Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 128: Stay away!

Chapter 128: Stay away!

"Damn... those predatory gazes..."

Betraying her eloquent and eminent appearance, Serena cursed under her breath as she sipped on her champagne while glancing around the hall and noticing the number of looks President Seth was receiving from the surroundings.

Among everyone present here, there were only some remarkable people who could be differentiated from the crowd and were the focus of numerous attention. Like the lady from Emangeline continent with long curly pink hair, was mostly crowded by men of varying ages. Even the professors were not immune to her beauty.

A young man of Serena's age with crimson hair was excluding a noble aura around him but Serena had no interest in initiating a conversation with the man who has been coldly replying to anyone who approached the guy.

Well, Serena was not conversing with anyone at all, other than those whom she knew. All those people who came to get to know her, soon lost interest since Serena was not someone participating in the tournament rather she was the leftover.

Well, she argued inwardly that more than seventy percent here were just like her but she refrained from creating a scene and remained by Ciel's side who was also possessing the same vibe as that redhead.

Serena was taking advantage of the natural aura Ciel carried, to save herself from useless chatter.

"Despite not rejecting anyone, a single participant has yet to bring up any topic to speak with President Seth."

Unlike others who were either plainly ignoring others or entertaining them with a smiling face, President Seth just gave off an air that was making others nervous to even speak a word with him. The professors from different academies were conversing with him fairly normally but when it came to other teenagers...the President was visibly unreachable.

However, it was a fact as well that he was receiving varieties of looks from everywhere, both because of his manly and crisp looks and also his social status.

"Well, considering his personality, I just pray no one pisses him off with nonsensical talks."

Serena has faced how blunt and hurtful his words could be at times and here people were in their zone to mind Seth's attitude toward childish chit-chats. Truth be told, Serena somewhat anticipated as well that someone pokes him only to get thrashed. It would be a spectacle to witness~

"Your thoughts are leaking Serena..."

"Ahmm...sorry, senior."

-------------- ---------------- ----------------- ---------------

Out of the venue where the opening ceremony was currently taking place, there stood a sole figure of a teenage girl with midnight black hair blending in the night sky and oceanic eyes that could both entice and threaten those who try to gaze at them.

Anabelle initially joined the crowd to hear the opening speech but afterward, the annoying pests began to surround her. Since Anabelle has no tolerance like her upperclassmen and best friend, she removed herself from the space and walked toward the balcony from where she was able to keep an eye on a certain someone.

'I wonder how much he hates me by now... '

The thought always makes Anabelle's heart tremble but the mistakes she has made in the past were worth being offered with such a grave punishment.

"Odd seeing someone here..."

Anabelle did not turn to look at the source of the voice despite the said person just breached her barrier which she cast at every door which leads to the terrace. The reason Anabelle didn't panic stems from her heightened perception.

Despite that, Anabelle already knew this new appearance was strong, since until three seconds ago Anabelle was unaware of her presence.

"Just needed to enjoy some lone time until someone came disturbing the tranquility..." n

Anabelle didn't snatch her gaze away from Seth as she sensed the said girl standing inches to her right.

Anabelle had her chantless spell prepared to strike the very next moment this unwanted guest does something unnecessary, as she heard her answering with a chuckle.

"Well, I could say the same for you since I have been here before the ceremony even began."

Anabelle didn't react to it since she knew the girl was bluffing. The first thing the raven-haired did was to detect the perimeter and check for any hidden intruder around the place and this girl was out of her count signifying that she arrived just yet and was uttering nothing but nonsense.

"Never knew the cleaning staff would be idly roaming here."

"Haha...nice one Anabelle."

The jab on the shoulder was entirely not recommended which resulted in Anabelle raising her arm and blocking the incoming over-familiar gesture.

However, to her utter surprise, the arm of the said girl passed through Anabelle's and struck lightly to her shoulder nevertheless.

Anabelle's eyes stretched slightly as she finally noticed the ghost girl beside her.

Long maroon hair tied in a ponytail with a pair of evil red eyes glittering dangerously and staring intently at Anabelle.

The woman was paler than what could be regarded as human and her skin seemed translucent as well, making Anabelle sure that this was not the true form of the girl.

A cold sweat rolled down the side of Anabelle's face before she jumped backward to make some distance between herself and this weird skill-user girl whose presence definitely was here yet she was not entirely here as well.

"Who are you?"

Anabelle's both hands were radiating with a cyan-green shade signifying the activation of a spell which she purely intended to hurt this girl if a satisfactory answer doesn't flow out of that mouth.

"Ah, now that's what I call a reaction~"

But like Anabelle's surging rage was nothing in the red eyes of the other one, she chimed playfully while pointing out at Anabelle with a grin.

"Listen, if you don't want to end up as-"

"No, you listen to me, carefully..."

Anabelle's words were stuck in her throat as the ghost girl flashed across the terrace within a fraction of a second and struck her arm inside Anabelle's throat, rendering her speechless.

The set of ruby eyes stared at oceanic ones as the prior one spoke out her words in a tone that most probably would not let Anabelle sleep tonight.

"I am going to take something most important from you, and when I do, I don't want your useless butt to interfere in between. You had enough on your portion and this time I am not going to have a single piece of scrap to come in between me and what I desire. So be a good girl and step aside from my path."

With those words, the figure of the girl disappeared before Anabelle fell to the ground with her throat scorching with a furious heat like she was made to swallow active lava.

She used her spell to heal her burning throat as a name suddenly flashed in her mind when she thought about the words she heard from the redhead.



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