the depth of her situation. "What do you want from me?"

"The location," Felix repeated, his tone steady. "Give it to me, and I'll keep the videos from going live—for now."

Eleanor shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "Will you delete them? After I tell you?"

"No. Not until I get what I want. You're not in a position to negotiate."

Her resolve broke then. She realized she had no choice. Slowly, painfully, she resigned herself to her fate. "Fine," she whispered. "Club Scorpion…it is located at 177A Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan."

"Thank you."

Felix walked away. Eleanor Bishop had her arms around her knees.


The cold air of the city night was thick with tension as Felix approached the car waiting by the curb. Yelena, sitting in the driver's seat, idly tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, while Aaron Davis stared out of the window, his expression unreadable. Maria Hill was already in the back, her phone in hand.

Just as Felix was about to open the door, it swung open from the inside. Kate Bishop stepped out, her eyes dark, her face flushed with anger. Before Felix could react, she grabbed him by the collar, yanking him toward the nearest alleyway. She pushed him against the rough brick wall with surprising force, her hands still clutching his collar as her eyes bore into his.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kate hissed.

Felix stared at her, momentarily stunned by the sudden aggression. He wasn't entirely surprised—he knew this moment would come eventually—but the raw anger in her eyes took him off guard. "Kate, I—"

"Don't," Kate cut him off sharply, shoving him against the wall again. "Don't say a word."

Before Felix could answer, Maria calmly stepped out of the car and walked over to them with a measured pace. "Kate, let's talk about this rationally," Maria said, even and controlled. "I know we didn't tell you but this was the only way. You knew we needed to get close to Eleanor and to get information—"

"Shut it, Maria!" Kate snapped, not even turning to look at her. Her focus remained on Felix, her grip tightening. "I don't care about the plan right now."

Maria crossed her arms. "Hitting him won't change—"

"I know!" Kate's voice was sharp, nearly shaking. "I know!"

She panted. She breathed. She calmed down but was still angry. "My mom? She's not just some socialite. She's a bad person. A really bad person."

Kate let go of him then, her hands falling to her sides, though the anger in her eyes didn't fade. She took a step back, as if disgusted by being so close to him. "She's involved with the Kingpin. She's been working with him for years. Do you know what that means? She's been causing chaos, screwing over innocent people, playing with power like it's a game."

Maria frowned slightly. "Kate—"

"But if I go to Club Scorpion and get Little Thief," Kate said, cutting Maria off again, "I can change everything. I can recreate crime scenes, even ones I don't have access to. Clint Barton was arrested for something he didn't do—murdering his unborn child and nearly killing his wife." Her voice wavered slightly at that, but she steadied herself. "I don't believe it for a second, but I don't have any evidence. If I can get Little Thief, I can prove he's innocent! And not just that, expose my mom's crimes! But...but....!"

Kate turned away from him, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "I get that my mom's done horrible things, but she's still my mom! She still raised me. You don't understand what it's like to have your family—your memories—tainted by crime. I thought that her love for my dad was the one pure thing about her, but I guess…I guess it wasn't."

Kate inhaled sharply, glared at Felix, and headed back to the car

Guilt gnawed at Felix's heart. He did feel guilt, he really did. But…

'I'm sorry, but I have my own priorities.' 

He promised himself that he would arrest Jefferson Davis. At first, it was for Rio. But now, it was for justice. For New York. If the city wanted to evolve, the Scorpion had to go. 

Maria stood still, her eyes on Felix. "I'm sorry, Felix," Maria said, softer than usual. "But you know as well as I do... there wasn't any other way."

Seducing her and getting her to tell him about an exclusive club? That was literally impossible. She was horny but not stupid. No one was that stupid. Imagine talking to a guy for a couple days, sleeping with him, and telling him your greatest secrets.

No way. It couldn't happen. Maybe in a month but Felix was not able to afford that time. He needed to know now.

Felix straightened up, adjusting his collar where Kate had grabbed him. "We agreed on this plan," he said firmly. "I knew there was no digital data to hack. Eleanor doesn't store her secrets where we can get them. Blackmail was the only option. And I was the best choice because... I'm a nobody. No one's going to come after me for this."

He paused, glancing back toward the car where Kate had already slammed the door shut. "Kate will come around. Once we get Little Thief, she'll have what she needs." Felix exhaled, the weight of everything settling in. "We all will."

Maria looked at him for a long moment before nodding again. "Let's finish what we started."

Without another word, Maria turned and headed back to the car. Felix followed behind. He couldn't deny that he felt a pang of guilt for what he had done—for how he had hurt Kate—but the mission was bigger than any of them. They needed to take down Club Scorpion, expose Eleanor, and arrest Jefferson Davis. 

As he approached the car, Yelena glanced at him through the rearview mirror, one eyebrow raised. Aaron Davis remained silent, his arms crossed, his gaze forward. The dude looked somewhere between being pissed, proud, and sad. A laptop lay on his lap. Felix wondered what he was doing.

Felix slid into the car beside Maria, the door closing behind him with a soft click.

"You guys heard the address, right?" Felix asked, his voice low, breaking the tense silence.

Yelena adjusted the rear mirror. "Yep. Mr. Police Officer sent out a drone."

Aaron shrugged, a laptop on his lap. "From what I can tell, it's a big ass mansion. Publicly, they call it the Sanctum Sanctorum. A small-time art gallery for the wealthy."

"How much do tickets cost?" Felix asked.

"That's the thing; there are no tickets. It's an exclusive club. It's a two-type filtration system to bring the richest of the rich." Aaron did some typing on his laptop. "My drone did some thermal scanning. From the outside, it doesn't seem to be suspicious. There's no area to auction stuff."

"It must be underground."

"I checked that though."

"Like really underground," Felix said. "Have you ever seen Oscorp?"

Aaron Davis' expression shifted. "But Oscorp…huh, maybe the person who made Oscorp made the Sanctum too then?"

"Like it matters," Yelena said. "The point is, when we get inside, we have to search for an elevator carrying off rich people. That shouldn't be too hard."

Aaron typed again. "No website on the Sanctum…so getting in by normal means will be difficult."

"Luckily for us," Maria said, "we have someone in our back pockets."

Eleanor Bishop. 

Felix glanced at Kate, who stared out the window, her face set in cold anger. He knew it was going to take time before she'd forgive him—if she ever did. But for now, all he could do was focus on the task ahead.

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