Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 21: Dicord

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Kushina and Mikoto come to an accord. Meanwhile...


It feels like she’s taking a step down a path she can’t turn back from… but with Mikoto looking at her so eagerly and the lingering taste of the other woman’s mouth on her lips, Kushina can’t bring herself to say no this time. It was one thing to deny the Kyuubi. In fact, denying the Nine-Tailed Fox was never a bad idea in Kushina’s opinion.

But denying Mikoto? She couldn’t bring herself to do it. Instead, the Fifth Hokage finds herself slowly nodding.

“… You’re right. Only together can we possibly take down the Kyuubi. And if she runs back into the seal with her tail tucked in between her legs, then all the better.”

Mikoto’s response is a smile almost blinding in its radiance. And then the Uchiha Matriarch all but lunges forward, pulling Kushina into another deep, tongue-filled kiss. The red head is surprised for a moment before realizing she really shouldn’t be. And with that realization comes an understanding, that just because they’re teaming up to take down Kurama and save Naruto… doesn’t mean they can’t also still enjoy one another’s company.

After all, they’ve spent all these years avoiding their feelings for each other out of some sense of propriety or duty or whatever. They had a lot of lost time to make up for, that was for sure. They’d get to work on their plan for dealing with the Kyuubi later. Until then, Kushina was confident that Naruto would survive just fine.


Naruto wasn’t sure he was going to survive this. But he knew it had to be done all the same. Across from him in the training yard, Hanabi bows at the waist before lifting her head and giving him a cheeky grin.

“Please be gentle, Naruto~”

As she slides into the usual Gentle Fist stance, Naruto chuckles and shakes his head.

“Before that… there’s something we need to discuss. Someone I want you to meet.”

Right as Mikoto and Kushina were leaving, Kurama had vanished back into her seal. Apparently, the kitsune had considered things far too boring to stay out and about without Kushina around to rile up. As a result though, Naruto wasn’t sure Hanabi had even noticed the fox woman what with how she’d been making eyes at him from the moment she and the Uchiha Matriarch had arrived. And that was a problem, because Naruto didn’t want to keep secrets.

Of course, now that he’s said something, Kurama’s disinterest immediately switches back around again to interest, her attention suddenly quite focused on what’s going on with him and Hanabi.


Kurama’s voice is undeniably amused in the back of his head. Naruto just sighs. He COULD have made more of an effort to hide his current anxiety from his passenger, but he doesn’t bother. Meaning that Kurama can see just how… worried he is about how Hanabi is going to react to her.

Ohohoho~ You’re so silly, Naruto. If the Hyuga Brat doesn’t like me, I’ll just put her in her place. Simple as that.

Yeah, funnily enough, that did absolutely nothing to assuage Naruto’s concerns. Meanwhile, Hanabi blinks and then straightens up out of her stance, tilting her head to the side.

“Our Masters expect us to train, Naruto. But who is this mysterious someone you want me to meet? Are you talking about that other woman that was here with you and the Hokage when I first got here?”

Ah yeah, even if Hanabi had been mostly focused on him, of course she would have spotted Kurama, she was a Hyuga after all. No going back now. And no point in trying to backpedal either, Naruto privately feels. Hanabi already had half the story and he’s doing her a disservice with every moment he doesn’t make sure she has the other half.

“I’m sure you remember what Lady Mikoto said the day before. About me being the container for the Kyuubi. And I’m sure you also remember how you all realized something was different about my seal and I told Lady Mikoto that I had altered it and that my mother knew about it…”

Scrunching her nose up rather cutely, Hanabi nods at all of this. With a sigh, Naruto gives Kurama a solid metaphysical tug, popping her out into existence beside the two of them. To her credit, the beautiful, busty, dark-skinned kitsune is only surprised by his forcefulness for a moment before hiding it masterfully and giving Hanabi a wicked leering grin.

“Well now… hello there, girl~”

Hanabi stiffens up at the diminutive form of address, straightening to her full height before realizing that still puts Kurama a few inches taller than her. But it’s not the height that’s the issue. While Hanabi has a young woman’s body, Kurama has a body made for sin. Literally in fact, seeing how Naruto and Kurama had shaped her kitsune form together and ultimately it had been for the purpose of… intimate relations between the two of them.

As a result, in all ways that are physical, Hanabi can’t hope to compete. But to be fair, no one else can either. It would be patently ridiculous to compare oneself to Kurama… and yet…

“You must be the Kyuubi then. I suppose I’m not surprised that you’re so… you.”

Naruto has to resist the urge to facepalm as Hanabi gestures up and down Kurama’s form, attempting to turn her feelings of jealousy into something disdainful. Of course, Kurama sees right through it. Letting out a tittering laugh, the kitsune proceeds to unfurl her tails from behind her, fanning them out and showing off all nine as her slitted eyes gaze down upon Hanabi both physically and metaphorically.

“Yes, I am quite magnificent, aren’t I? Not to worry. I’m sure you’ll grow into a beautiful blossoming flower eventually. Until then, Naruto will have me to take care of his additional needs.”

“Alright, that’s enough!”

This was why he’d been worried. And yet, now that it was actually happening… Naruto finds himself almost immediately stepping in to take charge. Of course, he’s a little too late to stop Hanabi’s eyes from widening in understanding. As she looks at him questioningly, Naruto lets out a sigh and nods.

“Yes, Hanabi. This is what I wanted to talk to you about. This is Kurama… also known as the Nine-Tailed Fox. And we are in a… sexual relationship. I should have told you immediately when you initially expressed interest in me, but everything happened so fast. I’m sorry for leading you along.”

He feels absolutely terrible, of course. But to his surprise, Hanabi doesn’t get angry. She doesn’t get upset. Instead, she looks at Kurama almost contemplatively.

“… Did you mean it when you said you liked me, Naruto? Did you mean it when you said you wanted to be together?”

Naruto blinks and then nods his head so hard he almost gives himself whiplash.

“O-Of course!”

Kurama lets out another tittering laugh at that.

“Oh my… how sweet, young love~”

Naruto flashes the nine-tailed kitsune a glare, but Kurama just grins unrepentantly. It’s obvious to him at least that her words are meant more as a jibe regarding his admittedly weird circumstances, then really directed at Hanabi. However, to Hanabi it doesn’t seem like that at all. The young Hyuga suddenly strides forward, hands on her hips as she gets right up in Kurama’s face.

Blanching, Naruto thinks that they might be about to fight… and he considers how best to step in and put a stop to things. The only thing that keeps him from doing so immediately is that he’s not entirely sure who’s going to attack who, or how to make it so that it’s obvious he’s not playing favorites. Except, even if he does his best to not play favorites, will that in and of itself make them mad at him because he DIDN’T play favorites?

Caught in a moment of indecision, Naruto does nothing as Hanabi stares up into Kurama’s eyes for a singularly long heartbeat. Then, shock of shocks, she smiles.

“You’ll do.”

Kurama blinks at the young kunoichi’s audacity. Naruto does too, to be fair. Sure, Hanabi had been all too willing to bring Satsuki into their fun back in the Uchiha Compound. Naruto still didn’t fully know how to feel about that. But also, that was one thing. One singularly surreal event where Hanabi had held all the cards and admittedly had a position of superiority over Satsuki because she’d gotten to Naruto first.

He hadn’t expected Hanabi to remain so blasé about the situation when it came to Kurama. After all, Kurama had a… prior claim.

Eyeing Hanabi curiously, Kurama smirks.

“Excuse me? I’ll do… what?”

Flicking her straight black hair back over her shoulder, Hanabi just smirks.

“You’ll do… for a pet. After all, every young couple should have one. To help them learn responsibility. I can already tell that you’re going to be a handful… but that just makes you all the more perfect for the role.”

Naruto’s jaw drops open at Hanabi’s audacity. Even Kurama goes wide-eyed once she processes what the younger woman is saying. Then… she throws her head back and laughs.

“Oh! Oh, you’re cute! I KNEW I liked you!”

Hanabi flushes at that but stands her ground. And now… now Naruto is sure things will turn into a fight. But instead, Kurama suddenly grins a toothy grin and drops to her knees.

“Very well, Mistress. Prove it.”

It’s Hanabi’s turn to look taken aback.


Holding up one of her hands, Kurama manifests a collar around her neck with a leash coming off of it. The end winds up in her palm and she holds it up to Hanabi with a twinkle in her eye.

“Go on then. Treat me like a pet. I want to see what you’ll do with such power. Will you use it wisely? Can you truly tame me? Go on then… give me orders. Make me bend to your will.”

She pauses briefly and then raises an eyebrow at Hanabi.

“Well? I’m waiting.”

Hanabi quickly snatches the leash from Kurama’s hand, pulling on it a little too hard as a result of her enthusiasm and causing Kurama to whimper as she’s tugged forward, the collar constricting around her throat. For a moment, Hanabi doesn’t seem to know what to do next. Naruto almost wants to step in, but to do what exactly? Should he step in to tell Kurama she doesn’t have to do this? Or should he be doing that with Hanabi instead?

In the end, he doesn’t get the chance to decide because Hanabi abruptly turns to him, a fire in her eyes.


Kurama, tails flicking around in amusement, does as she’s told all the same. The voluptuous, dark-skinned woman doesn’t hesitate to obey her ‘Mistress’ as Hanabi leads her over to where Naruto is standing.

“Take… take out Naruto’s cock and suck it.”

“Oh? Such a perverted Mistress…”

Hanabi flushes but watches with red cheeks all the same as Kurama again does as she’s told. Naruto’s cock is soon removed from its pants. Kurama strokes him up and down for a second before giving him a smirking glance. She’s not doing what she was told. But will Hanabi call her out on it?

“… I said suck it.”

The answer to that turns out to be yes. Wrapping the leash around her hand and pulling it taut, Hanabi’s other hand goes to the back of Kurama’s head, her fingers sliding through the kitsune’s red hair. Then, she pushes Kurama forward. Opening her mouth willingly, the Nine-Tails lets Hanabi guide her down Naruto’s cock, forcing her to take him deeper and deeper until she gags.


But Hanabi doesn’t stop there. She keeps going, pushing Kurama’s head back and forth.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

Of course, what Hanabi doesn’t know and Naruto does is that Kurama only has a gag reflex when she wants to. This… all of this is just a game to her. She’s toying with Hanabi. Teasing her. But at the same time, he thinks she might be testing her as well.

Hanabi, meanwhile, has a look of concentration on her face as she face fucks Kurama upon his cock. Naruto’s not sure he likes this. Oh sure, it feels amazing, that’s not all that surprising. But something about the situation also feels wrong. Like he’s not doing nearly as much as he should here.

Acting on instinct, Naruto… reaches for Hanabi. He surprises the Hyuga Heiress as he takes hold of the back of HER head and pulls her into a kiss. Her pupil-less eyes widen for a moment before drooping into a lidded state. Her tongue swaps spit with his, even as Naruto seizes control, making out with her perhaps a bit aggressively.

… But it feels right, if he’s being honest. And Hanabi certainly seems to agree, because she loosens her hold on Kurama’s leash enough to reach out and grab hold of his wrist, guiding his free hand to her chest. Naruto wastes no time in freeing her breasts from the confines of her top, tugging the wrap away in order to really get at her tits.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

All the while, Hanabi continues to bounce Kurama’s head up and down on Naruto’s cock down below. Needless to say, this wasn’t how he expected introducing Hanabi and Kurama to one another to go. He’d expected a lot more angry tears, and perhaps for Hanabi to slap him or something. Instead, she’s managed to completely annihilate his expectations yet again, leaving Naruto in a place where he can do nothing but match her energy. Or rather, her AND Kurama’s energy.

Honestly, Kurama is so out of pocket right now it’s not even funny. But he has no clue what the Nine-Tailed Fox is thinking because she’s currently blocking herself from him. Which has in turn led to him blocking himself from her in response. All Naruto has to go off of here is his instincts. But what does he do? Help Hanabi? Or let her do her own thing and sink or swim on her own merits?

Kurama will never respect Hanabi’s authority if she thinks Naruto helped out too much. But at the same time, will the voluptuous kitsune ever actually let Hanabi impress her?

More than that though, did Naruto want this to be their dynamic? Part of him almost wants to take complete control here and put an end to Hanabi and Kurama’s little game. He could put them both in their place… maybe.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Let Hanabi try to dominate and impress Kurama on her own merits - 61%
[ ] Help Hanabi to dominate Kurama - 4%

[ ] Put an end to this game, take control and make it clear neither is above the other. - 36%

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