Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 17: Satsuki Uchiha Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Gave a little bit more of the Naruto/Hanabi/Satsuki threesome, hope people enjoy~


For a moment, Mikoto hesitates… then, she looks back behind her, only to find the private bath empty. Naruto, Hanabi, and Satsuki have all moved on while she was distracted with Kurama. A quick check reveals that they simply moved to Satsuki’s room so Mikoto COULD go back to watching them if she wanted to… but no. No, she’s spied on her daughter, her apprentice, and her best friend’s son long enough.

And yet… as guilty and ashamed as she feels, it’s not enough. Turning back to the Kyuubi, staring into her inhuman eyes as the kitsune gives her a wicked, knowing grin, Mikoto squirms. She’s supposed to be the Uchiha Clan Head. She’s supposed to be the big bad strong kunoichi who doesn’t suffer fools and who keeps what little remains of her clan alive.

… But the truth is, that was always Fugaku. She was just his wife. And while she was a skilled ninja in her own right before marrying him and settling down to take care of his household and bear him children, she’d never been trained for leadership. In the wake of his death, in the wake of her eldest daughter’s actions, Mikoto had been left scrambling to pick up the pieces.

She wasn’t cut out for this. She never had been. But for the longest time, she’d forced herself to discard her own happiness in favor of putting on a brave face and maintaining the façade that she was Fugaku’s perfect replacement. And now… now here was an opportunity to set that aside for a moment and seek out her own happiness again. To her eternal shame, Mikoto found herself considering it.

No… more than considering it. She’d already decided, hadn’t she? Letting out a shuddering breath, the Uchiha Matriarch slowly nods.

“Fine. I’ll help you with Kushina.”

It was possible Kurama was lying about… about any number of things, really. But Mikoto wanted to believe. She wanted to believe that Kushina was just as lonely as she was, deep down inside. And she wanted for them both to find happiness and fulfillment… together. If that meant making a deal with a demon fox… then so be it.

Of course, the way Kurama’s lips curl back into a wider and wider grin does little to make Mikoto feel GOOD about her choice. Still… there’s no turning back now.



… There was no turning back now, was there? Fooling around in the bath had been one thing… or no, maybe Naruto was just fooling himself. The bath had been the gateway to all of this and there was no denying it. Because here he was, fucking Satsuki Uchiha from behind while Hanabi Hyuga took hold of the older kunoichi’s hair and pulled her down into her pussy. From the way Hanabi was moaning, Satsuki wasn’t half-assing it either.

They’d had their fun in the bath. Satsuki had sucked his cock underwater for as long as she could, and then risen up, breaching the surface and demanding to go further. If she’d expected Hanabi to draw the line at actual sex, Satsuki had been just as surprised as Naruto was when the Hyuga Heiress had given her permission without an ounce of hesitation. From there… from there Satsuki had impaled herself on his cock and gone to town.

Well, Naruto had given as good as he’d gotten, to be fair. His hands had gone to Satsuki’s hips and he’d thrust up into her from below, matching her bouncing the entire time. Of course, the bath sex had nothing on what was going on right now. Flesh slapping against flesh, cock squelching in and out of Satsuki’s cunt… yeah, they were really going at it at this point.

Initially when they’d gotten back to the room, Naruto had made Satsuki wait her turn. She’d already had her fun with him in the bath after all, and Hanabi had yet to get a go. So he’d fucked Hanabi first, taking her on her back as Satsuki had watched from the side and fingered herself silly. Only after Naruto had creampied Hanabi had he been willing to consider going at it with Satsuki again.

However, for Hanabi it was more than just a consideration. As soon as he’d finished inside of her and pulled back, the Hyuga Heiress had shuffled back along the bed and told Satsuki that if she wanted another turn, she’d have to work for it. In no uncertain terms, his lover had laid down the law for how Satsuki could continue to join in on their fun.

Naruto had to admit, he would have expected Satsuki to raise some sort of hell over being ordered around by a younger kunoichi like Hanabi. Sure, they were all Academy Graduates now, but Satsuki was nearly ready to be promoted to Jonin, while Hanabi and Naruto were just starting out on their ninja careers.

And yet… Satsuki had submitted. She’d placed herself in the position she was now with barely any fuss, allowing Hanabi to drag her down to the younger woman’s crotch and lifting her hips up invitingly for Naruto’s cock. The Uchiha was practically spit-roasted between Naruto’s dick and Hanabi’s cunt… and yet, she had effectively CHOSEN this.

Holding onto Satsuki’s hips with enough force to likely bruise the pale kunoichi, Naruto grunts as he drives every last inch of his cock into her hungering twat again and again. Unlike at the bath, he’s not holding anything back anymore. In this position, he can properly fuck Satsuki Uchiha silly… so that’s exactly what he’s doing.

In response, the occupied Uchiha is gurgling into Hanabi’s cunt, her muffled moans and squeals swallowed up by the other woman’s pussy. Hanabi, for her part, has a lidded and satisfied smirk on her face as she has Satsuki eat out her creampied sex. It’s clear just from looking at her how much she’s enjoying herself.

To be fair, Naruto is enjoying himself as well. Even if he never thought in a million years that today would end in a threesome, he’s very much enjoying himself. Well, he could have envisioned one way today could have ended up in a threesome. It would have been with Kurama though, not with Satsuki Uchiha. He still needed to introduce Hanabi to Kurama at some point, but now didn’t seem to be the best time.

The Nine-Tailed Fox was currently busy with something else and so long as she wasn’t making trouble, Naruto wasn’t going to pry. Whatever Kurama wanted to get up to in her kitsune form, it was A-Okay with him. After everything they’d been through together, everything they’d survived in their previous universe… he owed her a little privacy.

Besides, she never stayed away for long. He was confident she’d come back to him soon enough, and likely with whatever she’d been working on as well. In the meantime, Naruto wasn’t really feeling the sting of her absence all that much because… well, he’d apparently wound up with a lover who not only didn’t mind sharing, but actively sought it out.

On that note, Naruto leans over Satsuki, burying her face further into Hanabi’s crotch and forcing her back to arch a bit as he pins her under his body. Muffled gurgling can be heard in response to this, but Satsuki doesn’t resist, the older kunoichi not fighting it remotely as his cock sinks even deeper inside of her clenching cunt than ever before.

That’s only a side effect of his actual intentions though. What he’s really after is Hanabi. Leaning over Satsuki, sliding a hand behind Hanabi’s head and through her hair, he pulls the Hyuga up into a deep, tongue-filled kiss. Her white eyes widen at the sudden contact before growing slitted again as she moans into his mouth for a few moments.

When they pull apart for air after a bit however, Naruto doesn’t let go of Hanabi’s hair. He holds her steady, looking her in the eyes as he fucks Satsuki right in front of her.

“… Are you really okay with this, Hanabi?”

She blinks and then lets out a little giggle, looking down at the Uchiha trapped between them.

“I think it’s a little late to be asking that, Naruto. But yes, I’m more than okay with it~”

He grimaces, admitting that she’s right. They can’t turn back time. Still…

“I just don’t want you to feel like you have to share me with other women just because you think it’s what I want.”

Shaking her head as best she can with him holding her gently by the hair, Hanabi just smiles.

“I meant what I said before. You’re much too much for any one woman to handle.”

That… should be a source of pride, but at the same time Naruto still feels guilty over it. Hanabi deserves to be with a man who gives her all of his attention… doesn’t she?

“That’s not a bad thing, Naruto. And I don’t wish I could be with someone else who I CAN handle all on my lonesome. I’ve already made my choice. I want to be with you, Naruto Uzumaki.”

That… Naruto blushes but returns Hanabi’s smile with one of his own. It seems that he would just being ridiculous for no reason then, wasn’t he? Leaning in again, he gives Hanabi another deep kiss, their tongues swapping spit for a few moments before he pulls back fully and settles into place with his back straight once more as he drives himself into Satsuki Uchiha time and time again.

Of course, the older kunoichi does pull herself back from Hanabi’s cunt the moment he does so, having her own piece to say. Her voice is throaty and hoarse after her extended underwater blowjob session from earlier, but her words are still crystal clear.

“You two lovebirds done now? I didn’t sign up for being slow-rolled, Na-ru-to. I want to fucking feel it… or what’s the fucking point, you hear me?”

Naruto smiles fondly at that. Even across dimensions and a few years older with differences in her past… Satsuki Uchiha remained the same prickly bitch at her core. He liked that about her. He also liked how good her sopping cunt felt wrapped tightly around his cock. With that in mind, sharing an amused glance with Hanabi, Naruto begins to pound Satsuki even harder from behind, driving her right back into the Hyuga Kunoichi’s cunt to great effect.

And together, the three of them enjoy the rest of the night in spectacular, debauched fashion.


The next day, Naruto finds himself making his way over to the Hokage’s Tower. And true to his thoughts the day previous, Kurama is back with him, having returned to him sometime during the night. Of course, she was still being quiet about what she’d been up to.

You’ll see eventually, Naruto. All in due time.

Right. All in due time. Naruto rolls his eyes, smiling softly at that. ‘All in due time’ where Kurama was concerned was code for ‘this is going to be good’. So he’d be patient and wait to see just what she had in mind. Whatever it was, he was sure he’d enjoy it. In the meantime, he needed to report to his new Sensei for the first day of his apprenticeship.

Fortunately, no one in the Hokage’s Tower tried to stop him from ascending to the Hokage’s Office. In this world, he’d never had any trouble getting in to see his mother so long as she wasn’t too busy with work or in some sort of important meeting. Quite unlike the previous world, where he still remembered some of the antics he had to perform in order to sneak in to see the Third.

The ANBU themselves never stopped him unless it was absolutely necessary, but the staff at the tower had no love for Naruto in that other timeline. Things were different here with his mother’s survival. This was a… very different Konoha in general.

Hm, you’re not wrong. Quite a lot of changes, aren’t there? But not bad changes, right?

That was true, though Naruto didn’t know why Kurama’s internal voice felt so… hesitant? Or maybe the right word was expectant. It was like she was trying to set him up for something.

Bah! Don’t read so much into things, brat! Just go and see your damn mother already!

Heh, fair enough. Though Naruto had to admit, he wasn’t entirely sure what Kushina was going to be able to teach him. He still wanted to learn from her, to be able to spend time with her if nothing else… but at the same time, he wasn’t actually that much younger than her, if you took into account his other lifetime of memories. The version of him that he’d ended up with after the merge might have been a bit more youthful in mind as well as body, but he was still the sum total of his parts.

Of course, there were also things he needed to stop. Things that should still be happening in this timeline, even with the changes. First and foremost… he needed to figure out if the Akatsuki were around and in what form. The Uchiha Massacre had still happened after all, even if it wasn’t quite as bad as in his timeline. He needed to-

You’re stalling. Really, Naruto? Nervous? How unlike you.

Naruto blinks at that, before realizing Kurama is right. He’s been stood outside of the Hokage’s Office for a few minutes now in fact, and there’s nothing stopping him from entering. The security seals aren’t up and no ANBU has appeared to block him off. The only thing stopping him from entering… is him. He’s nervous. He’s actually nervous about interacting with Kushina.

But… it’s fine. So long as he treats her as Sensei and himself as her Apprentice, it’s fine right? He just needs to be chill. He needs to be cool…

Sage help me…

Jerking forward at Kurama’s exasperation, Naruto forces himself to push into the Hokage’s Office. He finds Kushina sat behind her desk, the Hokage’s hat on a chair nearby as she works on some paperwork. Looking up, she smiles when she sees him, her eyes immediately lighting up happily.

“Oh! Naruto, you’re here! Great, I was just wondering when you were going to show up. Come on over, quickly now!”

Direct order from his Sensei! Gotta carry it out! Naruto hurries over to the desk, stopping right in front of it and forcibly disassociating from his nervousness by being the consummate professional ninja.

“Reporting for duty, Sensei!”

However, just as he’s thinking that, he sees the glint in Kushina’s eyes… and the predatory grin on her face. A shiver runs down Naruto’s spine as he feels Kurama suddenly filled with anticipation in his soul. And then…

“Excellent! Because I’m positively swamped with paperwork, and if we both tackle it together, we’ll have it done in no time!”

And then, seemingly out of nowhere, the Fifth Hokage pulls out a stack of paperwork almost as tall as her desk and slaps it down on said desk, making it almost as tall as him.

In the back of his mind, Kurama bursts out laughing. Naruto, meanwhile, just stares in mounting horror.


The Patreon Vote:
[X] Suck it up, help Kushina with her paperwork - 91%

[ ] Fuck that, find an excuse, any excuse, to BAIL! - 9%

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