Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 6

Star Burst

Chapter 6

By: BigToFu

Beta: Mink

Sector 2814

Frowning at the explosion in the distance, I decided to hover above the ground beside Lady Siff and the person who was clearly the Queen instead of running off to investigate. I could already figure out what had happened, but with my ring picking up a damn Black Hole beneath Asgard, I knew better than to go and investigate since the next action would have his horned ass popping up in New York in a few year's time.

I made a hand motion, "Lady Sif, might I inquire about our new companion?"

Lady Sif gave me a look then at the Queen before a smile split her features, "Green Lantern of Earth, this is the Queen of Asgard, Wife of Odin, mother of Thor and Loki, Frigga the All-Mother."

The Queen gave Lady Sif a little look, a smile before then turning her gaze to myself. The focus of that gaze was intense, but it passed with the snap of the finger. It was strange since that same intense gaze ran over my form before locking onto the ring upon my finger before vanishing. It was so fast though that if I blinked I would have missed it.

Yeah, the Queen knew about the emotional spectrum and its capabilities. It would be obvious that she would, seeing that she is a millennium-old high witch of Asgard, formally the Sorcerer Supreme. Turning to look in the direction of the explosion once more, I shook my head before lowering myself to a hover.

Straightening up, I gave a head tilt in a slight bow, "Queen Frigga."

The queen gave me a look, her gaze firming before vanishing only to be replaced with the smiling face of a doting mother. Yet, even with that doping smile on her features, it was clear that she was a seasoned warrior as she never lowered her guard nor sheath her blade.

"And who might you be, young mortal?" Queen Frigga asked, with a small smile on her face.

Smiling, I projected my lantern symbol for both Frigga and Lady Sif to take a look at, "I am Domonic Wolf, Green Lantern of Sector Two Eight One Four at your service your majesty."

The Queen then sheathed her blade as Lady Sif produced one for her out of nowhere. "And what is a Green Lantern?"

"A Green Lantern is tasked with being peacekeepers of the Galaxy," I replied before shifting the hologram. "Recently, my companions and I were assisting the Korbonites from the center of the Galaxy to find a new home until I received a distress signal from Earth."

Frigga nodded her head before making a motion as she walked off, Lady Sif fell into step behind her queen after giving me a noticeable look. Shrugging as they both showed me their backs, I followed along. Taking this as passing whatever test of magic that she might have performed on me without my notice, I kept my peace.


The mood was sober and I really didn't want to be the one that poked the fucking bear and receive all of his ire. So of course, I kept my mouth shut and said nothing of Loki as those around me mourned his loss. Then again, ROB wanted to fuck me and made his attempt with a sandpaper dildo without lubrication as Odin locks eyes with me.

Honestly, his beard was fucking amazing, like I get the whole joke of, by Odin's beard. Odin gave off a glow of power, sure, but the beard on his face was not only trimmed nicely but also well oiled and fluffed. Talk about immaculate as fuck, damn that was a nice beard.

"Who is this mortal and why has he stepped foot on Asgard?" Odin the All-Father asked, raising his voice.

Unfortunately, my foot in mouth syndrome decided to show itself as if I had no such thing as self-preservation, "I might not be able to understand your grief, great king, but I have been hovering since my arrival. So in essence this mortal has not stepped foot on Asgard as of yet."

Odin looked at my form, then his one good eye traveled to my green aura, then to my feet that were, in a matter of fact, hovering. Then his voice booms out as the court started to buzz with chatter. "SILENCE!"

Thor stepped forward, but the look Odin gave him spoke volumes. Odin took some time to look me over before looking at his wife. If I wasn't paying close attention, I would not have noticed the subtle signal shared between the two.

Odin then turned to Thor, "Do you speak for this mortal?"

"I do father, he risks much coming to give us aid with nothing promised in return," Thor replied with his head held high.

Odin held the gaze of his son for a while before returning with a nod, then he turned his gaze towards me. "Then the mortal may stay for now."

Then with a primadonna move, Odin turned with a badass cape swish, took his wife's hand within his own, then walked out of the chamber.

The chamber doors closed behind Odin and that was clearly the cue for the shift in the atmosphere. Before I knew what was what, I was approached by one of the warriors three. Volstagg came over with a big smile as he pats me on the back.

"Come Midgardian, let us feast."

Nodding to him, I followed along as Lady Sif started to walk at my side. She gave me the side-eye before making a gesture towards her sword.

"A warrior without a weapon?" Lady Sif asked with a gesture.

Smiling at her, I held up my hand, a glowing green sphere of will formed in my hand for a brief moment. Then with a swoosh, the sphere transformed into a beautifully made sword for the warriors three to see.

Thor stopped and looked at the sword with a very interesting look on his features. "What type of magic is this?"

I shook my head, "Not magic, but those who are worthy to wear a Green Lantern ring can harness their willpower to build constructs."

Thor gave the ring one hard look before looking at me, then with a nod of his head, Thor turned around and started to walk towards the sounds in the distance. Lady Sif on the other hand gave me a speculative look before also moving along with the group.

Shrugging to myself, I dismissed the sword construct with a wave of the hand. Following along, it didn't take us long to arrive at what was clearly a dining hall. Seeing all the people, I almost facepalmed since I had forgotten how often Vikings liked to party.

The warrior's three's mood automatically picked up and I caught onto that with the shift in the atmosphere. Smiles were shared all around, but before I could figure out why, Lady Sif shoved a mug into my hands. She gave me a small smile before emptying her own mug.

Accepting the pat on the back from Volstagg, I returned Lady Sif's smile before picking up the mug and tossing it all back with five massive gulps.


The sun hit my face and I awoke with a start as a smooth velvety arm ran its way down my torso. Black hair was splayed across my chest, and then, as my awareness flooded back in with the memories of last night, I finally knew where I was located.

This wasn't the guest chambers that were set aside for me, no, from the garments laying upon the dresser, and the other things that I could pick out, I knew that this was Lady Sif's chambers. Echos of her kiss, and the taste of her flashed through my mind.

The upside is that at least it was not only consensual, but I also wasn't blackout drunk. My face split into a smile as the realization of bedding such a beauty settles in. That shifted as Sif made it known that she had awoken.

A leg tossed across my waist as Sif shifts herself to being on top. "I believe the night ended in a draw."

Looking up at her, I hummed as my hands slid up her sides. "Hmm, if memory serves me correctly, you collapse first."

Sif shifted her hips causing me to slide right inside, the grin that she gave me was pure predatory.

Her hips twisted while her walls coiled, but my thrust upwards shook loose a moan from her lips. Sif leaned forward, her lips smashing into mine before her tongue shot out in exploration. Her strength flared in an attempt to pin my hands above my head. Unfortunately, I was a cheating cheater who cheats as I flaired my aura in response to her rise in strength.

I would say the tables turn, but that would be a lie, since we flipped the bed. After a few hours more of the ten toe tango, we went down for breakfast.

*Boss, your body can't take any more of this. Micro fractures have started to appear in your hip bone, the joint. *

*Just keep me posted, Athena.*

*But sir, your life…*

*Then add more power to reinforce my density.*

*Routing power to environmental shields.*

*Thanks Athena.*

*Of course sir.*

*cheer up, Athena, no death by snu snu today.*

*sigh, of course sir.*


After a few days had gone by, I found myself in the training ring working out with a few Asgardians.

Lady Sif stood across from me in the training ring and I found it strange how Odin hadn't called for me yet. It was clear with how he had me staying on Asgard that he had something planned. With the way the troops were acting, I could feel the tension in the air.

Thor hadn't shared with me what was going on, but I could already make a few educated guesses with the Bifrost being down. The whistle of the blade pulled me out of my thoughts as I ducked, rolled, popped back up to my fight then still pivoted out of the way from the follow-up swing.

Sif gave me a smile that honestly was straight feral yet still made my dick twitch somehow. Ohh, I was going to fold her into a pretzel later before pounding her into, then through, the mattress.

She came at me once more, but this time I caught her blade with one of my short sickle constructs before lashing out with a kick. Sif brought her off-hand forward, blocking my kick with the training shield before pushing me up and away.

Taking the boost and turning it into a leap, I flipped mid-air before throwing the short sickle construct that was now a set of shurikens. There was a stakata of, dat, dat, dat as the shurikens stuck themselves into the ground keeping Sif from advancing on me during my flip. As I landed, the other short sickle within my off-hand changed into that of a whip as I lashed out with it.

Sif slashed down with her sword as the whip wrapped its way around her waist. With a smile of my own that matched the very large one on her face, I gave Sif a mighty yank, bringing her across the training field and into my waiting arms.


Sif's eyes went wide before she jumped out of my arms, stifling my sigh, I put my arms down as the constructs faded. With a head tilt and slight bow, I gave the ruler of Asgard respect due to him.

Odin gave me a hard look from where he stood at the end of the training room before he spoke and allowed power to flow through his voice. "Midgardian, I have a task for you."

The silence was allowed to stretch before I finally broke it, "Would this task interfere with my other obligations, I am working as a Guardian of the Sector after all."

The smirk that split his face was one that I really didn't want to witness.

"Then as a protector of the innocent, I believe that this is the perfect task for one such as yourself."

Okay, this old bastard was really going to be a pain, but this was my chance so I had to hide my grimace.

"This is one of your realms, correct?"

"Correct, Heimdall will be able to guide you there," Odin said before turning around and walking off.

Eyes wide, I turned to Sif and noticed the look she was sending me, before I could say anything though she punched me in the arm.

"Sent on a task by the All-Father himself," Sif said with clear excitement in her voice.

Turning to look at Sif, I gave her a small smile all the while making plans to leave after this was done. Yeah, it was true that I would be in Odin's graces if there ever was such a thing, but I also wasn't his errand boy.

Smiling, I approach Sif with a soft smile, "Lady Sif, would you like to assist me on this quest?"

Her actions turned coy as her cheeks blushed a light shade of pink, "You would ask me to go on this quest with you, to battle at your side and vanish the foes of Asgard?"

"Yes," I stated boldly, taking another step forward. "Why? Has no one ever asked before?"

Sif shook her head before an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me in, "Hmm, I am an Asgardian, it is as expected of me as it is for one from my generation to follow Thor."

"Then I would like to ask you to come with me on this adventure," I said with a smile before pecking her on the lips.

"Gladly, now come let us get ready to do battle." Sif proclaimed before letting me go as she started setting a hard pace towards the armory. Shaking my head at her exuberance, I followed behind at a sedate pace.


Sitting on the bench to the side, I watched as a well-muscled and toned leg stepped into a pair of badass thigh-high boots. The red and silver of the boots matched the leather warrior spanks and upper armor that was very shapely to match her figure. At her shoulders, right at the collarbone, were two red and silver round disks that held her flowing red cape in place.

The armor that she was wearing was completely different than that of the one she wore to pick up Thor. Even the weapons she carried were different, she still had the short shield of course, but now, that sword that could be turned into a double blade was on her hip shrunk down underneath the shield. That double sword was now replaced with a larger, wider, broadsword, but damn did she cut a fierce image.

Letting out a sigh that drew her attention to my gaze, I shook my head at those thicc thighs that I wore as ear muffs just last night. Honestly, when they said thicc thighs save lives, they forgot to mention that they could also offer death by snu snu. Yet, I would have it no other way.

Sif's eyes followed my gaze to her legs before giving me a smirk, lifted her leg, then placed it right between my own onto the bench I was seated on.

Leaning back, I let her have her little dommy mommy moment as she looked down with a gaze that made my dick twitch. Sif gave me a smirk as she took the leather strap from between her teeth before using it to tie her hair up into a ponytail.

Then with a wink, she did something to the hairpin, turning it into that winged type headdress from the comics. Both hands on the headdress, she placed it upon her head and I noticed how it protected her ears, but also the flash of shielding that went up.

A quick mental command to my ring had it report the scan and I was surprised to learn that it was environmental protections built into that headdress. Not only was that smart, but some damn advanced piece of tech or magic by anyone's standards.

With her hair done up in its braid and leather wrappings, Sif removed her leg from the bench before grabbing me by the front of my chest plate. With a swift yank, I was on my feet and her lips were smashing into my own. A hand snaked its way around her waist as I pulled her in, my tongue exploring her own as we battled for dominance.

Pushing into her, I tilted Sif back one hand around her waist and the other running from the thigh of the leg wrapped around me to grab a handful of ass, life was good.

We walked out of the armory thirty minutes later with me fixing my pants. Sif on the other hand had that glow of satisfaction as she led the way. With Sif prepared, it was time to head out, and since Heimdall likes to only stay in one location, it wasn't too hard to find him.

Yet, as Sif rode her horse over to the Bifrost and I flew alongside her, I was not expecting the small party waiting on us. Heimdall stood to the side and next to him was Thor and the rest of the Warriors three. And of course, it was Thor who decided to introduce himself first.

"Lantern, you have arrived!" Thor's voice boomed as he took a step towards us. Sif pulled up on her horse and I noticed that the others didn't ride their own. What I did notice was that they had one of those floating boats hanging over at the side. "Come, friend, for we shall go to battle this day."

Thor boomed in his big boisterous voice, but my attention wasn't on him. It was on the very Idis Elba look alike that was grilling me with his gaze. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do since the man didn't know about privacy and whispered anything Odin wanted to know about within his ear.

So, with that in mind, I said fuck it. Landing, I turned to the side and helped Sif off of her horse even as she gave Thor a death glare. She stepped forward and I shook my head as she started to talk with Thor.

"I did not think the All-Father would send one such as you on this errand."

"It is a chance for glorious battle, of course, I shall accompany the Lantern."

Ignoring the two, I turned to the very large and very built man that stood like a statue with his sword upon his back.

Ignoring the two, I made my approach with no fucks given of course.

Mustering myself and bringing my talk-no-jutsu to the forefront, I spoke, "Watcher, I was advised to seek your aid which would, in turn, allow me to aid Asgard."

I then gave him a half bow which the big man returned.

His voice was deep yet smooth and had that timber to it that had me going from jelly straight into preserves, hot damn.

"When the Heroes are away, the villains shall play," Heimdall spoke as he unclasped his arms from his chest. "I have seen the outriders attacking Alfheim."

Wait, why does that sound so familiar, yet, I can't put my finger on why.

"Come, Dominic Wolf, we shall vanquish these outriders!" Sif said with a plum tone in her voice and when I turned around I couldn't not see the wide grin on Thor's face. Even as I caught sight of the slight frown upon Sif.

Well, I could guess that Thor had bullied his way into this task, that was fine with me since the more people that came, the less I had to do. Then again, that look on Sif's face said more than enough, unfortunately. I don't mind Thor coming since I can then push the diplomatic work onto him. Pretty sure she didn't think about it from that angle.

She sent me a look that spoke of the pains she had to deal with while I returned a shrug. Turning back around, I flairred my armor, reinforcing my body a bit.

"Heimdall, the map please," I spoke and it was more of a command than anything, but the half-bow he gave me towards Thor had me holding in my own sigh of annoyance.

Turning around, I found Thor's face still having that shit-eating grin of his and I wanted to just punch it and smash his perfectly dimpled cheeks. Thor held a pyramid-type thing in his hand as he tossed it up and caught it once more.

He did this a few more times as I approached before tossing it to me as I got within arms reach. Catching it, I then twisted around and tossed it underhand towards Sif who snagged it out of the air.

She gave Thor a smile that said she was all too pleased to get one up on him. I watched as she twisted twice before rotating upwards once. This caused a clicking sound to happen before the top of the pyramid split open like a lotus. Then the top glowed blue before a star chart came to life above our heads.

"Ring, scan, and adapt," I commanded with verbal speech so that those within the vicinity could hear.

[Adapted, star charts confirmed, course plotted.]

Smiling, I turned to Sif, only to see her whisper something into her horse's ear. Once she was finished, the horse turned around before trotting back towards the Asgarian stables. She turned around with a beautiful heart-stopping smile.


Putting an arm around her waist, I pulled Sif real close. "Then come my lady for we shall sail the stars and bring justice to those who stand in our way."

"And as the god of THUNDER, I shall smite them alongside you." Thor boomed, killing the mood sharply, but I didn't remove my hand from around Sif's waist.

Nodding my head at him, I turned my attention back to Sif, her eyes reflected the green glow of my own before she looked down upon her hands that were now glowing with a green aura.

I held my hand above our heads as the words flowed forth as if rushing out of a dam.

Thor had no chance to speak as a green bubble of will wrapped around him and his warriors three. Sif gave me a smoldering look that promised things left unsaid. I gave Heimdall one final look before nodding once.

"In brightest day, in blackest night. No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power. Green Lantern's Light!"

Next stop, Alfheim.

Authors Note:

Sooo the con man survived death by Snu-Snu

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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