Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 9

Star Burst 

Chapter 9

By: BigToFu

Dominic Wolf

Leader of Green Lantern Core

Sector 2814


Hovering over the triage area, I kept one eye on all of the people below while keeping the other one on the person who would transcend all hero’s and leave a lasting legacy that spanned multiverses. Pushing all of that aside, I motioned to let a little old granny down to get checked over by some paramedics while I shifted a tendril construct to the next gurney. I had been at this for a full ten minutes solid and had already worked my way through hundreds of people. 


The first few minutes in, some cop had come over with a SHIELD agent in tow and had asked me to relocate to the parking lot where they were already setting up a triage area for the injured. Well, it turns out I was correct in thinking that someone was keeping an eye on the situation as when I arrived at the parking lot, at least four paramedics had pulled in and got sorted by an agent. While the people who were already here just waited for me to heal them.


That was alright since this was getting me all kinds of goodwill. And since I was getting goodwill, I was going to use it to fix a Marvel wrong.


Turning from my seated position in the air, I called out to the person approaching from my back. “Spider-Man, you found another?”


"Yes, sir" 


Sighing, I shook my head and created a tendril of green to head over to his location. With directions from Peter, I directed the tendril to stabilize the person before airlifting them back over to my area of operations. This continued for a time until there were no more people that needed healing or stabilization. 


Stretching the kink out of my back, I looked around to find a news crew was set up and posted at a distance, and between them were the cops and some agents keeping them at bay. Off to the side was Spiderman talking with his Uncle but it was clear from his stiff posture, he had no clue about what to do next. Generally, Spiderman would have already vanished from the scene, but it was clear that with his Uncle wearing one of my lantern rings. The kid wanted to stick around. 


Looking around, I found his Aunt at a distance behind the cordoned-off area, now that gave me some options. Getting a nod from the last paramedic, I ignored the agents and hovered to the side of Ben Parker and Spiderman. 


“Thanks for the assist, Spiderman,” I spoke even as I held my hand out for him to shake. The kid was confused for a moment before accepting my hand to shake. His eyes widened for a moment, but did not show anything as he took a step back before jumping up and web-slinging away. 


{HOPE 67%}


Ben and I tracked him until the active camo device activated and he vanished from sight. With my ring's audio pickup, I could already hear a few of the police complaining along with some of the news crews. Smirking, I gave Ben a pat on the back, “He’s a good kid.”


{HOPE 87%}


The older man ran a hand through his hair and let out a huff of air, “Yeah, he makes me proud all the time.”


Chuckling, we talked for a minute before we were rudely interrupted by the whine of repulsor boosters and the clank of landing armor. Okay, I really didn't want to deal with this right now, turning around, I didn't even give the man a courtesy fake smile. Looking him over, I took in the armor even as Athena pointed out interesting bits over my HUD.


Honestly, I could say that the man makes some damn good armor even if I wasn’t in the mood to fanboy all over his tech. I could at least admit that it was more than decent. The only reason why I could call his armor decent was that I knew that he was capable of so much more. That, and the fact that my advanced learning programs from the ring had me operating on a far higher tech base than the clearly cobbled together armor that he was wearing. 


It was easy to tell that the subsystems weren't even rated for the amount of power the chest piece was able to provide. The weapons system was a mess and the damn suit was neither rated for space nor underwater operations. It was one thing to see it in the movies and it was another to know how little he cared about his survival. The one thing that should be keeping him alive doesn't even have pressurized sealing against gases or miscellaneous things. 


Call me paranoid, but environmental seals should have been the first thing he included. Once my inspection and dismissal of his armor were made, I decided that it was best to keep things formal with the man, since there were no reasons to piss in his cheerios today. 


With a slight incline of my head, I spoke, “Mister Stark?”


There was a clink as the faceplate of his armor went up, the face was that of RDJ and a little bit not, but that goatee and smirk were clear as day. Yeah, this was Tony Stark, and that wave to the cameras, damn attention whore. 


{AVERICE  36%}


{FEAR 26%} 


“Call me Tony, Mister Stark makes me sound old.” Tony smoothly spoke even as he gave my form a once over with a critical eye. I even caught the glint as his eye flicked down to my finger and back up. “I just wanted to thank you for the backup out there.” 


Tony joked even as he pointed a thumb over his shoulder towards the mess of an Expo. 


“It’s what we do,” I replied while keeping my voice even and polite, before I could say anymore. Another of my new recruits decided to make herself known, well she was already known. It wasn't that hard to miss her doing loops in the air as an excuse to inspect the Expo. 


I wanted to snort at that, if she wanted to fly more, I wasn't about to hold it against her. I might run a tight ship, but I wasn't about to be a stick in the mud about someone discovering flight and wanting to enjoy the moment. 


“Aye boss, what do I do with all this Hammer crap?” Jessica Silvers, one of my latest Green Lanterns, asked over the coms.


*You can’t keep it. Let's turn it over to Tony and let him deal with the jurisdiction paperwork. That super shady government agency by the name of SHIELD will be bothering him instead of us.* I replied over the open coms and noticed Ben relaxing his defensive posture while also showing a small smirk. 


Tuning back into what Tony was saying, because I'll be honest, I totally ignored the man.


“Sooo, you mind telling me about the tights and colors?”


{RAGE 12%}


{WILL 39%}


Tilting my head to the side as I thought about it, I shrugged in return, "Green is the new black, but more importantly congratulations on finding element 136. And congrats on creating a tier-three power source." 


The look Tony gave was one of clear confusion, which then cleared up rapidly as I made a motion towards his chest reactor. "Swapping out the palladium was the right way to go, but still not a bright idea of sticking elements in your chest.” My grimace was clear for him to see. “Dude, 136 isn't as toxic as palladium but it's still not a bright idea with all that gunk still in your bloodstream.”


Damn, there goes my filter, sigh, guess meeting him just brought out the asshole in me. 


{FEAR 89%}


Ignoring the quick hit of fear the man gave off, I brought up my hand. Then with a little push of my will, constructs started to form. 


“Ben, Jess, Let me show you how to run a general universal medical scan.” I called out even as I created three rings around Tony and his armor. Ben was looking mildly intrigued and that defensive posture he had towards the man earlier was all gone. Jess on the other hand had just dumped all of the hammer drones at the side and decided she wanted to be seated on the top like the barbarian kings of old. 


With the green rings around Tony, I started a quick and easy lesson. “Generally, we use telepathy with our rings to perform the medical scans, but for now, I'll use verbal so everyone is on the same page. Ring, general scan, species humanoid in nature.”


[Scanning… Subject Terran Male, age early 4o’s, Health…]


“Woh, woh, time out,” Tony called, stepping out of the green rings even as he held up his hands in the classic time-out gesture. “Wow, haven't even bought me dinner yet and you are already trying to strip me in front of the masses.”


My face went flat, well, two can play that game. Holding my hand out, green shot forward and enveloped Tony and his suit even as he shifted into a kung-fu pose. Then with a push, Tony and his suit separated. 


“Whaa?” Tony stood with a gob smacked expression on his face even as he looked down at his hands covered in his combat suit. More cameras flashed, but I ignored them as I walked over to the man. He clearly didn't notice me as he ran a hand over the newly healed hole in his chest. 


Holding out a little glass, if anyone was closer they would have been able to see small metal shards clink and tumble around. 


“All of the palladium has been cleaned out of your system, that liver of yours was given a nice tune-up. The bones in your left wrist were fixed from whatever injury you had. Left leg was also healed and that contusion you had was also fixed. Ohh, and I removed the shards that were tickling your heart.” I finished even as I held out the little glass bottle for him to take. 


Tony took the little glass container with what was clearly numb hands, then it was as if a switch was flipped and he was back, all smiles and quips. 


{WILL 48%}


{HOPE 90%}


Ignoring the man as he went to the side of his suit and said something that I made sure to tune out. A green halo surrounded my body as I slowly hovered upwards. Since I was a paranoid bastard and took my situational awareness very seriously, I had already tapped the local coms subnet and heard Fury ordering Natasha to come and stall me. 


Jokes on him, Jess and Ben needed to solve their affairs before we could blow this popsicle stand. Too bad they won’t be able to force Ben or Jess into anything as my drones had arrived on earth. Allowing the drones to set up protection detail in the background, I hovered over to their sides. 


“So,” I started with a chuckle even as I set up a privacy barrier, “Congratulations and welcome is in order for gaining a Green Lantern ring.”  I spoke even as I pressed two fingers to the emblem on my chest. My lantern emblem activated and showed my title and station. “Your rings of course have the answer to a lot of questions you might want to know right about now, but be assured, I will answer the more important questions once we are back at the Sector house.”


“Green Lantern?” Ben stated, but even that came off as more of a question being asked.


“Sector House?” Jessica voiced her thoughts and it was clearly a question. 


Holding up my hand, I flashed my ring to gain their attention, “A Green Lantern is an elite force of space cops, that is what I lead, that is what you are both eligible to become.”


They both went quiet and I could already see them trying to process the mountain that I just dropped on their shoulders. It was Jess though that broke the silence while Ben wore a contemplative look on his features.


“Wait, you said we’re eligible? Why?” Jess asked, hands crossed before her chest and I could already feel a headache forming and being cured as it reared its head. 


My answer was to shrug at her, “Yeah, the situation was dire so I sent out rings, only two answered the call, but you still have to pass basic training and actually want to join.” I spoke, never breaking eye contact even as I felt Ben shift a little.


Ben sighed even as he ran a hand through his hair, “And what makes us eligible?”


Now that was the million-dollar question, turning towards the older gentleman, I actually gave him a genuine smile. 


“My rings don’t just answer to will power, you must be able to inspire hope, have the flexibility of mind and be willing to bring the hurt where it's needed,” I answered the man, and even as he did one of those thoughtful looks. I could see the glint in the corner of the man's eyes. Yeah, old he might be, but Ben had his sharp edges. As much as Peter liked to pull his punches, when the gloves were down, Spiderman’s dad would lay down some true ass whooping’s. 


Things like that weren't just inherited, no they were nurtured and I could see all versions of Ben who might want Peter to be the better man, but also know when to make a bully leave you alone. Peter had to have gotten his hard edge from someone, and I could already see who it came from.  


I gave them both a nod, “Since neither of you have decided to give the rings back, then I assume you would like to apply. If you make it and don’t want to leave earth, no worries. I am working on a deal with NASA to help them explore the solar system.” I told them both. “For now though, just relax and take the next forty-eight hours. The rings will help you write an after-action report, so get that to me in the next twenty-four.” 


Then with a flick of the wrist, I removed our privacy curtains, before leaving them both, I decided to drop some parting words. “You’re my people now and under my jurisdiction, so that means no one has the pull or power to demand anything from you pertaining to any of your activities while under my authority.  If an issue arises just think of contacting me and I will deal with it.” 


A few of the agents in earshot range twisted faces into sour expressions, but I ignored them as I made it over to Coulson’s location. Natasha had decided to slink off and Happy was taking care of Tony’s suit. That left Tony to be fussed over by Pepper as she dragged him from the news crews. 


As I landed, Coulson was already there waiting for me with the classic stoic Agent look. 


"Green Lantern Wolf, thank you for the assistance tonight." Agent Coulson spoke even as he held a hand out for me to shake. Giving the man a small smile, I shook his hand before then hovering to the side instead of obscuring his view of Ben depositing his own stash of Hammer drones. 


{HOPE 65%}


“Stark had it covered,” I replied with a shrug, downplaying the fact that I stole the show and knew it. Silence settled between us and stayed like that even as the cops started their own little rounds. Tony wrapped up whatever he was saying to the news crew and found his way to the side of Pepper who was on the phone. 


Benjamin Parker had flown back over to his wife and was speaking animatedly with her even as Peter looked a little sheepish. Jessica, the crazy one who had decided that bringing Warhammer weapons to life was perfectly reasonable was standing next to what could only be considered middle schoolers. That was easy to figure out as more than a few of them looked as if they hit the ugly and awkward tree never missing a branch. 


As I stood there, I acted as if I wasn’t hacked into their coms and was listening. Fury had given an order to have Coulson ask me to come back to the Helicarrier with him. Then he had gotten off coms and ordered Hill to find everything she could on the two new Lanterns. She had replied by asking if we would be part of the Avengers initiatives. Fury being who he was, liked to play with his cards held tightly to his vest and replied that such a thing remains to be seen, because of course, he would. 


The damn super spy would never give out such a thing since I doubt that he even trusts half the people on that bridge. And even if he did trust them all, he still would never give out his next moves so easily. 


Ignoring Fury and whatever future plans he was angling for, I noticed the arrival of one of the teachers that was with Jess coming back. It was clear that the man had run off during the initial explosions, forgetting the kids and his teaching assistant. I didn’t need superpowers, super hearing, or be a super spy to know that he was getting his ass chewed on like a doggie treat. 


The kids were already on the bus and it was clear that was the reason she hadn't blasted off. 




Okay, she was leaving now and from the angle and the fact she was hitting escape velocity. Jess had dropped the ‘Fuck this I’m out this, bitch.’ Sigh, at least she won't be able to use the wormhole and FTL functions. I wasn’t as stupid as the Guardians of Oa liked to act in the comics. One of the very first things I did was lock down a lot of the functions for trainee Lanterns. 


Even as the rings went out now for what I would consider ideal candidates, they would need to be picked up by another and brought back to the Station house for training and evaluations. Earth was of course locked down for those, not of earth, they would, of course, be allowed to only FTL back to their homeworlds. 


Putting aside those thoughts for later, I watched as she flew past the moon before turning my attention back towards the people who had watched her leave. Ben, the polite gentleman, gave me a wave goodbye and directed his family towards a waiting cab. That man was humble to a fault, but I could understand what he might be going through. 


It was a good thing that he didn't know how unfathomably powerful these rings could be in the right hands. Even my hand shook whenever I thought about the multitude of possibilities at the tip of my finger. I was certain that Ben would take his full forty-eight hours to decide. But in the end. Great power chose him out of thousands and in the end, he rose to the challenge.


For some reason, it was like the dam broke as everyone started to rapidly depart.  Funny enough, it was clear that this was the moment that Coulson was waiting for as he turned and gave me one of those patient smiles of his. 


“Do you mind coming with me, the director would like to speak with you,” Coulson spoke, keeping his features ever placid. “We’d also like to debrief you.”


A green halo covered my body as I hovered off the pavement, “Not tonight Agent Coulson, let Fury know that I will be back on earth in forty-eight hours, maybe fifty.”


Coulson gave me that hard thinking disappointed look, but I didn't budge. “Is there a way we can contact you?”


“Yes, but I could always just drop by that Helicarrier of his.” Was my dismissive reply. “But I get it, clearance levels and all that jazz.” There was a ding as I pointed at his pocket. “My number is in your phone. Have a good night Agent Coulson.”


Then before he could say anything else, I was already in the air and passed the moon in a matter of seconds. Ignoring the hails that came from the Inhumans, I shifted my heading to Mars. For some reason, I felt like a parent rushing home to hide all the more dangerous tools. Athena had erected a force field over the Celestials body and was keeping tabs on Jess. 


As I landed on Mars, my commands to lock down a few facilities were carried out even as I made my way to my personal labs. Ignoring all the scanners, I found the wall that I was looking for and phased right through the matter that made up its surface. 


In the middle of the room sat a massive tube and inside the fluid floated a certain brunette, the same one that would be my second in command, made with the finest clone cells. If I was going to walk the walk, talk the talk, I better have a ball buster on my side to enforce my positions. 


The Kryptonian’s might have perfected their DNA, but they were still considered second class to some of the things that the Guardians could do. Unfortunately, I didn't have any Kryptonian genetic materials around to create who I wanted, but I was in marvel with busted Celestial created humans and Kryptonian genetic blueprints in my ring. The Guardians were hoarders like that, and I was perfectly okay with it. 


It was far too easy for me to have a drone drop in one Greece and get me someone's DNA sample. With a few swipes, I confirmed that her knowledge packs were uploaded and sorted properly. Then I checked and found that she had completed all of her courses inside of the Matrix. 


At this stage, I really couldn't lie to myself about what I was doing. This was crossing a line that I have hated every Marvel author and storyteller for doing. Hell, I was also crossing my own moral lines especially since I knew that the soul was actually a thing. 


My hand hovered over the release button and shook for more than a few beats of my heart. Clenching and unclenching my fist, I pressed the button as I slowly released my breath. Taking the time to walk over to the center of the room, I created a robe from some of the excess material in my ring and waited. There was a burble from the vat and I made sure to ignore the other three hundred down below the grated floor. The same three hundred that would see my forces expand and put more eyes out in the Universe. The same three hundred that would help me track and hunt the other Emotional Spectrum constructs. 


I already heard a few rumbles, and had a hunch and lead on the FEAR and LOVE constructs and avatars. What I didn't have was the forces to battle the damn thing, I just wish and hope to all that is Stan Lee, that the BLACK ring and constructs were not in-universe with me, but knowing my luck…




The sound of the vat opening pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up and smiled at the amazon before me. She was well sculpted, easily six feet in height with bright blue eyes and hair that hung down to the middle of her back.


No red sun would harm her, and no little rock would weaken her, she smiled at me and I knew that she was perfect. Holding up the robes, I draped them over her shoulder as I returned the smile. 


“Welcome Diana, my Wonder Woman, we have plenty of work that needs to get done.”


Authors Notes:


Don! Don! DON!!!


Did anyone see any of that coming?

Because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do something. For those of you on my discord server, you would know how adamant I am about the whole cloning thing in Marvel especially with the advent of souls being a thing. 


Trust me, I had to roll a dice on the ending of this chapter since I had at least three other options. 


Also, back to space soon and maybe a Captain Kirk adventure. Currently split between Shi'ar troubles with Deathbird or doing some space PETA work for Lady Hellbender. Not sure, but I plan to roll that against the power stone since I have more than a few directions to take this adventure.



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