Succubus Tail

[E] Ch 28 – Lust and Loathing in the Academy of Lewd Arts

I tossed and turned throughout the night, anxious dreams and nightmares continually waking me. When Lilis eventually shook me awake, she was already up and dressed. 

“I’ve let you sleep long enough. Class is starting soon,” she said in a chastising tone. 

It was difficult to get out of bed. My body felt lethargic, unresponsive. Worse, a thirst slowly consumed me, growing further with each passing second. I knew it was going to cause me trouble. 

Lilis had no plans to wait, however. My harried roommate pulled me up and to my feet. 

“Come on. We can’t be late,” she insisted. “There’s an examination today.”

I nodded, managing a step forward. She grabbed my hand, helping me along toward the door. As we reached it, my slow, stumbling pace finally became too much for her. 

“I’ve got a better idea,” Lilis said. 

Something about her words made me nervous. Worse, it was somehow only then that I remembered we’d both slept nude. I stared down at the bare red skin.

There was definitely something wrong with me; I shouldn’t feel this disoriented. Even my thoughts felt oddly sluggish. My libido, however, seemed to only be getting worse. 

By the time I looked back up, Lilis approached with something in hand. I eyed the loop of leather, realizing too late what it was. The collar slipped around my neck with ease, as though it was meant to be there. Staring her way with widening eyes, I ran a finger along its inner rim. 

Something clicked around the small metal loop that was attached, and I realized that Lilis had affixed a leash to it. Without even waiting for me to come to terms with it all, my roommate strode forward, and with a yank of the long cord of leather in her hand, I stumbled forth with her. 

She opened the door, and I let out a weak “W-wait!”

Some part of me knew that all this was abnormal—that something about all of this just didn’t make sense. Hadn’t we had a conversation about this kind of thing..? My hands grabbed the end of the leash, pulling back against it. Then I stared down, fumbling to unclasp the thing. When Lilis turned around to glare at me, my muddled thoughts washed away with a shudder. 

Her bright green eyes pierced into me. “We don’t have time for this.”

In a flash, Lilis was behind me, pulling my arms to my back. A pair of metal shackles encircled my wrists, thankfully lined with soft leather much like the collar. With my hands now tied behind me, I could do nothing except fidget in place. Another pull of the leash and Lilis brought me out into the hall. 

This was all so wrong. We’d discussed this, I was certain of it. 

And yet…

My breathing turned heavy, and despite being naked, my body burned with an internal heat. The cloudiness of my thoughts refused to lighten, instead seeming to only get worse. Even walking was hard, the pull of the leash being the only thing that kept me going at Lilis’s quick pace. 

The quiet halls turned busy, filled with students both moving in a hurry and hovering with watchful eyes. I could feel their gazes on me, their whispers swirling around us as we moved through the growing crowd. It wasn’t long before the hall became packed, with the only thing tying Lilis and I together being the leash gradually pulling me forward. 

The student’s bodies pressed against me as I tried to push my way through the crowd. I felt a hand brush against my thigh, followed by another just below my chest. The soft touch left my skin tingling, as the heat inside me continued building. 

More fingers met me, rubbing against smooth skin as I passed students by. The leash on my neck tightened as the crowd of bodies compressed around me. I had to physically squeeze my way through to move forward; all the while, their touches became worse. One met my breast, rubbing against my hardened nipple. Another traveled up my inner thigh, almost reaching the spot between my legs, before the leash pulled me forward. A hand grabbed my tail, yanking the end roughly and making me yelp. 

What seemed like over a dozen hands brushed, rubbed, and squeezed me like an endless tide that left me feeling dizzy. Were it not for the leash pulling me forward, I was certain I’d have become lost. It was only as we finally approached the classroom that the crowd let up. With a firm yank of my leash, Lilis pulled me through the door. 

The first noticeable thing about the class was just how full it was. A young professor stood in front of a large table, giving some kind of demonstration. As Lilis and I entered, everyone turned to eye us. The professor glared. 

My roommate turned to me. “It’s your fault we’re late,” she chided. 

I knew she was right. If it wasn’t for me delaying things so much, she’d have certainly made it to class on time. As her fierce green eyes sunk into mine, I knew a punishment was coming. Even if Lilis didn’t insist on it, the professor would. 

From behind, Lilis pushed me forward. We passed by several tables, each filled with staring students, most of which seemed to know what was about to come. In front of me was the one empty table in the class, resting in the middle of the room. I gulped. 

“Bend over,” Lilis commanded as we stopped in front of it. 

Why did her commanding words make my legs quake with delight?

I did as I was told, finding it more difficult than expected with my hands still tied behind me. With how high the table was, my feet were forced to push me up onto my toes, which also managed to stick my ass conveniently up into the air—as though asking to be spanked. 

I didn’t need to beg.

Lilis was happy to oblige. The first smack on my rear brought out a heavy gasp, leaving a stinging, dark-red handprint. In front of me, the professor watched on, clearly not yet satisfied. Several students chuckled and whispered. 

I felt ashamed to be disrupting class for this. My body felt hot. 

I needed more. 

“You just had to drag your feet, didn’t you—knowing that this would happen?” Lilis said, just before another slap met my other ass cheek. “All because you can’t just be honest with yourself and admit that you’re just a needy little slut.” 

Another smack and I shivered, my hands pulling against their shackles. 

“You won’t be able to cum until I tell you to,” she continued. “And you know what you have to do before I’ll give you permission, don’t you?”

The spanking continued until the entirety of my rear had darkened in color. My body continued to heat up, a light sheen of sweat covering me. The building lust rose higher and higher, far beyond any point it had ever reached before. I ached to be touched, to be fucked, or even to be just spanked harder and faster. 

“You might not be honest, but your body certainly is,” Lilis continued, rubbing my shivering bottom. 

She circled around the table, and I held in the whine that threatened to spill out. With her fully out of the way, I knew that most of the class could see everything—my throbbing rear, the red skin darkened thanks to Lilis’s efforts, and sticking firmly up into the air for all to view; my shaky legs and inviting thighs, poorly balanced up from my toes; my tail, swaying shamelessly through the air; and finally, my needy, dripping cunt, soaking the table below. 

I wanted to be touched, to be spanked, to be fucked so hard I passed out. But Lilis was right. I could never ask for such a vulgar thing. 

Lilis pulled out a brown leather flogger, letting its numerous strings dangle in front of my face. “This is what you want, isn’t it?”

My arms, still tied together at my back, squirmed. I parted my lips only to find myself unable to respond, my voice having disappeared. 

She leaned down until she was hovering just in front of my face and whispered, “Or perhaps you just want to be fucked?” 

Once again, I couldn’t respond, no matter how much I wanted to beg for her touch. My voice simply refused to work. The professor walked toward us, pausing at my side. The surprisingly handsome man stared down at me, eyeing my writhing form beneath him with judgemental disdain. 

“She needs to be properly punished for disrupting my class like this,” he insisted. 

From his right hand, he held out a brush covered in ink. I gulped at the sight. Lilis moved back around to my ass, grabbing the brush with a nod. “Thank you, professor.”

At that, the professor strode away, though rather than heading back up to the front, he turned the other direction, grabbing an empty left seat at table behind me. 

I felt the cool touch of the brush as it met my bare skin of my ass. While I didn’t know what Lilis was writing, I could certainly guess. 

Needy Slut. Fuck Hole. Cocks Go Here. Free Use Pussy. And any number of other possibilities. 

“I wonder if this ink is permanent,” she commented. “Though I suppose that doesn’t really matter, does it?” Lilis stood as she finished, taking a moment to admire her work. “It certainly suits you.”

She strolled to my side and reached out a hand to grab one of my horns, pulling it upward. Once again, she leaned forward. “I hope you’re ready, Ruby. I’m going to make you squeal. We aren’t stopping until you become honest with yourself—until you admit what a horny little succubus slut you are.” Right near my ear, she whispered, “I’m going to make you beg me to let you cum.”

Students began to line up behind me. At first, only one or two brave individuals dared to, but that quickly shifted to most of the class. 

Releasing my horn, Lilis circled around me. As she approached my ass again, she said, “Spread those legs, you slut. Let’s see just how ready you are.”

As my legs shakily widened, her fingers slid up my wet thighs until they found the delicate spot between my legs. Two fingers easily slipped inside, almost by accident. I shuddered, so close to an orgasm, yet unable to reach it. For a few seconds, she fingered me, and my head spun. 

“I wonder how long you’ll last. I guess I’ll take my turn first.”

Her fingers slid back out, and Lilis pulled down her skirt. A large, hard cock smacked against my ass, rather than the pussy I’d expected. My eyes widened as it pressed against my entrance. I couldn’t help but press back as I panted in need. 

I needed it. I needed her cock. 

Lilis grabbed my hips and forced her length inside of me. I moaned as she filled me and her hips met my stinging rear. A shudder rolled down my spine. 

Then my eyes shot open. All at once, my orgasm slammed into me, catching my breath. Was I dreaming?

The orgasm was certainly real enough. 

Lilis’s arms tightened around me, hugging me closer. The two of us were tangled together within the covers. Her eyes were closed as she mumbled something in her sleep. My head spun, confused about why she was there hugging me, rather than fucking me from behind with her hard cock. 

No, wait. She doesn’t have a cock.

Then the second wave of the orgasm rushed through me. I bit my lip to keep myself from moaning, but couldn’t stop my body from twitching against her. 

The leg she had up between my legs pressed further up, making me realize that I was cumming all over it. Somehow, it made the next wave flush through my body even harder.

Through the haze of the head-spinning orgasm, I began to put together what was dream and what was reality. 

As my overwhelming lust swirled inside me, and began to slowly calm, a strange desire took its place. If only I really was in that classroom, getting fucked from behind by the woman currently holding me in her arms.

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