Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 11: The Uchiha Compound

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

They finally reach the Uchiha Compound in this chapter...
The wall behind her shakes a little bit from the power of Naruto’s thrusts. Hanabi has to lean forward and bury her face in the blond ninja’s shoulder, just to quiet her lustful cries. As he fucks her there in that back alley, pounding in and out of her formerly virginal cunt, Hanabi Hyuga comes to a simple conclusion. She can’t do this alone.
It’s not like it’s entirely without precedent either. Sure, the vast majority of people these days enter monogamous relationships with one another. But the Warring Clans Era wasn’t too long ago, and back in those days a single battle could result in half of a clan dying… and more often than not, it would be the male half of the clan.
Indeed, the Hyuga Clan themselves had suffered losses like that in the past. Times when there were only a handful of Hyuga men left in the entirety of the Elemental Nations. Times when there were easily four or more Hyuga women to every Hyuga male. In those times, harems became the standard. Not because anyone necessarily wanted it, but because they were simply what was needed to ensure that the Clan survived.
Now, obviously this wasn’t the same situation as that. Even as Naruto fucks Hanabi silly, her wanton moaning captured by his shoulder and her pussy walls flexing around his thrusting member in an explosive orgasm, she’s forced to acknowledge the simple hard truth. There is no danger to the Hyuga Clan at the moment. There’s not even any real danger to Konoha as a whole.
The Fifth Hokage, Naruto’s mother, has run a tight ship. No one expected it of her, from what Hanabi had managed to gather. Apparently, Kushina Uzumaki had had something of a reputation in her youth for being… incredibly hot-headed, reckless, and all around an explosive tag waiting to go off, on top of just being an absolutely gorgeous bombshell in looks as well.
But that wasn’t the Kushina that Hanabi had grown up with. After the Fourth Hokage, Naruto’s father, gave his life to stop the Kyuubi’s rampage, Kushina had stepped up. And as far as Hanabi was concerned, the Fifth Hokage was the best leader they could ever have hoped for. Everything she’d done had improved Konoha.
… So yeah, Hanabi didn’t really have an excuse along the same lines as the Warring Clans Era for why she was suddenly considering getting Naruto a harem. Even the idea that they might be able to restart the Uzumaki Clan with Naruto as it’s Lord was more of a passing fancy than anything else. In truth… Hanabi needed to find other women to feed to her new lover because he was just too much for her to keep up with.
She could already feel it. Even as the pleasure overwhelmed her, even as she came again and again around his thrusting cock, she could feel him exhausting her. To be fair, it had been an exhausting day in general so far, both physically and emotionally. Naruto might have won their first spar in mere moments, but he’d really made sure that she was put through her paces with the second one. He’d been very demanding and Hanabi was glad she’d risen to the occasion.
That said, this on top of that… was tough. Very tough. And yet, she wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. She was finally getting everything she wanted from Naruto Uzumaki. She wasn’t going to let him go now. In fact, even as he fucks her silly and she has to bite down on his shoulder just to keep her voice muffled, Hanabi tightens her grip even further on his body, holding him with her arms and legs so that he can’t get away.
Heh, not that he’s trying to escape. Grunting and groaning, moaning her name into her ear every once in a while, Naruto is single-mindedly focused on fucking her to completion. The fact that he hasn’t cum yet however is the problem… though admittedly, it’s a very pleasurable problem to have. Still, Hanabi can feel herself fatiguing fast. And if this is how Naruto is always going to be… yeah, she needs back up.
But who? Unfortunately, splitting her focus between trying to come up with answers to that question and getting pounded raw and hard by Naruto Uzumaki is impossible. Hanabi makes her decision, but for the time being the list of potential candidates remains empty as her pupil-less eyes finally DO roll back in her head, her teeth digging even harder into Naruto’s shoulder as her cries reach a fever pitch.
Until finally, at long last, Naruto whispers into her ear.
“Hanabi… I’m getting close.”
Music to her ears. Pulling her teeth out of his shoulder, careful not to take a chunk of said shoulder with her, Hanabi pants as she focuses all of her beleaguered attention on looking Naruto directly in the eye.
“I-Inside… cum… inside.”
She wants it. She wants him. And she doesn’t care if it’s inadvisable. She doesn’t care if her father will flip out if he finds out his heir has suddenly taken a lover, and more than that, allowed him to creampie her.
For a moment, Naruto looks concerned, clearly considering these same issues. But Hanabi doesn’t let go of him. In the end, he’d have to hurt her in order to pull free of her, and she knows he’d never do that. And so, at long last… his seed fills Hanabi’s womb, his load deposited within her as the young Hyuga Heiress moans wantonly in open air.
She clamps her lips shut a moment later, afraid that they’ll get caught… but thankfully no one seems to have noticed. Or at least, no one bothers to go and check as Naruto finally pulls out of her at long last, with Hanabi relaxing her hold on his body.
Truth be told, she doesn’t WANT to let go of him… but she doesn’t really have a choice in the end. As appealing as the idea of staying impaled on his cock and attached to him like a limpet for the next long while was in the moment, it wasn’t exactly practical. There was more to life than just having sex with Naruto Uzumaki.
Reluctantly, she pulls her limbs back and lets Naruto carefully set her down on her own two feet once more. Leaning back against the wall he’d just fucked her again, Hanabi finally begins to catch her breath. At the same time though, she has to admit… she’s really feeling out of it. So out of it in fact, that Naruto looks concerned.
“You okay, Hanabi?”
She wasn’t, but she couldn’t let him know that. Swallowing, she quickly nods her head.
“Y-Yeah. I’m f-fine. I-!”
But before she can properly expound upon the lie she’s telling, Naruto just shakes his head in response and leans forward, pressing his lips against hers in what seems at first glance like a chaste kiss. But then he breathes and Hanabi’s eyes go wide as she feels a burst of fresh energy rushing through her chakra pathways. Her entire body jolts as Naruto does another impossible thing on top of all of the other impossible things he’s done today.
Sharing one’s chakra with another person wasn’t easy, but it also wasn’t that hard. However, it usually took a lot of preparation and a lot of careful work to make sure it didn’t go horribly wrong. None of which Naruto had bothered with. He’d just… DONE it. For a split second, Hanabi is angry at the thought that he’d done so recklessly… but taking everything she knows about him into account, both before and after the events of today, she quickly decides that that isn’t it.
No, he’s not being reckless. He’s just that good. Somehow. Hanabi still doesn’t fully understand where Naruto’s sudden aptitude comes from, but she also doesn’t care. Because as a Hyuga, she’s better placed than most to recognize what he’s just done. He’s given her some of the benefits of a Soldier Pill, but without the drawbacks.
That said, it’s not enough to truly off-set everything he’d done to her. Hanabi is still unbelievably sore, even as he pulls back and gives her a smile.
… But she is stronger and surer of herself as she straightens up and pushes off the wall. The energy he’s shared is enough to make her clear-headed and confident that she can navigate what comes next with at least some level of aplomb.
“… Better, yeah. Thanks, Naruto.”
Chuckling self-consciously, Naruto rubs a hand through the back of his head.
“Least I could do, all things considered. Do you… think you’re up for going to see Auntie Mikoto now?”
Hanabi gives Naruto a dry look at that.
“You mean Lady Uchiha, Naruto? The Matriarch of what remains of the Uchiha Clan?”
Naruto opens his mouth… and then blushes a little bit, scratching at his cheek.
“Err… yeah, her.”
Letting out a fond sigh, Hanabi just shakes her head and smiles, before nodding after a moment.
“Yes. I’m ready.”
She had to be. Apprenticing with Mikoto Uchiha was the next step in her own ninja path, and while Hanabi had somehow fallen behind Naruto at some point without realizing it, she refused to let him get any further ahead of her than he already was. Hopefully, with the Fifth Hokage’s Recommendation, Lady Uchiha would at least give them the time of day…
With Hanabi’s gentle reprimand fresh in his mind, Naruto maintains a respectful and polite countenance as they’re finally let in to see Mikoto Uchiha. The guard at the entrance of the Uchiha Clan Compound had been happy to let him pass, but less inclined to let Hanabi in without making sure the Hyuga Heiress was allowed to enter. Which meant they’d had to wait for a little bit, since Hanabi was the whole reason Naruto was here in the first place.
Regardless, as they both stand across from Mikoto at her desk, Naruto makes sure to bow respectfully.
“Lady Uchiha, thank you for your time.”
Finishing up whatever it is she’s writing with a flourish, Mikoto sets the page aside so the ink can finish drying… and then blinks, looking at him rather oddly before hopping to her feet. The Uchiha Matriarch lets out a laugh as she comes around the desk and pulls him into a sudden love.
“Where’s this ‘Lady Uchiha’ junk coming from, Naruto? You know it’s Auntie Mikoto for you!”
Naruto blushes. Yes, he did know that. His memories of this timeline were very clear on how close he and his mother were to the Uchiha Clan Head. Still, this wasn’t family business, this was village business. And well aware of Hanabi’s presence, Naruto makes sure to be quick about returning Mikoto’s hug, before pulling back and shaking his head.
“That wouldn’t be appropriate Lady Uchiha… considering I’m here on behalf of the Fifth Hokage to ask a very big favor of you.”
Mikoto pauses, having been in the middle of opening her mouth to respond to the ‘appropriate’ bit, only to stop as Naruto continued on. The Uchiha Matriarch tilts her head to the side and hums, taking a step back so she can lean against the front of her desk. Finally, her eyes dart over to Hanabi, her sharingan active as she considers the both of them.
“Oh? And what is that very big favor, I wonder?”
Naruto considers how best to explain the situation to Mikoto without making the older woman feel like some sort of… consolation prize. How did he go about telling her that he’d agreed to apprentice with his mother instead of her, then tried to get Kushina to take Hanabi on as well, only for the Fifth Hokage to decide to pawn her off on Mikoto instead?
He’s reminded that he still doesn’t know for sure whether Mikoto’s offer of apprenticeship was a genuine one bred of competition between her and his mother or if Kushina put her up to it because he’d initially rejected HER offer.
Before he can formulate a response however… Hanabi takes matters into her own hands.
“Lady Uchiha. I have a letter here for you from the Fifth Hokage. I graduated from the Academy early today, and it is my hope that you might consider the Fifth Hokage’s recommendation and take me on as your apprentice.”
Mikoto’s eyes widen at that, and she snatches the letter from Hanabi’s hands faster than either of them can blink. Opening it up, her sharingan eyes dart back and forth across the page, committing it to memory as her lips thin out for a moment.
… Is she angry? Upset? Naruto can’t say for sure, but he doesn’t think she’s happy. However, before he can try and mend things, Mikoto speaks in a clipped tone.
“Leave us, Naruto.”
He blinks at that, a little startled and caught off guard. The idea of leaving Hanabi alone with Mikoto… on the one hand, it makes sense. Logically, he shouldn’t be involved in whether Mikoto takes Hanabi on as her apprentice or not. But he’s not always the most logical creature. And there’s a whole lot of emotion tied up in his relationship with Hanabi now. Especially after the things they’d done together.
“But I-!”
“Go, Naruto. This is between myself and the Hyuga Heiress. You have already done all that you can.”
Naruto bites his lip, hesitating even then… but then Hanabi gives him a nod and a reassuring smile and he lets out a defeated sigh. It feels strange to leave the room, to not be involved in the ensuing conversation. But there he is, exiting Mikoto’s office and stepping back out into the Uchiha Compound’s main courtyard. Looking up at the blue sky for a moment, Naruto puffs up his cheeks, not sure what to do now that he’s been kicked out.
“Oi, brat! What are you doing here at this time of day? Shouldn’t you be over at the Academy?”
Blinking, Naruto turns and finds himself regarding a somewhat strange sight, one that invokes serious confusion within him as Satsuki Uchiha saunters up, the older kunoichi cocking an eyebrow and placing a hand on her hip as she looks at him expectantly.
It’s a moment of supreme vertigo for Naruto. On the one hand, there’s a version of him that remembers Satsuki Uchiha as his teammate. All of the trials and tribulations they went through together, all of the fights they had with one another. That Satsuki is not THIS Satsuki, however. That Satsuki was the Last Uchiha through and through. This Satsuki is not.
And on the other hand, there’s the version of him that remembers this Satsuki as the closest thing he had to a big sister. A really annoying, somewhat bully of a big sister, but still…
As she approaches him, Naruto finds himself at a momentary loss on how to deal with her.
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Hold her at a distance, its just too weird - 4%
[X] Try to act like he would if he didn't have the other timeline in his head - 67%
[  ] Revert to old habits and make it a competition, just like he and the other Satsuki always used to - 29%

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