Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 129: Now what to do with her?

Chapter 129: Now what to do with her?

[Seth's POV:]

'It was tedious...' Getting rid of the choking tie, I walked toward the room granted to every participant separately in the same venue where the opening ceremony was organized.

Since the building was huge enough to accommodate hundreds of guests, those who came along with the respective academy's participants, were also provided with sharing rooms. I met Serena some moments ago who was along with Ciel, seemingly staying together with her.

The divisions based on gender have been kept in mind which resulted in both sides of the building being currently occupied. I didn't meet anyone with whom I could associate from the academy which saved me from useless chattering.

Arata's aberration during the ceremony was something that was both surprising and perturbing as well. I undoubtedly sensed the presence of that inhuman entity inside of him. The same was for the Sage as well, which indicates that the plot hasn't shifted in that phase yet for some reason Arata...or I say, Keita chose to remain dormant and endure that excruciating pain through his sheer will and didn't give in the support of Thunder Emperor.

Is it just a mere tactic to win this tournament or is something more about which I should be concerned about?

"I am probably overthinking..." Despite uttering out loud, a conscious side of my brain would be continuously observing the protagonist from hereon.


'What does she want now... ' A groan left my throat as I sensed the person on the other side of my door which was both annoying and slightly unsettling since her current condition didn't seem to be aligning with her normal state.

Not talking about that breaching security to intrude on this side of the building was not something Anabelle would do for nonsensical purposes...right?

Well, I could never be sure about the girl as I left my half-unbuttoned shirt as it was before walking toward the door.

"Uhmmm... I know I shouldn't have..."

"Come in."

I ushered her inside since talking here was not something ideal for definite reasons and considering the ragged condition Anabelle appeared in, I knew she has something important to convey.

The girl slowly trudged through the small corridor before she entered the bedroom which was just after, with a crimson shade coating the tips of her ear.

Just a moment ago... this girl was in a frenzy and now...what's with this unstable demeanor...

I urged the girl to take a seat on my bed before I went to bring her some water since from the looks of it, Anabelle needed to cool down for the time being before she could speak anything.

"Thanks..." As a mosquito buzzed past my ear, her gratitude reached me before she took the glass and began gulping down the water with hurried sips like she was thirsty for hours.

While she was at it, I ran a vague diagnosis of her body before my brows slightly rose since the part near her larynx was slightly damaged but not beyond help, and considering her skills, I knew there was nothing I should be worrying about...

..or so what I hoped for myself...

"What happened to your, drink this."

The glimmer in her eyes was something I didn't like since it explicitly spoke, 'You still care about me... ' and I would definitely reprimand myself for it afterward.

But for now, the concern remained that someone on Anabelle's tier was injured to this extent that her healing abilities were taking it long to entirely repair her...truly a matter worth paying attention to.

Was it the Sage...nah. That man might be anonymous but hurting someone without proper reasons, more so a teenager...I highly doubt that could be the case.

To quell my curiosity, I waited for Anabelle to down the potion I gave her before she took some long breaths and stabilized her labored breathing. Truth be told, reading her memories would be a far more convenient option but that might have triggered Anabelle's mental barrier which she most probably has erected considering the commonly found psychic users nowadays.

Her shoulder remained tensed and even though she seemed calm from the outer surface, the anxiety in her eyes was inevitably speaking a lot about what she faced.

I was about to ask her once again what has transpired which concluded such dramatically before she uttered a single name and my movement froze at the spot.


Anabelle might have sensed my change of temperament but currently more than shocked I was feeling a bit uncanny because ever since I walked into this venue in the morning, I have been feeling a set of eyes following me.

Since during the day there were many people around, I was not able to pinpoint the said lurking entity and currently, there was no one eavesdropping to identify the said person.

Throwing away the engaging thoughts for a later time I turned my gaze toward Anabelle before asking while keeping my tone in check.

"Lower your mental barrier, I would take a look at your mind space."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about it."

I didn't know why she replied so carefreely but I didn't ponder over it and breached her mind, only to be surprised.

'How did she do it... '

There was a clear barrier on her mental space yet like my soul energy had the gate pass or something, I felt no resistance whatsoever. Could it be that she manipulates her spells in real time without changing or applying excess soul energy to them?

A theory that I might study tonight but for now her remembrance is what my attention was occupied with.

[After 3 minutes]



"What happened? Are you alright?"

Anabelle's concerned voice broke the connection and since I had seen enough of what I needed to know, I chose to sit on the chair available opposite the bed.

Anabelle's gaze never left me with anxiety marring her face. Now...I can understand the reason why she seemed terrified to such a degree after coming across _that_ person.

"Diving into an Astral state yet able to influence physical reality..."

It was not an urban legend that people could dive into their souls and leave their bodies for a limited duration to either spook someone or for surveillance purposes. At least that's what my knowledge of the skill encyclopedia tells me.

But no Astral divers hold the capability to alter the physical reality once they leave their body, just interaction is their limit...or what I was supposed to know.

Can someone really breach the bounds of a Third tier skill and really become such threateningly capable? For example, if without letting the alarms go off, someone sneaks into the high-security ward and assassinates the king without leaving a is terrifying as it sounds.

"I am scared nii-san..."

Without me knowing Anabelle was kneeling in front of me with her gaze wavering with an unease ripple. My hand went over her head wordlessly with my mind currently filled with nothing but a single person.

'Now how should I deal with this... '


A/N: - Hug her and recruit Miyuki in the harem, simple...

Miyuki: Hoh~Please try and dare let him create a harem~

A/N: - Uhmmm...w-well, it would be for a later date to decide. Drop a comment for now~


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