Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 10: Hanabi Hyuga Pt. 3

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!


Before he can finish the sentence, Hanabi cuts him off with a finger to his lips and a blazingly intense gaze. Naruto falls silent, staring at her as she licks her own lips for a moment more… and then employs some technique that cleans up the mess on her face in an instant. Oh. Right. They were ninja, weren’t they?
He blushes a little bit at his momentary lapse. But still, now they can head over to the Uchiha Clan and get in to see their Matriarch so that- aaaaand Hanabi is kissing him again. Quite aggressively too, just like the first time around. Wrapping her arms around his neck, sticking her tongue into his mouth… Naruto responds by placing his hands on her hips and carefully prying her away.
However, he once again doesn’t get any words out before Hanabi stuns him into silence.
“I want you inside of me, Naruto. Right here, right now.”
Right here and right now?! This was a back alley and Hanabi was the… err, well she was a member of a prestigious Ninja Clan to say the very least! Naruto blinks as he realizes he doesn’t actually know the state of the Hyuga Clan very well in this timeline. That’s all kinds of embarrassing, because Hanabi is his best frenemy in this universe, and he can’t even say for certain whether she or Hinata is the heiress at this point.
What Naruto DOES know from the other timeline is that the Hyuga Clan has some bad shit going on within it’s ranks. And the fact that Hanabi, even at her age, isn’t having to cover up the Caged Bird Seal with some sort of headband, seems to imply that she’s probably the heiress… right?
And yet, looking into her eyes, Naruto can see Hanabi is deadly serious. She wants him to fuck her, and he’s having a hard time saying no on account of… well, feeling a little guilty over missing all of the signs before now. It should NOT have taken interdimensional travel and a merging between two different versions of himself for Naruto Uzumaki to realize Hanabi Hyuga was into him. That said…
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Hanabi? Here and now? And… with me? What would your Clan think?”
Hanabi scoffs at that.
“Naruto, you’re the Hokage’s Son. Father might be displeased but screw him. Mother would be thrilled for me.”
That causes Naruto to blink dumbly. Which in turn causes Hanabi to stare at him for a long moment before understanding dawns in her eyes.
“You… don’t know anything about the Hyuga Clan, do you Naruto?”
Well shit. She’s got him there. Reaching up to rub a hand through his hair sheepishly, Naruto shrugs and decides to be honest with her.
“I uh… I know there’s a Main House and a Branch House? And I know about the Caged Bird Seal.”
Hanabi looks at him strangely for a moment, her nose wrinkling in surprise.
“The Caged Bird… how could you… no, I suppose it makes sense. You were snooping around in your mother’s notes again, weren’t you?!”
Naruto opens his mouth to deny it… before realizing that just like with Kushina, it makes for the perfect cover. Especially because there IS some truth to it. Not much in this instance, however. Naruto’s snooping had never uncovered anything to do with the Hyuga Clan. So if Kushina was involved with them, she’d done an excellent job of keeping that fact a secret, even from her own son.
Still, he nods along in agreement with Hanabi, taking the lifeline that she’s offering. It definitely leaves the Hyuga Kunoichi looking pleased with herself for having figured it out. However, what she does next still manages to catch Naruto completely off guard.
Reaching up, Hanabi taps her forehead… and much to his shock, the Caged Bird Seal shimmers into view. He gapes at it for a moment, feeling the beginnings of righteous anger stirring in his chest. They’d sealed Hanabi! They’d-
“This is not the Caged Bird Seal, Naruto.”
Hanabi’s matter-of-fact tone pulls him from his fury and he blinks at her before looking back at the seal. Oh… she was right. It bore only passing similarities to the seal that Naruto remembered from the other timeline. As he peers at it more closely, he sees all of the changes made to it and understands them immediately. Brow furrowing, he meets Hanabi’s eyes again.
“It’s just… a kill switch now?”
Smiling softly, Hanabi nods. Then, she proceeds to tell him a sordid tale that rings with some familiarity to Naruto’s other memories… but is also incredibly different from what had happened in the other universe. All because of his mother’s interference.
Apparently, Cloud had still made an attempt to steal a Hyuga girl in this universe, but instead of Hinata it had been Hanabi at only three years old who had very nearly been taken. That wasn’t what made the difference though, because events still took place as expected, with Hiashi killing Hanabi’s kidnappers and Cloud raising a big stink about it.
Where the divergence happened was with Naruto’s mother, of course. Kushina wasn’t the kind of person to take any bullshit lying down. And to hear Hanabi admiringly tell it, the Fifth Hokage had decided Cloud was testing her limits just as much as they were trying to make a play for the Byakugan. Kushina had stopped Hiashi and the Hyuga Clan Elders from their plan to sacrifice Hizashi and had called Cloud’s bluff.
“Specifically, she told the Raikage that if he insisted on this foolishness, she would call the God of Shinobi himself out of retirement and let the Third Hokage do the paperwork while SHE came over there personally to stick her foot so far up his ass that… well, you get the idea.”
Naruto can only nod in dazed agreement. That did sound like his mother, yeah.
From there, Kumo had… miraculously backed down. A war had not started over the incident, probably helped along by Konoha not demanding any reparations either. Kushina had stood her ground in spectacular fashion, and the entire thing had fizzled out when it came to potential conflict between villages. However, back home… things had not fizzled. Not one bit.
Naruto didn’t really know Hanabi and Hinata’s mother that well. He couldn’t even have told you her name, and that was with memories of two different universes merged together. But apparently she wasn’t nearly as understated in this world, at least where her clan was concerned.
To hear Hanabi say it, Kushina’s actions had lit a fire under her mother’s ass. The Hyuga Matriarch had stopped being quiet and demure and gone straight to the Fifth Hokage after the incident was finally resolved. And she’d asked for Kushina’s help.
“Father and the Clan Elders didn’t like it. But Mother wasn’t about to let them stop her. And with the Hokage’s backing, well…”
Hanabi’s Mother had leaned on Kushina’s sealing expertise, essentially delivering Clan Secrets to the Fifth Hokage. Within a month, Kushina had gone back to Hanabi’s Father and the Hyuga Elders and presented them all with three options. One, they could abolish the Caged Bird Seal immediately, removing it from every single member of the Branch House with her help, seeing as she’d developed a way to remove the seal without killing its bearer.
Two, they could replace the Caged Bird Seal with a new seal she’d developed, one that did not allow for torture or enslavement. In fact, Kushina’s seal did one thing and one thing only. It destroyed the Hyuga Dojutsu upon death, making them unusable by enemy nin. The only caveat was that taking Option Two meant EVERY member of the Hyuga Clan would be sealed with the same seal, both Main and Branch Houses.
Or three, the final option, they could take the second option on a temporary basis. Basically, Kushina was offering to seal all of their weaker members, with the option to not have the seal for anyone who achieved Jonin Rank and above, since at that point you were deemed capable of defending yourself and dealing with your own post-mortem in the event that you died.
It was an ultimatum, plain and simple. But Kushina, having already dealt with Danzo and the Uchiha, as well as her even more recent and more poignant political victory over Kumo… had all of the clout she needed. Especially with Hanabi’s Mother at her side backing her every step of the way.
“Some of the Clan Elders protested most vehemently at the idea. So vehemently in fact that they chose honorable suicide by poison in their tea, rather than ‘let the Hyuga Clan fall under the sway of a red-haired bitch’. Or something.”
Hanabi winces as she parrots back that particular line, and Naruto winces as well. Less because of the insult to his mother, and more because he finds himself questioning whether it was actually suicide or not. But he’s not going to cast aspersions on his mother OR Hanabi’s in this moment by mentioning that to the Hyuga Kunoichi. Instead, taking all of this in… he finds himself somewhat at a loss for words.
“So yeah. Mother and Father are separated now. Their marriage didn’t survive the experience. Father is still Clan Head, but Mother and several of the Branch House took up the… vacated spots left behind by the dead Clan Elders. Oh, and in the end, Father took the third option, to the protest of several of the weaker Clan Elders. Every single member of the Hyuga Clan under the rank of Jonin has to wear the Hokage’s version of the seal. Luckily, your mother is really, really good at sealing, so she added a small bit to it that lets us hide and reveal it at will.”
As Hanabi taps her forehead, once again hiding the seal there and shrugs, Naruto just… takes it all in for a moment. But he doesn’t have long to do so before the impatient Hyuga Kunoichi leans in again, growling at him.
“Well? Are you going to fuck me or not?”
Naruto squirms for a moment at that, but Hanabi just steps into his personal space again, grabbing his cock which has been out this entire time and stroking it up and down.
“Look… yes, I’m technically my Father’s Heir. But I don’t care what he thinks. And I know my Mother would absolutely LOVE it if I brought home Kushina’s son as my boyfriend. S-So… what do you say?”
It’s crazy how Hanabi can go from aggressive to nervous and vulnerable in a single heartbeat. And it proves to be super effective against Naruto, because he finds that the one thing he CAN’T say to her… is no.
Letting out a growl, Naruto tightens his grip on Hanabi’s hips and spins them both around, pushing her up against the wall as he leans in and kisses her neck. Showing off some aggression of his own makes the now-confirmed Hyuga Heiress melt into a puddle in his grasp, moaning as she leans back while also pushing forward into him, her hands jerking him off down below.
After a moment, he pulls back and gives her a soft smile.
“How can my Academy Rival possibly be THIS adorable?”
Hanabi’s pupil-less eyes widen at that, and she blushes crimson as she wiggles in place for a moment before reaching down with one hand to quickly begin yanking at her pants. Naruto chuckles and helps her out a little bit, and as soon as she’s as exposed as he is, he lifts her up into the air, letting her wrap her legs around his waist. His cock presses into her slit, causing Hanabi to gasp.
But just when he thinks she’s lost all of her nerve and has turned into a mewling young maiden from the mere contact of his member against her sex, she surprises him yet again.
“Don’t… don’t hold back.”
The look of pure need mixed with challenge in her determined gaze is enough to see Naruto nodding as he tightens his grip on her hips.
“… Alright, I won’t.”
Then, he thrusts into her, taking her first time right then and there as Hanabi’s hand comes up to slap across her mouth in order to muffle her loud cries. And true to his word… Naruto doesn’t hold back. Not even for a second.
This is how it feels to be Hanabi Hyuga, Heiress of the Hyuga Clan, right now. She’s finally, finally managed to confess her feelings to Naruto Uzumaki, Son of Kushina Uzumaki, the Fifth Hokage. She’s been carrying a torch for Naruto for a long ass time to be honest, but only today have events seemingly perfectly aligned to make it all work out in her favor.
Of course, part of that is that Naruto is… different. She doesn’t THINK he’s been hiding his true strength from her all these years, but she’s not sure where else this explosive growth has come from. But the fact is, Hanabi just doesn’t care. She’s finally got what she really wanted… Naruto Uzumaki as her lover.
As he drills into her with his entire cock however, Hanabi is reminded of a particular saying. Be careful what you wish for. She’d told Naruto not to hold back… and he isn’t. He’s fucking her with every last inch of his member, pounding into her depths like there’s no tomorrow.
Hanabi is a ninja. Maybe not necessarily an active duty ninja yet, but as the Heiress of her Clan, it doesn’t matter. She lost physical proof of her virginity many, many years ago. That doesn’t change the fact that Naruto is her first. The only man who’s ever been inside of her. And as she clings to him for dear life, his thrusting pushing her into the wall at her back, Hanabi finds herself wondering if any other man could ever compare.
Not that she wants to find out. Now that she has Naruto in her grasp, she’s never letting go. Even if he’s turning out to be more than she can handle. She won’t give up. She won’t give in. That said, as his cock stretches out her insides and Hanabi’s pupil-less eyes threaten to roll back in her head from the impending orgasm coming her way… she does wonder if she can possibly handle Naruto by her lonesome.
That was the plan, after all. Make Naruto hers, regardless of her father’s wishes. Marry him, one day, once she got through his bullheaded obliviousness. Have kids together, even. Be each other’s one and only.
Suddenly, Hanabi isn’t so sure about all of that. Not even a few minutes into her first time impaled on Naruto’s cock, getting fucked by the big dicked blond in an alley of all places, and Hanabi Hyuga finds herself wondering if she’s going to need fucking back-up. It feels amazing. Finally being with him. Finally being joined together like this.
… But she’s not sure she can handle Naruto Uzumaki all by her lonesome.
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Hanabi decides to stubbornly soldier on and try to be Naruto's only woman - 7%
[  ] Hanabi decides she'll eventually need back up, but she's not going to aggressively seek it out - 19%
[X] Hanabi decides she's going to need back up... and she might as well be the one to seek it out - 75%


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