Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 32: Surge of Danger

Kaelen wiped the sweat from his brow as he racked the weights, the satisfying burn in his muscles a brief escape from the chaos that had clouded his mind over the past few days. The End Grind gym, a gritty haven of exposed brick, metal beams, and flickering overhead lights, was alive with the steady clank of iron plates and the rhythmic thrum of treadmills. Its industrial, no-nonsense atmosphere felt like the perfect place for someone needing to work off more than just physical strain.

Loren approached him with a smoothie in hand, the frosty drink a sharp contrast to the heat radiating from his body. "You pushed yourself hard today," she noted, her sharp, discerning eyes never missing a detail. Though her voice was calm, there was a subtle edge of concern beneath her composed exterior, a flicker that Kaelen had learned to notice over time.

Next to them, Seraphis ran on a treadmill, her mismatched attire of a frilly dress and heavy punk boots making her stand out even more in the rugged surroundings. Her eyes were locked forward, running with a near-maniacal intensity as if chasing some invisible prey. The absurdity of her outfit against the gritty backdrop of the gym didn’t seem to faze her—her wild energy was entirely focused on her task.

Then, without warning, the gym seemed to hold its breath. Conversations halted, weights paused mid-lift, and dozens of heads turned toward the entrance. Phones were raised as the unmistakable figure of Mason, fully suited in his iconic Red Dot attire, strode into the room. His crimson armor gleamed under the dull gym lights, and his red mask, designed to obscure all emotion, made him look more like a specter than a man. The contrast of his bright, dangerous presence against the muted tones of the gym was enough to silence even the most hardened patrons.

Kaelen watched the scene unfold, taking a slow sip from his smoothie, barely acknowledging the ripple of whispers and camera flashes that followed Mason’s every step. Even the gym’s security guards, typically quick to confront disruptions, hung back, unsure how to handle the arrival of such a notorious figure.

Mason, without any preamble, approached Kaelen, his tone all business. "Have you heard from Jason?" The urgency in his voice cut through the tension.

Kaelen nodded, placing his smoothie on the bench. "Yeah, he reached out earlier. Apologized about everything. Said the bounty’s been lifted."

Mason’s eyes narrowed behind his mask, the tension in his posture softening only slightly. "Good. Get ready. We need to move."

Kaelen understood. There was no time to waste. He grabbed his gear, pulling his jacket on and calling out to Seraphis. “Sera, we’re leaving.”

Seraphis sprang off the treadmill in an instant, her chaotic energy barely restrained as she joined them. As Kaelen retrieved his phone from his pocket, he quickly dialed Elara, who answered after a brief pause.

“Elara,” he said, cutting to the point, “we need you suited up, and bring Vex with you. It’s time to hunt.”

The line went silent for a beat before Elara’s sharp reply came through. “Understood. We’re on our way.”

As Kaelen made his way toward the gym's exit, he couldn’t help but notice the continued fascination of the gym patrons. Mason's mere presence had cast a shadow over the entire room, an echo that would linger long after he left. Kaelen caught sight of the security guards being berated by the gym manager, their faces flushed with embarrassment for failing to manage the disruption.

Once outside, Kaelen dialed Jason’s number. It rang a few times before his brother’s familiar voice answered, panting and breathless. From the background noise, Kaelen could hear Surge moaning, unmistakably in the middle of their intense training session.

“Lil’ bro, what’s up?” Jason grunted between labored breaths, clearly preoccupied. “Can this wait? I’m in the middle of… Surge, yeah, right there…”

Kaelen rolled his eyes at his brother’s predictability. "Red Dot’s looking for you. We’re coming to pick you up."

Jason grunted in acknowledgment, his breath heavy. “Alright, alright. I’ll be ready. Just give me a few.”

Shaking his head with a knowing smirk, Kaelen ended the call and glanced at Loren and Seraphis, who were already waiting by his Audi. "Let’s go. We’ve got to pick up Jason."

Kaelen called Elara, his voice urgent. “Elara, I need you to make sure Jason doesn’t run off from Surge’s place. The address is 1427 Shadow Lane.”

Elara responded quickly, “I’m on it. I’m with Vex in his truck. We’ll head there now.”

“Thanks,” Kaelen said, relief in his voice. He ended the call and got into his Audi with Seraphis and Loren, ready to make their way over.

Before they could leave, an ominous hum filled the air. Kaelen’s instincts flared as the sky darkened above them, electricity crackling in the atmosphere. From out of nowhere, a massive eagle composed entirely of glowing electric energy swooped down, its wings crackling with sparks. Kaelen’s heart sank. Aquila. A sentinel of the Justice Guild.

The electrical eagle dived straight for Kaelen’s Audi. In a flash, it slammed into the vehicle, sending a violent surge of energy through the car’s metal frame. The air crackled with static as the shock hit them all at once. Kaelen felt his muscles lock, every nerve in his body searing as the electricity coursed through him. His vision blurred, his mind teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.

But Seraphis acted with the ferocity of a wild beast. With a primal growl, she tore Kaelen’s door off its hinges, dragging him from the electrified car with her inhuman strength. Loren, already shifting into her druidic form, ripped through the other side just moments before the Audi exploded in a roaring blaze.

The heat of the explosion and the acrid scent of burning rubber jolted Kaelen back to full awareness. His Audi, his prized possession, lay in ruins—twisted metal and shattered glass strewn across the street. Above them, Aquila circled once before disappearing into the darkened sky, leaving behind a scene of chaos.

Kaelen's head pounded from the residual shock, his limbs still tingling from the electricity. He glanced at Loren and Seraphis, both unharmed but clearly on edge. As if waiting for the right moment, the wail of sirens filled the air. Police cars and fire trucks raced to the scene, their lights flashing, painting the chaos in red and blue.

Kaelen pulled out his phone, only to find it completely fried. Everything in the Audi—except for his wolf helmet, which Loren had managed to save—was destroyed. He glanced at Seraphis, who stood by, bristling with nervous energy.

“Well,” Kaelen muttered, running a hand through his white hair. “Looks like we’re walking.”

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