Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 7

Chapter 7

Star Burst

By: BigToFu

Sector 2814

Stars streaked by as we flew and I ignored Thor who was obviously pouting at me as I had one arm wrapped around Sif’s waist. Honestly, the big lug really thought that I was going to pick him over Sif, that was never going to be a possibility ever. It’s not just that he lacked the proper incentive for me to care about him, I just didn’t want his fucking barrel chest in my face. 


I smiled down at her as we passed through a nebula and had my ring mark it for later exploration with a mere thought. Moons, stars, and planets all dissolved away in streaks of lights as we rapidly approached a planet that gave off a very distinct metaphysical presence. 


Bringing Thor and the warriors three to the front, but also shifting them to be at least arm’s length distance away. We descended through the cloud layer as if it was nothing and I had to stifle my shock at the plains and large forests of the place. There were mountains of course, but those were far and few between by half.


Besides the few mountains that I could see, there were massive lakes that replaced oceans: and besides those, there were plains and forests as far as the eyes could see. As we descended lower, I had to rethink my position on the forests as they met up ten miles into the air which was near the flight ceiling to a lot of commercial jets. 


Those thoughts were pushed aside as we got half way down to the ground, something tripped my motion sensors. My ring pointed out a new bipedal lifeform that was rapidly approaching. Honestly, I didn't have time for any elf shit today. Performing a stylized flip, I brought us down on the outskirts of the massive trees and down into the clearing by what was clearly an Asgard check point. 


That was easy to figure out since it had the bifrost runes clearly burned into its surface. As I brought us down on the obvious landing, I made sure to cast my awareness far and wide throughout the surroundings because I did a total rookie move by not leaving a satellite in orbit. Yeah, I was gonna have to fix that for any other planets visited in the future, pretty sure I could get something with proper stealth whipped up with the help of my ring. All I had to do was pull my head from my ass and use a little dash of paranoia.


Unfortunately, I was pulled from my thoughts by the nudge that came from my shoulder. Turning to look at her, I gave Lady Sif a smile even as I ignored Thor acting like a frat boy. Then instead of saying something predictable, like asking me if I was okay, Sif blew my mind with a different question. 


“Do you also smell the smoke on the wind?” Sif asked even as she turned to look in another direction. Turning to look in the same direction that Sif was facing, a small green monocle formed around my right eye. Since I didn’t have any thoughts of reusing this construct, I went light on the details even as I had it zoom in on the smoke trails wafting from the forest some distance away. 


Oddly or not so oddly, I found it strange that even with how massive the trees were, the sun still shone silently through the foliage illuminating the forest. Thor was still going on about the glorious battle with the other Warriors three, but it was Hogan the silent one that also noticed the smell in the air and pointed it out for Thor. Sif rolled her eyes and gave me a motion towards the fire with an expectant look.


From what I could tell, at a distance even with the zoom, something was on fire but that was par for the course with the amount of smoke that was in the air. Filtering out the smoke from my vision, I watched what looked like a lanky fellow battle with others from the massive branches of the trees with those down on the forest floor below. 


Crushing down slightly in preparation to launch myself in the direction of the battle, but that plan was swiftly halted as Sif stopped me with a look. Returning her look with my own confused look, I noticed her shift in posture and defensive stance. That was when I realized that I wasn't paying much attention to my ring's life signs sensors. Of course, Sif would be the one to notice that we were already surrounded. 


Instead of acting as if I had noticed their arrival, I took up a defensive position to Sif’s back left so that she could take the agro like the nice little Asgardian tank that she was. Slowly so that they wouldn't notice, I started to channel my will power which in turn caused the lines of green along my suit to glow. In retrospect, I maybe should have gone with a more muted costume, but I was a Green Lantern damit and the green and black was a staple of looking badass with powers like these. 


The reason why I was lamenting over my chosen form of dress was that right as the illumination on my suit shifted, someone loosed an arrow. There was a swish that followed a flash of silver as Sif sliced the arrow in half with barely a blink. 


That was all that it took for Thor to get into a defensive position, But I was already beyond that with an arm raised with a mark four railgun constructed, the sights already zeroing in on the body heat that was fifty feet up crouched on a massive tree branch.They never got a chance to take another shot as I returned fire. Well, I say that I returned fire but it was more like five for the price of one since no one decided to tell my construct that it had to follow the normal rules of conventions since it only had one barrel. 


The blast of hard light came out at mach five before separating into multiple projectiles which then smashed into the branches that my attackers were standing on. Honestly, for a microsecond I had actually thought about killing them. Then I changed my mind since I was supposed to be not only a space cop but also on this planet for a peace keeping mission with Prince Thor. 


Speaking of Prince Thor, he jumped into the air, his hammer spinning rapidly with lightning flashing ominously. The rest of the warriors three took up defensive positions, but Sif and I were already beating them to the punch with my constructed tower shields catching two more arrows.




Someone yelled out, and I had to pause my construct creation, but even as I slowed it down. I just turned the construct energy into a formless blob of power. I kept my formless blob of power at the side while I watched Thor approach the downed heat source. Ignoring that for a moment, my attention was turned towards the larger heat source that was closer to us since that was where the call for hold came from. Hogan held up a hand but that wasn’t really needed because regardless of his feelings, if I felt that violence was needed, then I was gonna turn this bitch up from zero to one hundred.  


Lucky for these guys, they were saved from the carpet bombing that would have gotten launched their way when Thor didn’t attack the downed person that had shot at me from such a distance. I watched through thermals as Thor helped the bastard up and then flew them back this way. That was when the rest of them strolled from the tree line and I got the chance to take in the look of the very tall pale people with platinum blonde hair, and long eyebrows that reminded me of the Elves from World of Warcraft. Did I also mention how tall these bastards were, because by the Grace of Stan Lee these bastards were tall. 


The general full scan that I always kept running marked the guy in front at fifteen feet easy with the rest ranging from ten to thirteen feet in height. From my position at Sif’s side, I could tell that the warrior elves came in a mixture of men and women. Well, that was good and bad because if they were anything like the elves from fantasy then their birth rates were fucked beyond all belief. Which means that having their females on the front lines of battle pointed out the very obvious fact that they didn't have any self preservation instinct because the best way to kill a people would be to remove all of the females. 


Besides the woman being hot, it was also why the vikings took the woman with them. Their enemies can't come back and raid or fight if they had no kids to refill the population. That was an interesting thing to note, but I wasn't here on a discovery and scientific understanding of the species, plus the planet was large enough to house billions. No way they were in that much danger of reduced numbers, getting my head back into focus. I lowered some of the shields and set the others to rotate around while also repurposing the energy from the first few constructs to bolster my body.


Leaving SIf to stare or more like glare at the leading Elf, I looked upwards and watched Thor arrive with another of the super tall Elves within his grasp. From the way one shoulder was bandaged, I could tell that she didn't land properly from when I shot out the branch that she was perched on.  Serves her right. If Sif hadn’t had faster reflexes, then that arrow would have skewered me like I was a kabob over someone's BBQ pit. 


Thor dropped the damn tall woman down on the ground a little aways from our arrival platform before he then turned to smile at our approaching would-be attackers. As they got closer, I noticed how Sif and the others relaxed as they took in the sight of those approaching. Interestingly enough, I could still hear the man clearly even as he spoke from a distance. 


“Lady Sif, still quick with the blade,” The leading elf spoke, his voice smooth like silk even with its rich undertones. I watched as Sif shook her head before putting her sword away with a smile on her lips.


“Fylson,” Sif remarked with a slight bow of the head. I on the other hand still wasn't feeling secure, so I did what anybody that practiced constant vigilance would do. I molded the mass of will energy into a stylized backpack that stored a few goodies and of course, placed it on my back. It was best to recycle the energy instead of allowing it to dissipate and then run down the charge.


My gaze shifted upwards as the elf known as Fylson got closer and closer, with them stopping five feet away from us. The big guy gave us a look over before turning towards his bruised companion. 


The big elf took on a somber look before speaking to the chick that was brought by Thor, “Malon, I believe apologies are in order.”


It was clear that she had high pride because the look that came across her face looked as if the man said he was going to pull out all of her teeth. 


The elf called Malon gritted her teeth before very quietly saying something. Of course being the asshole that I was, I cupped a hand at my ear, “What?”


The sour look on the tall lady elf only intensified as she glared at me, and for a split second,  the image of her ankles up next to her ears flashed through my imagination. That along with plowing her into whatever they considered a bed around here. 


“Now, now,” Fylson tssked with a disapproving shake of his head. “These are guests and assistance sent by the All Father.”


Malon gritted her teeth as she sent me a death glare before the words finally left her lips, “Apologies.”


Mehh, guess it had something to do with either me being human or her missing the shot, but I couldn’t care less and I made sure that was known. I returned her glare with a shrug before speaking up, “Accepted.” Then to dig the knife in and twist it, my attention was then shifted to the leader. Her dismissal being clear with that move.


The leader gave me a little smirk even as his eyes shifted over to his companion, it was easy to tell that the man wasn’t a fool even if he was trying to give off the impression that he was laid back. Those signs were clear to see if you looked at the way he walked with a smooth grace that clearly resembled a large feline predator. The formation that he arrived with had what was clearly a magic user in the back while the tank was in the front and the mid range to long range were in the middle. 


Those were all clues, but what really screamed out to my senses was that the man was a terror and skilled  was how his people fell into an easy half circle around us. That spoke of his leadership. What spoke of the man's power was the density scans my ring took with base power readings thrumming even as he tried to hide it. 


Thor gave me one of his large patented smiles that was so classic for his character and I almost felt like petting the puppy. That was until I realized that the puppy was a grown ass man near seven feet tall with biceps the size of my head. Killing that train of thought before it would even turn into a shiver, I made sure to stay a healthy distance away from the prince. With me fading into the background, things progressed from there as I ignored the haughty elf lady. 


Okay, maybe it was time for me to get out of dodge since it has been about three months now that we have been fighting pirates and bandits that decided to land on the planet. Well, it was only a matter of time, and I had gotten lucky this afternoon with a communications intercept. 


The air shook from the shockwave and I had to brace myself since I decided to ride the force that was projected outwards. Unfortunately, those that were with me weren't able to do the same so they were protected by a bubble shield that rippled with hexagons reinforcing its structure.


“Oye, Thor, cutting a little close, don't you think?” I called out, then before I could hear his reply, I had to duck low and twist as one of the pirate shuttles went screaming past where I was standing. The damn wing tip missed my head by mere inches and I swore that I could feel the heat exhaust on my neck.


Certain that I was okay, I decided the best use of my shield construct energy was best to be used in a rendition of Sam Remay’s Spider-man two. Grabbing some of the debris in a claw-like grip, I then twisted around before tossing it back and into the engine of the shuttle that tried to take my head off.


Proximity sensors went off like a firework forcing me to tuck my legs in as I dropped flight. I shot downwards like a cannon ball spinning wildly. Green flashed all around my body as my arms and legs snapped outwards catching the air. Green links launched from my left hand snagging a tree, using that as a pivot point, I swung around and then kicked off the branch launching me back into the sky above the treeline. There was a ding on my HUD and I spied my ring updating me on the matter conversion completing its task.


Snapping off some commands I did a roll and twisted around one of the massive trees as another one of the pirate vessels took shots at me even with Thor and the elves harassing the rest of its flight team.


There was a shout of ‘AAARRRGGGHHH!’ Then a quick succession of light flashes, and I didnt even need to look to know that Sif was tearing apart the pirates. A quick alert had me breaking away from the ships above the treetops. That same alert had me shift my flight path allowing me to swoop down, around a massive trunk to arrive with open and waiting hands.


Looking up, I smiled as Sif landed within my waiting arms, swinging her onto my back, I then took us to one of the mustering platforms. Letting Sif down, we took in the state of the battle in the command tent. From what I could see on the hologram/ magic styled table made out of wood and some other bullshit that they refused to share. 


“Green Lantern Wolf,” Fylson called out to catch my attention. 


Turning around, I raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “Commander Fylson?” 


The Commander gave me a contemplative look, even though his face was stoic, I had noticed him taking a very minor glance in Sifs direction. If I wasn't in combat mode then I would have easily missed the glance, but I kept my lips sealed to see where he was heading with this. 


“I would like to request your assistance in removing those that flee towards the stars.” Commander Fylson spoke even as he waved a hand upwards towards space. Instead of letting out a sigh, I gave the stars a look and then gave Sif a look. Yeah, guess it was time for me to boogie. 


The look that Sif returned spoke plenty and that she understood, that made me happy because I damn sure wasn't capable of a proper goodbye. Before I could do anything though, she pulled me in and stole my lips. Then before I could properly react, Sif placed a firm hand on my chest and then pushed, well fuck. 


With that incentive clear from left field, I delayed for a good ten seconds before my self preservation kicked in. My body blazed green with the force of my will pushing outwards to press upon the world. Floating back upwards, I gave the Commander a two finger salute, before casting my gaze one final time at Sif. 


She returned it with a small smile before jumping off the branch downwards towards the battle below. I watched until she landed before turning around myself and blasting off into space, it was time to be a Green Lantern. 


Clasping my hands together, I aimed my body towards the lead pirate ship that was nearest to the planet's moon. As I flew, I imagined a spiral forming around my body going from my hands down to my booted feet. My will flexed as the spiral formed, but I pushed the construct beyond just being light energy. Circular rings formed from my wrist getting larger and larger, reinforcing my projection. 


From the first ring to the last textured metal formed providing structural integrity, before I laid down. The rest of the drill's body shined a bright emerald with the amount of focus that was projected to form a near indestructible construct. This bright shining construct pulled most if not all of their attention towards my approach.  


I flexed my will and sent my constructed drill into a rapid spin. Ship to ship lasers that were fired at me were deflected left, right and driven right through. With a chuckle full of sinister foreboding, I pushed forward and drilled right through the engines of the first ship. Then the second, third and fourth before they realized that I wasn't about to stop.


The main ship swung around faster than I could zero in on their engines and got a shot off that almost knocked my all too eager ass out. The ship that was behind me as I flew through the plasma bolt did not fare very well though. Lucky for all the other ships that I had left stranded, I was a badass space cop, so that meant they weren't going to die today.


Seeing another round of plasma bolts sail my way, my drill construct rapidly shifted from circular to hard lines and armor panels to cover my body. My ring announced that I was down to 70% power, but I paid it no mind as I channeled more willpower. 


A disk of power projected outwards stretching out into a ten feet long cord of flexible green construct with a morning star on the end. Grabbing my construct along the middle, I gave the chain a hard tug which brought the morning star around to smash through the plasma blast. A flick of my wrist and flexing of my will power sent the morning star to spin creating a screen of green catching more plasma blast allowing them to splash against the defensive screen. 


Flying through space, I spun, twisted and danced around to protect the shuttles from the lead pirate ship as they rained down fire. Giving the chain of my construct a hard pull, I smiled an evil smile as the trap that I had set up in advance finally played out in full. 


It was far too late for the lead pirate ship to react as the construct chain went tight then contracted inwards capturing the ship. For a split second, everything went still as I couldn't believe that my trap had actually worked. So yeah, that happened and I definitely wasn’t prepared for what happened next. So I do freely admit in my after action report that yeah, I fucked up.  


The pirates must have realized the writing on the wall because ohhh boy, the shit they pulled next gave me such heart palpitations that my ring was worried about me having a heart condition. The captain on that damn ship was a certificed fucking asshole, because the fucker throttled up and took me on what could almost be described as the ride of a life time. 


This I would refute with every fiber of my being because if I was going to call anything a ride of a lifetime it would be with something sexy on top that left me in a graze with my tombstone reading death by snu snu. Or better yet, me being able to survive and brag about it in a bar: preferably with maybe medical scans to prove that I survived such an ordeal. 


Gritting my teeth as I released the anchor keeping me within orbit around the planet. The pirate ship was really trying to escape as all of the thrusters went full bore. Then the pirate fucks went left, right, up down and around the fucking star system before I finaly had enough of their shit. So of course, I sacrificed five percent of my remaining power so I could pull a space cowboy. 


With my construct wrapped around the ship, I gave the mental command to jack into the data feed and almost shat myself at the feedback seconds later. The shitstickle that was leading these mooks was aiming for the nearest jump point.


Yeah, that wasn't going to happen on my watch, with a flex of will. The construct wrapped around the ship grew more links as the chain morphed into netting. Then with another command, I had my ring take over the controls, shutting everything down except the environmental systems. With a manic gleam in my eyes, I sped up and landed in a three point hero stance cleanly on the top of the ship before letting out a full belly laugh. 


The net shifted into a rope, the texture so detailed, stray strands could be seen with the naked eye. The rope construct  went around the belly or technically the keel of the ship before tying into a bow on the prow I think since there wasn't any forward mast on a spaceship. Then because I was born with a dash of asshole in my genetics, I had another set of ropes wrap about the pirate ships engines before creating my own set of engines. 


Four of my own massive construct engines that were of course set for nothing but all of the godman thrust this side of the spiral galactic arm. A mental flick reactivated the ships gravity systems, but ohh such a shame that the gyroscopic stabilizers had a short in its power feed, at least they weren't going to get pasted to the bulkheads. Ohh well, they were getting free admissions to experience what a Terran roller coaster was like.


Since they like to joyride left right and center all over the system, I’m sure they would also like to travel along the same route back to Alfheim. Okay, maybe we didn’t go directly back to Alfheim, but like I plan to write in my after action report later. I’m a professional space cop and I did not take petty vengeance upon the space pirates and took them along a longer route back to Alfheim so that I could turn them over to Thor since he was acting on behalf of Asgard and Alfheim so that the pirates could be properly detained and processed. 


Nope, I did none of that. 


With the pirate situation handled, I decided that it was about time to head out and look for my next great adventure. Or you know, I would just answer the alert that just came through from Earth.


{Red Alert - Earth, United States, Eastern Seaboard, New York New York, Stark Expo.}

{Details - Anthony Stark has crashed the Hammer showcase within Iron-man Armor.}

{Details- Previous altercation with Chief Military Liaison Lieutenant Colonel James Rhody Rhodes of United States Air force.}

{Details- Multiple active armored war suits at location.}

Well shit, I didn't even wait for my ring to report anymore as I was already flying out of system. A quick check told me that I was at 42% charge, but I already knew that was going to change once I opened a wormhole to the SOL system. 


It was times like these that I wished I could pull a kool aid man as I fly through the wormhole into the SOL system right above MARs. Green washed over my form and my ringers were powered back to MAXIMUM, then the overcharge kicked in. An excited laugh bubbled up out of me as I noticed the 204% that just kept going and going. 


Running high on adrenaline, I hit earth's atmo like the big bad mean green machine that I was as nothing got in my way. My eyes hard, I blazed through the cloud layer, my will flexed as it flared out into a cape, but even then, I didn't stop. 


The reason why was because I remembered something more than just the action and the big CGI spectile from the Iron-Man two movie. Arrows flared to life in my vision and I sent out commands and called in Kilowog even if he wasn't going to make it in time. 


Yet, even if I didn't have any back up, I was a badass super space cop and no one was going to die this night. I came down on New York like a wrecking ball and the massive dome of the Stark Expo doing the showcase even more so. Ignoring the man in red and gold flying out of the dome with a grey and black armored suit right on his ass. 


I pulled my legs in, tucking them against my chest as I flipped and dumped all of my speed. Then as I completed my full one hundred and eighty degree’s rotation, my legs shot downwards reinforced by my will power. 


Before anyone could react, both arms were already above my head with shields projecting outwards. Standing firm in the middle of the crowd, I glowed a brilliant emerald as the shards of glass rained down. Happy that I was able to divert such a catastrophe, I looked around to check the stage and where I remembered Tony launching away from and had to furrow my brows. OKay, that was alot of fucking Hammer-roids.  


Reality was so not like what the movies portrayed, because how in the fuck did Justin Hammer get away with having more than one hundred war bots. Looking closer, I could tell that these things were at least eight feet tall and decked out with my favorite approach to all things, mo guns. My initial scans showed only thirty on stage with others inside of cargo carriers and on displays. 


Okay, this might be a problem... 


[Sufficient power willpower detected.]


Okay, maybe not that much of a problem…


Author's Note: Yes I strolled through the Elf planet and didn't pull a Captain Kirk, i'll be real with you on this one. I didn’t roll any goodies so I kept it moving. 

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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