Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 8

Chapter 8

Star Burst

Sector 2814

Sector 2814

Green Lantern Domonic Wolf

Before I could give my ring the yay or nay on that command, two motes of light flew out and attached themselves to their new wielders. Letting out a huff and setting aside the people picked for later review, I decided to use my admin access to put the rings on probation instead of allowing the rookies full membership. 


The last thing I needed right now was a Hal Jordan or a Guy Gardener to come and screw things up. With a grunt and a shift, I was up from my kneeling position as I held all of the glass that had fallen down from the atrium roof. 


With a mental command, all of the glass shards were sucked into my subspace while the energy used to construct the domed shield transformed into tower shields to protect the civilians. That turned out to be the right decision as the armored drone opened fire upon us. 


Yeah, this was definitely not like in the movies. 




Jessica Silvers’ Ascension

Probationary Lantern of Sector 2814


It should have been a great day for Jess, she had expected to have an awesome time despite her current role of glorified babysitter for her alma mater Midtown-High that she was doing a favor to for extra credits and a recommendation for a special engineering course virtually impossible to attend for someone of Jess’ means.

She had even drunk the kool aid of Tony Stark about developing new inventions to improve the quality of life for mankind and the world in the future. But yet again life had given Jessica a kick into the ovaries. It started with a bad feeling when all those drones pointed their weapon arms at Iron Man. Jessica quickly gathered and hollered to the high-schoolers to follow her and to not panic. Iron Man suddenly flew up in the sky passing through the domed ceiling and was quickly followed by the Hammer drones following him and breaking the glass ceiling.

Jessica helped shield one of the nearest students from the debris and shards falling down. But kids liked to be contrary so they panicked and tried to run, but Jessica had the time to catch them by punching one of them and making them topple over each other.

“I said don’t panic, you scrubs!” Like a miracle, they listened and avoided being overrun when the army robots that were on the podium descended.

Fortunately, they exited the pavilion and were outside. Jessica did her best but the drones began bombarding the plaza, causing untold destruction, Screams and explosions could be heard all around, the kids were all whining or crying. As all of them were running out, some of the drones were falling from the sky in a burst of fire and debris. One was about to hit that cute Asian girl she liked but Jessica placed herself between them to protect her.

The rocket was almost upon her when a green glowing bubble flared around her and her charge, protecting her from the explosive projectile. Jessica, who had closed her eyes, reopened them and saw that she was still alive and in one piece. Then she noticed the shining green ring on her right middle finger. She was also now wearing a really revealing tight bodysuit that left nothing to the imagination, it didn’t bother her, she had made nude body art before.

{Jessica Silvers of Earth, you have the ability to overcome great fear… Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps} 

Time suddenly slowed down for her, information flowed into her mind from the ring at her finger. It was a Power Ring, a piece of jewelry that was actually an advanced device that granted its wearer incredible powers. It was loaded with AI giving Jessica a basic rundown of its basic abilities that were somewhat exhaustive; Energy projection, forcefield, energy constructs creation, flight, and invisibility...  this tiny ring was dangerous and powerful in the hands of someone with great willpower and imagination. 

Someone like Jessica Silvers.

Green light in the sky took her attention and saw that a man with similar abilities described by the ring was helping protect people from the bombarding drones. He was on the defense, around her there was so much death already that Jess decided that it had to stop. Suddenly her form shifted as green and black skin-suit with some kind of body armor covered her body, around her a green halo effect could be seen. 

Words appeared in her mind, an Oath of commitment to the entity that was giving her the ring, it didn’t ask her soul or anything too costly; she liked it as it resonated in her mind.

"And I shall shed my light over dark evil, For dark things cannot stand the light; The light of...THE GREEN LANTERN!"

With a burst of light everything sped back up. People continued to run around Jessica and her ward like decapitated chicken or some were looking at the power ring wielder with awe.

“Miss Silvers, what’s happening?!” The cute Asian girl behind her shouted at her.

Jessica turned to her and smiled. “Everything will be okay, Miss Moon.”

She tentatively smiled back until her eyes widened in fright and she screamed, “Miss S. watch out!”

The redhead turned back like a cobra and deployed a forcefield that stopped a rafale of bullets from multiple drones who now thought she was a threat. *Fuck get your head in the game, Silvers.*

“Ring, scan,” Jessica said as the drone fired on her while she protected her gawking wards behind her.


{Scanning complete}

{Remote-controlled mobile weapon platform, powered by a cold fusion device, capable of flight by using a repulsor effect created by taking excess electrons and turning them into muons which can penetrate deep into atomic matter before being fed to the outlets in each limbs of the platform. Primitive titanium armor and projectile weapon detected. Self-destruct system detected. Lantern Silvers is advised to use directed energy weapon constructs to dispatch them swiftly.}

When the drones stopped firing at Jessica, completely empty of ammunition or their weapons had overheated, the redhead bantered. “Sorry boys, you heard the Lady.”

Jessica reversed the forcefield that caught the three drones facing her, letting it surround them and made them float twenty meters in the sky. Then she used her imagination to construct the most devastating weapons she knew about on the fly. She willed into existence a Focussed Death Ray, a Necron weapon from Warhammer 40k that hovered before her.

“Say Hello to my little friend!” The narrow beam of intense thermal energy fired by the Focussed Death Ray vaporized the drones along its line of fire, even bypassing Jessica’s forcefield, decimating them. There was no explosion or anything physically left of them.

“Woah badass! Miss S!” One of the kids behind her shouted.

Jessica grinned as she saw the expression of the kids she was in charge of and everyone around them. “Guys, stay here, I need to finish the rest of the bots.”

Some of the kids were about to protest when Cindy Moon shouted over them, “Okay, Miss S! Please come back safe!”

Jessica strode toward her and patted the asian girl’s cheek. “Good kid.”

With her grey eyes glowing green Jessica looked up, jumped in the air, a halo of green light surrounding her, and flew at great speed to help with the drones still in the sky. 


Benjamin Parkers’ Ascension

Probationary Lantern of Sector 2814

How could it have all gone wrong he asked himself as he helped a girl and her mother get inside. The explosion in the distance caused everyone to flinch, but to Ben, it was as if he was back in the Military. The smoke, the ash, and the gunpowder all brought back memories, even the salted sweat-stained collar of his shirt reminded him of the uniform. 


Dust and debris flew around in the air hurting his lungs and Ben had to take a moment to catch his breath after making sure the little family was alright. Gritting his teeth, he stood back up to find that nephew of his.


This was supposed to be a little outing after he had won those tickets to the expo. Nothing would go wrong he had told May, but damn it if Murphy didn't have other plans in mind. Screams could be heard all around as the blood pounded in his ears, but he pushed through it. He had to find Peter, he had to find Peter; Ben kept chanting within his mind as he pushed through the pain and helped those in need.


That fool of a playboy was flying overhead blasting lasers all over the place and the only one of these people Ben could call a hero was the bright green one protecting civilians at the distance. Turning to look May in the eye, he pulled her close and gave her a kiss before patting her on the hand. Ohh, even with all the crap going on around them she was still the most beautiful person in his eyes.  


If he was going to find Peter, it was going to be amongst that group. His mind was pulled from his thoughts as the saddening grinding cracking sound reached him. Eyes wide, his body reacted before he could think as he dove out from behind cover to protect the child from the massive robot. Ohh god, if this was how the Lord wanted him to go at least May would be alright where she was. 


He pressed the child into his chest as he turned to at least put his body between the attacking force in hopes of the kid surviving. He was already well into his forties, and maybe May was right, one day he would break his fool neck.


Yet, it would seem that this day was not that day. Green flared around him, but that wasn't what shocked Ben. What shocked him was that the pain he was expecting from being shot never came. Ignoring that to take cover and check on the kid, he did not expect them to move so fast that he slammed into the side of a kiosk. 


Eyes wide, he looked the child over before checking himself for injuries. That was when he noticed the glowing green ring on his finger. Then he noticed that his clothes had changed, he was no longer in his red flannel shirt and slacks. Well, he was still wearing slacks but they made him look so much better and they were black. 


His red flannel shirt was replaced by what looked to be a copy of his favorite bomber jacket from his old days in the Navy. Eyes wide in surprise, he barely spoke as his blue jeans transformed into a set of black reinforced pants with matching work boots.


[Benjamin Franklin Parker, you have overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern core.]


The world slowed down to a crawl as the thing on his finger quickly updated him with the basics. Fist clenched, Ben looked up, eyes blazing green.


He held his hand forward and said the words, spoken with great care and compassion within his family. 


“With great power comes great responsibility, beware my might, Green Lanterns LIGHT!"


Bright emerald lights burst outwards from his body and outstretched arms shaped and commanded by his will. Encampments were formed to protect people as artillery cannons formed to fire back against the incoming horde of armored robots. 


Some of the armored drones went down and some were able to dodge his fire, but those that dodged were taken out by a young lady that also sported his green colors with the same emblem on the front. Shaking his head at the sight of her going Rambo on the hordes of drones. Ben decided that it was better to make sure that his wife and the few civilians he was looking over were able to get out okay. 




With a grim nod of certainty, Ben used the spike shield he formed to push away the debris that fell from the roof. Landing in the middle of the group that he was protecting, Ben accepted the smile of reassurance that May gave him. Standing firm, back straight, and arm outstretched, Ben projected a set of brick walls to the side before adding a roof to create a proper tunnel.


Then with May's hand within his, Ben led the exodus out of the war zone that the expo had become. It was clear that with his ring, he would be able to find Peter later, but for now. These people needed to get to safety and he would have to leave May outside and away from all of the fighting. 


As they made it to the outside of the battle zone, Ben felt the call. As the cops and ambulance took the civilians away, Ben turned around at the feeling of the call and took in the sight. His breath caught in his throat and even May gasped at his side because even from where they were they could see the sight of blazing emerald flames roar to life.


Even as the emerald flames died down, Ben couldn't deny that he felt the call to action once more. Yet, from the way that May gripped his hands, Ben was certain that she knew what he was planning to do. Of course, she would bless her heart, May was his better half and knew him better than he knew himself at times. 


When he turned to gaze into her eyes, she only returned his look with steely determination with a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.


She placed a finger to his lips stopping Ben from speaking as she spoke, “Find Peter, and make sure you both come back to me.”


May then pulled him in, placed a chaste kiss on his lips before fixing his bomber jacket. He watched as May took a step backward and then gave him a few hand motions shooing him away.  Smiling back at her, Ben jumped into the air, the ring catching him and allowing him to hover. Man, his hip hasn't felt this amazing in years. Even his knee didn't hurt from that wound he had received all those years ago. 


Turning towards the battle, Ben made up his mind. He had the power, so it was also his responsibility to help clean up this mess. 


[ Hope… 68% ] 



Green Lantern Domonic Wolf


Setting aside my thoughts on the two new Lanterns, I pushed forward with a flex of my willpower causing my Lanterns aura to blaze around me. A tennis racket twenty feet wide formed with hex-shaped netting came to life on my left side. Then on my right, I made a massive handheld vacuum cleaner and I almost felt bad for those who were about to get traumatized tonight. 


I could only wryly shake my head at some of the looks I received before people were sucked right into the vacuum construct. Then once they were given the twist around allowing them to get properly orientated within the construct, checked over and all the nines. I allowed them a free ride out and down to where the police and ambulances were stationed with a perimeter.


Again, I can't confirm or deny that people were left traumatized by the event and would deny till the day that I die, that my construct was like a carbon copy of the Dyson V11 torque drive cordless vacuum cleaner but in green. Yep, that's right, I would deny that claim till the day that I die and call hacks and photoshop on any and all camera evidence placed before me. 


With the end of that little episode, I decided that it was time to take out the trash, pun totally not intended of course. Underneath my arm a rotary dial formed from my memories of childhood, details so sharp that you could easily make out the scuff marks on the seven and four slots. Then I duplicated the dial before slotting six barrels in between both dials before everything was then sandwiched together. 


Anyone who stopped to look would have known what I had created, but with the speeds in which I was moving, I doubt anyone got a clear view. Once I was finished, I then duplicated my creation before then giving it a reverse-styled grip so I could carry it from an underslung position.


Adding in a strap, backpack to represent ammo, it was all too easy to carry what was clearly a rotary cannon underslung on both arms.  Flying over the expo, I rained down destruction upon the armors that were terrorizing the civilians. 


With a twist of the hips, I flipped upside down performing a far to over the top rain of blaster bolts before landing on top of the Stark Epo world globe. Was I going all Devil May Cry mixed in with a dash of Deadshot? Maybe, but if that was what was needed from me then so be it. 


Standing on top of the globe, I had my ring create a series of tracking monocles, which then helped me to line up all of my shots. Holding both hands outwards, I then gave the rotary cannons a good spin as I allowed the energy to build up. 


Ten seconds in, things hit critical mass allowing me to hit the trigger. The world felt a shift as the buildup of power created a small round sphere of energy at the tip of the barrel for half a second before the dam broke. Lasers shot outwards arcing around corners, over rooftops, and around people to slam their way into armored drones. Every drone carried a large capital H on their sides denoting them as the Hammer-roid units.


The kill counter at the corner of my eye kept going up and up and I had to wonder how in the blue blazes Ivan Vanko of all people was able to get one over on Justin Hammer. The man was a shit engineer,  true, but he was able to build a company and pull contracts with the United States Military, he couldn't have been that much of a flub. 


Okay, maybe I would have to speak with Fury later and put a bug into his ear about this mess. That talk would have to wait for later since I noticed the massive spike of energy that was approaching the Expo made a sharp turn. From what my ring was tracking, that massive energy signature was heading towards Tony and his best bud Rhodes. 


If things were going to go that way, then I would need to get into a proper position that would allow me to protect the civilians since they couldn’t protect themselves. As I flew, the call was sent out to probationary officers one and two.


The thing was; I couldn't call either of them lacking since the school teacher had a very active imagination with a healthy dash of overkill now that she could bring anything inside that head of hers to life. The other was a middle-aged man clearly ex-military from what I could see of his constructs. Unlike the school teacher who was going with a more fluid manic style of combat. The old man showed a certain type of temperance with his approach to battle. 


We didn’t get the warm fuzzy chance to meet and greet as red started to glow and blink from the chests of the Hammer-roids. 








Hexagons made of hard lights pushed outwards warping the recovery area up in protective fields. Willing the protections outwards, I brought forth the idea of a great impenetrable wall of might that protected all. The explosions rained down like heavy body blows but I stood firm. 


The heavy rain of explosions tapered down and once the debris from the explosion finished raining down. My shields cleared away, then I drew them back to allow those I was protecting to go free. Floating up into the air I took in the devastation that had happened to the expo, but also the two new Lanterns.


A quick update from my ring had me going wide eyes, but that was all pushed to the side as the sounds of wails and screams assaulted my ears. 


Taking a moment to look around, I found someone pinned and trapped underneath a pile of rubble. It was time to be a hero, Tony and anything else could wait as I helped out here. As I flew over I noticed a firefighter coming to give assistance. Landing beside the fire fighter, I placed a hand on his shoulder to stop the man.


“Careful of causing a shift,” I said before asking the firefighter to give me some room to work. With some more elbow room, I got to work. A thin green filament snaked its way underneath the rubble to find purchase in pockets of air. Then with the feedback from my ring, I then created a jack on top of some light body armor. From the reports, the legs needed support and the chest since there were signs of bruised ribs. With those supports in place, I had the jacks rise up the massive cinder slab. 


Right as the slab moved blood started to gosh out of a gaping wound in his leg. Within seconds of seeing that more and more constructs were made to stabilize the leg, sanitize the area, and then clean, fix and close the wound. All within the span of sixty seconds. 


“Damn!” the firefighter breathed and those around him equally nodded their heads. 


Looking up and seeing the semi-crowd of injured and displaced people, I took command. Fortunately for me and not so much for them, my two new fellow Lanterns had floated over.


Remembering the information my ring had given me, I started laying out orders. "Silvers, you're on clean-up duty, subspace these drones and anything else in the way while performing search and rescue. Parker!"






The two different yells surprised me and even more so as I turned from the floating green one to find another Parker in red and blue spider-themed spandex, well fuck. Okay, that was going to need some unpacking later for sure, especially with the way the older Parker was looking at the younger one. 


“Don't answer to that name while wearing that, but we can deal with you later. Big Parker, I need you to get me whoever is in charge here, make it Potts or Stark, then get the Police Captain or whoever is in charge of the Police right now. Then get on clean up with Silvers.” With that clear order given, I shifted my attention to the firefighter before me and gave his name tag a quick once over, “Firefighter Watson, get on the radio and get me the location of the triage area, I'll be able to get people on their feet a lot faster than running ambulances back and forth to the hospitals.”


Everyone just stood there staring at me blankly. Gritting my teeth, I flare my green aura and projected my voice. “Now people!”


That set them into motion, but I had to catch one before he ran away. Spider-boy had no such luck running away from me. I might be healing people but this was THE SPIDER-MAN. His ass was going to stay right here and give me some help. Maybe he could learn a thing or two while I chatted him up.


[ Will… 87% ]

[ Hope… 82% ]

Author's Note: 


Yeah, that just happened, talk about a monkey wrench in the system. 


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