Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 9: Hanabi Hyuga Pt. 2

A/N: As of today, 7/2/2023, this is the final chapter currently posted publicly for this story. Because of how the schedule works, Chapter 10 will come out Tuesday the 11th and then after that it will be one chapter every two weeks going forward.

There will always be four advance chapters on my Patreon at all times for this and my other Patreon-Funded fics.


In the end, while he does tense up for a moment… Naruto ultimately relaxes and lets Hanabi have her way with him. And yeah, that does sound dirty… but it’s not entirely inaccurate. Her tongue pushes against his lips insistently, so he ultimately opens up for her. To his surprise, the Hyuga girl, who’s always seemed so prim and proper from his memories, does her level best to stick her tongue down the back of his throat.
It's not as though she’s all that experienced in the art of kissing or anything like that. In fact, her technique is pretty awful and Naruto can’t help but be amused by her inexperience combined with her enthusiasm. In the end, he doesn’t tease her or make fun of her for it though. How could he, when he himself had been in a similar boat once upon a time?
Kami, without the memories from the other timeline, he’d probably be fumbling around just as badly as Hanabi was right now. Or worse… without those memories, he might have made a mess of things by now, like accidentally rejecting Hanabi by instinctively pushing her away and demanding to know what she thought she was doing.
The truth was, now that she was kissing him… it was rather obvious in hindsight that Hanabi had a thing for him. Looking back, the energy she’d always exuded, while competitive… had also had something of an undercurrent to it. He felt bad for failing to realize what was going on earlier. Could he really be so blind? Was there anyone else in this life who secretly had a crush on him that he didn’t know about?
Spending a moment wracking his brain for memories to make sure… Naruto doesn’t think so. None of the interactions he’d had with anyone before the melding stood out to him in the same way Hanabi’s interactions stood out now. She was the only one who definitively had a thing for him, though there were some girls in the Academy who tried to cozy up to him early on because he was the Hokage’s son.
However, a combination of him unintentionally rejecting them in his own oblivious way time and time again, along with Hanabi staking her claim, had kept such hangers-on at a minimum. Ultimately… Hanabi was the one who he had completely missed. And now here she was, kissing him like a woman in a desert parched for water and sucking it out of wherever she could find it.
She was just… so very bad at kissing. Luckily for her, Naruto had a fair bit more experience than her. Once he gets over his initial shock and spends that moment making sure he wasn’t forgetting anyone else who might have had a crush on him, Naruto leans forward. He starts to kiss Hanabi back, while his hands go to her waist, pulling her up against him more snugly.
The Hyuga kunoichi squeaks in surprise at that, her pupil-less eyes snapping open from where they’d become rather lidded and half-closed throughout the beginnings of their makeout session. She looks at him in surprise… but not displeasure, as Naruto reaches around and casually squeezes a handful of her ass.
His own blue eyes twinkling with mischief, he begins to… guide Hanabi in the act of kissing. He’s gentle about it, wanting her to still control the pace, but he carefully begins leading her in a dance of sorts, showing her how best to tangle their tongues together. She doesn’t have to stick her tongue halfway down his throat to makeout with him… no, there’s so much more to it than that.
Naruto does his best to keep his instruction subtle, not wanting Hanabi to realize that he’s giving her yet another lesson when they’re supposed to be equals in almost every way. Sure, Hanabi knew now that he’d completely surpassed her as a ninja… but she didn’t need to think he was some man-whore who had a bunch of sexual experience either.
And so his… efforts to improve their makeout session are subtle, even as he prods Hanabi into the right path, until finally she’s not making quite so many mistakes, nor kissing him quite so messily or with such… desperation. Indeed, by the time she brings the makeout session to a close, things are quite pleasant between the two of them. Her nipples are rock hard and pressing into his chest through their respective clothing, and his erection is in turn pressing against her inner thigh.
It's the latter that causes her to finally stop and pull back, looking down at his crotch with an unreadable expression for a moment. She looks back to him and seems like she wants to say something… but whatever it is, she holds it in instead. Blushing profusely now, the Hyuga kunoichi reaches out with tentative fingers and touches his bulge… rubbing at it experimentally.
Naruto doesn’t stop her. He’s already resolved himself to let her explore him in any way she desires. For being so blind to what she actually wanted from him all this time, he felt like it was the least he could do.
“… I’ve done this, haven’t I?”
Grunting, Naruto nods and answers simply.
His voice is gravelly and a little deep, his tone filled with need. Hanabi notices this and a pleased look spreads across her face. She even bites her lower lip, giving her an expression that seems wholly uncharacteristic for her.
Naruto can’t help but lift an eyebrow in amusement at the vicious satisfaction in her voice. It would seem that his obliviousness has been a source of constant frustration for one Hanabi Hyuga. Just how long as she been carrying a torch for him? She’s lucky that he’s not the same boy she knew yesterday truth be told, because hearing her say ‘good’ would have pissed him off before the merge.
Of course, Hanabi immediately blanches, no doubt expecting such an outburst. She can only stare at him in surprise when he responds by chuckling instead. Then, the blush is back in full force and she looks slightly sheepish, her hand still rubbing against his crotch.
“I suppose… I suppose I should t-take care of it… since it’s my fault. Shouldn’t I?”
Smiling cheerily at her when she sneaks a glance to see his reaction, Naruto just shrugs.
“Only if you want to, Hanabi.”
That gets a mighty scowl from the young kunoichi, though it’s as much a pout as it is a scowl. She growls cutely at him, glaring all the while.
“I want YOU to want me to, idiot!”
He almost laughs, but manages to hold it in, in the end. Instead, he looks at her with a softer smile.
“I very much want you to, Hanabi. Please help me deal with my… current state.”
Again, she’s taken aback by his attitude. But she doesn’t let that stop her. At hearing him not just give permission but also ask nicely, Hanabi gains a look of determination and resolve. Nodding sharply, she drops to her knees right then and there. Naruto watches wordlessly, remembering his decision to let her do whatever she wants with him. If that’s this… then so be it.
Carefully, Hanabi extracts his cock from its confines. She gasps as it swings up, nearly smacking her across the face with its impressive size. Naruto is fully erect after the makeout and molestation session they’d just engaged in. Having Hanabi kiss him so desperately while rubbing her rock hard nipples into his chest had certainly done the trick.
Even if it hadn’t, having her staring with wide pupil-less eyes at his cock now would do it too. If she were a normal girl, her eyes might be going crossed at the moment. As it is, she looks like she’s looking past his dick at him, even as it’s obvious she’s focused entirely on his throbbing erection.
“So… big. So… heavy…”
Naruto has to bite back on the urge to tease her some more. Does she even hear herself? But no… no, he lets her be and lets her continue her exploration. At first, she just stares at it. Her hands are wrapped around his shaft though, and she thinks to move them up and down first, getting a nice long feel for his cock and what she has in her grasp.
She even finds his balls without any input from him, one hand drifting downwards to begin fondling his nut sack. Naruto has to hold back a flinch as she does so… a man’s balls are his most vulnerable body part, and Hanabi’s earlier enthusiasm makes him worried that she might get a little… rough with his nuts without actually intending to hurt him.
Before they can get any further, Naruto decides to speak up, catching her attention and offering her an encouraging smile.
“Take your time, Hanabi. It’s not going anywhere. You don’t need to rush.”
She flushes but nods to show she’s heard him, before returning to her exploration. In truth, Naruto doesn’t mind a little rough oral… but it’s very clearly Hanabi’s first time all around. And the thing is, while he could control the pace of their makeout with some degree of subtlety, keeping her from realizing he was teaching her things… doing the same with oral sex was all but impossible.
He could either take direct control from her, or remain hands off and let her make the decisions. And he’d already decided it would be the latter. So, in the end, to keep his dick from getting nipped or his balls from getting yanked, he offered that advice. Hopefully she would follow it.
With his nut sack at least, Hanabi does so. She takes her time fondling it, gently caressing his balls in a way that lets him know she understands how fragile they are. At the same time, she’s staring down the barrel of his cock, stroking it with her other hand and now pointing it directly at her own face in deep concentration. Any moment now… yep, there it is.
Opening her lips, Hanabi traces out her tongue and flicks it across Naruto’s glans hesitantly. He groans in appreciation, even as she tilts her head to the side, clearly considering the taste. There’s no rapturous look on her face afterwards, it’s not the most delicious thing she’s ever tasted or anything like that… but she clearly decides she doesn’t mind it, because she quickly goes back for seconds and thirds, until it’s not long before she’s licking his cock properly.
Her tongue swirls this way and that, rolling over the top portion of his cock back and forth as she continues to heed his words and takes her time. Honestly, after a certain point Naruto begins to regret his advice just a tiny bit. It’s not like Hanabi is doing anything wrong on the face of it… but kami, does she not realize how she’s torturing him?
Her slow and steady method is as careful as can be and involves no teeth and no unwanted rough tugging, but it’s also teasing to a devastating degree. Every fiber of his being wants to reach out and take ahold of her hair, laying his hand atop her head and forcing her to go faster… but he refrains. Holding himself back as Hanabi explores her first cock is a herculean effort to be sure, but Naruto didn’t travel across time itself just to falter here!
Thankfully, his terrible ordeal doesn’t last forever. Eventually, Hanabi seems to decide that she’s had enough of licking his cock… and finally, at long last, takes him into her mouth. The Hyuga Kunoichi opens wide and lolls out her tongue, rolling out the red carpet for him as she slides her lips down his length carefully and slowly.
He notes that she’s quite mindful of her teeth, something he appreciates even as she descends as far down his cock as she can before hitting the back of her throat. This of course means she only gets about a third of the way down his fully erect mast before she chokes a little bit and instinctively pulls back. Hanabi’s brow furrows at this as she stares at how much is left. It’s kind of cute, seeing the look of consternation on her face while his cock is in her mouth.
Stroking the rest of his dick up and down with one hand, fondling his balls with the other, Hanabi begins to suck at what portion of his shaft she can fit in her mouth. But it’s clear pretty early on that she doesn’t consider it to be enough. She gurgles as she slides her lips up and down the top part of his dick, trying to go a little further. But the lack of experience means she’s just not able to… not without his help anyways.
At long last, Naruto reaches out and places a hand atop her head. Hanabi twitches, her pupil-less eyes looking up at him as he smiles down at her.
“Just relax your throat, Hanabi. You can take it if you try.”
That’s all the encouragement he gives her. And that’s all the encouragement she needs. Now that she’s been told it’s possible, the Hyuga Kunoichi doesn’t back down. Face scrunching up in concentration, she proceeds to do her level best to relax her throat, even as she descends further down his cock. There are a few false starts and some gagging here and there… but Hanabi is a quick learner. She always has been. In the end, it’s not long before she’s managing to take him into her throat, pushing over halfway down his dick now.
However, before she can get much further, Naruto groans. All of the foreplay beforehand… it was just too much for him. His balls churn and he’s ready to blow his load, something he calls out to her in warning.
“Hanabi… I’m going to cum any moment!”
He removes his hand from her head then, letting her decide how she wants to take it. But in this… Hanabi proves indecisive. She continues to suck his cock for a moment longer, before pulling back at the last second with clear intentions of getting out of the line of fire. Unfortunately, this results in him cumming all over her face as she’s unable to truly pull away in time.
Flinching back, Hanabi gasps as she ends up getting an unintentional facial. Naruto winces, half-expecting her to berate him angrily for the mistake. But instead, after a moment of freezing up… Hanabi slowly lets her tongue trace out and lick at his cum, testing it’s taste for a moment before humming in satisfaction. Well, that was good, he supposed. Though she was still a mess, and they couldn’t have her going to meet with Auntie Mikoto looking like this, now could they?
“Hanabi, I-“
But before he can finish his sentence, Hanabi overrides him.


The Patreon Vote:

[  ] Hanabi decides they've done enough for now (and wants their first time to be somewhere cleaner) - 30%
[X] Hanabi throws caution to the wind and has Naruto fuck her right then and there in the alley - 70%

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