Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 31: Friday the 13th

The next day, Kaelen woke up groggy, blinking away the fog of sleep. The luxurious silk sheets of Valerian’s guest room were tangled around him. Instead of Loren, Seraphis was sprawled out on top of the bed, still wearing her clothes and boots, her arms and legs flung haphazardly. She looked completely out of place in the lavish guest room—its elegant curtains drawn, soft morning light filtering through.

Kaelen groaned, feeling a weight of exhaustion pressing down on him. He instinctively reached out for his bag, his hand grasping at nothing before he remembered it was packed in his car. His medication. A flash of panic shot through him before the realization settled. He didn’t need the medication anymore. He needed blood. And where better to find it than in the home of a vampire lord?

Seraphis suddenly bolted upright, wild-eyed and disoriented. Her gaze locked onto Kaelen, and her expression shifted into one of fierce hunger. “Meat,” she growled.

Kaelen, now understanding her more primal instincts, simply nodded. “Follow me. We’ll find something in the dining room.”

As they made their way through Valerian’s opulent mansion, Kaelen’s thoughts drifted. Seraphis had come into his life with a hefty ten-million-dollar price tag, but the weight of that fortune was nothing compared to the looming court case with Cygnus. Seven days. He’d need a top-tier lawyer—someone who could deal with the mess he was in. Not to mention today was Friday the 13th, and with that, Kaelen couldn’t help but feel a prickling unease, a sense that chaos was right around the corner.

The dining room was a masterpiece of gothic design. Dark wooden tables stretched across the room, adorned with intricate carvings, while paintings depicting ancient battles hung on the walls. The maids were meticulous in their duties; trays of food were immaculately arranged, offering a variety of both mundane and supernatural delicacies.

Across the room, Loren stood by a massive television, her eyes locked on the news report flashing on the screen. As Kaelen approached, the footage of last night’s mall incident played. The grainy security video showed Kaelen, Loren, and Seraphis walking together when a woman pointed accusingly at them. Moments later, flames engulfed her, and she sprinted off, only saved by Loren’s intervention. The footage cut to Seraphis’ brutal attack on Gale before Valerian’s voice explained Seraphis’ immunity. The news anchor then announced that due to political immunity, Seraphis wouldn’t face charges, and Cygnus had officially dropped all charges against Kaelen.

Loren turned off the TV and smiled as she handed Kaelen a mug. He took it absentmindedly, lifting it to his lips before the rich taste of blood filled his mouth. Relief washed over him as he drank it down, the thirst that gnawed at him finally quenched.

“Princess!” Seraphis barked, her voice sharp. “Meat!”

A maid calmly approached, leading Seraphis to a seat at the table where a platter of steaks was placed in front of her. Seraphis attacked the food like a beast unleashed, tearing into the meat with savage fervor.

Loren handed Kaelen a credit card and a stack of hundred-dollar bills. “This is from Valerian,” she said, her smirk playful. “Ten million in your account, plus a little extra.”

Kaelen pocketed the money, grateful but distracted. The weight of his responsibilities bore down on him. After breakfast, he decided it was time to hit the gym—he needed to clear his mind, and physical training had always been his best method of centering himself.

As they prepared to leave, his phone rang. Elara’s voice crackled through the speaker. “Hey, I want back on the team,” she said without preamble. “I’ve been forced to date Vex because of you.”

Kaelen sighed, feeling the weight of his decisions. “I’m sorry, Elara,” he said, genuinely meaning it. He couldn’t blame her for being upset. “You’re back in. No hard feelings.”

“There’s a catch,” she warned. “Vex is joining the team too.”

Kaelen paused, thinking it over. He didn’t mind. Vex could be useful. “That’s fine,” he replied, his voice steady.

Next came a call from Jason, his tone uncharacteristically apologetic. “I saw the madness last night, man. I screwed up, trying to manipulate you. The bounty on your head is gone now, though. You’re clear.”

With that off his mind, Kaelen drove with Loren and Seraphis to The End Grind. The gym buzzed with energy, filled with people engaged in all kinds of intense workouts.

Inside, the industrial-style architecture was both gritty and sleek. Exposed brick walls, steel beams, and wide-open spaces created an environment charged with adrenaline. The air was filled with the sounds of weights clinking, heavy footsteps pounding on treadmills, and upbeat music blasting from the dance studios.

Kaelen headed straight for the weightlifting area, eager to channel his restlessness into something productive. He grabbed a set of dumbbells, feeling the cold steel in his hands, and began his strength-training routine. The tension in his muscles and the steady rhythm of lifting grounded him, offering a brief respite from the chaos swirling around his life.

Meanwhile, Loren and Seraphis gravitated toward the dance section, a dedicated space where trainers taught moves inspired by the streets of Ravetham. The area pulsed with energy, mirrors reflecting the dancers’ swift, fluid movements. The class was a blend of urban dance styles—sharp, fast footwork combined with expressive body control.

Loren, always graceful, quickly adapted to the rhythm, her natural elegance making the steps seem effortless. She moved with an air of confidence, blending into the group as though she’d been dancing her whole life. Seraphis, on the other hand, started out clumsy, her movements too wild and untamed. But as the beat pulsed through her, she found her rhythm, her aggressive energy translating into powerful, almost primal dance moves that earned her nods of approval from the other dancers.

Kaelen glanced over from the weight area, pausing mid-lift. Watching them, he couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of pride. Despite the chaos, the uncertainty, and the danger constantly looming over them, Loren and Seraphis were finding moments of joy—of normalcy, even. The sight of Seraphis—normally wild and feral—finding a kind of grace through dance was almost surreal.

After a moment, Kaelen turned his focus back to his workout. He needed to stay sharp, to be ready for whatever was coming next. His muscles burned as he pushed himself harder, the weight heavy in his hands but familiar.


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