Succubus Tail

Ch 29 – We all need a bit of snuggly downtime, don’t we?

Astonishingly, Lilis did not wake up from me orgasming all over her leg. She slept far deeper than I would have ever expected. Snuggled up against her, I found my eyes quickly drifting closed. 

When I next woke, the first light of dawn was peeking through the windows, not yet enough to brighten the room. Laying on my side, my face was pressed up against something soft, and Lilis’s arms were wrapped around my head. At my shifting posture to get more comfortable, she squeezed me tighter against her. 

It took me several seconds for the slow-moving gears of my mind to realize the soft cushioning against my cheek was in fact her naked breast. My brain lurched as I remembered we were both completely bare, and worse, I’d came all over the both of us. I squeezed my legs together, finding my thighs still sticky and wet from the orgasm not so long ago. My left eye winced.

Was she going to be mad? I had to imagine she would be, at least a little. Though she’d also made a comment yesterday about my “inability to control myself.”

I held back the huff that threatened to spill from my lips. The minutes eased by at what seemed to be an increasingly slower pace. How long would it be before she either woke or the first bell of the morning rang?

Lilis mumbled something, and I froze stiff. 

“No, Ruby,” came a muffled whisper. “Don’t…that there.” The words were difficult to make out. “ library…” 

Was she… talking in her sleep? I bit my lip as a snicker of laughter almost escaped. How cute. Lilis mumbled several more things, though I couldn’t make any sense out of them other than it was something about a forest. 

Then the low thrum of a bell reverberated through the room, and I jolted from the sudden, loud noise. 

Lilis’s arms shifted, one sliding past my neck and down to my lower back. The other arm circled further around my head, pulling my nose and right cheek more firmly into her bosom. She let out a yawn as my face flushed. Lustful thoughts rolled through my mind, and I squirmed. My arms itched to reach out for her, but somehow, I kept them pressed together in front of me. 

“Ruby,” she mumbled out, before yawning once again. 

With my lips just a hair from her breast, I didn’t dare respond. I was too flustered to even think of what to say. 

One of Lilis’s fingers traced up the curve of my back, and I shuddered. Despite the wet dream and resulting orgasm, it was clear that my lust was nowhere near abated. I brushed my tongue against a pointed fang in an attempt to soothe the growing ache in my teeth. 

I was thirsty, and Lilis’s warm skin was a difficult temptation to ignore. 

“You smell like sex,” Lilis commented sleepily, and my cheeks warmed further. She took a slow, deep breath. “Really, you're insatiable.” Rather than an accusation, the words rolled out more like an enticing compliment. 

I pulled back, and her arms loosened. Our eyes met, hers studying mine. 

“The sheets are damp as well,” she said as one of her legs shifted beneath the covers. Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you’ve been—”

I shook my head furiously. “N-no! I—I had a w-wet dream.” 

The admission lit my face on fire. Lilis snorted, and I felt relieved as I watched her lips curl up in amusement. “Of course you did.” 

The mortifying embarrassment became too much, and I pulled the covers up over my head, hiding myself from her gaze. Meanwhile, Lilis pulled her arms from around me and began to explore the sheets around her. 

“Must have been one hex of a dream,” she continued. As I groaned, she said, “By the gods, even my leg is covered in cum. Just what did you dream about?”

“Nothing,” I grumbled. Somehow, this seemed worse than her being mad. Did she really have to tease me?

“Oh, stop hiding, would you?” She flipped the covers from over my head, revealing my nude body down to my waist.

My arms wrapped around my chest. I pretended it was from the cold. 

“You’re still horny, aren’t you?” she accused.  “May I?”

She was actually asking for explicit permission? Perhaps she’d been serious about what she’d said yesterday. I looked away, and gave her a small nod. A hand touched my belly and slid downward. Her fingers grazed against my skin until they met the light hair between my legs. My breaths deepened, and I squirmed from her sensitive touch. 

Lilis leaned forward toward my ear. “It’s unfortunate that we don’t really have time to play around.”

Her fingers slipped away. Blinking, I met her eyes, my lips turning down into a frown. 

“Don’t pout,” she said.

“I’m not pouting,” I insisted. 

She rolled her eyes. “Right. Of course not.” 

Lilis rolled away and slipped out of bed. As my eyes became glued to her naked form, I couldn’t help but reach out an arm. 


She looked back, raising a brow. “Oh?” The annoying brat gave me a smirk, and I shot her back a glare. “Did you need something?”

“You’re teasing me,” I accused. 

Her arms stretched upward, and she stood up onto her toes as she faced me fully, arching her back in a full-body stretch. Almost of their own will, my eyes roamed across her form. 

“Perhaps I am.” As her stretch ended, she gave me a cheeky shrug. 

Definitely-not-pouting, I escaped the warm and comfortable confines of the bed. I couldn’t help but stare down at my bare red skin, as though to confirm it hadn’t somehow changed over night.

A hand lightly smacked my ass, and I let out a squeaky yelp as I jumped in place. Swirling around, I gave my incredible tease of a roommate another glare. 

Her face was a lot closer than I expected, our noses mere inches from touching. 

She leaned further forward, staring into my eyes, and whispered, “We should get you dressed, hmm?” 

My lips parted to respond, only to instead let out a whimper. Lilis raised her brow again, still smiling. 

And she called me insatiable! 

Just as my lips parted to respond, my frustrating roommate pressed something into my hands. 

I stared down at the large metal canteen, left eye twitching furiously. “Really?

She walked over to the wardrobe, pulling the doors open. “I wasn’t joking about being short on time. My first class is a bit of a walk away. Plus, it wasn’t that long ago that you slurped up most of the blood from my body. If I let you drink my blood again already, I worry you might turn me into a raisin.”

I grumbled a number of expletives under my breath, before tilting back the canteen and taking several gulps. Much like before it was cold, and “stale” in flavor. It did at least satisfy the ache in my teeth, and most of my lustful cravings hiding just under the surface. 

After that, the morning became a small whirlwind of cleaning myself up and getting ready to leave. Rather than the typical uniform, Lilis offered me a choice of fitted trousers, at least one pair of which would hopefully be the correct size for me. 

I didn’t need to ask her the reason why. It meant some type of outdoor activity, where skirts were either impractical or simply not warm enough. The tight leggings were both familiar and different—the sort of thing I’d worn plenty of times before as a man, yet oddly more sensual against my skin. 

With that plus a thicker, long-sleeved blouse, and the regular cape, we took off into the halls. Lilis gripped my hand, which at first, made my cheeks flush with embarrassment. But as students dashed by, I couldn’t help but admit I found the small gesture oddly comforting. Navigating the halls was thankfully nothing like my dream, and before long, the two of us were out into the academy gardens, and heading toward the southern forest. My roommate set a quick pace, one that I found annoyingly difficult to match without near-jogging alongside her. 

“What class are we going to?” I huffed as she marched forth beyond the southernmost buildings and into the dense trees and foliage. 

“Close-quarters combat.”

I blinked, thankful that it was the sort of activity I was actually not bad at. Though, without magic, that might prove to be a bit more up in the air. 

“You have that all the way out here?” I questioned her. “In the open forest?” I supposed it made some amount of sense, though it was still rather surprising. 

“Twice a week, unfortunately. Though, it’s not in the actual forest.”

“If it’s not in the forest, then where is it?” I grumbled. What else could even be out here?

She glanced my way. “You’ll see.”

A few minutes later, I did in fact “see.” In a small clearing stood a lonely old shrine, one unsurprisingly dedicated to Mir, the goddess over death. It was a simple stone pyramid, one weathered from time. Though her symbolic hanging bell still hung from the doorway, seemingly immortalized and invulnerable. Perhaps it was. 

We strode up to it, the stone door already cracked open inward, as though inviting us in. Lilis didn’t hesitate at all to enter, pulling me in by the hand just behind her. 

We moved down a dim staircase into the earth below, and my eyes shifted around us, despite there not being much to see within the narrow corridor beyond the occasional lamp. With warnings from Lilis, I paid close attention to where I stepped and managed to not stumble over the sections that were cracked or missing chunks of stone. 

After winding back and forth down the steep stairway for far longer than I’d anticipated, we reached an arched doorway, its door completely missing. Lilis paused just before heading through and turned toward me. 

“It seems the professor isn’t up ahead, which means…” she paused. 

“Which means?” I prodded. 

“Which means, we’ll unfortunately have to go in and find him.” Her words didn’t bode well. Lilis let out a sigh. “I was hoping we’d be doing something a bit less involved today.”

I frowned. “What does ‘finding him’ entail, exactly?”

“We won’t know until we’re down there searching.” She looked past my shoulder, up the stairway. “But we should get going before someone else comes down the stairs.”


“Oh, and you may end up needing these.” She pulled out one of my gifted daggers and handed it over to me. 

Now she decides to give them back?

Hiya! I'm back with another chapter. I've ended up being a bit of a slump the past few days, unfortunately. But I think I've pushed through it and am hoping to have another chapter tonight. Which means I'll at least have gotten two chapters this week written! I'm a tad behind on Succubus Tail still. Though hopefully I can catch back up over the next few weeks. Chapter 32 is almost done. Sooooo...

If ya wanna read a few chapters ahead, plus read my new Cowgirl story and some other stuffs, do check out my Patreon!

The lowest tier is just $3, so you know, the cost of a cup of coffee. xD And as I've mentioned before, I'm still attempting to turn this into a job if I can. Hopefully now that I'm fully moved and the big holidays are properly over I can work up to three chapters a week like I've been wanting to. =3 Assuming I can keep my ADHD issues in order lol.

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