Systemless Villain

Chapter 222 Unexpected Assistance

Chapter 222 Unexpected Assistance

222 Unexpected Assistance

The morning ambiance exuded warmth as Mo Yuegang shared breakfast with Long Tian, Li Yue'er, and Ling Han.

Throughout the meal, their conversation flowed smoothly, devoid of any hostility, taking into account Long Tian's alliance with the Heavenly Demon Sect.

After more than 10 minutes, they concluded their breakfast and exited the leader's palace, finding themselves now in the open courtyard.

Long Tian expressed, "Thank you for the delightful feast, and especially for your assistance with the sacred pool, Sect Master," a smile gracing his face.

Mo Yuegang reciprocated the smile, offering an explanation, "We both benefited, young master. Last night, I discovered information about Mo Xie; he once led the sect but steered the Heavenly Demon Sect in the wrong direction. Interestingly, I happen to share his lineage."

Long Tian nodded in acknowledgment. "Well, we'll be on our way now, Sect Master," he stated.

Mo Yuegang responded with a nod, adding, "I'll escort you to the gate."

Long Tian agreed, and with that, they departed from the palace and made their way toward the gate of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

After bidding their farewells once again, Long Tian, Li Yue'er, and Ling Han finally left the sect's premises, heading towards Fusu village where their car awaited.


Within the confines of the car, Ling Han manned the steering wheel as Long Tian and Li Yue'er occupied the back seat.

Ling Han let out a sigh, observing the affectionate exchange between Long Tian and Li Yue'er through the rearview mirror. He nonchalantly rolled down the rearview, granting them a semblance of privacy,

In the rear seat, Li Yue'er perched on Long Tian's lap, their eyes locking as they shared intimate kisses.

Breaking away from the kiss, Long Tian broached the topic, "I'm heading to Beijing today; care to join me?" he inquired.

"Today? I'm not inclined to go. Somehow, I feel a tad lazy about another car journey," Li Yue'er replied, her arms still entwined around Long Tian's neck.

Long Tian flashed a smile, retorting, "We won't be taking a car, we'll be flying."

"By plane?" Li Yue'er queried, arching an eyebrow.

"No, just utilizing wings. You've mastered controlling the wings of darkness, haven't you? So, that shouldn't be an issue," Long Tian explained.

The unexpected suggestion left Li Yue'er momentarily silent, her thoughts processing the unconventional travel method.

"Long Tian, you're aware that the distance from Tianzhou to Beijing is considerable, right? It might take about two hours of flight," she pointed out.

"Merely two hours. Plus, I'll be with you; you don't need to worry about a thing," Long Tian reassured.

Li Yue'er fell silent, weighing her options. After a contemplative moment, she shook her head. "I think I'll pass. Today, for some reason, I feel like taking a break. I didn't get much sleep last night due to watching the fighting competition in the Heavenly Demon Sect," she disclosed.

"Are you sure?" Long Tian inquired once more.

"I'm sure," Li Yue'er affirmed.

Long Tian simply nodded, accepting Li Yue'er's decision without excessive disappointment.

"In that case, kiss me again," he proposed, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

Li Yue'er reciprocated with a smile and promptly engaged in another kiss with Long Tian. And so, their romantic interlude persisted while Ling Han concentrated on navigating the vehicle.


The morning sun had begun to show its scorching rays, with the time now indicating 9:00 AM.

There was no school for senior high school students in Tianzhou as they had a one-week break. Meanwhile, first and second-year students went to school as usual.

At this moment, Ling Han maneuvered the car and entered the villa area, and with that, Long Tian and Li Yue'er got out of the car.

Long Tian did not fly directly to Beijing but chose to go to the villa first. Besides being closer, he also wanted to do something at the villa before leaving.

He and Li Yue'er entered the villa, while Ling Han parked the car in the garage.


In the heart of an expansive, dense forest, the relentless sunlight struggled to breach the thick canopy, casting shadows upon the forest floor.

Perched atop one of the colossal trees, Liu Qian bore a focused expression, surveying a massive, white-furred wolf adorned with a solitary horn, resting not too distant.

The unmistakable aura of a Level 3 soul beast permeated the air.

With seamless grace, Liu Qian leaped from the towering tree, executing a flawless landing amidst the labyrinth of ancient trees, steadily advancing towards the formidable creature.

Her eyes narrowed with unwavering focus as she closed in on the wolf. Swift as the wind, a gleaming dagger materialized in her hand, a relic from her family's storied legacy.

Ascending to the branch of another tree, she approached the wolf with predatory precision.

The wolf stirred abruptly, rising on its hind legs, head held high, nostrils flaring to detect the imminent presence.

Foreseeing this, Liu Qian metamorphosed into a flicker of flame, an ephemeral zephyr, reappearing on the opposite side of the wolf.

Clutching the dagger with unwavering determination, she lunged towards the creature, directing her weapon at its formidable head.

"STAB!" The resounding echo of a sharp implement piercing through flesh reverberated as Liu Qian expertly drove the dagger just above the wolf's skull.

However, the triumph was short-lived as an ominous intensity enveloped the wolf. Rather than succumbing to death, it spiraled into a frenzied onslaught, convulsing violently.

Liu Qian was thrown to the ground, her dagger still embedded in the wolf's head.

"Ugh, I should have swiftly ended it," she grumbled discontentedly.

Her focus shifted back to the wolf, its proportions seemingly expanding, the horn on its head radiating a menacing red glow. Its razor-sharp fangs bared, and froth oozed from its snarling mouth.

"GRAAAAWR!" It unleashed a thunderous roar, charging directly at Liu Qian. Yet, she agilely vaulted onto the wolf just in the nick of time, retracting her dagger.

Touching down with a grace that defied the chaos, she promptly assumed a poised fighting stance.

The enraged wolf pivoted, maintaining its furious countenance, heedless of the blood streaming from the wound on its head.

With another ear-splitting roar, it lunged at Liu Qian once more, launching a barrage of vicious strikes.

Liu Qian opted to evade and parry, skillfully dodging every onslaught of claw and bite. Her reflexes, an intricate dance, allowed her to sidestep each ferocious attack, all while patiently awaiting the opportune moment.

Each assault from the wolf bore the hallmark of brutality and unrelenting aggression, underscoring Liu Qian's role as a formidable adversary.

In a critical juncture, as the wolf aimed its claws again, Liu Qian harnessed her fiery prowess, conjuring a blaze that engulfed the wolf's fur.

The wolf abruptly halted its assault, recoiling. Capitalizing on this opening, Liu Qian surged forward, slashing its neck with her dagger.


A single stroke yielded a broad, though not deep, gash.

"RAAAAARGH!" The wolf howled, stirring a gust of wind around it.

In response, Liu Qian propelled herself into the air. In mid-flight, she waved her hands, summoning phoenix feathers enveloped in ethereal blue flames, hurling them towards the wolf.

The wolf skillfully dodged the phoenix feathers. Unbeknownst to it, as soon as the feathers touched the ground, they exploded with a burst of blue flames that engulfed the wolf, setting its own fur on fire.

"My chance!" Liu Qian exclaimed, seizing the moment amidst the blazing inferno.

The dagger gripped tightly in her hand, but just as she prepared to leap, an abrupt pause seized her steps, a realization dawning that something ominous was approaching.

In the vast expanse of the sky, a resounding thunder rippled through the air. Liu Qian's gaze ascended, eyes widening as she beheld a meteor hurtling through the heavens.

Swiftly and without hesitation, she retreated several dozen steps, a sense of foreboding intensifying.

On the opposing side, the wolf roared vehemently, extinguishing the blue fire that once adorned its fur. Yet, its gaze upward met the imminent threat of the meteor hurtling towards it.

Devoid of evasion, the meteor collided with unerring accuracy.


A thunderous explosion reverberated through the dense forest, amplifying the blaze and carving a sizable crater as the meteor made its impact.

Liu Qian distanced herself, her forehead creased in anticipation, contemplating whether the aftermath would bring an adversary or an ally.

Her unwavering focus remained fixed on the meteor, the lingering shockwaves manifesting through the robust gusts of wind.

Opting to ascend the branches of a nearby tree, she sought a clearer vantage point to observe the unfolding spectacle.

After minutes elapsed, the fiery tempest abated. With purposeful steps, she closed the gap toward the meteor.

Upon reaching it, she scrutinized the aftermath—the crater, a substantial 15 meters in diameter, dwarfing the relatively modest size of the meteor.

"Was this a mere coincidence, or is there a deeper explanation?" Liu Qian mused, furrowing her brow while delicately stroking her chin.

The logical conclusion surfaced in her thoughts; a pure happenstance meteor would not have precisely struck the wolf. There had to be a calculated reason behind this celestial intervention.

As she pondered, an unexpected echo of footsteps disrupted the forest's hush. Instantly, she pivoted, dagger poised in an alert stance.

However, upon discerning the figure that emerged, she lowered her weapon, surprise etched across her features.

Before her stood a familiar face—Zhang Jun, the one who had once proposed to her.

"Hey, Qian'er, did I hit the timing right?" Zhang Jun inquired, a broad smile adorning his face.

Liu Qian's serious tone cut through the air as she questioned, "Was that meteor your doing?"

"Of course, who else could summon a meteor besides me?" Zhang Jun replied, his words carrying a hint of pride.

A contemplative silence enveloped Liu Qian upon hearing this. Despite her familiarity with Zhang Jun, the notion of him summoning a meteor caught her off guard.

However, her expression remained devoid of admiration or joy as she retorted, "I don't need your help."

Zhang Jun's smile persisted. "Come on, you're facing that colossal wolf alone, deep in the forest on the outskirts of Beijing. Not the wisest choice. It's a Level 3 soul beast, you know?" he remarked.

"Can't you see? I came here to hunt; clearly, I'm prepared and aware of my abilities. Even with your assistance, I can't absorb the wolf's abilities," Liu Qian shot back, displeasure evident in her tone.

"You want to absorb its abilities? Just say the word; it's an easy task," Zhang Jun confidently suggested.

With a touch, he reduced the meteor to the size of a small rock, unveiling the skeletal remains of the once mighty wolf.

"Seems you can't absorb the wolf in its current state. No worries; I can join you on the hunt. A Level three soul beast, or even four, won't be a problem," he proclaimed with a smirk.

Liu Qian fell into complete silence upon absorbing this exchange.

Just as she was about to speak, her intent was abruptly stifled by a distant explosion. She turned swiftly to the origin of the sound, the unsettling chorus of scattering birds echoing in the background.

"What's that?" she exclaimed in surprise.

"Clearly not something ordinary. Let's check it out, Qian'er," Zhang Jun suggested.

Liu Qian maintained a momentary silence before nodding in agreement.

And with that, the duo sprinted towards the source of the explosion.

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