Star Orc Empire

Chapter 5

~ Work Related (5)

But still good to eat. “It’s delicious, thank you.” Lu You said with a smile.

Gnaris, who eats much more than Lu You, is still eating. Genaris looked at Lu You and smiled slightly.

Lu You learned some information about the imperial capital through the optical brain, but it was only superficial. In order to better adapt to life in the imperial capital, Lu You and Gnarius chatted without saying a word.

Through the conversation with Gnaris, he learned more about the imperial capital.

“Are you going to school?” Genaris asked.

Going to school is undoubtedly a better choice to integrate into this world. It can increase knowledge and improve ability, but is there a school suitable for you in this world? Lu You worried, “But is there a school that suits me?”

“The most famous college on the planet Osius, Otdiran College. It has the most advanced hardware facilities and the strongest faculty on the planet Osius. It has opened many departments, and there are departments suitable for all kinds of students. “It has to be said that Gnarius is very knowledgeable about all aspects. As a guide in another world, Gnarius is very competent.

“Then what am I suitable for studying?” Lu You asked.

“Your mental power is very pure and condensed. You can learn to refine your mental power. When your mental power reaches a certain stage, you can use your mental power to perceive the shape of objects, draw the image of objects in your mind, and manipulate objects. People with strong mental power are suitable for Mecha manufacturing department.” He Naris said.

“Mecha…” Lu You repeated softly. It is not surprising that Osius planet has mecha three thousand years later. The wisdom and learning ability of human beings cannot be underestimated. Everything is possible for human beings, but

Human beings should be given enough time to develop.

“Well, when your mental power reaches a certain level, you can manipulate objects with mental power and perceive images in your mind.” Gnarius hinted that Lu You doesn’t need to worry about his vision problems, and he will heal him when he returns to the imperial capital. Good for Lu You’s eyes, let Lu You’s pupils print his image. Let his figure enter Lu You’s mind deeply.

“That’s it.” Lu You smiled, worrying too much. “Then how do you train your spiritual power? Besides, how do you know that my spiritual power is pure?” Lu You also had his doubts.

“You can get the active approach and approval of Warcraft, which shows that your spiritual power is very pure, and they can communicate with you, right?”

He can indeed understand what Warcraft expresses, and Warcraft can also understand what he expresses. Although I don’t know how Gnarius knew that he could communicate with Warcraft, Lu You didn’t hide anything from Gnarius, Lu You nodded, “Yes.”

“There are very few sub-orcs who can communicate with monsters. This is a manifestation of your strong mental power. Moreover, when your partners are fighting, your advantage in controlling monsters will be clearly brought out.” Gnarius said , “Wait until the imperial capital, you can take a mental power level test.”

“All sub-orcs have spiritual power?” Hearing Genaris say, Lu You’s understanding is that being able to control monsters is a manifestation of having spiritual power.

“Yes, it’s just that there are high and low levels. Most sub-orcs can only stay at the low level, that is, the mental power test level 1-3, and not many reach the middle level 4-6, and reach the high level 7– Level 9 is even rarer.” Genaris explained in detail, without any impatience in his tone.

“Well, it sounds pretty powerful.” Lu You said excitedly.

“You and your partner can fight other monsters to control the monsters and improve your mental power. You can also improve your mental power by constantly assembling mecha parts and practicing carefully.”

“Then what stage does the mental power have to reach to perceive the external material form and manipulate objects?”

“The middle level is the test level 4-6. One-third of the sub-orcs in the empire have always been at this level.” Genaris said.

“I’m looking forward to the day when I arrive at the imperial capital.” Lu You said with a smile, full of anticipation, he is not useless after all. “Gnarius, do you have armor?”

“Yes, yes.” Gnarius replied.

The grace of dripping water is repaid by springs.

Lu You smiled, in order to help Gnarris, he will work hard to improve his mental strength, and he will work hard to become a useful person in the new world. Although his eyes can’t see, and he doesn’t know why he has the so-called spiritual power in the other world, but the other world seems to have a special way for him to let him reflect his value.

And in the future, Lu You will become the proud existence of the planet Osius, and even the famous existence of the entire Fire vein galaxy.

The author has something to say: here is the Manuscript Box Jun. There are very few people who reply, is it because I wrote it badly? TAT is so sad… JJ’s little chrysanthemum is spinning non-stop. I will reply to everyone’s comments when JJ’s little chrysanthemum is back to normal.



The imperial capital is lined with high-rise buildings, row upon row, and dense suspension vehicles are driving briskly and quickly on the suspension vehicle tracks that intersect up and down.

Gnaris’s suspension car is in a magnificently decorated and gorgeous European-style courtyard

After a pause in front of the door, the European-style iron door slowly opened, and an old man greeted him with a smile.

“Welcome Your Highness for your safe return.” The old man said with a smile, the corners of his eyes curled and wrinkled to reveal the traces of time.

Genaris nodded, opened the car door and got out of the car, then opened the car door for Lu You.

“It’s good for Mitt to get the car.” Mr. Butler told the waiter behind him.

“Hello, distinguished guest. I am White, the butler of the Prince’s Mansion. You can ask me for anything you need.” Mr. Butler said kindly with a smile.

“Hello, I’m Lu You.” Lu You said embarrassingly. He always knew that Genaris’s identity might not be simple, but he never thought that he would be the prince of the empire.

Mr. Butler looked at Lu You, although he was looking at him and talking, but his eyes were out of focus, but Lu You’s smile was very cheerful, giving people a warm and bright feeling like crushing the sun on his face, “I believe you will be happy in the Prince’s Mansion.” Have a good time.” After finishing speaking, Mr. Butler said to Gnaris again, “Your Highness, lunch is ready. Do you want to eat first?”

“Okay.” Genaris took Lu You’s hand, “Come with me, don’t be nervous. I’ll explain to you later.”

Lu You nodded and let Genaris hold his hand. Ever since Rocky was injured that time, Rocky has always been given space by Gnarius in the name of recovering from his injuries. Without Rocky leading the way, he can only be led by Gnarius in strange places.

Mr. Butler looked at the two people holding hands, one tall and one short walking side by side, and smiled knowingly.

It seems that the position of princess in the Prince’s Mansion will not be vacant for too long, and he needs to prepare related matters as soon as possible. Thinking about it, Mr. Butler’s smile became more and more kind.

Before Gneris came back, he had prepared some dishes with the staff butler in advance, so this meal was very suitable for Lu You’s appetite, and it was no longer a tough animal meat.

After the two finished their meal, Genaris took Lu You to the room prepared for Lu You.

“I didn’t mean to hide it from you,” Gnarius said.

Lu You said uncomfortably, “No, it doesn’t matter. Your identity should not be revealed casually. I was just a little surprised, and I never thought that your identity would be the prince.”

During Lu You’s speech, Genaris kept watching Lu You’s expression. Lu You’s expression was a little stiff. Genaris patted Lu You’s head and said only one sentence, “You can trust me.”

Lu You paused and nodded.

“School starts in a week, and you can go to school in a week,” Genaris said.

“Okay, thank you.” Lu You said.

“I’m going to the palace and the military headquarters in the afternoon. You can ask the butler to take you out to familiarize yourself with the environment, or you can rest in the room.” Genaris said.

“Okay.” Although he was a little concerned about Gnarius concealing his identity, there was no doubt that Gnarius was really good to him.

In the afternoon, Lu You cleaned up Rocky. Then he hugged Lu You and basked in the sun in the yard. It had been a long time since he took Rocky for a walk so relaxed and comfortable.

Rocky also enjoyed such a wonderful time, rubbing against Lu You’s thigh.

The little ball nestled lazily on top of Lu You’s head and slept so comfortably that he couldn’t bear to move. Even Xiao Bai, who always liked to wrap around Lu You’s wrist, jumped onto Lu You’s neck and squinted his eyes lazily.

Mr. Butler looked at Lu You not far away, and his smile deepened.

Then Mr. Butler walked towards Lu You, “Mr. Lu You, do you need help?”

“Mr. White, you don’t have to be so polite, just call me Lu You.” Lu You scratched his head and said with a smile.

“It’s wrong to be too strict, may I call you Master You?” Mr. Butler said kindly.

“Alright, haha.” Much better than Mr. Lu You.

“Mr. White, Lord Essault is visiting.” A waiter reported.

“I’ll go right away, will Master You go with me?” Mr. Butler said with a smile.

“It’s not good, I’ll just stay here. I want to bask in the sun.” Lu You rubbed Rocky who was lying on the bed with his belly exposed.

“Are you the Little orc man brought back by Gnaris? You’re so cute!” A strange male voice came to my ears. Essote showed a sunny smile, “Hello, Little Asia orcman, I’m Essote.”

Lu You smiled politely, “Hi, I’m Lu You, nice to meet you.”

“His Excellency Essault is a good friend of His Highness.” Mr. White, the housekeeper, said from the side.

“I didn’t expect Gnaris to go to the palace. Little orc man, how about I take you out to play?” Essault suggested.

“Is it possible?” Lu You turned his gaze to Essault. He first integrated into the modern urban environment of this world as soon as possible, but he was embarrassed to bother Mr. White.

Essolt’s eyes sank slightly, noticing the slack in Lu You’s eyes, and he immediately understood why Genaris ordered the eyes to be born with underdeveloped optic nerves, and then smiled and said, “Of course.”

“Can Mr. White?” Lu You asked.

“Of course, I’ll let someone prepare it,” said the housekeeper, Mr. White.

“No need, leave everything to me for Mr. White, and I’ll send him back before dinner.” Essault said with a beautiful smile on his brows and eyes.

Inside Esote’s hover car.

“How did you and Gnaris meet, Little orc man?” He knew that Gnarris’ appearance could easily deceive the sub-orc man, but he didn’t expect that such an obedient and gentle little orc man would be killed by Generis. Naris has been tricked, it seems that the Little orc man is still underage, this is abduction! Abducting minors! Did Gnaris like to cultivate? It turns out that Gnaris is a boring man! Although it’s a pity that this little orcman’s eyes are blind, the eyes can be cured! Unexpectedly, Gnarius brought back such a cute sub-orc man as soon as he went out. He was so lucky, why didn’t he have such luck.

“Gnarius and I met in the abyss forest, and he saved me.” Lu You said.

“So that’s the case, that kid Gnarris is really lucky.” Essault didn’t ask any more questions.

Lu You smiled and didn’t say anything.

“Is there somewhere you want to go?” Essault asked.

“This is my first visit to the Imperial Capital, I hope you can introduce me more about the Imperial Capital.” Although Lu You learned a lot about the Imperial Capital through the materials and the introduction of Gnares, they all said that seeing a hundred things is worth seeing, and he couldn’t see it. , and feel the atmosphere on the spot, which is better than talking on paper.

“Then I’ll take you there, a place that sub-orcs like to go.” Essault said with a smile, slowly increasing the speed of the car.

“The Colosseum?” Lu You’s first reaction was the Colosseum.

“Haha, that’s right!” Essault said.

The author has something to say: The first round of the new year is very thin~ I don’t want to either! But today I have dysmenorrhea~ I am so sad~ If there are more than 20 replies in this chapter, how about I make it more swollen tonight? Let’s speak up, everyone! ~ Opened the refrigerator this morning, and all the vegetables in the crisper were frozen into ice sculptures, hard. When cleaning the refrigerator yesterday, my brother turned the temperature too low, which caused such tragic consequences~ Angang~ By the way, happy new year everyone! ~



The scale of the Colosseum in the small town of Moya and the Colosseum in the imperial capital are far from being comparable. The same as the ancient Roman Colosseum, the Colosseum in the imperial capital can accommodate 100,000 people.

When Essolt parked in the parking lot outside the Colosseum, the deafening cheers and shouts of the people were heard.

“There are so many people in the Colosseum every day, you have to follow me.” Essault said to Lu You at the gate of the Colosseum.

“Yes, Rocky will follow closely.” Lu You patted Rocky on the head

, Rocky rubbed Lu You’s palm.

Lu You and Essolt found two vacant seats in the auditorium and sat down.

The sub-orcs were so excited that their yells were deafening, and they had to get very close to hear each other’s voices.

“The one who is in the Colosseum now is Alan from the Beast Taming and Combat Department of the well-known Alterdean Academy.” Essolt explained to Lu You, because Lu You couldn’t see what Essolt said Very detailed, “He is now using the third-order monster beast to fight with people.”

“What is the Beast Taming Combat Department?” Lu You asked.

“It is to use monsters to fight, and it is very likely that they will enter the military in the future. Although the empire now advocates hot weapon warfare, mechas are the mainstream of combat. But you must know that the flexibility of driving monsters is unmatched by mechas. They can manipulate them at will. Elemental combat, the combat effectiveness is also very strong, a top-level special forces unit that can top an empire’s combat effectiveness.” Essault said.

“Well, it’s very powerful.” Lu You said, “What level of animal trainer is Alan now?”

“Fourth level, he is still a student and he is outstanding. He has great potential in the future.” Essault commented objectively.

“Well, it’s not bad.” Lu You sincerely appreciated, this is the so-called proud son of heaven.

“It’s too late today, this game is about to end.” Essault said. “Are you going to visit the taming farm?”

“No, I just want to feel the lively atmosphere of the imperial capital’s animal training ground today. The imperial capital is really different, and even my emotions have been aroused.” Lu You said from the bottom of his heart, he was infected by the atmosphere here, his Emotions became aroused.

The result of this beast fight was that Allen defeated the opponent’s third-order monster with a third-order monster.

In order to accommodate Lu You’s inconvenience, Essault took Lu You and waited until all the people left before taking Lu You away.

The two just walked out of the auditorium and met Allen who was also about to leave.

Allen’s eyes lit up when he saw Essault, and he said eagerly, “Does Your Excellency Essault also come to see the fighting beast today?”

“Well, bring him here to get familiar with the environment of the imperial capital.” Essault said.

Allen looked at Lu You, who was holding a guide dog beside Essault, and Lu You smiled at him, “Hello, I’m Lu You.”

“Hello, I’m Alan.” Alan regained his usual arrogance, and he didn’t have the feeling of a young girl’s bosom when talking to Essault at all.

“Lord Essault, is it an honor to have dinner with you?” Allen carefully suppressed his excitement.

“Sorry, I already have an appointment. Let’s do it another day.” Essault politely refused with a gentlemanly smile.

“Oh… then another day.” Allen lowered his head regretfully.


“Essault, do you have a date?” Lu You asked, he was afraid of delaying other people’s time.

“No, but I promise Mr. White that I will take you back on time before dinner,” Essault said.

“Oh, thank you.” Lu You said.

“Don’t think too much about it. In fact, I want to eat the food in the prince’s mansion more. The chefs there are superb. Don’t look at Gnaris who is calm about everything. In fact, in various He also pays great attention to enjoyment in other aspects, and is very demanding.” Essert shook out all the things about Gnaris.

“Really?” Lu You really didn’t see it.

“Let’s go back to eat!” Essault increased the speed of the suspension, and the street lights on the street came on one after another.

In the prince’s mansion, milky white lights illuminate every corner of the courtyard, exuding a faint sense of warmth.

When Lu You and Essolt arrived at the restaurant, Gnarius had already taken the main seat. Genaris leaned back in the chair, closed his eyes and fell asleep. Hearing the movement of the person coming, Genaris gradually opened his eyes.

“One minute and twenty seconds late.” Genaris said slowly.

“The food has just been served. Master You and Your Excellency Essault are just right.” The butler, Mr. White, said with a smile, and that kind smile added a touch of intimacy.

“Thanks for your hard work, Mr. White.” Esso opened the chair and sat down, then said to Gnaris with a smile, “Do you have to calculate so accurately? Are you afraid that I will abduct Xiaoyou?”

Gnarris didn’t even look at Essolt, looked at Lu You, then forked a piece of meat from a tender bone grinder and cut it into thin slices, and put it on Lu You’s plate.

“Thank you.” Lu You said to Gnaris.

“Wow, it’s so meticulous! Can Gnaris cut the meat for me too?” Essault teased.

“I don’t mind cutting off a piece of your body.” Gnarius glanced at Essolt.

“Forget it.” Essault shrugged, eating quietly while looking at Gnaris and Lu You. She secretly said in her heart: Sure enough, people in love are all strange.

The little ball that has been sleeping in Lu You’s bag has woken up, “Chirp Chirp~” It called out to Lu You twice, diverting its master’s attention to himself.

‘What do you want to eat? ’ Lu You communicated with Xiao Qiu with his consciousness.

‘I don’t disdain those things, but the orc named Gnaris has an energy shield made of high-grade energy stone ruby, which suits my appetite. ’ The little ball drooled and said, you must know that red crystal is more precious than kyanite, and its total amount is one-tenth of the total amount of kyanite.

‘That’s someone else’s, not mine, no! And where did all your kyanite go? ! ’ Lu You asked, so many kyanites were eaten up by it! God! How on earth is its stomach made up!

‘Hey~Master, are you coveting my little coffer? ’ Xiaoqiu looked at Lu You in horror, and continued, ‘Master, do you have the heart for me to be hungry? Angang~~It’s too cruel, too cruel! How can you abuse me! ~~’ Xiaoqiu covered her face and accused Lu You of being cruel and heartless!

‘stop fighting! No one is coveting your little coffers. “Lu You didn’t say anything yet, this little ball made up a big bang by himself, are all monsters so emotional?

The little ball jumped to Lu You’s hand, rubbed its furry head against Lu You’s fingers flatteringly, and looked at Lu You flatteringly with its dark eyes, “Jiujiu~~”

‘Stop being coquettish, I’m going to eat. ’ Lu You smiled and poked Xiaoqiu’s soft belly.

“Jiujiu~~” Xiaoqiu flapped its wings happily to the top of Lu You’s head.

Essolt, who was sitting opposite Lu You, stared blankly at the little yellow chick flying clumsily, fluttering its wings crookedly, and sat down on top of Lu You’s head.

“Your… your guardian beast is really… special…” Essault said after a moment of silence, he had never seen such a guardian beast before. It stands to reason that a guardian beast should have the ability to protect its owner, but besides being used as a pet, what else can this guardian beast do?

“Chirp Chirp!~~” Xiaoqiu yelled at Essolt dissatisfiedly, with a haughty expression on his face.

“It’s quite special.” This is the second time Lu You heard someone say that, but Xiaoqiu is indeed very special. Who can afford a chick that feeds on high-level energy crystals.

After the meal, Essolt went home under the cold gaze of Gnarius.

“This is for you.” Genaris took out a small and exquisite watch and handed it to Lu You. “This is your wristwatch with identification and information. I assembled the energy shield together.”

“Thank you.” Lu You said, almost all his affairs in this world were handled by Gnaris. He also found that recently he said thank you to Gnaris a lot.

“Go to bed early, there is a banquet tomorrow night, can I invite you to be my dance partner?” Genaris asked, but not in a tone of asking for advice.

“Of course, it’s my honor. To be favored by His Royal Highness,” Lu You said with a smile on his face.

“Rest early, good night.” After finishing speaking, Genaris pressed a kiss on Lu You’s forehead.

Lu You was stunned for a while, Gnaris has always shown his affection for him very clearly, it’s not that he doesn’t know, it’s just that he hasn’t fully integrated into this world yet. He also slowly tried to open his heart and accept Gnaris.

It is the cruelest thing to give seriously because of feelings, but in exchange for the other party’s indifference.

Lu You is not an emotionally insensitive person.

And recently, Lu You also discovered that he had developed a strange feeling for Gnarius.

For example, when Genaris kissed his forehead just now, his heart felt slightly numb, his heart beat faster, and the place where the two touched was slightly hot. The temperature spread from the forehead, and the whole cheek burned.

Fortunately, Gnarius has left.

The author has something to say: You are all bad people. I wrote this chapter all afternoon and prepared to publish it tomorrow. Now I suddenly came up to read more than 20 replies in the last chapter, huh~~ You guys are so annoying! ~ But I am actually very touched, thank you very much for your support! ~(*^__^*) Hee hee… Today it hurts so much that I can’t even straighten my waist. It’s really painful. My friend even asked me to go skating… TAT Thank you for your concern and suggestions, I will try it. O(∩_∩)O Tomorrow’s update should be around 4 or 5 p.m., because I haven’t saved any manuscripts! Looking forward to a lot of replies in this chapter, kiss them one by one! ╭(╯3╰)╮



The next day, Mr. White, the housekeeper, delivered a pure white dress with gold trim.

“Master You, I put your evening dress on the bedside cabinet for you.” Mr. White said.

“Okay, I’m sorry to trouble you.” Lu You smiled, “Mr. White, can you introduce to me the etiquette and requirements of the evening banquet?”

Mr. White smiled kindly, “I am happy to serve you. Tonight’s banquet is a welcome banquet prepared for His Highness. It is held by His Majesty abroad in the palace to celebrate His Highness’s safe return. There will be many officials and their families to attend, and His Majesty Come too.”

“Will His Majesty the King come too?” Lu You was a little nervous, after all, he had never been in contact with such a high-level person on Earth.

“Don’t be nervous, Your Highness is very approachable. I believe you and His Majesty will get along very well, and His Majesty will definitely like you.” Mr. White, the housekeeper, said with a smile. Such a cute Young Master You, with a docile temperament, he treats everyone with gentleness and courtesy. Your Majesty will love it too. It’s just that there will be many sub-orcs coming to participate. I don’t know if Master You can handle it, but I believe His Highness will take good care of Master You.

“I hope…” Lu You smiled, “Mr. White, quickly introduce me to banquet etiquette and other things. I need to make up for it urgently. Otherwise, I will embarrass your Royal Highness by then.”

“I don’t think His Highness will mind, haha.” Mr. White’s smile deepened.

Mr. White introduced the royal etiquette to Lu You and taught Lu You some simple social dances.

Lu You chatted with Mr. White again, “Did Gnarius go to the palace again?”

“No, Your Highness is going to the military headquarters. Your Highness must go to the military headquarters for training every day.” Mr. White chatted slowly with Lu You.

“What position does Genaris hold in the military?” Lu You was curious.

“His Royal Highness is the commander of the heavy armor division in the military department.” Mr. White said, and then continued, “The heavy armor division is the mech department, and His Highness is very capable of operating mecha combat. His Royal Highness was in the military department when he was a minor. Although His Highness is young, he is also very outstanding, and he is the object of admiration of many sub-orcs in the empire.”

“It’s amazing.” Lu You exclaimed. On the earth, Gnaris is the rich and handsome son-in-law that modern women yearn for! But the better the conditions, the more troubles. But it doesn’t matter, he will try his best to narrow the gap with Gnaris.

“Your Highness is indeed very powerful, hehe. Master You is also very good.” Mr. White said.

“By the way, Mr. White, how old is Gnaris now?” Lu You asked, only to find that he hadn’t asked Gnaris’ age yet.

“His Royal Highness has just come of age, but he has not yet celebrated his thirty-fifth birthday.” Mr. White said. “May I take the liberty to ask the age of Young Master Yu, he should not be of age yet, right?”

“Hehe, yes. Mr. White, I am twenty-two years old now.” Lu You said.

“It’s still a long time before adulthood.” Mr. White said, His Highness has to wait and endure, ha ha. Mr. White thought badly.

“Mr. White, can you try on this dress for me?” Lu You asked, unknowingly, he had been chatting with Mr. White until noon, because Rocky was hungry and began to rub his legs and act coquettishly.

“Of course.” The butler, Mr. White, said kindly.

Mr. White helped Lu You try on the dress, and the two came to the restaurant for lunch together. Started the etiquette course training again, making up for it.

Near evening.

Genaris came back and took a shower, and changed into the same dress as Lu You, but the same black dress as Genaris.

When he came to the fountain in the garden in front of the hall, he saw that Lu You was sitting on the seat by the pool, and Rocky was obediently squatting at Lu You’s feet.

“Can you keep Rocky at home?” Gnarius walked up to Lu You, leaned slightly and asked.

Lu You hesitated.

“I’ll take you with me in a while, don’t worry.” Gnarius said. “Okay then.” It is indeed impolite to take Rocky to such a grand occasion.

Xiao Qiu slept in Lu You’s suit pocket, not very conspicuous.

Lu You and Gnaris came to the palace. The environment of the palace is beautiful. The wide courtyard has been covered with long white tablecloths. The table is full of rich food, desserts, and fruits, which are mouth-watering.

It was dark and the lights came on.

People talking and laughing came and went in the courtyard.

Listening to people talking and laughing from a distance, Lu You was a little nervous, and his palms were slightly sweaty.

Gnaris’ big hand held Lu You’s hand, and his fingers circled in Lu You’s palm, silently calming Lu You’s emotions.

Lu You took a deep breath. It was his first time participating in such an occasion, and he was a little nervous.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to see Brother Wang.” Genaris led Lu You towards a handsome, gentle and Confucian-like orc who was as tall as Genaris.

“Brother Wang.” Gnarius greeted his elder brother.

Yitel squinted his eyes and greeted his younger brother with a smile, “Brother, you are here.”

Yitel’s gaze quickly turned to the petite and cute sub-orc man next to Gnarris, “You are Lu You, right?”

“Yes, Your Majesty the King. Nice to meet you.” Lu You smiled politely, but he was still nervous. He was talking to His Majesty the King.

“You don’t have to be nervous, hehe.” Iter said gently, his affinity to the extreme.

Yitel glanced at the hands held by Lu You and Gnarius, and his smile deepened.

“Tonight is a banquet for my brother. Have fun,” Ittle said.

Yitel didn’t have the airs of a king at all, which made Lu You less nervous.

“Well, yes.” Lu You said with a smile.

“Cute! You’re here so early!” A hearty voice came, and it was Essault.

“Essault.” Lu You greeted Essault.

“Hey, the two of you are holding hands very tightly!” Essault looked at the two holding hands and teased.

Lu You reflexively wanted to take back his hand, but Gnaris squeezed it tightly.

“Hehe…” Itale laughed softly.

“Haha…” Essault laughed heartily.

Lu You pulled back his hand in embarrassment.

Genaris looked at Lu You tenderly, who was a little bit annoyed.

“His Royal Highness, may I ask you to be my dance partner for a while?” In his cognition, Gnaris has never liked a sub-orc man, and he doesn’t like to be close to a sub-orc man. He is approaching His Royal Highness, whom he has always admired and admired.

“I’m sorry, I already have a dance partner.” Gnarius replied, his cold voice without any waves.

The sub-orc man who spoke was the grandson of the elders of the empire, the youngest son loved by his brothers and parents, and he was also the only sub-orc man in the family. He is very proud and handsome, and the orcs always respond to his requests, but this is the first time he has been rejected. The first time I invited others, I was rejected, and the person I admired, my eyes turned red, “May I ask who is Your Highness’s dance partner?”

“You are Elder Mike’s grandson Vidi, right? Gnarris already has a dance partner. Look, it’s the cute little orc man standing beside him!” Essault said.

Vidi looked at the little orc man standing beside Gnares, and his heart was filled with grievances. This short, not as good-looking sub-orc man was blind. Why! However, due to the presence of His Majesty the King and Essert, and due to his image, he was not easy to attack, “Oh…that disturbs Your Highness.”

Viddy left dissatisfied.

The author has something to say: Sorry, everyone. Something went out today, so there is no update. Forgive me, forgive me! I am very happy to see everyone’s comments, and Guliang also gave me suggestions, and I will adopt them. It is true that I am still very young in terms of characterization and plot conception, but I need to write more to accumulate experience! ~I bought a crème brulee today. The bottle of the pudding is very beautiful, and the pudding is also delicious, but it is so small and expensive~~I have read everyone’s comments~(*^__^*) Hee hee… I also hope that everyone will give me more opinions in the process of writing the article, and I will gradually improve. ╭(╯3╰)╮Also, I don’t have much inspiration recently, and writing feels boring. I can’t write anything, I’ve been writing this chapter for a long time, I’m so tired. And I have to catch up with my homework, and school will start soon. Updates may be irregular, or daily updates may not be possible. I talk a lot, so be it. Hey~~



“Is that okay?” Lu You asked. In fact, Genaris can accept other dance partners, his eyes are not convenient.

“You are my dance partner.” Gnarius mused, his tone firm and unchangeable.

“Don’t mind me, Xiaoyou. My little brother is a fool. He will stick to what he decides on.” His Majesty the King Yierte said with a smile, and handed a glass of red wine to Lu You, “Try it This, the taste is very mellow, I believe you will like it.”

But halfway through the delivery, Gnarris stopped him, “Brother Wang, he is underage.” After speaking, Gnarius drank the red wine that Yitel handed over in one gulp.

“Then drink this.” Yitel handed Lu You a glass of light blue juice to Lu You. Gnarius didn’t stop him this time.

Lu You took it and drank some, the refreshing fruity aroma diffused in the mouth and hit the heart directly. “It’s delicious, thank you.”

Yitel smiled, “Brother, take Xiaoyou to eat something. There will be more and more people later, and there will be no chance to eat by then.”

“Okay.” Genaris took Lu You’s hand and left.

“Hey, wait for me to come with you!” Essault hurriedly followed, and said to Iter, “Your Majesty, I’ll go first.”

Yitel smiled and nodded, “Go, have fun.”

Essault turned around and chased after Gnarris, “Alas! I told you to wait for me!”

Gnarris cut the meat into thin slices and put them on Lu You’s dinner plate.

“Thank you.” Lu You said

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