Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 20: Benevolent Treachery

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Mikoto and Kushina share a moment.


This was definitely Kurama’s fault. That’s the thought that runs through Kushina’s mind as Mikoto Uchiha kisses her full on the lips. It’s the thought that runs through her mind as the red head doesn’t try to disengage or pull away, but instead kisses Mikoto on the lips right back. And it’s the thought that runs through Kushina’s mind as SHE introduces tongue to the impromptu makeout session, and her hands fall to her best friend’s curvy hips before slipping around to suddenly seize upon and squeeze Mikoto’s delectable derriere.

The Uchiha Clan Head lets out a cute muffled ‘eep!’ as Kushina molests her and kisses her. But she doesn’t try to fight it. In fact, she wraps her arms around Kushina’s neck, continuing to enjoy the way their tongues are dancing with one another. This was definitely, DEFINITELY Kurama’s fault. After all… the damn fox had left Kushina in this aroused, turned on state in the first place!

It was a little known fact, but Kushina was decidedly bisexual. Oh, she’d never once strayed from her husband, don’t get her wrong. Even in death, Kushina had stayed faithful to Minato Namikaze… until this moment. But she didn’t think he’d blame her for making out with Mikoto, truth be told. After all, Minato had known all about Kushina’s… perverted tendencies.

Disaster Bi, that was what Minato had called it. Called her, really. His very own disaster bisexual. It was a good descriptor, really. As good a descriptor as Red-Hot Habanero, though obviously both descriptions made Kushina pout and growl in equal measure. Still, she wouldn’t get so upset over those titles if there weren’t some definite truth to them.

Kushina had always been a lover of the female form. Even when she’d been Minato’s lover, she just found other girls to be so pretty and hot. It’d taken forever for her to realize that not every woman liked to look at other women like that. Some were straight as an arrow and only preferred to ogle men. But not Kushina. She’d always had a thing for appreciating the… aesthetic of her fellow kunoichi. And she’d gushed to Minato about them all the time, with her husband listening on with a fond smile on his face.

Bringing that back around to… all of this, it was Kurama’s fault because the damn Kyuubi had been provoking Kushina all damn morning with that sexy body and those sultry, seductive poses of hers! It wasn’t fair! Whether Kurama intended it or not, Kushina had been staring at Kurama’s hefty bosom and wickedly fine curves just as much as she’d been looking at Naruto’s chiseled abs and- no! Bad Kushina! Focus on Mikoto’s sexy body! This was better than giving in to Kurama and her lust for Naruto! Way better!

Of course, all good things have to come to an end. And while Kushina and Mikoto are both very accomplished, very powerful kunoichi in their own respective rights… they still share one pathetically common weakness between the two of them. The need to breathe.

Pulling back from Mikoto’s lips, a tendril of saliva connecting their outstretched tongues for a moment, Kushina pants as she sucks in lungfuls of air. Mikoto does the same, flushed bright red as she catches her breath for a moment. Unfortunately, as much as Kushina WANTS to go further than this right away… she’s been the Fifth Hokage for a long time now. And with that has come… ugh, a certain sense of responsibility.

Which forces her to put a pause on the desire to ravish Mikoto and ask her what the hell is going on before they go any further. Damn her sense of duty instilled over the past decade and a half. Damn it to hell!

“Mikoto… not that I’m complaining… but what the actual fuck was that?”

For a brief moment, the Uchiha Matriarch hesitates. Then, she sighs and pulls herself out of Kushina’s arms. The red head is reluctant to let her go, but does so all the same, able to see the tension suddenly present in Mikoto’s figure. But after a beat, she seems to come to a decision and looks Kushina right in the eye.

“The Nine Tails.”

Wait, what?! This was ACTUALLY Kurama’s doing?! Kushina sputters for a moment before marshalling herself and getting serious. Her eyes narrow and she grits her teeth as she stares Mikoto down.

“Explain, Lady Uchiha. Now.”

Sensing Kushina’s aroused ire, Mikoto gives a low bow.

“Of course, Lady Hokage. It’s rather simple. The Nine Tailed Fox approached me with an offer. She wished for me to help her seduce you. And I said yes.”

Kushina’s eyes widen at Mikoto’s bluntness, before just as quickly narrowing again.

“… Did she say why she wished for you to help her seduce me?”

Perhaps Mikoto didn’t know. Because obviously, Kurama was trying to use Mikoto to get closer to her so that she could force Kushina to give into her perverted lust regarding Naruto. But if Mikoto didn’t know, then-!

“Yes. She wished for us to seduce you so that we could then convince you to join us in seducing Naruto.”

What? No, that wasn’t the right question, was it?

“… Why?”

Here, Mikoto seems to expect Kushina to fully turn on her. She lets out a low sigh and lowers her head, shutting her eyes in anticipation… and acceptance.

“Because she discovered that I also secretly lust after your son, Kushina. As I lusted after your husband, Minato Namikaze, all those years ago. And… as I lusted after you.”

Kushina had been growing angrier and angrier at the words coming out of Mikoto’s mouth. And then she went and said something l-like t-that!

“As for why I agreed to help her? I agreed to help her because I’m lonely, Kushina. And while I bottled up my emotions and feelings and never acted upon them back then or in the present… the Kyuubi painted quite the picture. I think… based on what she told me and what I’ve witnessed myself, that you’re lonely too.”

Kushina flinches back at that direct accusation. Because in the end, it’s true. She is lonely. She wouldn’t call herself depressed or sad or even particularly unhappy. After all, she has Konoha to look after, and she has Naruto… and she even got to take him as her apprentice! But that is that and this is this. And… that damn fox bitch isn’t wrong. As a woman, Kushina IS lonely.

She hadn’t realized Mikoto was so lonely as well. Nor that all this time, her best friend had had feelings for her. Kushina had gushed about Mikoto’s reserved nature and quiet, demure sort of beauty to Minato at least a dozen times back in the day! If Fugaku hadn’t snapped her up to be his wife and Mikoto hadn’t been so steadfast and loyal to the man, then Kushina might have tried to bring the female Uchiha into their bed, actually!

But that had never happened. And then Minato had died. And then Fugaku had died. And they’d… never done anything together. Kushina hadn’t dared to tread upon Mikoto’s grief. But apparently, Mikoto hadn’t dared either. Until now.

Kushina’s face scrunches up, because there’s the fox in the hen house, isn’t there? As nice as it is for Mikoto to confess her feelings for Kushina at long last… it comes with a massive, major caveat attached to it.

“So then… this was all her plan, was it? To have you kiss me and confront me like this? All of this was… Kurama’s design?”

Mikoto blinks… and then laughs and shakes her head.

“What? Of course not. I’ve gone completely off script, actually.”

It’s Kushina’s turn to blink, even as she stares at the Uchiha Clan Head. Mikoto grins a wicked sort of grin and shrugs.

“She wanted me to be a lot more subtle. But I thought about it… and then thought, fuck that. I decided I’d kiss you as soon as I got you alone to find out exactly where your feelings for me lay. And when you responded so strongly… that’s when I decided I’d tell you the entire truth, right here and now. Whatever the fox might want, it doesn’t matter. Not in the face of our bond.”

Kushina… doesn’t know what to say to that. She’s a little taken aback, both by the strength in Mikoto’s gaze and the conviction in her voice.


Of course, there’s still one more issue, even with Mikoto being upfront with Kushina. The Fifth Hokage’s eyes sharpen up and she frowns at her best friend… and potentially new lover.

“But you still intend to pursue Naruto, don’t you? I can’t let you do that Mikoto. He and your new apprentice already have a thing going on. It wouldn’t be right for any of us to stand in the way of their love… tch, even if I think Naruto needs to confess his relationship with the Nine Tails to Hanabi sooner rather than later…”

Indeed. Naruto and Hanabi’s young love was a thing of beauty. Kushina would protect it with all her might. The only issue was… Naruto and Kurama were already fucking. Hanabi needed to know about the sort of relationship her new boyfriend had with his Tailed Beast. It wasn’t right to keep it from her.

Mikoto, rather than taking Kushina’s words at face value, however, just snorts derisively.

“Yes, I intend to still pursue Naruto… and I imagine I’ll likely do so with my apprentice’s blessing, especially if I make my intentions clear to her.”

Kushina stutters to a stop. Wait, what? Mikoto grins wickedly and shrugs.

“After all, they already fucked my youngest daughter together… at Hanabi’s urging, I might add.”

No seriously… what?!

“Satsuki? They… invited her into their bed?”

Mikoto shrugs.

“It was a private bath and THEN bed, but yes. Yes they did.”

“Hanabi… is that kind of girl too?”

The Uchiha Matriarch’s eyes narrow at that, clearly catching the word ‘too’. But she doesn’t call Kushina out on it, and Kushina is so lost in her thoughts all the sudden that she doesn’t notice Mikoto noticing.

“… Yes. She seems to have decided that Naruto is too much man for any one woman to handle. And from what I’ve witnessed so far… he is. That’s why I will pursue him, Kushina. And why I wish to urge you to pursue him as well.”

Kushina sputters at that, but Mikoto closes the distance between them in an instant.

“I can’t, he’s-mmph!”

Silencing Kushina with another kiss, Mikoto is the one who gropes Kushina’s ass this time, even as their chests rub together. The Fifth Hokage whimpers at her demure friend’s sudden forwardness and aggression, wiggling but not truly struggling in Mikoto’s grasp.

Finally, they pull apart again, Mikoto’s eyes dark and full of lust.

“He’s a bright young man with more stamina than he knows what to do with, Kushina. Hanabi is a smart girl for recognizing that she needs to share Naruto. But she’s still just a girl. Satsuki as well. For all that she’s older than the both of them, she doesn’t really know what she’s doing. Not truly. She’s never had sex with emotions involved. Not until now. They need our help… they need a guiding hand.”

Kushina shivers at that. Something in Mikoto’s words… speaks to her. She doesn’t want to admit it, but it does. The other woman certainly paints a pretty picture with her words. Hell, Kushina could even see a world where maybe she could let Mikoto help Naruto and Hanabi out while she stayed out of it. She could be happy watching from afar. Knowing that her son and her best friend were happy. Right?

Except, one look at Mikoto’s face makes it abundantly clear to Kushina that the Uchiha Matriarch doesn’t consider that an option. She’s not going to let Kushina go. No matter what. So maybe… maybe Kushina and Naruto could share Mikoto rather than the other way around? But even that probably wouldn’t work. Of course, there was one problem with all of this still, wasn’t there?

“If we went with your idea… we’d be playing right into that fox’s hands, wouldn’t we? Sure, you might not have followed her script for this encounter… but we’d still be giving her exactly what she wanted, Mikoto.”

That brings a smirk of all things to the Uchiha’s face. Mikoto shakes her head, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Not if we turn the tables on her, Kushina.”

Huh? Kushina furrows her brow at that, tilting her head to the side.

“What do you mean?”

Hugging Kushina close, their bodies pressed together, Mikoto licks her lips and grins a lecherous grin.

“Imagine it, Kushina. The Nine Tails thinks she’s convinced me to help her seduce you. But you’re already seduced. So what if instead, we were to turn our attention onto her? We could take her down and establish a proper pecking order. Dominate her. Put her in her place. Your chains still work on her after all, right?”

Kushina hesitates before slowly nodding.

“I… yes, they do. I could restrain her. Though… she could also just pop right back into the seal. And she could also let Naruto know what we’re doing at the drop of a hat.”

Mikoto hums, bobbing her head in easy agreement.

“Both valid points. But consider this, Kushina. If the Kyuubi decides to run away from us, if she retreats in the face of us working together… then she’s admitting defeat. And if she’s lost, then we’ve won. As for Naruto… if she tells him what we’re doing, we get to tell him what she’s been doing. Or do you really think he’ll appreciate her trying to seduce his mother and auntie? Mutually Assured Destruction.”

That was… valid. Potentially. Kushina considers Mikoto’s words for a moment. She considers how today has gone so far, and how Naruto has shut down Kurama’s attempts to be overtly slutty. He’d also done so back in his room, before Kushina and Kurama had their first confrontation. He hadn’t even known Kushina was listening to them, but he’d still punished Kurama for messing with her.

She didn’t think Naruto was working with Kurama to try and seduce her, because if he was, she’d already be seduced. So while Kurama COULD tattle on Kushina and Mikoto if they decided to double team her, she would also be tattling on herself, in the end.

It wasn’t a bad plan. Except for the fact that it was a slippery slope, wasn’t it? Today, she’s making out with Mikoto. Tomorrow’s she’s domming a nine tailed kitsune bitch with the Uchiha Matriarch. And then the next day, she’s… in bed with Naruto. She knows she shouldn’t let that happen. But at the same time, if she doesn’t do SOMETHING to curtail Kurama’s efforts, the Kyuubi is going to wind up getting her in bed with Naruto anyways. It’s only a matter of time.

… Unless Kushina and Mikoto take the initiative…

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Team up with Mikoto to take down Kurama, no matter where that leads - 92%
[ ] Refuse the call to adventure... but graciously allow Mikoto to pursue her son - 6%

[ ] Deny Mikoto pursuit of Naruto. The two of them will just have to make do with each other - 2%

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