Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 16: Confrontation

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Also if you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would really mean a lot!

Kurama really out here playing at being the Devil.


Doing her best to focus on the incredibly dangerous Tailed Beast somehow standing right in front of her and NOT on the threesome currently taking place between her youngest daughter, her new apprentice, and her crush’s only son, Uchiha Mikoto shifts back and forth from foot to foot as she narrows her rapidly spinning Sharingan eyes at Kurama.

“… And what exactly do you think I want, Fox?”

The Nine-Tailed Fox, currently in the form of a beautiful dark-skinned kitsune, giggles as she slowly lowers her fox tails, causing Mikoto to slowly ease off on her preparation to attack as well. If all of what Kurama is saying is true, then there’s no point in fighting here. Though that IS a big ‘if’, admittedly.

“Oh… there’s no need to stop watching them on my account, Uchiha. I already told you Naruto doesn’t know about this interaction. Nor do I intend to lord your perverse nature over you. No… in fact, that’s precisely what I hope to harness through a relationship of mutual benefit between the two of us.”

… What? Mikoto can’t help but blink as she tries to parse Kurama’s words. The Uchiha Matriarch is no young whelp, to be completely confused by riddles and vague wordplay, but at the same time… there’s no way Kurama can be saying what it sounds like she’s saying. Absolutely no possible way. And yet…

The Nine-Tailed Kitsune slowly approaches Mikoto as she stands there frozen in indecision. Not sensing a single ounce of malice or hostile intent, the Uchiha Matriarch doesn’t try and stop her as she reaches for Mikoto’s shoulders and then spins her around, facing her back towards the private bath where the trio of younger ninja are currently… playing.

Satsuki is still under the water, her younger daughter showing impressive lung control as she continues to bob up and down on Naruto’s sizable, throbbing cock without needing to come up for air even once. At the same time, she’s also escalated to playing with herself. While one hand remains on Naruto’s shaft and balls, alternating between gripping the base of his cock and playing with his no-doubt churning nut sack, the other is down between Satsuki’s legs, working away at her cunt.

Meanwhile, Hanabi Hyuga is still making out with Naruto quite aggressively. Mikoto’s new apprentice looks like she has her tongue halfway down the young Uzumaki’s throat… but to be fair, Naruto is clearly giving as good as he’s getting, with a hand on one of Hanabi’s tits, groping and squeezing as she moans into his mouth and leans into his tongue, their tongues visibly swapping spit.

None of them know Mikoto is watching, thankfully. But that’s really only part of the issue at hand here. The other part is that she shouldn’t be watching to begin with. And yet… and yet…


A very undignified squeak suddenly leaves the MILF’s lips as Kurama’s hands slide from her shoulders down and under her arms. Suddenly, the nine-tailed kitsune is groping Mikoto’s tits directly, giving the Uchiha Matriarch’s breasts a nice, good squeeze. She squirms in Kurama’s grasp for a moment, face red and enflamed… but her Sharingan Eyes remain fixated on the scene taking place in the bath. A scene she shouldn’t be watching or enjoying… but can’t help transcribing to memory all the same.

“Magnificent, isn’t it?”

Kurama’s voice, when it finally arrives, is coy and silken and lands right in her ear. Mikoto shivers, knowing full well that she’s let herself fall into the Kyuubi’s power here. If Kurama wanted to kill her, she’d die now. Fool that she is, she’s helpless at this stage. But… she still doesn’t detect an ounce of killing intent from the disguised Tailed Beast. So perhaps there is… truth to Kurama’s words.

“What… what’s magnificent?”

Letting out a little giggle, the transformed fox continues to grope and molest Mikoto to her heart’s content.

“I was talking about the girl… your new apprentice. But you seem to be fixated on something else. Specifically, my host’s cock.”

Mikoto blushes even more deeply at that accusation. It was true. When Kurama had first declared something magnificent, Mikoto HAD focused on Naruto’s sizable, meaty mast. Given her dojutsu, his cock wasn’t as ‘hidden’ under the surface of the bath as one might think. And though her daughter’s lips were currently wrapped around his dick, Satsuki was constantly bobbing up and down… and couldn’t seem to get further than halfway down his throbbing member at any given time.

Of course, she can’t just admit that to Kurama, now can she?

“I… I was just concerned for my d-daughter. She’s been under the water for a few minutes now…”

Even to Mikoto’s ears, the words sound weak. An obvious lie. Kurama chuckles and immediately calls her on it, of course.

“Sure you were, Uchiha. Sure you were.”

Desperate to change the subject, Mikoto redirects back to Kurama’s original meaning.

“My… my apprentice. What’s so magnificent about her?”

Truth be told, Hanabi Hyuga WAS exceptional. But that wasn’t the real reason Mikoto had accepted her as her apprentice. No, in the end she’d done it for two main reasons. Number One… Kushina had asked it of her. Not only was Kushina the Hokage and thus deserving of her respect and obedience, but she was also Mikoto’s dearest friend. So when she’d received Kushina’s missive, she’d already known she’d likely say yes.

Number Two though… well, it would be quite the gnat in the Hyuga Clan’s so-called ‘all-seeing eyes’. To have their Heiress, to have their prodigy… apprentice with a Uchiha. With the Uchiha Clan Head, nonetheless. It was too good an opportunity not to do it, quite frank.

Especially since… well, they might not have talked in years, but once upon a time Mikoto had counted Hanabi’s mother as a friend. Alas, that had been a long time ago. A product of their husbands’ rivalries had resulted in Mikoto and the Hyuga Matriarch drifting apart. Not because of an animosity between the two of them, but simply because of how high tensions ran between their two clans.

As crass as it was to say, the Uchiha Massacre had eased those tensions… significantly. With her husband gone, Hiashi’s rivalry was dead. Mikoto certainly had no intentions of trying to continue it. But she still hadn’t bothered to try and reconnect with her old friend in all this time.

Perhaps taking Hanabi as her apprentice would not only piss off Hiashi, but also bring Hanabi’s mother right to her doorstep. Perhaps reconciliation was still possible. But… she was letting herself get distracted. Funny that, given she was currently being fondled by the Nine-Tailed Fox in disguise while watching a threesome take place in her clan’s private bath. And here she was getting lost in her own thoughts.

As if aware that Mikoto had gotten distracted, Kurama had remained silent until now, when her attention was refocused. Only then does the Nine-Tails speak.

“She knows what she wants, that one. And she’ll stop at nothing to get it. When she finally realized that Naruto was slipping through her fingers, she did everything she could to keep him with her. She wasn’t strong enough, of course… but fortunately, even my oblivious host can figure things out sometimes. And then, once she’d properly ensnared him… she quickly realized she couldn’t handle him alone.”

Mikoto blinks at that. Was that… was that what was happening here? Down in the private bath, Satsuki finally surfaces for air, though of course she doesn’t let it seem like it. Instead, Mikoto’s youngest promptly climbs into Naruto’s lap, throwing some sort of comment in Hanabi’s direction… only for the Hyuga Heiress to smile graciously and respond with something that was clearly quite… magnanimous in nature.

Satsuki looks taken aback for a second by whatever Hanabi said… permission, perhaps? Either way, before she can muster up a response to the other girl, Naruto takes matters into his own hands. Quite literally, in fact. Minato’s son grabs Satsuki by her hips and promptly impales her on his cock, thrusting up into her from below as she lets out a lewd cry and shudders from the penetration.

Mikoto knows her daughter is no virgin. But she also knows that Satsuki’s sexual experiences have been quite limited. She is not an overtly seductive creature and it’s obvious immediately from the look of surprise and enjoyment on her face that she’s never had a man as big as Naruto before. Privately, Mikoto wonders if SHE’S ever had a man as big as Naruto before… or if she’ll get to either…

“Your apprentice has recruited your daughter to assist her in containing Naruto’s voracious appetites. He is a Uzumaki after all. But not just a Uzumaki. He’s a Namikaze as well… and lastly, my container to complete the triple threat. There’s simply no keeping up with him. Not alone anyways.”

Suddenly, Mikoto realizes what Kurama is saying. She comprehends what the kitsune is getting at. And she finally puts the pieces together.

“… Is that why you’re here? To get me involved as well? My apprentice handles my d-daughter… and you handle m-me?”

Mikoto blushes at her own insinuations. She moans as Kurama’s fingers play with her nipples in particular, rolling them both for a moment. She quivers in the Nine-Tails grasp and wonders if she’ll have the strength to refuse what is obviously about to be asked. She-


Wait, what? Mikoto blinks, caught off guard by Kurama’s denial, even as the threesome down in the private bath continues unabated. Satsuki looks like she’s having the time of her life… while Hanabi has moved behind her and pressed her tits into the other woman’s back, whispering something into her ear as Naruto fucks her from below. Trapped between the two of them, Satsuki can do nothing but shudder in orgasmic bliss.

“I mean… yes, technically. But not in the way you think. I’m not trying to convince you to go down there and join in on the fun, Uchiha. That would be a bit too much, too fast, don’t you think?”

Mikoto blushes and hesitantly nods. It would be, yes. Too much, too fast. Even if it also sounded oh so appealing to her.

“Then… how would you get me involved, exactly? What are you asking of me?”

Humming, Kurama continues to play with her nipples. Clearly, she’s realized that they’re one of the Uchiha Matriarch’s weaknesses. Mikoto tries to hold back any whining or moaning, even as she squirms and awaits Kurama’s response.

“Like I said before, Uchiha. I need your help. Specifically, I need your help to deal with the boy’s mother.”

That particular bombshell proves to be the impetus Mikoto Uchiha needs to finally tear herself free of the trance she finds herself in. Yanking herself out of Kurama’s grasp, spinning away from the hot-and-heavy bath scene, she focuses her attention fully on the Kyuubi once more, eyes narrowed and hands curling into half-signs, ready to fight right then and there.

“You! You would turn me against my best friend? My Hokage?! I will NEVER betray Kushina!”

But Kurama doesn’t raise her tails in response. She doesn’t make a single aggressive or hostile move, even in the face of Mikoto’s obvious readiness to fight. The kitsune just stands there and rolls her eyes.

“So hasty to think the worst of me. You know it wasn’t even truly me that night, right? The night Konoha came under attack… it was one of you who made it happen. A Uchiha with the Sharingan is what forced me to strike Konoha that night.”

That brings Mikoto up short entirely. She doesn’t want to believe it of course, but… Kurama speaks so plainly. No hints of deceit can be found in ANY of her body language. Either she’s the best liar Mikoto has ever seen, or she’s telling the truth. In which case… no. No, it has to be the former.

“I don’t believe you.”

That clearly irritates the Nine-Tails. Kurama’s eyes narrow at being called a liar… but then she just waves a hand dismissively.

“I don’t expect you to believe me. I don’t care about that. But believe this, Uchiha. Naruto is MINE… and I am his. No host has ever been to me what he is to me. I do not long for freedom… if I did, he would have granted it to me. My mere presence before you now should be proof enough of that. I will remain Naruto’s for as long as he lives and I will cherish every moment I have with him until then. My only priority at this point is his happiness.”

Again, she detects no deceit. This time though, Mikoto is forced to acknowledge that Kurama probably IS telling the truth. At the very least, if Naruto had been able to modify the seal to give Kurama this level of freedom, he most definitely could have let the Nine-Tailed Fox go entirely. So there was clearly SOME truth to Kurama’s words. At the same time…

“In one breath you claim your only priority is Naruto’s happiness, but in the breath before that you ask me to help you kill his mother! Which is it?!”

Scoffing, Kurama rolls her eyes.

“Did I say ‘kill’? Foolish Uchiha. I asked you to help me ‘deal’ with Kushina Uzumaki. And by that, I mean for you to help me SEDUCE her, not kill her!”

Wait, what? For the umpteenth time that day, Mikoto is put on the back foot. Seduce… Kushina?! A blush spreads across Mikoto’s face as she finds herself immediately imagining it. She… she hadn’t had a crush on Kushina back when they were younger like she did with Minato or anything like that… but she couldn’t deny that they’d become MUCH closer since their husbands’ deaths. Not intimate, but about as close as two women could become without sexual intimacy.

“I see the idea has merit with you. I’m glad, it would have been awkward if you had to fake it.”

“What… what are you saying? Speak plainly, Fox! Enough riddles!”

Kurama grins.

“Heh. Fine then. I want you to help me seduce Kushina Uzumaki because she desires Naruto the same as you do but refuses to admit it. She’s ashamed of herself, not realizing that Naruto is her path to happiness, the same as he is for you. And you both will contribute to his happiness far better by accepting your desires rather than burying them and letting them fester within you.”

… She almost regretted forcing Kurama to spell it out for her. Kushina wanted to… Mikoto blushes as her mental imagery goes from her and Kushina together, to her and Kushina servicing Naruto together. The thought shouldn’t make her squirm or moisten, but it does. And yet… surely she can’t, right? This isn’t… except it’s been so long. So long since she’s been truly happy. And Kushina… Kushina deserves to be happy as well.

“Well, Uchiha? What do you say?”


The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Mikoto vehemently rejects Kurama's proposal - 2%
[X] Mikoto wholeheartedly agrees to Kurama's proposal - 69%

[ ] Mikoto won't do anything... without talking to Kushina first - 29%


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