Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 15: The Bath

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Also if you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started and I'm really excited for it~

Naruto doesn't quite know what's going on anymore. Which is irritating because Kurama somehow DOES.


“… Fine, I will!”

Naruto doesn’t quite know what’s happening anymore. Before he can really muster up any sort of reaction, he finds himself hustled into one of the Uchiha Clan’s private baths by not just Hanabi but also Satsuki. They’re all naked and in the water in short order, and while it’s not so unusual for him to be seeing Hanabi’s bared breasts now that they’re a couple… it’s definitely very unusual for him to also be seeing Satsuki Uchiha’s bared breasts as well.
Despite being a few years older then the two of them, the Chunin isn’t actually any more endowed than Hanabi. She’s not flat by any means, but she’s not rocking some huge rack either. Meanwhile, Hanabi has a good pair of handfuls, plus a couple more years of growing to go as well. By the time they’re Satsuki’s age, she might very well have overtaken the Uchiha Kunoichi in the breast department.
Naruto knows the exact moment that Satsuki realizes this fact because at first as he finds himself staring at her and Hanabi’s tits, she actually has a smug smirk on her face. Hell, the Chunin even goes so far as to thrust out her chest to give him a better view. However, right as she opens her mouth, likely to make some teasing comment in his direction, the older kunoichi realizes that he’s also looking at Hanabi’s chest… and finally recognizes that he’s comparing the two of them.
In a single instant, Satsuki’s smug smirk vanishes and is replaced by a scowl as she suddenly places an arm over her own chest, glaring first at Hanabi’s offending tits and then at Naruto himself.
“What do you think you’re looking at, pipsqueak?”
Before Naruto can answer, Hanabi leans in with a wicked grin and speaks for him.
“If you didn’t want anyone to look, Satsuki, then you shouldn’t have joined us in the first place~”
The Uchiha goes red at that and she sputters for a moment before regaining some semblance of composure.
“… Someone had to chaperone you two. Otherwise who knows what Naruto would get up to if I left you two alone…”
Him?! He was starting to think that it was Hanabi who was the insatiable beast here! Sure, he had endless stamina, but he wasn’t going around trying to make things happen with every woman he ran into! He wasn’t a cheater, that was for sure. Though admittedly he should probably tell Hanabi about his and Kurama’s relationship sooner rather than later so they could start their own relationship from a place of total honesty.
But at the same time, Hanabi herself seemed intent on… what, parading him around to other women? He really didn’t understand why she’d invited Satsuki to join them! Was it just to show him off?!
Heh. You seriously don’t get it, Naruto? You’re so oblivious sometimes.
What? Did Kurama somehow know something he didn’t? He wracks his mind, but nothing from either side of his melded memories is helping him here truth be told. He gets that Hanabi has been carrying this torch for him for a long time. And he even gets that Satsuki had some sort of plan to become his Jonin Sensei and make his life a living hell. But beyond that, he’s not sure how any of that explains what’s happening now. Shouldn’t Hanabi be staking her claim, not… inviting other women to watch?
Why not both?
Before Naruto can even fully process that idea, Hanabi responds to Satsuki and causes him to freeze up all over again.
“It’s not Naruto that you have to worry about, Uchiha. Since he and I are lovers now… I find myself unable to resist playing with him~”
And just like that, brazen as can be and right in front of Satsuki’s eyes, Hanabi reaches down under the water and grabs hold of Naruto’s cock. Now it should be said that there’s plenty of steam and the water isn’t crystal clear. In order to see anything under the surface of the private hot spring, one has to focus their eyes. Or… have a dojutsu that makes such things trivial, Naruto supposes.
Satsuki never turned off her Sharingan, he suddenly realizes as Hanabi begins giving him a handjob. And though her gaze only flickers down to his crotch for a moment, she doesn’t have to keep staring when his dick is now ingrained in her mind… forever.
Naruto expects Satsuki to be angrier about that, but while she does get redder, she doesn’t look angry… she just looks upset. Uncertain, even. Finally, the Uchiha Kunoichi replies in an uncharacteristically quiet tone.
“… Why are you doing this, Hyuga?”
Hanabi straightens up, her smile dropping as she grows more serious. Her hand remains on Naruto’s cock however, and he’s growing harder and more aroused by the second. Though to be fair, he was already plenty aroused to begin with. How could he not be when Satsuki and Hanabi were naked and sharing a bath with him?
“I could say that I’ve done nothing but extend an invitation that you accepted, Uchiha. But the truth is rather simple, so I won’t hold back. As you can see, Naruto is a lot to handle… in more ways than one. So, if you perhaps wanted to share him… well, there’s a place open on his left, isn’t there?”
Naruto’s eyes damn near bulge out of his skull at Hanabi’s invitation, as do Satsuki’s. Kurama, meanwhile, is positively howling in delight in the back of his head.
The young Hyuga is a go-getter! Aha, even I didn’t think she would be so FORWARD about it!
So then Kurama had known this was Hanabi’s angle?! Naruto didn’t know how to feel about that. He’d completely missed it, despite them both operating off of the same information. Still, now that Hanabi had put her cards on the table, there was no way that this ploy was going to work. Any moment now, Satsuki would stomp out of the private bath in an outraged huff. And then Naruto and Hanabi would have a talk about her actions.
… It wasn’t that he was against the idea of adding girls to their relationship. After all, there was the aforementioned foxy kitsune inside of him that he and Hanabi still had to talk about. But Hanabi needed to learn who was a good target and who wasn’t. After all, there was simply no way that Satsuki Uchiha was-
Naruto tenses as a second hand joins the first on his cock. He’d gotten so distracted by his own inner thoughts that between one moment and the next, Satsuki had indeed taken up position on his left, just opposite of Hanabi on his right. And now they were both grabbing hold of his cock, Hanabi with a grin so wide it threatens to split her face, and Satsuki with a glower directed straight at the younger kunoichi. But her grip on his cock is nevertheless quite firm, and she strokes up and down right alongside Hanabi as they both sit there on either side of him.
“… What the fuck?”
He can’t help it. The words just tumble out. Kurama’s snickers in the back of his mind don’t really help much, but even still… when he speaks, both Hanabi and Satsuki freeze up, as if they finally realize that the cock they’re currently playing with DOES in fact have a real human being attached to it. Hanabi’s grin drops and she bites her lower lip as she looks at Naruto apprehensively.
“A-Ah… I’m sorry if I’ve overstepped, Naruto. I should have talked to you first. It’s just… you’re much too much for any one woman to handle. And so… ever since our first time together earlier, I’ve known that our relationship would not be… monogamous.”
Here, Hanabi ducks her head sheepishly.
“I still should have asked before rushing forward so fast, but it seemed obvious to me that Satsuki was… well, willing. Not just willing, but eager.”
Satsuki’s sputtering at that draws Naruto’s eye over to the older kunoichi. She immediately freezes up under his gaze, before scowling and glaring daggers at him.
“What? I’m not going to apologize, Naruto. If you didn’t want it, you would have put a stop to this already. Or are we just going to ignore that you somehow got strong enough to trounce me in a spar, huh?”
Immediately after saying that, her grip on his dick grows a bit harder. Not crushing or painful or anything like that, but definitely noticeable.
“Don’t think that m-makes you better than me or anything, idiot. O-Obviously I didn’t go all out for a simple spar…”
Hm, listening to Satsuki rewrite history while giving him a shared handjob alongside Hanabi was… an interesting experience. He certainly didn’t remember it being a ‘simple spar’. More like a duel for his mother and his own honor. But… well, he supposed he wasn’t going to correct her on it. Especially when she was right about the other part. If he wanted this to stop… he would have already stopped it.
Looking back to Hanabi and not dignifying Satsuki’s words with a response, Naruto gives the younger kunoichi a soft smile.
“While I would have appreciated a little bit of a heads up… Satsuki is right. If I wanted to stop this, I would have. I’m just… surprised.”
Hanabi beams at that and then leans in to steal a kiss. Of course, never one to let a thief get off scot-free, Naruto grabs his Hyuga girlfriend by the back of her head and deepens the kiss, applying plenty of tongue and swapping spit with Hanabi as she moans and all but melts into his side.
“H-Hey! Don’t you both go ignoring me, you lovebirds!”
Before they can break apart from their makeout session, there’s the sudden feeling of Satsuki leaving his side… and then a moment later, the sensation of lips around his cock. Blinking rapidly, Naruto pulls away from Hanabi and they both look down into the hot spring water to see Satsuki Uchiha between his legs, sucking his dick underwater.
She looks right back up at them both with her Sharingan spinning, seemingly unconcerned about such paltry things like air or the need to breathe. Naruto, meanwhile, groans at Satsuki’s technique, even as Hanabi leans further into his side and directs one of his hands up between her legs, having him finger her under the water as well.
Tilting his head back, eyes drifting shut as he luxuriates in the feel of the two women he finds himself ‘bathing’ with, Naruto barely notices Kurama suddenly make a curious noise in the back of his mind… and then depart once more. He’s aware enough to know that she manifests somewhere nearby, but since it’s not in the private bath itself and she’s specifically blocking off her senses from him again, Naruto doesn’t pay it much mind. He just… enjoys what’s happening at the moment to its fullest extent.
Technically, the Uchiha Private Baths are protected against any peeping. Especially any dojutsu-powered peeping. However… when you are the Clan Head of the Uchiha Clan, certain protections aren’t enough to stop you. Especially not when you put them up in the first place and thus know all of their weaknesses and back doors.
And so, shameful as it makes her feel, Mikoto Uchiha watches as her daughter goes down on Kushina’s son while he fingers Mikoto’s new apprentice. She watches the three younger ninja getting it on in the bath… and she fingers herself to the sight, softly moaning as she drives two digits in and out of her drooling cunt at an almost punishing pace.
Fuck, she deserves to be punished for doing this. For being so… perverse. She knows that this is wrong. She knows that SHE is wrong… Naruto is like a nephew to her, for all that they’re not blood related. He’s grown up calling her ‘Auntie Mikoto’ after all. And yet… and yet…
Today he reminded her so much of Minato Namikaze that it hurt. It hurt because Mikoto had a secret she’d thought she would be able to take to her grave. A secret that would have ruined any number of relationships almost two decades ago if it had gotten out. For a long time… a long, long time… Mikoto Uchiha had carried a torch for Minato. She had a crush on him so huge it had been bordering on obsession.
Of course, she’d never acted on that crush. In the end, her parents had arranged for her to marry Fugaku, the Uchiha Heir of the time, and she’d become his wife. Meanwhile, Kushina and Minato had eventually stopped their rivalry long enough to realize they loved each other. After all was said and done, Mikoto had figured that was all behind her. After all, both Minato and Fugaku were dead and she and Kushina were closer than ever before. It was… in the past.
But now here she was, fingering herself and watching Naruto get blown by her youngest. Today he’d… he’d exemplified all of the things she’d always secretly adored about his father. And after that in-depth examination, Mikoto had recognized what a strong, brilliant young man Naruto had grown into. Just… just like his father.
“Naughty, naughty.”
Reacting in an instant to the intrusion, Mikoto throws a kunai at the interloper who’s somehow made it into her office. They catch it of course, but she’s already turning, always having intended for the kunai to be a distraction. However, her next moves all fizzle out as she stops in horror at what she sees in front of her… or rather, who she sees in front of her.
“Peace, Uchiha. I’m not here to fight you.”
The kitsune standing before her has nine tails arrayed out behind her, poised for combat in stark contrast to her words. And yet… the dark-skinned red head makes no move to attack.
“That’s right. My name is Kurama… but you know me better as the Kyuubi. The Nine-Tails.”
Impossible. Mikoto’s teeth clench down so hard they grind. But Kurama waves her off, unconcerned.
“Do not fret. It is as my host said. He modified his seal and gave me the freedom of movement I have now. He knows when I am manifested… though you’ll be pleased to know he doesn’t know we’re having this conversation. I imagine him finding out about your… perversion would be quite humiliating for you.”
Mikoto stiffens at that, her heart pounding in her chest. But Kurama just laughs at her.
“I’m not here to blackmail you, Uchiha. I’m here to ask for your help.”
Wait, what? Blinking rapidly, Mikoto furrows her brow in confusion.
“My… help?”
Smiling a very vulpine smile, Kurama nods.
“Indeed. You’re my only hope, Uchiha. And you’ll like what I have to say. After all, it gets you exactly what you want as well~”

Something in Kurama’s tone tells Mikoto she should reject this immediately. But at the same time… her eyes flicker back to the scene in the private bath and she lets out a shuddering breath. Exactly what she wanted, huh? Well… it couldn’t hurt to hear Kurama out, now could it?


The Patreon Vote:
[X] Stay on Mikoto & Kurama for next chapter (watch the hot spring threesome from afar) - 62%
[  ] Switch back to Naruto, Hanabi & Satsuki next chapter (don't get to know exactly what Kurama is planning) - 16%
[  ] Mix both together in a back and forth scene collage (jack of all trades option, master of none) - 22%


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