Star Orc Empire

Chapter 4

~ Work Related (4)

Warcraft, and then sold to the taming farm to get paid. Sub-orcs also need to pay to tame and take away their favorite monsters in the taming farm. “Gnarius introduced to Lu You in detail. “The monsters in the taming farms in the economically prosperous places will be much higher. “

“Then what if there are monsters that cannot be tamed and carried by the sub-orcs?” Lu You quickly thought of other aspects. Temple Zhen D Knocking Ci Quietly Gao Wei Changing the foot of the foot

“No, Article 2 of Chapter 135 of the Osius Law stipulates in detail that monsters that have been stagnant in the animal training ground will be handed over to the empire if they have been stagnant for more than three years, and the empire will bear certain losses in the animal training ground. The three regulations stipulate that any group or individual shall not torture and kill any wild beasts or magical beasts without reason, and offenders will be fined and detained, and those who refuse to mend their ways will be revoked their Osius citizenship and exiled to the wild star.” Genaris answered eloquently. .

Lu You admired secretly, Gnaris is really amazing, he answered in such detail that he even brought out the law. “It seems that the empire still attaches great importance to beasts?”

How much can the extinction of species be reduced by switching to the earth? How much will there be fewer incidents of taking bear bile for medicine and cruelty to animals? Maybe the earth can be destroyed hundreds of years later.

“Well, we can’t repeat the same mistakes, and even relying on the powerful genes of beasts, we can adapt so well on the planet Osius, and gradually become stronger in the Firepulse galaxy today.”

“The food in the supermarket is almost all meat, how do you say that?” Lu You asked again.

“There is a department that specializes in cultivating edible beasts, and the legal provisions are mainly formulated for wild beasts and monsters.”

“Wow, that’s really good.” Lu You sighed sincerely, and was very grateful to Genaris for his patient answer. Lu You thought with some wicked humor that Generis hadn’t talked so much in a month before.

Indeed, Lu You’s guess was accurate.

“Gnarius, can you take me to the animal training ground?” In the abyss forest, because a high-level monster was always wrapped around his hand, some low-level monsters dared not approach them. Apart from Xiaobai in his hand, he has never seen any other monsters.

“Okay.” Gnarius agreed without hesitation.

Lu You poked the sleepy bubbling ball in the hood of Lu You’s hoodie, ‘Shall we go and see it together? ’ He didn’t know why this little thing was so awkward lately.

‘Jijiu, what’s so good about those ugly beasts! It’s better to see them than to see me. ’ The little ball said arrogantly, its beautiful feathers and mighty figure are not comparable to those vulgar things.

Lu You poked the ball again with a smile, ‘Let’s go together. ‘

The Colosseum is in an antique Roman style, with tall white stone columns and multi-step auditoriums surrounding the middle field, which is very atmospheric. It’s a pity that the town of Moya is just a remote place, and the Colosseum is very small and not aggressive enough. If it were the Colosseum in the imperial capital or some bustling cities, it would be much more spectacular, domineering, and gorgeous.

Lu You led Rocky and followed Gnarris, and as soon as he entered the gate of the Colosseum, he heard a burst of cheers.

“Well done Gert, another win!”


“As expected of a Tier 3 Warcraft, it’s amazing!”

Lu You now feels that it is really a pity that his eyes can’t see, and he has no chance to appreciate the humanistic customs and natural scenery of other worlds.

He can only rely on listening, and he is not a person with a particularly rich imagination, so how could he imagine it.

“Gnarius, let’s go to the taming ground.” He couldn’t see the wonderful fights in the Colosseum, so he might as well go and see what kind of monsters are like.

The taming field generally goes through the Colosseum, through the passage under the auditorium to a small square behind the Colosseum.

There are many large cages made of special materials behind that square, and all kinds of monsters are locked in the big cages.



Because of the large number of monsters, there was an unpleasant smell in the air, but it was tolerable.

There are also discussions from other sub-orcs around.

A sub-orc came over and was the manager of the animal training ground.

“I’m Moy, the manager of the taming farm. What grade of monster do you two want to see?” The single sub-orc man also had fantasies. Looking at the handsome Gnaris, the sub-orc man was very attentive. “Most of us here are Tier 2 monsters, and the highest level is Tier 4.”

Gnarris looked at Lu You, “Give us an introduction.”

After speaking, Genaris embraced Lu You’s shoulder without any trace, and Lu You smiled at the orc man, “Moy, please introduce me to your Warcraft here, I want to know more about it.”

Moy looked at Lu You, who was smiling gently and with soft luster in his eyes, and sighed in his heart, this sub-orc man is so cute, and he looks like he is not an adult. Turning his head to look at the very handsome orc next to Lu You who spoke little but silently brought the Little Asia orc into his control, he suddenly understood.

Moy smiled, “Okay, please follow me, both of you.”

Moy found that the little sub-orc man’s gaze was distracted, and sighed secretly in his heart, what a pity, such a cute sub-orc man.

The author has something to say: slowly getting to the point, the next chapter will let Lu You’s son shine. Boom! ~I’m still working on the details, don’t worry, today’s second update~ Please praise~ Thinking of writing scenes of wild beasts fighting, should I visit the animal world more? Hey~~Xiao Neiba is running~



“This is a wind tiger beast. It has a white body and three eyes. It is similar to a tiger on the ancient earth. It is a first-order monster. It is medium in size and suitable for close combat. Its ability is to control airflow.” Moy pointed to the cage with long hair. The white-haired, tiger-like monster with three green eyes said, Moy gave a very detailed introduction because he noticed Lu You’s situation.

As Lu You got closer to the cage, he felt a gust of cool wind blowing over him, lifting the corners of his clothes.

“Roar—” The thick and thick cry made Lu You’s eardrums ache.

Lu You took a step back in shock, Gnaris hugged his waist and said softly, “Don’t be nervous.”

Lu You shook his head, “Thank you.”

Moy smiled watching the two’s intimacy.

He walked to another cage, “This is a firefox beast. It has a pair of long ears and big round eyes. It is covered in fiery red. It is the smallest in size. It has a gentle temperament and is very cute. It is also a first-level monster. , is very popular with sub-orc people, and its ability is fire.” Moy stretched out his hand to touch the cute little fox like a little fox on the earth, and the little fox rubbed his fingers affectionately, screaming a few times in a soft and coquettish voice. Voice. “You can touch him.”

As Moy said, he took Lu You’s hand and asked Lu You to reach out and pet the little fox. The little fox licked Lu You’s fingers, and happily showed his fluffy and soft belly, begging to be stroked.

Lu You smiled. He never thought that Warcraft could have such a cute and coquettish variety. Although he couldn’t see it, Lu You could still feel its cuteness.

At this time, the little ball crawled out from an unknown corner, and flew to the top of Lu You’s head, looking contemptuously at the little fox with its fluffy belly exposed with round eyes.

What is this! The monster’s face was completely wiped out by this blushing guy who was about to catch fire! It still shows that soft belly, do you want me to scratch it to death!

Xiaoqiu complained arrogantly and tweeted twice to attract Lu You’s attention.

Lu You withdrew his hand and poked the small ball above his head.

‘Have you finally stopped quarreling? ‘

‘What’s awkward? I’m just in a bad mood! Chirp~’

‘Okay, I’m in a bad mood. Let’s take a look at World of Warcraft. ‘

‘Hmph, chirp~ I’ll be reluctant to accompany you, and it’s a lifetime honor for those guys to see me! ’ Little Ball’s head was raised high.

‘This is a Lightning Beast, with strong and powerful limbs, white body, and a very fit body. Their characteristic is that they have a bunch of blue hair on the top of their heads, they can walk in the void, and they have the power of lightning. Very difficult to tame. “Moy continued to introduce Lu You, but when he turned around, he saw a little yellow thing on Lu You’s head.

“Is this your guardian beast?” Moy has never seen such a petite and cute guardian beast. Can such a guardian beast protect its master?

“Yes, this is my guardian beast.” Lu You said with a smile.

“It’s… very special.” Moy also smiled. Although he is very petite, he may not be able to protect his master well, but doesn’t this Little Asian orc already have a guardian? Moy said relieved.

‘Ho Ho—” The roar of the huge beast resounded throughout the venue, as if piercing the clouds and cracking stones.

Lu You also heard the calls of the wild beasts. Over there, there was the noise of the sub-orcs discussing.

“The one that roared just now is the only fourth-order monster in the animal training ground that has not been tamed by the sub-orcs for two years, the flame beast. It has powerful attack and defense power, and many sub-orcs are eager to have one like that.” A powerful and mighty monster of a higher class.” Moy’s tone became agitated as he spoke.

Lu You obviously felt Dao Moi’s excitement, and said with a smile, “Can you take me there to have a look?”

“Of course!” Moy is a familiar person. He has a good impression of this petite, weak and cute sub-orc man Lu You, so he naturally dragged Lu You to the cage of the fourth-order monster.

Genaris just followed behind Lu You like a bodyguard.

Lu You approached the flame beast and felt that the temperature had risen significantly.

“I forgot to tell you, the flame beast is surrounded by flames, which is worthy of its name. It doesn’t want to, and anyone who gets close to it will be injured.” Moy pulled Lu You back a few steps. “Riding this flaming beast must be very mighty! But he is too difficult to get close to. He has been here for two years. It was handed over to the empire for management. You must know that fourth-tier monsters are considered rare now, and this is the only highest-level monster I have ever seen since I worked in the animal training farm in the small town of Moya for so long.” Moy sighed.

Lu You found out that Moy was actually a talker, but he didn’t feel disgusted. He was not sociable, but he was happy with Moy’s enthusiasm.

“Hoho—!” The flame beast was still roaring non-stop, and in the large cage, its huge body was pacing up and down anxiously.

The moment Lu You approached, the giant beast stopped pacing, and its huge blood-red eyes were fixed on Lu You’s side.

Moy looked at the Flame Beast with some flattery. You must know that the first step for Warcraft to show favor to the sub-orc man it likes is to look at the sub-orc man and express its wishes. What the sub-orcs and Warcraft signed is not a master-servant contract but a partner contract. Both parties are equal, and there is no unequal master-servant relationship.

Moy thought, could it be that the flaming beast finally got its senses? !

Moy looked at the petite orc man beside him. This petite and cute sub-orc man didn’t seem to have a partner yet. Could it be that the flame beast has taken a fancy to this little sub-orc man?

The eyes of the orcs surrounding this mighty Tier 4 beast were all on Moi and Lu You.

Lu You didn’t know what happened, but felt that the surroundings became quiet all of a sudden, even the chattering Moy around him stopped talking, and he was not used to it.

He tugged at Moy’s hand and called, “Moy?”

Moy looked at the unruly Tier 4 monster again with certainty, making sure that his eyes were locked on the Little orc man next to him, and said a little excitedly, “This Tier 4 monster seems to have taken a fancy to you!”

“Fancy it?!” Lu You said in surprise, Fancy it! What kind of word is this? Lu You black line.

Moy also seemed to notice that his words were inappropriate, and he coughed a few times in embarrassment to divert his attention, “It seems to want to get close to you.”

“Really?” Lu You was surprised again. Did he become an animal-friendly physique on the future planet Osius?

Lu You asked Gnaris for help, but Gnaris just walked up to Lu You, took Lu You’s hand as a matter of course, and said, “I’ll go and see with you.”

Lu You didn’t want to get close to that flaming beast at first, he had already taken in all his little brothers, although one of them was very unreliable, but the sixth-order monster was enough for him to give him a boost, he didn’t need to add another little brother for no reason up. Now there is another chicken-like creature with dogs, snakes, and more beasts covered in fire. Will he be able to open a zoo in the future…

Just as he was about to refuse, Genaris had already led him closer to the cage.

The temperature rose sharply, and the air was scorched hot.

“Roar—” Flaming Beast watched Lu You come up, and it also approached the cage, with its smaller head sticking out of the cage, and yelled at Lu You. There is no longer anxiety and threat in the voice.

“You hold out your hand,” said Gnarius.

For some reason, Gnarius always gave him a feeling of complete trustworthiness. Lu You hesitated for a while, stretched out his palm nervously, and a warm touch touched his palm.

The real encounter with the flame beast is not the burning heat that can be felt from a distance, but the warmth and comfort.



There was a burst of exclamation, cheers, and even whistles. It’s so cool, the highest-level beast that has never been tamed here has surrendered to a very weak little orc man that has never been seen before!

Moreover, that little orc man is not yet of age…

Lu You hadn’t figured out the situation yet.

At this time, Moy, who was so excited that he couldn’t control himself, rushed forward and gave Lu You a bear hug.

“Wow! You are so powerful! That blazing beast surrendered to you! You must know that although the flaming beast is a fourth-order monster, it is considered a relatively rare type among fourth-order monsters! You are really amazing! Can you tell me the secret of your success!” Moy was so excited.

Genaris unobtrusively drew Lu You into his range again, avoiding Moy, who was making a fuss.

Gnarris turned his head and asked Lu You, “Do you want to accept this monster?”

The signing of the contract is for both parties, not unilaterally. Lu You can completely abandon this magical beast.

It was only after hearing Moy’s slapping words that Lu You understood what had happened. Lu You shook his head. He didn’t intend to accept any partners. I accepted the small ball because I thought it was too weak at the beginning, so I could keep it as a companion or something.

As for Xiaobai signing the contract, he is passive. When he knew the situation, the contract was established. Therefore, he did not intend to take this flame beast.

“Then let’s go.” Genaris took Lu You’s hand and prepared to leave.

Moy didn’t understand why Lu You didn’t want this flaming beast. It was the dream of many sub-orcs!

He wanted to hold Lu You to ask for clarification, but when he saw Gnarius’ cold eyes, he backed away.

“Stop! I want to fight beasts with you!” A sub-orc man’s voice came from the crowd.

Many sub-orcs made way for that sub-orc.

The author has something to say: I am close to 3,000 words in each chapter, high spirited~~! ~ I don’t want to do my homework! ~I am so happy, I received a landmine yesterday, and I am flattered that there is a landmine so soon~ Hey! Thank you [Tibetan Blue Wolf] for mine, I am very excited (≧▽≦)/Let’s also guess the identity of Gnarius, and the identity of Gnarius will be revealed in the next few chapters! There are several options below for you to choose from: A; King B; General C; Prince D; Disciple E of an expert; The boss of the imperial rebel organization, everyone enjoy YY~~



“Gert challenged that sub-orc man!”

“That sub-orc man looks so delicate, and it looks like he can’t fight without a partner!”

Sub-orcs can accept partners only after they are adults, and they have no strength to subdue monsters when they are young, and their mental power is not strong enough to control monsters and convey their own meaning to monsters.

“Gert has a third-level monster!”



Everyone’s voices came and went.

Lu You was surprised, how could someone send him a challenge invitation? Gert should be the sub-orc man who won in the Colosseum just now, right? As soon as he came in, he heard people cheering,

The sub-orc man named Gert had already walked through the crowd to Lu You.

He raised his head proudly, “It’s you, I will fight beasts with you!”

Moy stood in front of Lu You and the others. The beast fighting was voluntary, and no one could force anyone. As the manager of the animal training ground, he had the responsibility to maintain the normal order here.

“Gert, this gentleman has no intention of fighting beasts with you.” Moy had already put on a serious expression at this time.

“I don’t care, I must fight the beast with him today!” Gert said still proudly, and pointed at Lu You with his finger, as if I would not let it go.

Just as Genaris took a step forward, Lu You tugged at his sleeve, motioning him not to move.

Lu You still maintained a faint, polite smile, “I refuse.” He is a man, and he can settle his affairs by himself. Not all fools understand the truth of shooting the top bird. He doesn’t want to release a sixth-order monster that is extremely precious in the eyes of everyone. He has no foundation in this world now, and if he does, he will attract others’ covetousness.

“No, if you don’t agree today, you don’t want to get out of the Colosseum!” Gert persisted, and even released the monster that was still in the space. “For the sake of your youth, I don’t need higher-level monsters to fight with you. Today I will teach you to cherish everything!”

A second-order monster was released by Gert. It was a monster similar to a lion, but with a pair of long wings on its back.

“Roar—” a demonic beast half as tall as an orc roared in protest at Lu You.

Gert walked up to the monster, stroked it, then turned his gaze to Lu You, “Release your monster quickly.”

Xiaobai, who was hiding on Lu You’s wrist, moved to jump out, but Lu You grabbed its head and motioned Xiaobai not to move.

On the contrary, the little ball on Lu You’s head kept chattering non-stop. The clear and sweet cry, coupled with the small, bright yellow, chubby body, had no deterrent effect.

Lu You felt the little ball start to jump on his head, and he hurriedly comforted the one on his head. After negotiating a few words with the one on the head, the little ball nestled in Lu You’s hair temporarily unwillingly.

What’s the matter! There is even a monster who dares to yell at it! Is the world already in chaos? Forget it, for the sake of the master, don’t argue with him, saying that there is still a free labor force, why is he in a hurry!

Xiaoqiu complained unwillingly.

“Sorry, I don’t have a monster yet. So I can’t accept your challenge.” Lu You said.

“Gert, the little sub-orc man, doesn’t have a partner yet, so don’t force him!” A sub-orc man next to him dissuaded him.

Moy wanted to get mad, but seeing Genaris’s unchanged expression made him feel a chill, and he swallowed his words.

“No! I will never give up!” Gert still didn’t let go, “Since you don’t have a partner, then release your guardian beast, and we will use the guardian beast to fight!” Gert looked at the top of Lu You’s head.

Lu You smiled, the little guy on the head? forget it.

Xiaoqiu was provoked, and his hair started to explode. “Chirp Chirp!~~” Xiaoqiu expressed her anger with a cry that has not changed for a hundred years.

‘Master, let me go! let me go! ‘

‘Go, can you beat others with your chubby little body? ’ Said that Lu You picked it up and poked its soft belly.

‘Ang~~” The little ball looked at its master in disbelief, and it realized that it had been regarded as so useless by its master all along. Waiting creatures are more than enough.

Xiaoqiu was unhappy, and started to roll in Lu You’s palm.



Lu You smiled at the other party, pointing to the round yellow object rolling in the palm of his hand, “Look, can this still work?”

Gert’s face was a little ugly. How could this sub-orc man, who was good for nothing except being cute, be taken by the proud flame beast?

At this time, Gert still released his guardian beast, and Gert’s guardian beast was a dog similar to a Tibetan mastiff.

The ball rolled to the ground, then flapped its wings at Gert’s Guardian Beast, who was watching it.

“Chirp chirp!!!~~ chirp—!” A thin, crisp, ultra-original long-drawn-out chirp pierced the sky.

Lu You’s head was dizzy from the stimulation, and his eardrums ached from the stimulation.

He quickly picked up the ball and pinched its beak.

The world is finally quiet.

Lu You smiled apologetically, and said, “Sorry, it’s not in a good mood.”

If Lu You could see at this moment, he would find that many suborcs were so shocked that they needed to support each other to stand still. Even Gnaris frowned.

And Gert’s guardian beast has been shaken and fell to the ground. If it is an anime scene, its eyes must have rolled the mosquito coils.

In the small square, except for the small ball, all the monsters in the cage were almost stunned.

Xiaoqiu looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

Look, it only shows a little bit of supernatural power, but its power is so powerful, let’s see who dares to underestimate it.

Gert was a little better, and said to Lu You with a gloomy face, “I lost.”

Although Lu You didn’t know what Xiaoqiu did or what he discovered, he still said, “No, you didn’t lose. Because I didn’t agree to your challenge.”

Gert took a deep look at Lu You, then hugged his guardian beast to comfort him, entered the space, and left the animal training ground.

Moy shook his head and walked to Lu You’s side, “I didn’t expect your Guardian Beast to be quite powerful.”

Just ask how many people can be affected by such a powerful sound wave.

Lu Youdao didn’t understand cause and effect very well, so he said, “It’s okay.”

Moy added, “Don’t mind Gert’s actions. Although his actions are a bit excessive, they are understandable. He has been visiting the blaze beast every day since he came to the animal training ground. Take care of it. Gert loves that blaze very much, but he has been unable to get the favor of that blaze, he is very sad. You got the approval of this blaze today, but you refused, he never got it, and You got it so easily. He was very angry that you didn’t cherish this opportunity, so he made such a rash move so impulsively.”

Lu You nodded, smiled gently, “I can probably understand him, I’m not angry.”

Lu You didn’t expect that all these incidents would happen just because he wanted to visit the Colosseum. If he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have come. But this trip was rewarding.

After looking at the animal training ground again, Lu You and Gnaris were about to leave.

But when it was about to leave, the flaming beast started to bump into the special cage like a madman, causing its head to bleed.

Moy explained, “Warcraft has a special attachment to the identified contractor. If you don’t accept it, it will keep hitting.”

Moy didn’t understand why Lu You, who didn’t have a contracted monster, was unwilling to accept this monster.

“He’s already hit his head badly. After you leave, he might die there.” Moy said exaggeratedly. In fact, Lu You didn’t accept the flame beast. They would inject anesthesia into the flame beast. , After a day, the flame beast will return to normal.

Gnarius didn’t break Moy’s words.

Lu You frowned.

“Gnarius, can I borrow some credit from you?” Lu You asked.

“Of course.” Gnarius said.

“I will pay you back in the future.” Lu You said again, he felt that if something happened to the flame beast after it left, he would feel a lot of guilt.

Knowing Lu You’s stubbornness, Genaris didn’t say anything.

Lu You took the card from Gnarris and handed it to Moy. “Moy, I want that flame beast.”

Moy was very happy, but when he saw the card Lu You handed over, his expression changed, and he said respectfully to the two, “I’ll handle it for you.”

Moy then handed Lu You a necklace with an amber-like pendant hanging from it.

“This time you have spent a total of five million credit points. This is a space necklace for storing blaze beasts. You can release it when you need it, but you must put food in the space regularly. Here is a document for taking care of blaze beasts. The information is very detailed, and I believe it will provide you with some help.” Moi dutifully explained for Lu You, and Moi was very happy that Lu You accepted the flame beast, and at the same time he got an extra commission. He thought, maybe this little money is nothing to those two people.

And Lu You was in distress, but in just two days, he was already in huge debts. How can he pay back so much money?

The author has something to say: This is the world of the Manuscript Boxer, and the postings in the morning are usually in the Manuscript Box~! In fact, Xiaoyou’s son is a kind person. Because I didn’t go to the animal world, I didn’t write the scenes of wild animals fighting. Just let the ball send a power once. Ladies and gentlemen, is my writing style a bit off in these chapters? There is also C, which most of the girls guessed. Should I say that your intuition is too sharp or something! ~ Hey, the ones you guessed are all bad guys! ~I told Little Ball to stretch out its claws to scratch you! ~



Two full moons hang in the night, one is larger blue and the other is relatively smaller red. Quietly emitting a soft light, dimly illuminating the small town of Moya. The soft halo is set against the scattered candle-like street lamps, brewing a romantic atmosphere.

Gnaris and Lu You were walking back to the hotel. There were few pedestrians on the street, and this remote town was especially quiet at night. Occasionally, a hovering car passed by in the sky, breaking the tranquility, but it was only for a moment.

Lu You wondered why the two of them chose to walk instead of taking a car when Gnaris was so rich. Could it be that the low-carbon life in this world is already so demanding?

Genaris is not a talkative person, and Lu You is not a talkative person. Both of them walked quietly, but the atmosphere was not dull at all. The two created a very warm harmony. Just like a couple who have been married for a long time, although they are silent, everything is in the silence.

“Why didn’t you heal your eyes?” Genaris asked.

“I was born with a poorly developed visual nerve, and it can’t be cured.” There was no regret or sadness in Lu You’s voice.

Genaris looked at Lu You tenderly, and said firmly and affirmatively, “It will be fine, we will return to the imperial capital tomorrow.”

The empire’s medical technology is very advanced, Lu You’s problem is not serious, and the treatment is not difficult.

Lu You was used to the dark world, and his eyes would have been cured long ago. Lu You was comforting himself when Gnaris was there, and he smiled back at Gnaris, “Okay.”

But Lu You did not expect that this is not the earth, but the Osius planet with advanced technology and medical treatment thousands of years later.

Back at the hotel, Lu You took a shower and had an early rest.

Inside Gnarius’ room.

“Gnarius, how long are you going to stay in that remote town?” The photobook projected a three-dimensional image of a heroic orc in front of Gnarius.

“Let’s go back to the imperial capital tomorrow.” Genaris still looked like he was staying away from idlers.

“I really don’t understand. Don’t you always do things cleanly and without sloppiness? Why did it take so long just to find a lifestone this time?” The heroic orc jumped to express his dissatisfaction.

“It’s a bit of an accident this time.” Genaris mused, his eyes revealing a kind of gentle expression.

The heroic orc stared blankly, wondering if he wanted to blind his titanium alloy dog eyes? What’s the matter with Ganaris going out this time? ! As a friend who grew up with Gnaris, Essault asked tremblingly, “

Gnaris, are you okay? “

Gnarris squinted at Essert, “I will return to the imperial capital as soon as possible, and you ordered the royal exclusive medical team to study the method of treating congenital visual nerve imperfection.”

“Who do you want to treat?” Essault raised his eyebrows.

“I’m going to rest.” After finishing speaking, Genaris planned to turn off the optical brain directly.

Essault said anxiously, “Don’t panic! The identity certificate and credit card you asked me to get are ready!”

Gnarris raised his eyebrows, “Then bring it.”

“I’ll send it to you right away.” Essault said, and then happily gossiped, smiling, “Gnarius, who is this Little orc man? He looks so cute and hurts.” What a pity!” Essolt blinked as he spoke, expressing his interest.

Gnarius said coldly, aggressively and domineeringly, “He is mine.”

Essolt looked at Gnaris in disbelief, as if he had swallowed an ostrich egg. He was stunned and said, “The real man has appeared?!”

“I’m going to rest, good night.” Genaris gave Essault a cold look, and then turned off the computer communication.

On the other side, Essolt, who was in the imperial capital, was stunned for a long time. This is the first time Gnarius said good night to him, is there anything! ?


Lu You thought it would be a novel feeling to ride a levitating car, but when riding on a levitating car, except for the fact that the car is a little different when it is driven by Gan Gang and rises to the track, the rest of the feeling is no different from that on Earth. It’s just that there is no friction, and the speed of the vehicle is far inferior to that of the vehicles on the earth.

Gnaris stared ahead, driving the vehicle intently.

Sleeping in the back seat of the small ball car, he looked unshakeable.

Lu You hugged Gnaris’ optical brain, and listened to the female voice of the optical brain machine rhythmically read the history of the planet Osius.

“Because the ancient earth was hit by an asteroid 3,200 years ago, the climate changed drastically, volcanic eruptions, and volcanic ash covered the world, resulting in the extinction of species on a large scale, forcing humans to migrate to the fire pulse galaxy. The ecological environment is similar to that of the ancient earth environment. Planet Osius… I believe that under the leadership of His Majesty the current king, Yitel Diat, the Osius Empire will move towards a more glorious tomorrow…”

Lu You passed the time in this way, and at the same time, he could make up for his ignorance of common sense. He captured an important message that the people on the planet Osius are not aliens, but evolved from the people on Earth. Lu You was shocked, but he felt a little more cordial towards Gnaris.

He is not completely different, and he feels less lonely in his heart.

Genaris turned his head to look at Lu You, with smooth broken hair hanging on his forehead, beautiful eyes half-drooped, eyelashes not too long but very thick, a pretty nose, and beautifully colored lips tightly closed, listening intently The female voice in Guangguang’s head recited the boring history of Osius.

The corners of Gnaris’ lips curled up slightly, and then he concentrated on driving the car again.

At noon, the vehicle slowly sank, and Genaris parked the car on land.

The car Gnarris drives is similar to a RV. There are seats in the front. Although there is not much space behind the car, it has all the facilities, such as a stove for cooking, a refrigerator with abundant ingredients, and a comfortable bed for people to rest. .

“Is Gnaris tired?” Lu You asked.

“It’s noon.” Genaris said, Lu You needs to gain weight, and three meals a day must be rich and regular.

Gnarius prepared lunch with unskilled hands.

Lu You couldn’t help Genaris with anything, and Lu You sat very uncomfortable on the side.

It’s always been Gnares who took care of him, there’s nothing he can do for Gnares…

As if seeing through Lu You’s thoughts, Genaris walked up to Lu You with his lunch, stretched out his hand and touched Lu You’s head, “It’s time for lunch.”

Although he doesn’t like people touching his head, he can’t speak to Gnaris who has helped him a lot.

People have done so much for you, and you can’t kill them if you let them touch your head. Lu You thought.

Lunch tastes a little weird,

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